To Nath, manc and the rest moaning at me


Loyal Freddie
Jan 15, 2004
This is not intended to assuage your worst fears about Nath, Manc and the rest but will, in most cases, confirm them. As this will make clear, if I try really, really hard, I can almost see why Nath, Manc and the rest would want to seek temporary tactical alliances with nutters in order to perpetuate what we all know is a corrupt system. If one could get a Ph.D. in Racialism, they would be the first in line to have one. Throughout human history, untrustworthy undesirables have always been mean-spirited. So it should come as no surprise that Nath, Manc and the rest need to stop living in denial. They need to wake up and realize that they are firmly convinced that honesty and responsibility have no cash value and are therefore worthless. Their belief is controverted, however, by the weight of the evidence indicating that Nath, Manc and the rest's positions are built on lies and they depend on make-believe for their continuation.

If anything, it is hard to ignore the impact of Nath, Manc and the rest's misconduct on our children, our culture, and our national character. I mean, think about it. Reckless kooks may endanger our property or our security or our economic well-being, but Nath, Manc and the rest endanger our souls. It is not uncommon for them to victimize the innocent, penalize the victim for making any effort to defend themselves, and then paint the whole mawkish affair as some great benefit to humanity. While there are many revanchism-oriented control freaks, Nath, Manc and the rest are the most snarky of the lot.

Look, Nath, Manc and the rest's confused teachings are in full flower, and their poisonous petals of stoicism are blooming all around us. I believe, way deep down, that if, five years ago, I had described people like Nath, Manc and the rest to you and told you that in five years, they'd propitiate semi-intelligible, gutless mountebanks for later eventualities, you'd have thought me impudent. You'd have laughed at me and told me it couldn't happen. So it is useful now to note that, first, it has happened and, second, to try to understand how it happened and how if they make fun of me or insult me, I hear it, and it hurts. But I take solace in the fact that I am still able to bear witness to the plain, unvarnished truth. What I had wanted was to write an analysis of Nath, Manc and the rest's homilies. Not an exhortation or a shrill denunciation, but an analysis. I hope I have succeeded at that.



Not as old as he claims to be!
Dec 22, 2003
The link isn't working for me but I am guessing its a site where you can add your own names to make up a letter of complaint.

Or something.

*pokes throd*


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
My complaint about Mr. Clowneh J Faggotman, Esq.

My complaint about Mr. Clowneh J Faggotman, Esq.

Because many of the things I'm about to say regarding Mr. Clowneh J Faggotman, Esq. have already been beaten into the ground, I will try to keep this letter short. Let me begin by saying that there's no shortage of sin in the world today. It's been around since the Garden of Eden and will indeed persist as long as Clowneh continues to condition the public to accept violence as normal and desirable. What's the difference between his intimates and cuckoo urban guerrillas? If you answered "nothing", then go to the front of the class; you're absolutely right. The purpose of this letter is far greater than to prove to you how unenlightened and officious he has become. The purpose of this letter is to get you to start thinking for yourself, to start thinking about how in these days of political correctness and the changing of how history is taught in schools to fulfill a particular agenda, the impact of his counter-productive, puerile plaints is exactly that predicted by the Book of Revelation. Evil will preside over the land. Injustice will triumph over justice, chaos over order, futility over purpose, superstition over reason, and lies over truth. Only when humanity experiences this Hell on Earth will it fully appreciate that just the other day, some of Clowneh's delusional helpers forced a prospectus into my hands as I walked past. The prospectus described Clowneh's blueprint for a world in which pestiferous headcases are free to pass off all sorts of malicious and obviously inhumane stuff on others as a so-called "inner experience". As I dropped the prospectus onto an overflowing wastebasket, I reflected upon the way that I am sick to my stomach of Clowneh's pettiness and simple ignorance. And that's why I'm writing this letter; this is my manifesto, if you will, on how to overcome the obstacles that people like him establish. There's no way I can do that alone, and there's no way I can do it without first stating that in order to lift the fog from his thinking, we must insist on a policy of zero tolerance toward phallocentrism. And that's just the first step. Remember, there is one crucial fact that we must not overlook if we are to perceive our current situation as it is, rather than in the anamorphosis of some "ideology" such as onanism or cannibalism. Specifically, I have never been in favor of being gratuitously lascivious. I have also never been in favor of sticking my head in the sand or of refusing to shed the light of truth on the evil that is Clowneh. Generally speaking, if Clowneh gets his way, I might very well lose my cultural moorings and become a rootless drifter in a cosmopolitan chaos.

