To RvR Sorcers



i have 7 :p

a 1fg vs 1fg bar
a Zerg bar
a keep taking bar
a buffing bar
a pet -> power bar
a tangler bar
and a macro bar for keep takes :) as yet unused ;)



Tilda, you're good and all're not a sorcerer. ;)





First of all most of my qb looks like each other becuase, then im sure when i press 3 i do my ae root every time so if em even on the wrong bar im still can root and mezz.

QB 1-4 slots 1-5 (Basic slots in my QB)
1. Sprint
2. Qc
3. Ae root
4. Ae mezz
5. AE debuff con/str

QB slots 6-8
1 QB (RA bar)
My RA`s and BT
2 QB (Dmg bar)
Single Dot
3.QB (Debuffs)
Dispell mezz
Dex debuff
Macro "stick"
4. QB (mix)
Macro keep bar

5. QB all slots
3 Shields, single mezz, single debuffs, bolt and speed.

Btw about debuff dont interupt spell. well its fun becuase i use it ever time when a bard cast mezz on me and it dont get in on me. so i can mezz him with a normal mezz.

But anyway my last post on barrys. If you have anything to say contact me in the game.


Originally posted by ApathyEndymion
Tell you what, why don't you try it next time instead of immediately taking the standard sorcerer stance and screaming "INSTAAAAAAAAS! NOOOOOOOOOOOO! WE ARE ALL USELESS!".

I bet you were all standing together in a nice mezzable clump too, even though you had the advantages of being the first to notice the enemy AND attacking from behind.


Ehmm.. I think you're one of the sorcs who deep in his head KNOWS his mezz has become useless and adepted his strategy to live-longer. However with this strategy you are no longer doing the sorc his PRIMARY tasks: Mezzing the enemy as good as possible. I can't blame you for that: You simply lack the tools to do it properly nowadays with group-purge and insta-mezz on the other side.

What bothers me the most is that you give all kind of advices how to live longer but you are in no-way doing what most Albs EXPECT from a sorc. All good and fine, but please don't tell me sorcs aren't gimped in their PRIMARY TASK: Mezzing people. It just doesn't work properly.

I would love to roll a full-blown mind-sorc IF and ONLY IF I would know for a fact that the mezz I just landed would stick and I have an equal change of landing it compared to the other realm(s). And with the current status it doesn't. That makes our Albion CC gimped.

Ofcourse you can spec a sorc in such a manner that it has other assets, like nuking/debuffing, amnesia and stuff. But there are other classes who bring a better overall package for that kinda stuff.


K apathy but if you amnesia over the top of one of my QC roots i will honestly kick your ass. irl.


Originally posted by Kagato.

Sadly alot of people don't stop to pick a target but just hit F8. [/B]

Oh the what wonders the Tanglers do to one's mind :(


Firstly, amnesia doesn't break root. Think debuffs.

Secondly, your root is gay. Anything that involves big dirty hands coming out of the ground and pinching asses is ICKY.

Ah little non-sorcerer razzamaspazz. I bet you would love to have a lvl 50 full mind sorcerer...but that would mean actually having to play the class for an extended period of time and may result in you learning that what you think is the case is in fact far from it.

*I* will decide what my role is in RvR, noone else. It IS NOT all about casting one spell, AoE mesmerise. It is about *crowd control* and assisting my group to victory.

As a sorcerer, I have many tools available to do this. I assist wizards and cabalists with resist debuffs. I root tanks chasing people. I demezz if I can (People rarely do what I suggest and make a /send macro to get my attention.). I use amnesia to stop enemy casters because I know I can't kill them fast enough.

By your narrowminded inexperienced opinion, I should be rushing headlong into an enemy group to QC a mezz that will simply get purged. These days fighting Hibs, I don't even bother mezzing most of the time; I leave it to a theurgist or a minstrel because it will simply get purged/group purged.

In case you didn't know, if you get mezzed then the person who mezzed you becomes your target automatically if you have no other target at the time.

