To RvR Sorcers



Dunno why you never use it but (I never see it anyway)


just press it just before your mez lands.

ok that's all ;p


I do, but due to stupid Albs, and all the purges that Hibs have...
My mezz get broken within 2 seconds of landing. So far still have to enjoy a nice mezz :( Please stop all picking different targets Albs.. Pretty pls. All pick the same one, and not one per Alb.
Regards, Glottis


"Dunno why you never use it but (I never see it anyway)"

Simple a ton power for nearly no return, was around 55 HP from a arms.

They don't even come close to assasin/champion defuffs.


I always used my debuffs when I had time and it crossed my mind. Only problem is that after being in groups that never keep a sorc alive what a sorc wants to do is get his mezz off and get the hell out of range for everything, so debuffs get forgotten...

if people would keeps sorcs alive or at the very least rezz them DURING battle then maybe a sorc would be more inclined to remeber his debuffs and what not...


/me joines mes whine

if u see speeding minst chasing a bard and your with him, if he messes the bard pls dont hit it straght away before minst is within stun shout range unlee u break it with a stun ^^ or bard laughs and goes byebye


Tonight was a perfect example. Small fight at amg in Emain. 1 fg of hibs vs 1 fg of Albs, and some stray Albs. An ungrouped tank sees the tank run up to the Alb sorc, Alb sorc does a qc mezz, tank mezzed.. this solo Alb tank, puts away his sword and shield, and get out his polearm... Remember, my little sorc with about 800hp has had no time to move away...
The little fecker of a tank start bashing the hib with his polearm... Hib RIPS open my chest, eats my lungs and hart, and only then notices about 1% of his 3k hp have dropped...
I was slightly upset.
But most Alb tanks seem to only take mezzed hibs or mids, and leave unmezzed alone. Then they prefer to hit the mezzed tank next to the caster... Pls stop that...
Tanks are mezzed and left to end of battle. Shield/sword tanks protect casters. Use slam to buy your caster some time...
Ah, the dreams I have... guess I will give up some resists to get more hp...
Regards, Glottis


Personally I always go for the midgets first, kobbie, dwarf or lurikeen its most likely a caster or easy to drop regardless. Then the elves/norse or anything unmezzed or with others already beating on it.

Sadly alot of people don't stop to pick a target but just hit F8.


You mean there's space on my q/bar for a debuff ? ;)

Don't usually have time for it tbh, if -someone- in Alb could protect their CC class I might consider using it.

I'm more often dead as soon as mez is landed though, sigh . . .


Thing is, the only target really worth mezzing straight away are the hib/mid casters, who tend to linger behind the tanks. So I have to run in, try to not be noticed by the Bard for example, and then qc aoe mezz. Then I tend to die straight away, few clerics manage to keep me alive.
Also, I have seen mids use stealthers a lot more efficient lately. Stealthers follow group, and actually take out the casters (even 1 fg size, so not some zerg) Works pretty well.
Kind of in trouble here, cause not sure what the role of a tank should be. I'm starting to feel offensive, no longer defensive, as Hibs have so much better magic due to unbalanced classes, and due to power relics. I guess we should go all out, and whack the shite of those casters :) Guard has not yet worked for me :)
Regards, Glottis


~rolls eyes~

It's amazing how many people just don't see the link between "running in to QC mezz" and "always dying" who blame it on everyone else for not keeping them alive.

Stand at the BACK and use amnesia (It has a range of 2300 and is AoE, you know.) to interrupt the casters at the back of the enemy group. Wield a mind-focus staff whilst doing this if you usually wield a body staff or you'll use up loads of power.

The result of this is generally two things -

1) Only instants get used against you
2) You can demezz from the back as long as your group is paying attention and makes sure to tell you they are mezzed instead of waiting ten minutes to say "Well I couldn't do anything because I was mezzed.".

You'll live longer and anything getting too close can be mezzed, rooted.

When I'm the primary CC (By which I mean I am the only sorcerer in a ten mile radius.), I press the instant con/str debuff WHILST casting mezz/root. It works perfectly. Or I pretend I'm doing tanglers and root/debuff but that's just not as efficient.

Yes, there are lots of occassions where you felt you did your absolute best but you still died. Sorcerers need to start taking the blame. They're NOT a 100% gimped class and anyone who thinks so probably also thinks that their "job" is to rush into the middle of the enemy and QC mezz as if it's some kind of instant. ~rolls eyes~

If you get sniped by an archer and die, that's YOUR fault. As soon as you see the bubble go, the first thing you should do is clear your target, wait for the next hit, /face, debuff/mezz/send pet in you have one.

If you die due to a DoT/poison, that's YOUR fault. You have life tap.

If you stand in the middle of the fight doing nothing but spam mezz and end up dead for it, that's your fault.