Nice try to pander to our worst fears, Clowneh. Whatever he claims to the contrary, Clowneh has warned us that sooner than you think, caustic cutthroats will scrawl pro-cameralism graffiti over everything. If you think about it, you'll realize that Clowneh's warning is a self-fulfilling prophecy in the sense that Clowneh claims that people are pawns to be used and manipulated. Predictably, he cites no hard data for that claim. This is because no such data exist. He knows how to lie. It's too bad he doesn't yet understand the ramifications of lying. I like to speak of Clowneh as "mean-spirited-to-the-core". That's a reasonable term to use, I contend, but let's now try to understand it a little better. For starters, what we have been imparting to him -- or what he has been eliciting from us -- is a half-submerged, barely intended logic, contaminated by wishes and tendencies we prefer not to acknowledge.

Clowneh does not tolerate any view that differs from his own. Rather, he discredits and discards those people who contradict him along with the ideas that they represent. It's not the boogeyman that our children need to worry about. It's Clowneh. Not only is Clowneh more tyrannical and more vitriolic than any envisaged boogeyman or bugbear, but Clowneh has, on a number of occasions, expressed a desire to make human life negligible and cheap. On all of these occasions, I submitted to the advice of my friends, who assured me that no one likes being attacked by repressive vulgarians. Even worse, Clowneh exploits our fear of those attacks -- which he claims will evolve by the end of the decade into biological, chemical, or nuclear attacks -- as a pretext to lure the intrusive into his coalition of rapacious utopians and complacent slubberdegullions. If you think that's scary, then you should remember that one of Clowneh's favorite tricks is to create a problem and then to offer the solution. Naturally, it's always his solutions that grant him the freedom to take advantage of human fallibility to create a kind of psychic pain at the very root of the modern mind, never the original problem. I am sorry to have to put this so bluntly, but it is difficult, if not impossible, for people to come up with an accurate conclusion if the only information Clowneh has given them is false. Don't make the mistake of thinking otherwise. Clowneh does, and that's why his strictures are evil. They're evil because they cause global warming; they make your teeth fall out; they give you spots; they incite nuclear war. And, as if that weren't enough, even when Clowneh isn't lying, he's using facts, emphasizing facts, bearing down on facts, sliding off facts, quietly ignoring facts, and, above all, interpreting facts in a way that will enable him to persecute the innocent and let the guilty go unpunished. Clowneh's ideals are a load of bunk. I use this delightfully pejorative term, "bunk" -- an alternative from the same page of my criminal-slang lexicon would serve just as well -- because Clowneh says that everyone would be a lot safer if he were to monitor all of our personal communications and financial transactions -- even our library records. Why on Earth does Clowneh need to monitor our library records? The answer is not obvious, because that fact is simply inescapable to any thinking man or woman. "Thinking" is the key word in the previous sentence. And what of it? If everyone does his own, small part, together we can throw down the gauntlet and challenge his disciples to dispense justice.

Despite some perceptions to the contrary, the facts as I see them simply do not support the false, but widely accepted, notion that Clowneh has achieved sainthood. He wants us to believe that the rest of us are an inferior group of people, fit only to be enslaved, beaten, and butchered at the whim of our betters. How stupid does he think we are? I once asked Clowneh that question -- I am still waiting for an answer. In the meantime, let me point out that if I try really, really hard, I can almost see why Clowneh would want to threaten the common good. His stupidity concerning ruffianism is laughable. Why? That's easy. His unsavory, Pecksniffian invectives leave the current power structure untouched while simultaneously killing countless children through starvation and disease. Are these children Clowneh's enemies? I mean, if Clowneh can't stand the heat, he should get out of the kitchen.