As a sorcerer, getting the first mezz in is signing your death warrant in most cases. don't have an RvR sorcerer so you wouldn't have a clue.

I didn't say sorcerers are gimped at all. That's what everyone else does. I love my class and I mostly enjoy playing it. It is the so-called CC classes of other realms (Hib - the minstrel/cleric/sorcerer hybrid. Mid - the cleric/sorcerer/instabard combo.) that are overpowered and imbalanced.

As for "you can spec a sorc in such a manner that it has other assets, like nuking/debuffing, amnesia and stuff. But there are other classes who bring a better overall package for that kinda stuff"...I've said it before and I will have to say it again. YOU DO NOT HAVE AN RVR SORCERER AND YOU DON'T HAVE A CLUE WHAT YOU ARE ON ABOUT.

If you ever actually make a full mind spec sorcerer, you will find that Amnesia is in the mind line. You will find that you get nukes anyway. You will find that debuffs turn up regardless. Suggesting that it is more noble to spec in one line only and then even only use one spell is simply stupid and indicative of someone who doesn't really know what they are on about. But of don't know what you are on about.

You know Puppetmistress, I don't know what pisses me off more about your recent posts; how little you know or your preachy tone about what sorcerers should and shouldn't be doing.

Perhaps I'm being narrowminded, though; it could easily be both.

And advice for living longer in RvR "bothers you"? Fuck off and spec full earth. PBT is what theurgists are about. You should only be using PBT, EB and haste. Nothing else. Theurgists who aren't playing their class the way I say they should...bother me.



Oh, come Monday I will be using Lothian to respec to a body/matter spec. No more AoE mezzing/charming of pets.



"Firstly, amnesia doesn't break root. Think debuffs."

Well this is news to me, I know for a fact that amnesia breaks mezzes (ask any bard), so I don't see why it doesn't break roots too...


Don't be silly. Not all things that break mezz break root.



obviously been powerlevelling/soloing too much wildfire :)

mezz+Aoe debuff = byebye mezz

root+aoe debuff = fine.
mezz+root = byebye mezz - even on those that resist the root.

amnesia works like a debuff...


Oh what would I know, though...I mean I only leveled a sorcerer to 50 and RvRd to #15 sorcerer in the realm. Pffft.



Mezz breaks on all enemy effects ( damage, debuff, amnesia,..).
Root breaks only by damage.

AE mezz is one of the most powerfull spells imo.
Even with purge etc, you still stop a some people some doing anything, and that gives your group an advantage.

Tbh matter/body is gimp:

50 matter/ rest body: no AE CC, can't debuff matter = boddy useless.
45 body / rest matter: got better DD then DD + snare and DOT are next to useless even debuffed = useless matter.
35 body/ 40 matter: 2 DD and a DOT so one DD is useless, dot's are only good in seiges ( in group vs group you will make people imume for all CC ) = no more damage and less utillity then body/mind and matter/mind

Btw I went from body/mind to matter/mind.
This gives AE mezz, pet, CC every time you nuke (DD + snare); dot's for seiges. I like it a lot more then body/mind.


To all the wise guys who know how to play a sorc but dont have one:::m00: :m00:


"tbh"...if you haven't TRIED a spec, don't call it "gimp". Because you're only going by what you can imagine, not by what you know.



The sound of one hand clapping is the same as the sound of Wildfire admitting he was wrong.



"tbh"...if you haven't TRIED a spec, don't call it "gimp". Because you're only going by what you can imagine, not by what you know.

I m reading all sorc forums sinds the start of daoc.
I m reading all merc forums since I have a merc ( made at the summer).
I ve readed most sorc TL repords.
I m reading some craft forums.

I was 41 body.
I m now 41 matter.
I m now 34 mind.
I was 45 body on the test server.

So I still have no clue about a sorc?

Besides it is only a personal opinion, if you are happy with body/matter, so much the better for you.


Like I said, until you have personally tried something (In this case, a body/matter spec.), don't call it gimped.