Of course, a lot of it DOES come down to the group being on top of things and avoiding the mistakes listed here by other people. But it seems like a lot of sorcerers expect to have the entire group sacrifice themselves for him/her because of that one mezz they got off before they started nuking. ~rolls eyes~

Anyway. I love my sorcerer. So nanana.



best things I've heard a sorc say in a long time, :clap: Apathy


complains about havin no time to cast an aedebuff is kinda futile
when the battle starts evry sorc will alsways try to qc an a mezz
durin castin simply use one of your available debuffz
its an insta remember ?


well the eldritch insta aoe str/con debuff isnt something i personally have any problem with, it has the same range as DD, aoe DD, aoe mezz, aoe disease etc... ie almost all my spells exept nearsight, and it's the same for you sorcs. you have to spend a certain amount of time casting whichever spell your in range for, even quickcasting takes some time, during that time you should be either debuffing, checking the surroundings, or both.

if your having problems using an INSTA debuff due to not having enough time to do it while casting a spell then i'd advise you to sort out your quickbars asap, because your not doing your job properly if you have to leaf around for spells as a sorc, the number and type of spells you have are no more difficult to choose or more numerous than a mana eld, and a mana eld only ever needs two combat quickbars for rvr, a third for self buffs, that's it, there should be no interface problems with such a simple setup, if you have the quickbars sorted and still have problems? well then practice more with using ALL your spells and dont just run about punching the aoe mezz key constantly, you'll soon see an improvement in how well you can handle them.

and ANY mage, any mage at all who runs out front into DD range to go casting spells should be shot on sight, you dont have the hit points to go around putting yourself in any more danger than your already in merely by being a cloth caster.

this is even more so the case with a sorc than an eldritch since even if your latness of mezzing due to the need to hang back means your group get's mezzed, you can still remove mezz or mezz the opposition when they come for your group, and/or both.

moral of the story is: your not a bard, dont try playing like one, there's a ton of stuff you can do exept aoe mezz.


Originally posted by ApathyEndymion
~rolls eyes~
If you die due to a DoT/poison, that's YOUR fault. You have life tap.

I agreed with most you said.. but against an assasin there is nothing a caster can do really... except praying the cleric has his finger on the instant heal button....
For the rest what you say is true.
Regards, Glottis


If the assassin misses PA, then your pet will save you. Or at least mush it up a bit and stop it cloaking. You should be sprinting away to take whatever course of action you want to then, either put pet on passive, root/debuff or mezz and leave it and go on helping your group or start nuking the crap out of it.

Even with a blue con pet, if you see a stealther before he can attack and send your pet in and run to get range can't lose. :-O

But generally if you get critted you're as good as dead.

Example even just this afternoon in DF...saw through an SB's stealth for a microsecond, F8, attack with pet, run to range, 1 dead SB. Prior to this he'd killed me whilst I was sitting down and my pet was killing a rocot.

Too many sorcerers and Albion players and whinging fools think that lack of instants is gimping the entire realm. It's not. It's just a case of people seeing another realm with something they don't have and blaming "getting owned" on it.

Sorcerers could be given 4x spec points, instant mezz/stun/snare/root, instant full-health group heals on a 5s timer, power that never runs out, a level 60 pet and most of them would still scream "WHY CAN'T WE TRAIN IN BLUNTS! HIBS CAN!".



"Too many sorcerers and Albion players and whinging fools think that lack of instants is gimping the entire realm. It's not. It's just a case of people seeing another realm with something they don't have and blaming "getting owned" on it."


example: Was in a good group in Emain, report came in there was a fg hibs at amg. So we to amg, they stand there all sticked, and looking through the gate to alb side.
We run to them, they still haven't seen us, I mezz them, tanks are on them.
Sudenly INSTA group purge, all tanks INSTA mezzed, a caster stuning me, and his pet nuking me.

Tell me what I ve done wrong, I was eating grass before I knew what was going on. And this where new players: standing all at one spot and still lost to the tanks and cleric becouse they broke there insta mezzes.

Also did you readed the TL sorc report?

"The fact that we can not match the other realms due to instants is apparently a moot point, with no changes forthcoming. We don't WANT an instant, hell... most would love to see less instants or even none in the game. But if instants ARE in game, and they remain on par with the full cast versions of the CC spells, the Sorceror (and Albion) will forever be outclassed in this department."

"Alb sorc does a qc mezz, tank mezzed.. this solo Alb tank, puts away his sword and shield, and get out his polearm... Remember, my little sorc with about 800hp has had no time to move away...

Get long wind I, and run when you see a tank koming for you, and only QC mezz when he is on you allready. Been there done that, 95% of the time the mezz will be broken :( ,so if you run in circles arond the others have time to kill the tank and you can always out run the tank becouse you have speed buff.

On topic:

1) Debuffs breack mezz, so if an other sorc or theurg mezzed them you are breacking them and give them 1 min imunity.

2) They are only usefull on a buffed player, and next to useless on non buffed.