Now stay with me a moment here; I am making a point. Specifically, I overheard one of Clowneh's forces say, "We should avoid personal responsibility." This quotation demonstrates the power of language, as it epitomizes the "us/them" dichotomy within hegemonic discourse. As for me, I prefer to use language to point out the glaring contradiction between Clowneh's idealized view of neopaganism and reality. No matter what Clowneh thinks, some nasty toughies actually feel that genocide, slavery, racism, and the systematic oppression, degradation, and exploitation of most of the world's people are all utterly justified. This is the kind of muddled thinking that he is encouraging with his practices. Even worse, all those who raise their voice against this brainwashing campaign are denounced as pea-brained, deluded wastrels. He keeps telling everyone within earshot that anyone who disagrees with him is ultimately abusive. I'm guessing that Clowneh read that on some Web site of dubious validity. More reliable sources generally indicate that I have always been an independent thinker. I'm not influenced by popular trends, the media, or even so-called undisputed facts when parroted by others. Maybe that streak of independence is what first enabled me to see that if one could get a Ph.D. in Terrorism, Clowneh would be the first in line to have one. Mr. Clowneh J Faggotman, Esq.'s propaganda machine grinds on and on. And that's the honest truth.

I've not even read it tbh.
<3 clowneh.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
mmm, creamy like a tramp's frot-juice !


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
Anyone want to trade anime series on DVD via post?

Or fuck.

PM me.


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
My complaint about Lotus Notes

If you are stimulated by new ideas and if you can think for yourself rather than simply accept what Lotus Notes dishes out, I think you will find this letter of interest. There are a number of reasons Lotus Notes isn't telling us as to why it wants to impose tremendous hardships on tens of thousands of decent, hard-working individuals. In this letter, I will expose those reasons one-by-one, on the principle that our battle with it is a battle between spiritualism and parasitism, between tradition and subversion, between the defenders of Western civilization and its enemies. With the battle lines drawn as such, it is abundantly clear that we wouldn't have a problem with cynicism if it weren't for Lotus Notes. Although it created the problem, aggravated the problem, and escalated the problem, Lotus Notes insists that it can solve the problem if we just grant it more power. How naïve does it think we are? Truly, Lotus Notes has announced its intentions to give me reason to die an agonizing death, be given no burial place, and have my soul chased by demons in Gehenna from one room to another for all eternity and more. While doing so may earn Lotus Notes a gold star from the mush-for-brains totalitarianism crowd, I recently overheard a couple of dastardly megalomaniacs say that embracing a system of antipluralism will make everything right with the world. Here, again, we encounter the blurred thinking that is characteristic of this Lotus Notes-induced era of slogans and propaganda. If Lotus Notes has any children, I recommend that it teach them about love, trust, cooperation, community, reason, negotiation, and compromise rather than violence, paranoia, and fear. Once it becomes clear that this has been documented repeatedly, it becomes apparent that every time Lotus Notes utters or writes a statement that supports lexiphanicism -- even indirectly -- it sends a message that hanging out with infantile freebooters is a wonderful, culturally enriching experience. I insist we mustn't let it make such statements, partly because I'm sick of Lotus Notes sticking its proboscis into everyone else's business, but primarily because it's really not bloody-mindedness that compels me to encourage individuals to come out of their cocoons and flourish. It's my sense of responsibility to you, the reader.

A great many of us don't want Lotus Notes to destroy that which is the envy of -- and model for -- the entire civilized world. But we feel a prodigious pressure to smile, to be nice, and not to object to its simple-minded off-the-cuff comments. It's incredible to me that anybody could be so peremptory. (Actually, some of Lotus Notes's platitudes raise important questions about future social interactions and their relationship to civil liberties but that's not important now.) At first, you might be unsure as to whether when you least expect it, Lotus Notes will turn its back on those who need it the most. But on deeper inspection, you'll indisputably conclude that Lotus Notes is starved for attention. At the risk of sounding a tad redundant, let me add that I suppose it's predictable, though terribly sad, that ghastly misers with stronger voices than minds would revert to benighted behavior. But Lotus Notes's sermons are designed to grant obstinate, lascivious snollygosters the keys to the kingdom. And they're working; they're having the desired effect.

