To Legendz - <in>



yea legendz bow is pretty strong and pretty magical if it can shoot me through the walls of the amg while im standing on the stairs and he is standing below on the albs side :rolleyes:

@ tusk :clap: , always here that floppy drive joke ;)


Originally posted by Xero-X
yea legendz bow is pretty strong and pretty magical if it can shoot me through the walls of the amg while im standing on the stairs and he is standing below on the albs side :rolleyes:

Xero, not to be rude or anything, but even me as a mentalist know why that happens, its poor game mechanics and you as an archer should after 50 levels and a helluva lot of realm points know about this.

Or is it just me that is one of the smarter persons in the world? doubt it.... :rolleyes:


dunno why u always get flamed aussie u must make a lot of people jealous anyways lay off aussie, o and is it just me or since the last patch has anyone noticed any changes in damage, im now a complete gimped hunter only hittin 400 with crit on ppl with all my bows either somethings wrong or some ppl hate me in the game house


Epic armors, and the resists that came with it...


yea i know that atrox i got round 20 slash and 20 thrust res also but still get hit for same from other rangers/scouts must just be me or something


Hunters bow damage is too low atm...

How Mythic intended:

Bow damage:
Melee damage:

Though ranger does most melee damage over a perioud of time atm. Thousands of hits have been logged and statistics have been made that proves this.


no no aussie a scout is terrible in melee , most scout aim for high shield spec and high bow leaving little for thrust / slash

and a scout cant beat any other archer in melee ( same lvl of course )


Originally posted by Xero-X

and a scout cant beat any other archer in melee ( same lvl of course )

and i'm fred flintstone :uhoh:


Originally posted by Xero-X
and a scout cant beat any other archer in melee ( same lvl of course )
:rolleyes: Slam 2 Shots .. Melee with 42 in shield =) ... You block ... you block etc etc :sleeping:


Originally posted by old.Error404
:rolleyes: Slam 2 Shots .. Melee with 42 in shield =) ... You block ... you block etc etc :sleeping:

obviously u dont understand the meaning of melee , u know , when its hand to hand combat not ranged attacks :rolleyes:

and aussie , u must be fred flintstone if u forgot about that time u "tryed" to melee me but ended up with u eating the wood of the floor of the amg wall room :D

go ahead and denie it i know u will :rolleyes:


yeah xero grats must be 1 - 1032932 now in melee

btw we specced in shield , you specced in Celtic wield or whatever it's named. you never win from a scout in ''melee''

bragging about their only victory.... :sleeping:


for once .. Aussie actually has a valid point here ... :(

Afaik - Scouts REALLY have an advantage to other stealther classes in "melee" scouts don't really need high lvl of slash/thurst.

at lvl 42 they get slam in their shield spec ... ie. in stealth .. see a hunter/ranger/ns/sb ( which kinda happens often ), Slam ( not sure how the bonusses work wrt bonusses / evade/ block) and then they have 9 seconds to do whith you what they need to .. Crit Crit - free rpts.

I assume it's fairly easy to evade a slam then .. but a nice advantage it is ..

when u shoot at a scout .. all he needs to do is engage .. and blocks all your shots. what exactly are the rules on using engage .. is there no way to stop somone from going into "engage" mode ?

basically .. if scouts don't get zerged , they're pretty much invulnerable in 1v1 - u can't kill them .. and the can get up to u .. slam and kill u .. unless by some fortune .. u actually get a chance to evede

I Seriously think rangers are gimped. ..

it should be

Bow damage: Ranger >Scout >Hunter
not scout first ...

Scouts have lower dex/quick .. but get Alot faster bows ...
Hunters get Loads more HP AND spears ... hmm
Rangers get .. uhhm .. selfbuffs ... ph34r me .. lol

oh well ..

just a bit of a nag at the class balances ..

Seriously thinking of Rolling an Alb scout ...

Elf out

:( :(


Hehehehehe someone saying hunters are uber in melee..

*dies laughing*

Hunters are the best in melee - WHEN THEY HAVE A BLUE PET WITH THEM.

without their pet they're substandard... try playing a cabalist without a pet...

that's the equivalent of a hunter. They're balanced for combat with a pet. And if you have a pet you have a big beacon saying 'hunter over here'.


