To: Lvl 40 + Minstrels



I know all is fair in war etc but camping our Telekeep in Emain 24/7 is kind of lame don't you think? I'm not even exagerating here, everytime I step out of our TK now there appears to be a Minstrel Lvl 40 + waiting to 'own' some unsuspecting lowbie who probably wants to meet up for a decent fight at mfg2 or travel around Hibernia to solo.

I haven't been able to read details of the next patch, but I sincerely hope that Minstrels lose Stealth at least in order to balance them out as at this time they have far to much in terms of armoury.



Have to agree, they need toned down a little. Stealth is getting a nerf soon in the US, of course so is Mez in a much greater way which screws me up when it is implicated, but what the hell.

I can actually just about manage to survive a stealthed minstrel attack, but they have this nasty habit of duoing with infiltrators which healers are not really equipped for. ;)


Well...all i can say is thnx for the con kobold is perfect target for any minstrel :p

And btw...30 sec insta stun of your THAT is unbalanced...not our stealth :)

And dont even talk about the elf casters..they are waaaay too chance of killing em if u dont keep em mezzed/stunned all the time..


Many classes are very unbalanced, so is the game. Remove mez COMPLETELY from the game imo, unless u want a distance-rvr or "the one who mezz's first wins". Because, sadly its like that now, and i dont like camping pk's either. Atleast i go back to wall and wait :)


Elf-casters, ah one of the few classes along with the archers I can actually solo if I get them first. :)

BTW that 30 second stun, is actually 8 seconds. To much time studying music, and not enough maths, huh? ;)

And don't you have a insta stun too?


Hmm...with shift+i it says 30 secs...and it kinda feels like 30 secs too :)

And we have 6 sec stun only...which kinda sux...hardly enough to mezz..


Minstrels are very unbalanced. They should either have chain or stealth, NOT both.

With the upcoming patches though, they are getting pretty badly nerfed. As well as the mez/stun changes, with See Hidden for assassins and in particular True Sight for archers, their stealth is becoming pretty worthless.


If it goes in like that sure. Minstrels are rogues, stealth is stealth etc.

I can't see Mythic breaking minstrel stealth completely, might go in like that for one patch then it'll get changed.

Bound to happen :)


some classes are way overpowered, some are not - what can we do? complain on a forum and hope it will solve?

ppl have complained over paladins role in rvr since beta, and we've still NOT got anything useful.

get my point? :)


Originally posted by krane
And dont even talk about the elf casters..they are waaaay too chance of killing em if u dont keep em mezzed/stunned all the time..

Sorry m8, thx for rlm points. :D
You guys got me after that tho. Btw you're worth 700+ rml points solo which isn't that bad :)

Cya in emain.


firstly surely elf casters should be the strongest casters, after all hibernia IS the magical realm?

also sadly i cant see mythic taking away anything from minstrals sadly, they seem against taking away abilitys or sommit, maybe they can gently nerf instead :) (or massivley nerf)


Everyone says the class that kills them alot is unbalanced, if you had a go on a minstrel after awhile you wouldnt think theyre so rosy.

An even con archer can kill me in 3 arrows if they crit, thats annoying :/

Even con Healer classes are at the bottom of a minstrels target list, we can kill you guys once np, but with your 3 lives/insta heals, you can pretty easily beat us down. Ask oggy the druid, ive tried yo kill him 1on1 about 3 times in gorge and i had to run every time, except the time he was afk :D


i dont think the original poster of this thread was going to rvr when middys camped our tk virtually every night of the week :p . :sleeping:


as fortk camping im pretty sure the casters of our real get pi$$ed of with getting sniped before they even reach our wall because of all the mid/hib snipers camped in that area . its one of those things that will never go away in the game . people camping hot spots for lone peeps . tk's are prolly the best area to pick somebody of running solo from tk to wall.

as for over powered minstrals . well imo minstrals aint to good in battles when there is a lot of peeps about . they rgood 1v1 though same with a lot of chars . all chars have there good doesnt make em over powered though . im sure if there was as many 40+ infiltrators as there are minstrals somebody would be saying ifils are over powered :( cos they r awesome 1v1 like somebody said above peeps dont like the chars that kill em most often . i hate archers cos they always get me :) but i dont complain :)


Peolpe, PLEASE do not judge one from their rp's u get from them! Even a grey can give more then a yellow - My friend Hardokon has his birthday today, and i offered him one "free-frag" from me as a gift :)

So we met up and tried some styles and other kinds of stuff that was nice to learn, then i let him kill me - he cons green to me and my death to him made him recieve 920rp.