Lotus Notes's revenge fantasies are rife with contradictions and difficulties; they're entirely insufferable, meet no objective criteria, and are unsuited for a supposedly educated population. And as if that weren't enough, if Lotus Notes has spurred us to call for proper disciplinary action against it and its legates, then Lotus Notes may have accomplished a useful thing. Although Lotus Notes has never read carefully anything I've written, when it hears anyone say that it has no great love of democracy or egalitarianism, its answer is to brandish the word "contemporaneousness" (as it is commonly spelled) to hoodwink people into believing that all major world powers are controlled by a covert group of "insiders". That's similar to taking a few drunken swings at a beehive: it just makes me want even more to carve solutions that are neither disgusting nor gin-swilling. While it is not my purpose to incriminate or exculpate or vindicate or castigate, unlike Lotus Notes, when I make a mistake I'm willing to admit it. Consequently, if -- and I'm bending over backwards to maintain the illusion of "innocent until proven guilty" -- it were not actually responsible for trying to use Trotskyism as a more destructive form of ethnocentrism, then I'd stop saying that the gloss that Lotus Notes's accomplices put on Lotus Notes's philosophies unfortunately does little to question authority.

Out of the vast number of devastating evils for which scornful wheeler-dealers are directly or indirectly responsible, I shall pick out only a single one which is most in keeping with the inner essence of Lotus Notes's gormless ebullitions: fetishism. Life isn't fair. We've all known this since the beginning of time, so why is Lotus Notes so compelled to complain about situations over which it has no control? I apologize if this disappoints you but my intent was only to elucidate the question, not to answer it. I shall therefore state only that I myself would doubtlessly like to comment on Lotus Notes's attempt to associate jujuism with frotteurism. There is no association.

Lotus Notes's latest manifesto, like all the ones that preceded it, is a consummate anthology of disastrously bad writing teeming with misquotations and inaccuracies, an odyssey of anecdotes that are occasionally entertaining, but certainly not informative. I frequently talk about how uncompanionable flag burners speak in order to conceal -- or at least to veil -- their thoughts. I would drop the subject, except that it and its sympathizers are catty hermits. This is not set down in complaint against them, but merely as analysis. To use some computer terminology, Lotus Notes's junta has an "installed base" of hundreds of dishonest, impractical carpetbaggers. The implication is that Lotus Notes's press releases are a logical absurdity, a series of deductions from a premise that has been denied. Speaking of absurdities, Lotus Notes claims that the ancient Egyptians used psychic powers to build the pyramids. That claim illustrates a serious reasoning fallacy, one that is pandemic in its cop-outs. Then again, many people respond to Lotus Notes's slimy, aberrent warnings in much the same way that they respond to television dramas. They watch them; they talk about them; but they feel no overwhelming compulsion to do anything about them. That's why I insist we uplift individuals and communities on a global scale to warn the public against those cocky, sniffish bludgers whose positive accomplishments are always practically nil, but whose conceit can scarcely be excelled.

I'm not a psychiatrist. Sometimes, though, I wish I were, so that I could better understand what makes organizations like Lotus Notes want to lead a violent jihad against those who oppose it. Lotus Notes's understrappers are unified under a common goal. That goal is to do the devil's work. Call me garrulous if you'd like; I will still do everything in my power to advance a clear, credible, and effective vision for dealing with our present dilemma and its most poxy manifestations. Then, I will announce to the world that relative to just a few years ago, pea-brained, maladroit simpletons are nearly ten times as likely to believe that Lotus Notes is a paragon of morality and wisdom. This is neither a coincidence nor simply a sign of the times. Rather, it reflects a sophisticated, psychological warfare program designed by Lotus Notes to advertise "magical" diets and bogus weight-loss pills.

Lotus Notes is unable to separate fact from fiction. Okay, that's a slight exaggeration, but you get the drift. As I mentioned before, Lotus Notes's moral immaturity is a perilous failing and an insult to the celebrated virtues of our ancestors. But let me add that it contends that it should bask in the cruel shine of priggism because "it's the right thing to do" and that, therefore, our elected officials should be available for purchase by special-interest groups. This bizarre pattern of thinking leads to strange conclusions. For example, it convinces haughty ideologues (as distinct from the snarky, brain-damaged polemics who prefer to chirrup while hopping from cloud to cloud in Nephelococcygia) that Lotus Notes's ploys epitomize wholesome family entertainment. In reality, contrariwise, if I had to choose between chopping onions and helping Lotus Notes dilute the nation's sense of common purpose and shared sacrifice, I'd be in the kitchen in an instant. Although both alternatives make me cry, the deciding factor for me is that we find among narrow and uneducated minds the belief that diseases can be defeated not through standard medical research but through the creation of a new language, one that does not stigmatize certain groups and behaviors. This belief is due to a basic confusion, which can be cleared up simply by stating that Lotus Notes's deputies suspect that "unilateralism is a noble goal." First off, that's a lousy sentence. If they had written that comments like that don't sit well with the most abhorrent geeks I've ever seen, then that quote would have had more validity. As it stands, in order to act honorably, we must build bridges where in the past all that existed were moats and drawbridges. And that's just the first step. Remember, Lotus Notes's memoirs symbolize lawlessness, violence, and misguided rebellion -- extreme liberty for a few, even if the rest of us lose more than a little freedom. Isn't it historically demonstrated that Lotus Notes is a predaceous tadpole swimming in a refractory pond? I ask, because I correctly predicted that it would construct the spectre of a terrible armed threat. Alas, I didn't think it'd do that so effectively -- or so soon.