Originally posted by Aussie-
yeah xero grats must be 1 - 1032932 now in melee

btw we specced in shield , you specced in Celtic wield or whatever it's named. you never win from a scout in ''melee''

u really are stupid aussie . i really dont know how anyone likes u at all

i have only got u once in melee , i dont know what ur talking about those 1023932 times :rolleyes:

and if we spec in cetic duel we have to spec in either piercing or blades too (no need to explain why) basicly we dont get enough spec points to spec in bow , PF , CD , piercing/blades and stealth :(

u really must learn more about the game before u brag aussie :sleeping:


omfg , are you all in love with aussie or something , you keep on posting things about him , OHH NOO he shot me for xxx dmg so?

accept it that he does allot of dmg , and try to kill him , not to post on bw he just killed me , he did more then xxx dmg on me , it doesn't gonna change anything ...


if i get ownd by a bard im not gonna start a post here , BARD ARE OVERPOWERD :D


if you get owned by a bard, you need to give up mate...99% of the bards out there can barely solo blue. Basically we can mezz you, then run away really, really fast like...


yeah i taught so , he hitted me for 30 dmg :( i got ooownd so hard , can't help it , im gimped you know...


Originally posted by old.Tdaer
it should be

Bow damage: Ranger >Scout >Hunter
not scout first ...

Scouts have lower dex/quick .. but get Alot faster bows ...
Hunters get Loads more HP AND spears ... hmm
Rangers get .. uhhm .. selfbuffs ... ph34r me .. lol
:( :(

Haha scouts get alot faster bows... Confusing composite bows with longbows?


Originally posted by old.Tdaer
for once .. Aussie actually has a valid point here ... :(

Afaik - Scouts REALLY have an advantage to other stealther classes in "melee" scouts don't really need high lvl of slash/thurst.

at lvl 42 they get slam in their shield spec ... ie. in stealth .. see a hunter/ranger/ns/sb ( which kinda happens often ), Slam ( not sure how the bonusses work wrt bonusses / evade/ block) and then they have 9 seconds to do whith you what they need to .. Crit Crit - free rpts.

I assume it's fairly easy to evade a slam then .. but a nice advantage it is ..

when u shoot at a scout .. all he needs to do is engage .. and blocks all your shots. what exactly are the rules on using engage .. is there no way to stop somone from going into "engage" mode ?

basically .. if scouts don't get zerged , they're pretty much invulnerable in 1v1 - u can't kill them .. and the can get up to u .. slam and kill u .. unless by some fortune .. u actually get a chance to evede

I Seriously think rangers are gimped. ..

it should be

Bow damage: Ranger >Scout >Hunter
not scout first ...

Scouts have lower dex/quick .. but get Alot faster bows ...
Hunters get Loads more HP AND spears ... hmm
Rangers get .. uhhm .. selfbuffs ... ph34r me .. lol

oh well ..

just a bit of a nag at the class balances ..

Seriously thinking of Rolling an Alb scout ...

Elf out

:( :(

Ahem, <cough> I thought Elfs had high int.j/k ;)

Look at a ranger with 30 spec, that's a low end ranger spec, and what a scout would have to spend in realm points to attempt to compare: 68 points for Augmented Dexterity 5 and Augmented Quickness 5 (max possible) to gain 30 points to dexterity and quickness when the level 30 spell Honed reflexes gives 33 points to those two abilities, 34 points for Augmented Strength 5 (max possible) to gain 30 points of strength when the level 30 spell Power of Will gives 34 points to Strength, 20 points for Longwind 4 to have an equivalent sprint distance as the level 25 Pathfinding spell Forest Spirit, 9 for the second level of any “Rain of” ability (ignoring for the moment that its on a timer and the damage add buff isn’t), and there is no AF buff in realm abilities for scouts so we don’t know what Mastery of Blocking level would correspond to the same effect as the Determination line of Pathfinding spells. That’s 131 points and still less than the low end of average ranger spec. And rangers have access to those same realm abilities which can further increase their abilities when combined with their buffs.

Rangers get 5.4 spd bow which makes rangers able to do as much damage as a scout with bow, AND with the self buffs the ranger can shoot faster and still as hard as any scout. The range advantage of 2 paces is nothing. Rangers can shoot 2.1k loc units and Scouts can shoot 2.2k loc units. Rangers outmelee Scouts, it's a known fact. Slam has got no to hit modifier and is easily evaded, with purge coming up, hm, wonder what they will do with that button. I suggest you go take a peek at the forums, Tdaer, the scout, ranger and hunter team lead discusses class balances etc. there..

Oh, and scouts are supposed to be longbowmen, superior bow damage/range.


Scouts have lower dex/quick .. but get Alot faster bows ...

I personally use the slowest bows available; spd 5.4. Gives me a cap around 1010, enuf to kill most yellow casters/assassins in 2-3 shots.

Our fastest bow is spd 4.0 - i use that for zerging only.


Polzor im guessin I may be that bard,,
Possibly it was MMG 3days or so ago?
Thing was we`d just killed 8 in a row nonstop (garax ola and myself) so had no end no mana and almost no hp..
Nice way to earn 2k rp though ^^

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