Some hour later when i got tired, i offered Nolbypride my trip back to Cotswold - and guess what? 30rp

So please dont flame ppl for giving low rp's, its ok when u do it as teasing and stuff but not in "agro-mode" ;)

Get used to these things, back in the low 30's me and many others were killed a lot of times by hibs (nilo, elasias and ryo - miss our cabalist btw :) But yea its not fun, but its a frontier-zone which means U are there on your own risk.

If u dont like it? then dont be there ;)

[pics from our new chants we got in 1.11, but was remove coz of its powerfulness]


Well, all that was supposed to be said, was said by my fellow ministrels.
Personal i appreciate every1 that works for their kill, and trust me ministrels have to work pretty hard to get a kill. I dont mind being hunt down by an elf caster or the likes, or by a healer or tank, cause those guys work for their kill :) BUT i HATE when i get hunt down by an archer..i mean those guys put the less effort in doing a kill which imo its not fair


Originally posted by Antiarch
Personal i appreciate every1 that works for their kill, and trust me ministrels have to work pretty hard to get a kill.
Oh please! Work? I'm playing a runemaster lvl 42, 90% of the time I die in Emain goes something like this: Lythande happily strolling toward MMG suddenly she freezes in midstride, up strolls a minstrel who's mezzed you(sometimes they don't even bother mezzing just stun) while stealthed meaning I literally never knew what hit me before it was too late, minstrel stuns me, DD shouts me and kills me with weapon.

Plz be so kind as to point the great WORK do put into that combination of actions which take about 3-5 seconds to do.

I used to think archers were the scurge of RvR but against them at least I have a chance! God I hate minstrels.



Firstly, that 30sec shout skalds have isnt stun - it's mez.
And the danger of minstrels is their mez-from-stealth-then-call-for-help thingie. Nothing can beat minstrel who mez you and bring 3 45+ armsmen, 2 45+ clerics, & 2 45+ casters to kill you :)


Originally posted by Pooky
Everyone says the class that kills them alot is unbalanced, if you had a go on a minstrel after awhile you wouldnt think theyre so rosy.

An even con archer can kill me in 3 arrows if they crit, thats annoying :/

Even con Healer classes are at the bottom of a minstrels target list, we can kill you guys once np, but with your 3 lives/insta heals, you can pretty easily beat us down. Ask oggy the druid, ive tried yo kill him 1on1 about 3 times in gorge and i had to run every time, except the time he was afk :D

Firstly, I get killed a lot by nightshades and infiltrators. I don't think that they are unbalanced.

Secondly, erm healing classes with armour that can instaheal are bottom of the list to solo for virtually any class.

I just hope I stay long enough for the realm abilities patch, which should somewhat address this issue (True Sight and Purge).


1st: making sure that U r alone (or asses the situation)
2nd Intercept (making sure that he can be in dd range before mezz) considering that ministrels run while stealthed is more like 1/2 normal run speed
3rd right sequence of stun dd dd or whatever order to prevent quickcast root/paralize
4th making sure that he blows a kiss to ya

Notice that if he screws points 1-3 up he can be dead meat before U say pffft

Now let me show U how fatbelly is killing near Alb pk:

1. Hug a tree
2. Regular shot to take BT off
3. bye bye mr avalonian


OK, let's do the same pointless elaboration for the fatbelly kill as for the minstrel kill:

1st: making sure that U r alone (or asses the situation)
2nd Intercept (making sure that he can be in bow range and will stay in bow range for the duration of the attack) considering that archer speed while stealthed is more like 2/3 normal run speed
3rd right number of clicks on the bow button (this is REALLY hard!!), maybe even chain crit shots
4th making sure that he blows a kiss to ya

Notice that if he screws points 1-3 up he can be dead meat before U say pffft


GAh would ppl stop with the nerf talk, ok sometimes nerfs are necessary but dont U see that nerfing is a easy way out for Mythic to not have to deal with the unfinished broken classes in a good way. This is gonna end up with a game where all classes have no usefull skill since everyone think everything is overpowered.
I could say that i think that instastun + any form of mezz on the same char is plane stupid but Im not (oops I did it).

