to quick or not to quick?:P



Originally posted by mac_kraakebolle
eh so tell me again, how often do you evade with evade 1?

more often then you /assist other tanks to instant kill assisted tanks enemy of choise?

dont think so, and if you have high quick u will burn end alot faster... the end/dammage ratio goes trough the floor, witch in most cases u dont need to worry about but its still a valid argument

since my merc is thrust , i respecced hs ra's aswell
dodger III and capped quick = evade once at least every fight , mostly more, and since it also works on advanced evade , i cant tell u how much fun it is to evade a LW / shield user / zerk from behind.

i wouldnt leave out quick , but that is in my case only , i know nothing of spearos, i simply did it cuz i have adv evade and have a 9 sec reactionary stun


I only can speak for Champs but imo dump quickness if you're 50LW, 50 Valor. As Xanthian pointed out before: Unless a duel lasts a certain while (and you get the chance to hit a couple of times to empty your endbar) there is absolutely no use for quickness (you'll probably will sometimes end dead with an empty healthbar but at least you can be happy that your endbar is still well filled ;) :). I rather prefer to do the highest possible damage in the shortest amount of time possible. And about the parry-chain thing: Agreed, Heroes have it a bit harder to get their chain in but its easy for Champs - after all we got a attack speed debuff.
But really: from personal experience (I had a template with full quickness and switched back to no quickness at all now again), take my advice and leave it out (at least if you're a LW-Champ).

Elric IA

Still making my mind up but being a champ and wanting to cap INT, not capping QUI would mean an easier SC template.


This is the very reason tanks keep getting beaten by stealthers 1on1 :sleeping:


Yeah but the extra quick means you'll cast the chimp debuffs quicker D:


Originally posted by llixeraxu
Yeah but the extra quick means you'll cast the chimp debuffs quicker D:

you can cast insta spells quicker? :eek:

using qui instead of dex? o_0


Capped Qui is the diffence between 600 dmg and 800 dmg for Annihilation(LW), and with a good crit that will kill most casters in 1 hit, rather than chasing them taking more time to kill, more chance of them being healed etc..
And the way RVR is done, fights are won when ppl are killed quickly.

Qui is probably better for 1H spec and BM's, although my Hero's SC template doesnt include and Qui and shes 1H blunt using a 4.5spd.


Originally posted by old.Xanthian
Capped Qui is the diffence between 600 dmg and 800 dmg for Annihilation(LW), and with a good crit that will kill most casters in 1 hit, rather than chasing them taking more time to kill, more chance of them being healed etc..

If you use anni, then your not gonna have to chace him anyway...


Cap quickness.

trust me on this.

Especially if you going for prevent flight.


Originally posted by old.Niljindil
This is the very reason tanks keep getting beaten by stealthers 1on1 :sleeping:

I don't think so..its pretty much luck aswell. One time I get my ass handed back and at the next duel the stealther goes down without me having lost much hps at all.

But to finish this whole quickness debate: I believe at the end its just down to what you prefer. If you either fancy to onehitberserksmashannihilationkill someone or if you prefer to do it the Bruce Lee way (loads of fancy chainmoves with slightly less damage)-----there really is no right and no wrong there :)


still no answer to wherther a "mix" is good or not...
i for one cant see why it shouldnt, as the qui should scale etc, meaning more qui = faster hits, and doesnt matter if its capped or not...

what i mean is, +41 qui on my SC-template is perfectly valid, right? :) (not going for MP armor, thats why i dont cap it...)

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