3) Take a lot power.

4) Got no time, have to observe around me, who need help/next mezz target

5) My QB is allready full with things I need to do my job.


Originally posted by Glottis_Xanadu

I agreed with most you said.. but against an assasin there is nothing a caster can do really... except praying the cleric has his finger on the instant heal button....
For the rest what you say is true.
Regards, Glottis

using his MoC and lifetap combo i've seen grymulv take down 2-3 beating on him a fair few times, but then again he is bloody good at what he does.

its a shame he doesnt post here cos i'm sure he would have some good advice.


Debuffs can give same effect as root.

Do AE insta STR/CON debuff. everyone that's encumbered will stand still for 1 min.


Originally posted by Wou
"Too many sorcerers and Albion players and whinging fools think that lack of instants is gimping the entire realm. It's not. It's just a case of people seeing another realm with something they don't have and blaming "getting owned" on it."


example: Was in a good group in Emain, report came in there was a fg hibs at amg. So we to amg, they stand there all sticked, and looking through the gate to alb side.
We run to them, they still haven't seen us, I mezz them, tanks are on them.
Sudenly INSTA group purge, all tanks INSTA mezzed, a caster stuning me, and his pet nuking me.

Tell me what I ve done wrong,

You mezzed first. DUH! AoE root spam first, whilst debuffing. Mezz the resists/purges.

Set your QB up like this -

QC, /face, Sprint, AoE Root, AoE mezz, AoE str/con debuff, lifetap, anything.

QB 2 should have the same setup but with the single target CC spells in the place of the AoE ones. At least, this is how I do it and it's very good. For me, anyway.

Here's a handy hint - don't have /stick in your main QB and DON'T /stick when running with a group. Stay alert and in control. Use /stick if you want to pan your camera and then unstick afterwards.

Grrr...I'll finish this when I'm not getting filthy looks from my boss.



"You mezzed first. DUH! AoE root spam first, whilst debuffing. Mezz the resists/purges."

Ok ok lets see what could happen then:

We run to them, they still haven't seen us, I SPAM ROOT AND DEBUFF on them, tanks are on them.
Sudenly all tanks are INSTA mezzed ( can't be interupted), a caster QC stuning me (and I can't cast any more), and his pet nuking me.



Tell you what, why don't you try it next time instead of immediately taking the standard sorcerer stance and screaming "INSTAAAAAAAAS! NOOOOOOOOOOOO! WE ARE ALL USELESS!".

I bet you were all standing together in a nice mezzable clump too, even though you had the advantages of being the first to notice the enemy AND attacking from behind.



the insta-mezzes etc have really really crap radius... so if you're spread out you'll get a lot less effect from it...

maybe invest in purge?

mcl/purge/corporeal disintegration :)


Originally posted by old.Charonel

if your having problems using an INSTA debuff due to not having enough time to do it while casting a spell then i'd advise you to sort out your quickbars asap, because your not doing your job properly if you have to leaf around for spells as a sorc, the number and type of spells you have are no more difficult to choose or more numerous than a mana eld, and a mana eld only ever needs two combat quickbars for rvr, a third for self buffs, that's it, there should be no interface problems with such a simple setup, if you have the quickbars sorted and still have problems? well then practice more with using ALL your spells and dont just run about punching the aoe mezz key constantly, you'll soon see an improvement in how well you can handle them.


Any sorc that uses less than 5 quickbars for RvR isnt really using the full arsenal of spells, we have sooooo many it hurts to think about.


Well most of the time im using ae debuff con/str, becuase its easy for the grp and my self to kill the enemy. =)

Almost using all my spells everyday im rvr, But most of all Debuffs are breaking mezz to. I know you say debuff before mezz, but 2 sorc can easy break each others mezz becuase of debuffs.

Alb have so many Mezz breakers, so its hard to mezz the targets you like to, becuase even you cast 3 mezz on the same, there is a ae spell that is breakin it(debuffs is one of em)

Well some peeps dont like debuff becuase many things they not.
Like the Wou posted something about
"2) They are only usefull on a buffed player, and next to useless on non buffed."

Can give you 2 more reason
1)They Interupt spells
2)Take down speed

And problems with your "not place for debuffs in QB"
I have np, I use 5 QB`s have my basic spell on my 5 first slot on my QB(mezz root debuff sprint QC), the last 3 is for RA and dmg/despell, thoes 3 change for each QB.


had loads of fun debuffing hibz attackin exca :d


Firstly, debuffs do NOT interrupt enemy casters.

Secondly, *five* QBs? Oh please...I use four. Please tell me what you have on yours. In fact, I use three and a half...I'll take screenshots later.

Sorcerers do have a lot of spells but some of them are useless in RvR. ~imagines Quiblet changing to QB4 with his entire level range of confusion spells and thinking "Oooh....I'll use the first lvl confusion today I think!"~


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