And yes I am a bard, and I dont like that my ONLY offence/defence is getting nerfed to hell and back..

my 2 cents


pointless elaboration
U r right here dont need make this a chat, i suggest U play a ministrel and see how U like ur so called easy kills


Well.. if our dear hibbie stealthers get it quite easy in RvR.. they have worked their arse off to get to proper lvl´s.. not easy being a ranger or ns for exping..

Hmm.. powerful elfcasters? lol... i loose to a yellow con minstrel 80% of the time 1vs1... very funny when you cant do a shite, but in big skirmishes they are not as good as me... so every class has its job i guess... and... i can easily kill a yellow con tank- and im pretty sure minstrel has hard time doing that.


lol put it this way.

For a loooong time, I was considering making a minstrel alt, and trust me, I'm a pretty cheap guy. :)


One difference i think is that minstrels actually get grouped and can get levelled... none of our stealth classes do :p so give our bard stealth plz :)

Btw... which hibclass has instamez or instastun? Mids&Albs do... moarn moarn... complain...


As an elf caster speaking ....

Minstrels are most feared and hated enemy (well alpha is anyway) although asssasins are probably worse, it is minstrels that get the most kills in.

But if I get them off guard, and get my stun in they are goners usually, i have soloed a few orange minstrels in my time.

Step forward the 2 most reecent candidates Pooky (I logged into emain, and he didn't check behind him, and mad (saw through stealth :) ).

In addition, if you have a ranger hidden somewhere nearby they have to unstealth, making them an easy target (cheers cable you saved me from minstrels quite a few times).

So although they are one of the worst classes for killing me, I don't think they need to be nerfed. Dunno how they would do 1-on-1 against a yellow tank; I think they ought to be able to pull it off, but as my minstrel alt on pryd is only 12 or so she won't see a yellow tank for a long time.


there is a difference between an overpowered class and a BALANCED class :) there are lots of problems with the minstrel class and those who haven't played a minstrel yet won't know of the problems :)

- our mezz lasts for at most 30 seconds which is 1/2 the time of other single target mezzes ... it takes 3 seconds as opposed to 2 seconds to cast which is 50% longer ... increasing our dex (which is our main attribute) does not reduce singing time ... the duration of our mezz is dependent on the con of our flute, and NO flute cons above green at level 50 why is that?

- charm was supposed to be our class defining skill but how many minstrels do u see using charm now? we can't do anything with a pet except throw in a couple of shouts now ... even with the upcoming patch it allows us to melee but we can't play other songs while charming/pet resists charm a lot/pet aggro minstrel on release :( no minstrel uses charm now cause it absolutely sucks

- our shouts take a HUGE amount of pow AND endurance to cast compared to other classes with shout spells ... usually after about 5 shouts my pow bar is empty and end bar is 1/2 empty :p

- we have those bright swirling notes around us all the time which make us huge targets in RvR ... skalds don't have those swirly notes around them and they can use 2 songs like dmg chant & speed AND they don't require an instrument to do that (i think)

- have u ever SEEN a minstrel's interface? it's not a pretty sight :p

i am not saying that the minstrel is the only class with problems, but we DO have problems and bugs which make the minstrel more difficult to play than other classes ... we aren't overpowered but it's just that lots of other classes need fixing ;) save the time moaning about minstrels and come up with some suggestions to improve classes like cabalists and spiritmasters :p


Ministrels are not danger by themselves. Why i DO hate them - Sonya has explained.

All the times i was killed by ministrel he was rather wuth Infiltrator, or smite cleric, or armsman. NEVER i was killed by Ministrell alone.

But its seams to be just Albs habbit. Noone can do nothing with that :)

SO now im taking friends to Macha :)


Originally posted by Insurrextion
save the time moaning about minstrels and come up with some suggestions to improve classes like cabalists and spiritmasters :p

Well, my personal opinion that SM is very good, the only problem for them is that in Mid there are a lot of other interesting an powerfull chars to play, and cause usually ppl do not take pet masters to the party.

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