Lotus Notes would not hesitate to leave behind a legacy of perpetual indebtedness in developing countries if it felt it could benefit from doing so. I no longer believe that trends like family breakdown, promiscuity, and violence are random events. Not only are they explicitly glorified and promoted by Lotus Notes's malicious, intransigent monographs, but you may be wondering why judgmental polluters latch onto its magic-bullet explanations. It's because people of that nature need to have rhetoric and dogma to recite during times of stress in order to cope. That's also why Lotus Notes has compiled an impressive list of grievances against me. Not only are all of these grievances completely fictitious, but I have traveled the length and breadth of this country and talked with the best people. I can therefore assure you that we must punish Lotus Notes for its unscrupulous conclusions. Only then can a society free of its detestable principles blossom forth from the roots of the past. And only then will people come to understand that most people don't realize that it has already revealed its plans to defile the present and destroy the future. It revealed these plans in a manifesto bearing all of the hallmarks of having been written by a superstitious yobbo. Not only is its manifesto entirely lacking in logic, relentlessly subjective, and utterly anecdotal, but Lotus Notes's argument that its plaints are good for the environment, human rights, and baby seals is hopelessly flawed and thoroughly circuitous. We've all heard Lotus Notes yammer and whine about how it's being scapegoated again, the poor dear. Am I angry? You bet. We have a dilemma of leviathan proportions on our hands: Should we complain about pestiferous schmucks, or is it sufficient to inculcate in the reader an inquisitive spirit and a skepticism about beliefs that Lotus Notes's factotums take for granted? I myself would venture the answer has something to do with feudalism. To elaborate, if you think that Lotus Notes's vices are the only true virtues, then you're suffering from very serious nearsightedness. You're focusing too much on what Lotus Notes wants you to see and failing to observe many other things of much greater importance, such as that it says that people are pawns to be used and manipulated. This is noxious falsehood. The truth is that I have reason to believe that it is about to open new avenues for the expression of hate. I pray that I'm wrong, of course, because the outcome could be devastating. Nevertheless, the indications are there that if a cogent, logical argument entered Lotus Notes's brain, no doubt a concussion would result.

I could substantiate what I'm saying about pathetic couch potatoes, but I don't feel that that's necessary, since we all know what they're like. Whenever there's an argument about Lotus Notes's devotion to principles and to freedom, all one has to do is point out that I find Lotus Notes's mottos symptomatic of a dangerous but spreading mentality. That should settle the argument pretty quickly. This march into jackbooted obscurantism is not happening by mere chance. It is not, as many brutish jabberers insist, the result of the natural, inevitable course of things. It is happening as a direct result of Lotus Notes's harebrained ultimata. Even if Lotus Notes's facts were reliable, they were gathered selectively and then manipulated towards favored conclusions.

The irony is that Lotus Notes's most mentally deficient morals are also its most puerile. As the French say, "Les extremes se touchent." It should be stressed that if anything will free us from the shackles of Lotus Notes's hostile wisecracks, it's knowledge of the world as it really is. It's knowledge that the notion that we should treat its invidious coterie for what it is, a satanic group of high-handed party animals, is pervasive. Of course, this sounds simple, but in reality, the real issue is simple: Lotus Notes should clean up its act. The facts are in: Lotus Notes's insinuations run on pure irony.


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
I selected the "generate 10 paragraphs" option :)

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