To long? (my acount)


Can't get enough of FH
Nov 25, 2004
Bahumat said:
you checked your mail filters? may be a blocked email...

Yes ive checked, i have not blocked the email adress


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 6, 2004
Cant believe this still hasnt been fixed. Come on please sort it out GOA least you lose another one of your faithfull customers.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
scorge said:
GOA should really get there act together, especially since they will be hosting WAR next year, this does nothing for there image. What abouts if you dont have a passport or driving license...


/rant on

I think scorge is totally on the ball here. The who subs situation needs a radically overhall, if not for DAOC, for Warhammer.

Things I would loved to see addressed.

1. The same email address for multiple accounts and the problems associated with that. If you are buying your support software, then talk to your supplier, if they allow the same email address to be entered, then the emails to that email address should be allowed. The email address is tied into account, there is security of rarely used subscription passwords protecting the email address.

2. The payment sub system. Its really poor. I understand the issues with tied illegal use of credit cards. but tying down account for up to 24 hours because someone can't enter a credit card number correctly. Is rubbish.

We had a group member miss 2 nights this week, because he fluffed up his credit card entry on the Sunday night and this ran into Monday nights session. I agree people need to be careful. But allow one try, if they fail, then give them a 2nd chance and with a clear warning of cool off period.

3. Multiple transactions on the same time period. Normally an issue around Expansion pack time, when people are renewing. But often a problem when people come back and and catch up with missing expansion packs.

4. A rethink of how changing of customer details is achieved. Since people have a habit of leaving online games for 3 - 6 - 12 months at a time. The one thing alot of people do is change their email address, or simply forget. Sending a email address requesting confimation of the change, to a email address that the person no longer had access to, only denies GOA of revenue. I think a email should be sent to the original email address, but warning of the change jsut incase its account hijack. The email has a link which can reverse the change for upto x months. Just a idea.

Tip -> reactivate your account before acitivating the expansion. That way if you run into "Transaction Already running" you at least can play the game.

These issues need to be sorted before Warhammer online turns up, since alot of people will not put up with that.

Lets see in game support.

I don't mind 2 passwords for play / subscription. But at least make them work of the same login id. The whole userid: G.Bush and subscriptionid: G.Bush0 is just poor.

/rant off


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 5, 2004
SkarIronfist said:
I don't mind 2 passwords for play / subscription. But at least make them work of the same login id. The whole userid: G.Bush and subscriptionid: G.Bush0 is just poor.
At least i got different password for RN too. so it's 3 passwords per account.


Can't get enough of FH
Nov 25, 2004
Update: Apparantly the lady dealing with my acount is away on a trip to the usa this week, so hopefully i can get her to contact me again next week and it can be sorted, from knowledge gathered apparantly the person who done this to me (name ingame=barker) is also contacting goa to get the acount, although this is not a fact its a question of he could be doing this.

But ive sent my passport of theirs no way the acount should not come back to me due to the other person whos makeing alligations cant have the same passport as me, pretty obvious fact their;)


Can't get enough of FH
Nov 25, 2004
The woman apparantly dealing with my acount should be back on monday will give you an update then


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 22, 2003
im guessing that GOA are really down on staff at mo due to the lack of subs now compared to say 2 yrs ago. and tbh you cant blame them for cutting down staff if there is less work to do but it doesnt excuse bad customer service.

However now they are going to be doing WAR for europe you would think that keeping existing daoc suscribers happy would be very important due to the amount of cash each and every one of us "might" be paying them when WAR comes out.

im guessing about £10 per month ? lets say over 2 years (will prolly be more hell we all still here 4 years and counting on daoc) 2 years £240
the actual game say £35 ?
maybe one expansion say £20

so we are all worth aprox £295.00 + each and everyone of us.

im just shocked that time and time again GOA act like a company in there first year of trading. its like there system still has teething problems

I run and own my own business and if i ignored a customer for 3 weeks i know that i would lose that customer. "someone is on Holiday" just doesnt cut it for me in the real world. hell if that person is the ONLY one who can handle this problem the very very least they should of done is send you a letter explaining that this is the case and when he/she is back you will get your answer.

yes WAR will be big for GOA and yes they will make a lot of money but it seems if only they could see the wood through the trees they would make a lot more.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 8, 2004
Elkie said:
from knowledge gathered apparantly the person who done this to me (name ingame=barker) is also contacting goa to get the acount, although this is not a fact its a question of he could be doing this.

lol barker eh, I would ask them to review his 'record', he must have been accused of so many breaches of CoC by now they really should delete his account and find in favour of anyone who accuses him of anything ... Good luck getting your account back.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 21, 2004
Kaun_IA said:
GoAs customer service is really bad, if they dont even ANSWER the email asking if they have recived the letter, seems that they dont care :/ or else they would have replyd

I rather get ignored by them than getting auto response mails that doesnt explain shit in the matter :flame:


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 18, 2004
Chimaira said:
I rather get ignored by them than getting auto response mails that doesnt explain shit in the matter :flame:

Auto respons gives certainty that your mail has arrived, tho ;)

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