To Redsun.



Sorry mate. didn't meen to hit you when you saved me. i clicked on you to blow you a kiss and forgot to leave combat mode first :(

for those who are curious. i was playing my armswoman. i was all alone by the mb in thid when a shadowblade jumped me. so i turned round and started to beet him down. just when he was about to die another sb jumped me. the first died and i turned on the second. it was looking bad and i was ready to type /release when an elf (Redsun) materialised next to the sb and helped me finish him off. then instead of blowing a kiss i attacked Redsun by accident :( and then an infi jumped redsun redsun killed me and the infi killed redsun. rather a weird experiance.

in fact i lost track of how many times i got jumped by sb's tonight. is there someone in mid teaching prospective sb's that the casters wear tin cans on their heads? ;)


Aye, there were quite a few Shadowblades out at Thidranki last night...lots of whom seem to be autotraining stealth. Perhaps its the shiny armour, Rae..they cant seem to resist it. Like magpies, they flock together and try and steal shiny things..

Dont base all Infiltrator damage and playing skill on my little Chensin, I know Ive got an awful lot to learn before I even become competent, let alone good :eek: Should mention in my defence that Im NEVER buffed, and have even removed spells from clerics and friars that wont listen to 'no thanks'. I have however have utilised my spellcrafting alt to make some fine gems for my weapons and armour.

Silly mistakes keep on costing me money to port back from the Isle of glass to Castle Sauvage and then back to thid..but at least my res-sick has worn off. But hey..the more mistakes I make..the longer I get to stay there and learn :clap:

Grats to Taas, Shadowblade - the few fights we had you mostly handed me my bum on a plate. Keeping a watch out for you now though, you nasty critblade. Hoping I get my PA off first, so you wont remove most of my lifebar with one hit.. And more recently, Oafnugget..a well-played shadowblade. Although I do like watching others walk along with their bad stealth sticking out any archer class.

And as for chanters...bah. My own mistake..two hibs on their bridge, resting with their backs to me. Both mages, one with a without. So foolish me takes out the mage without the pet and runs off..stealths near the water on the way back to the Midgard bridge..and then this <censored> chanter pet comes out of nowhere and starts nuking me. Hope that gets sorted soon..the follow forever even in stealth rubbish. Next time, the chanter gets it!

<Dead Dragons Society>
Chensin, Infiltrator
Cheny, Paladin
Sutram, Wizard


aparently its fixed in the next patch in america as i recall.


it dont get fixed because mytic states taht it is working as inteneded

but the missed CS will piece the bt gets fixed and the thing where you can tap stealth to interupt casts gets 2 nerfs (restealth timer and casts will follow trough after you stealth)


lots of things are working as intended and still getting fixed. like necro and chanter pet LoS. they are fixing the pets following in stealth. and they are doing it soon aparently.

Repent Reloaded

Its the hight of an assassins life to drop tanks, I must admit I got a thrill out of beating arms/hero @ there own game in melee.


ok if you think pets tracking in stealth is gonna get fixed you are wrong ;o

and pets worked as intended till necros/animists came along and they HAD to change it... but that was a game change that requiered another game change

if they fixed pet following in stealth god help asassins, cause you would be in for a nerf to stealth, its allready the most poweerfull defensive skill in the game with pets following in stealth... and ONLY TS could be used to counter it


I think pet's should die when they are out range of there master to control pet so problem fixed :)

The necro has to be in range of his pet too so would be fair to do the same for all those enchanters/cabby's/sorcs/mincers/mentalists/sm/bonedancers etc don't know I forgot any class. Only the range might be a bit bigger than the necro.

Met 1 enchanter btw who let his pet nuke me after killing there ns and almost there bard (hoped the kobbie who chased him got him) and when I was in the water I was afraid the pet was still following me, but he must have called his pet back, which don't happens that often.


I think stealthers should'nt be able to stealth right infort of a group of people

I think that asassins should not be able to walk trough a player without detect hidden without him seeing it

and I think all calsses should get argumented see hidden, witch would sligtly improve the range you can see asassins at for eatch level of the ability

second of all mincers/mentalists, they have range on their pets...

before pets are nerfed Id like to see them improved by giving them guard/intercept or somthing


Improve pets? SM and caba pets i can see that with, but chanter pets are too powerfull as it is (and yes I have played a chanter :p)

There should be a range away from the controller that the pets follow, and maybe make it that the controller has to keep the person targetted to keep attacking them?

That way they can't fire and forget a permanent pet, like a theurgist does with his temporary pets (which still costs half as much power as summoning permanent pets for some reason)

With the spell follow through introduction (if spell gets started casting, it casts), then pets need a serious nerf for following stealthers.

Easiest solution is make it so that pets can only follow their target, so that if the pet's target stealths, they lose their targetting and return to their controller.

IMO ofc :)


hmm what's the use of stealth to give other classes who can't train in stealth to give them the same abilities as some stealthers.

and I think you should be able to walk through persons while in stealth mode otherwise you stealth based styles will be totally worthless if they can see you. If I stand very close to 1 person for a longer time they will eventually see me.

But thought the thread changed more about the strange behaviour of pets :)


well the asassin is supposed to kill by suprise if you know hes there he should have a chanse

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