I didn't say you know nothing about sorcerers. Feeling a little insecure, eh? An odd thing to suddenly blurt out! I call your bluff!

I am doing body/matter on the TEST server.



Here's a little something..

Hurbury was taken by 2 FG's LA. Me and my crew killed some.. they retreated into hurb, so we moved. WHile we were waiting for a LD to return, I saw a cleric, who passed us a sec ago, being killed by LA-people. So I tell my people to prepare for inc. Two secs after that I see the LA crew passing by us... they see us..starting to run towards us.. and then... BAM! that's my turn to take action! I select the 3rd hib.. start spamming ae-root a cpl of times... and I had 2 FG's LA rooted. Then.. put my debuff on em.. and ae-mezz! Job well done.. so I thought.. 3 secs later.. grouppurge! 8 secs later.. we're dead.

Now... which part of being a perfect sorcerer did I miss Apathy? I should have waited before they group-purged their root? IMPOSSIBLE! I rooted like hell... 3/4 casters among the rooted.. all dying to kill me! So I had to cast my mezz, or 3/4 elfs would have nuked my head off! besides.. even if you manage to mezz them after grouppurge, they all have single-purge!! And you say, blame yourself?!

Think you are just a tad too spoiled always running around in FC-groups. Those strategics don't work on the normal alb you know :) there's always a weak link in a normal group... and that's where you die


What did you do wrong? You thought you could take on 1fg of Hibs.

Discretion is the better part of valor, often. You managed to stop them in their why on earth you stuck around I don't know.

So yes, blame yourself. You should have done your CC bit to escape, hid in Hurbury for a minute or two and then gone back to the group that had no GP.

I don't see why people are so eager to throw scenarios at me and demand to know what they did "wrong", when it seems like they already believe that they did something wrong because they died.

As for the FC thing...I wrote most of the original things in this post before I was in FC. And a lot of FC groups aren't perfect because we sometimes have to rely on non-guildies for important things like clerics. Urgh.

If you're jealous of FC, then join them and see what you're missing. You'll be a bit shocked to find that all I have that you don't is total access to Treniel's constant whinging. :)



What did you do wrong? You thought you could take on 1fg of Hibs.

- That's the deal!!! We are underpowered!! Mids/Hibs are very much overpowered. And when, my dear Apathy, does one stumble across a small group of hibs/mids? Rarely, cause hibs/mids start off as a zerg from their BK/TK.

Discretion is the better part of valor, often. You managed to stop them in their why on earth you stuck around I don't know.

- Like I said, we were waiting for an LD. We were hiding though.. just spotted cause of the lag. Should we have run when I had the all rooted? :p on casterspeed? :p them grouppurging 5 secs after I had mezzed em all? :p think you get my drift... better to fight as a team an drag one or two with you, then die solo without rp's

So yes, blame yourself. You should have done your CC bit to escape, hid in Hurbury for a minute or two and then gone back to the group that had no GP.

- Ok, I blame myself for not running back to Hurbury, which was taken by the hibs :p, on caster speed. ^^

I don't see why people are so eager to throw scenarios at me and demand to know what they did "wrong", when it seems like they already believe that they did something wrong because they died.

- Cause you're so incredibly arrogant my dear friend.

As for the FC thing...I wrote most of the original things in this post before I was in FC. And a lot of FC groups aren't perfect because we sometimes have to rely on non-guildies for important things like clerics. Urgh.

- You only started to make major rp's when you joined FC. And you sometimes have to rely on a non-guildie cleric?! omg... that must be horrible. Try coping with 7 non-guildies.. like most albs have to :)

If you're jealous of FC, then join them and see what you're missing. You'll be a bit shocked to find that all I have that you don't is total access to Treniel's constant whinging.

- I wouldn't leave DVE for the world mate. I've been in FC/GoL teams though... and I made around 40k a day. They just know their game, nothing wrong with it. But please don't throw your uber-group tactics in a normal group, cause they just won't work.. trust me.. they won't, ever.


