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- #31
karam is so uber that mythic have made him a new class...he is a ninja, and he is so well 'ard he will kick your mom in the face...
Originally posted by Iunliten
Yeah from low % to 100 % their damage output is best in game I must say when in that mode, even better then polearm armsman... Or do you outdamage a berzerker too karam?
Originally posted by Matinex
lol @ nol, ninja? haha at least he thinks he is a ninja.
Karam a lvl 10 hero would own you 1 on 1, i been hit by you and i can say you did not do much dmg, how are you specced?
What's that big ass rat boy that some of the middies drag around with them? Was wondering if perhaps it was a middy version of the moose...
Originally posted by Cadwyr
I fought another of these so called uber armsmen last night. Trenniel. I matched his polearm for damage with my hammer, and I had no buffs not one. He however had al least 6, 2 were str buffs. U can tell cos u get the message in ur window when u kill a char who had buffs.
Then Tilde Gimpadin arrived slammed me and finished me off..
Originally posted by Uger
Bah Karam all u have written here is a bullshit
U have never met Slim ( troll zerk) , he would kill u in no time believe me and yes im a caster , so what ?
And about ur reaching lvl 50 and getting ur best da_item , wont help , u r a pussy...
Originally posted by Uger
U wont be able to win any mage class even if u get close to him , as long as he has quickast root/stun/mezz
Sorry , but u r tank and ur duty is to die
SO forget about ur plate / polearm stuff