How would you know they don't work, given that you clearly don't even use them?

The main reason I've made more RPs whilst in FC is because I've been in RvR much more. I've made as much in non-guild groups as I have in guild groups.

Sorcerers aren't underpowered; the other realms are *overpowered*. I have no idea how many times I will have to repeat it.

The point is you can't win every battle but sorcerers can help swing it more to the favour of Albion. And they do! It's proven! So your little ragtag group of miscellanea can't take on 2fg of Llaw...that's AWFUL! I doubt you could take on 2fg of anything with your attitude anyway.

I'd rather be seen as arrogant than as bitterly condescending and jealous. Admit want to say "Apathy, you are a WAY worse sorcerer than I am and I should have your RPs, not you!".

When I messaged you in-game saying "I'm beating you now!", it was meant as a friendly joke but if it hurt your feelings...sorry. I'm also sorry you can't seem to find good RvR groups and I'm sorry you can't beat 2fg of Llaw.

So stick to doing whatever it is you are doing, even if it is just stripping naked before battle and running into the fray screaming "I AM USELESS! UUUUUUUUSELEEEEEEEEESS!".



This has nothing to do with our talk ingame btw :) Reason that I make no rp's atm is that I have a 3-4 secs lag all day, which keeps me far from RvR zones :( And... last but not least, I've become GuildMaster of DVE just a week ago, that takes a shitload of work atm.. since we have to rearrange many things.

Ohh.. and I do use those tactics. Think I'm one of the very few sorcers who uses his wide range of spells to the max. It's just that groups DO fuck up, and we are (whether you like it or not), dependant of our group. '

And I don't know whether you're a good sorc, I have never teamed with you I think. I know I'm good.. that's all that counts for me.. And I don't care you having more rp's than me, cause rp's aren't my priority atm.

Main thing that bugs me Apathy is just your arrogance... You think you own.. but you completely forget you are always in a good group (FC). And sorceres are just dependant of their groups.... and good groups are hard to find


I don't think I "own" at all. I have never said that and anyone thinking I am implying that is simply interpreting things incorrectly.

You think I consider myself to "own" and that's not the case at all. I've said before that I'm only as good as the group I'm in, but I see no reason for not taking credit for being someone who can make a group good.

I wouldn't let my misconceptions get the better of me, if I were you.



we are all even

Grp. purge is not overpowed, we have it to just call sos on a mincer, and you have to use it before the mincer get mezz yes, but if you see Llaw you know they are good players, and they have grp purge, the mincer should after my mind use sos, then we just have to pick em down 1 fg vs 1 fg, no cc on both side.
CC dont allways control the fight but most of em.
I play this game for fun, i might have a good day might have a bad day, but i still know i cant win all fights, so i try to get a guild grp, becuase i know what the players are able to handle, and the chance to win is over 75% more.

Like a day where we was 4 albs running around roam, godmode sighfi, ASq member and me. well we meet 1 fg of hibs, they saw us after just passing bye, bard casting mezz, me casting, mezz cc overall, but still not many got cc, and hibs used purge, first i toke enchanter out very fast, after a while more hibs fall by the tanks, a cc root got in on the 2 hib tanks, and we was owning em all.
all becuase of the many insted heals, and even thou cc dont work dont give up.


can't fight if yer SoSing...

just run around like a headless chicken :)

Group Purge is nasty.

Has to be said, insta-mezzes ain't so bad when you've got decent resists and determination.

of course the cloth casters are still all dead before it runs out.


Fight LA fg vs fg?
Are you nuts?

Last night, we saw them fighting 1fg, my fg charged them, landed both mezzes and roots before they knew what hit them.

We were taking a severe beating until FC showed up.

Ponder that for a while.

Stacked 6sec pbt
50%+ resist to everything
Instamezz (aoe)
Instaamnesia (aoe)
Nuking snaring bluecon pets
Group purge
Baseline stun on the casters

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