To Hroft[BC]



Originally posted by Hroft[BC]

afaik new "best" (read - most damaging) SB spec is:

enuf env to get 47 with items and RR
enuf stealth to get 50 with items and RR
2 CS (or 10 - if u prefer and have points)
then rise LA to 39
put rest into axe (not sword coz we'll get 16.5 4.2 delay axes in 1.64).
put rest into LA again.

for me being RR6 it equals to:
50 ax 41 LA 10 cs 34 stl 31 env.

proposed axe for left hand - Gazsi Bearded Axe, 16.2 dps and 2.4 delay.

I liked the spec, and I examined it for a while and have a few questions regarding it. If you go for the 10 points into CS to get BSII, is it a good option as an opening attack? How long is the stun, or is it even better to open with Havoc + Tyrs Fury, or a Snowsquall + Icy brilliance? And when opening, is it good perform the first stylechain (or BSII) with a two handed weapon?

Is the slowest 2 handed weapon a good option and a quick mainhand weapon with this spec (as you recommended Gaszi's as offhand wep)

Greatfull for answer(s)

Regards ;>


bs2 opening vs mages. the short 3-4s stun isnt worth sacrificing frosty gaze for.


Question about the below newbie sb spec for a RR2 sb:

At lvl 50/RR2 (+12) (autotrain stealth to 32)

Stealth: 35 (47 - Stealth will have to work?)
CritStrike: 39 (51 - 39 is for the style)
Sword: 50 (62 - Max weapon max damage?)
Envenom: 34 (46 - Enough to have second best DoT)

Own and 6 LA for the rest of the points.

And sword looks better imho, despite more damage in next version axe..

And CS is for a cs-sb offcos. And target is NOT infils but the cloth and other leatherguys, though infils prolly rip any RR2 into pieces

The sb in question is not about pwn/leet playing but sneak around and have fun and so on..

Constructive comments anyone??


1. If you go for the 10 points into CS to get BSII, is it a good option as an opening attack?

only vs mages to penetrate bladeturn.

2. How long is the stun, or is it even better to open with Havoc + Tyrs Fury, or a Snowsquall + Icy brilliance?

stun length on BS2 is 3 sec. thus against mages u should use it, and against other targets - SS->IB combo (if u have enough LA for IB). Hawok->Tyr's Fury is a frontal combo, a replacement for PA chain (no CD stun tho).

3. And when opening, is it good perform the first stylechain (or BSII) with a two handed weapon?

u CANNOT perform SS-IB with 2h weapon, as SS and IB are LA styles, u need to wield axe in left hand for it, but u can do BS2, Hawok and Tyrs with 2h

4. Is the slowest 2 handed weapon a good option and a quick mainhand weapon with this spec (as you recommended Gaszi's as offhand wep)

if u go with the 2h weapon - i recommend u using fastest one, not the slowest increases ur already slim chances vs another assasin.

for 2 1h weapons setup - stick with the slowest mainhand possible, it will give u best frontloaded damage and highest self-haste while retaining relatively high attack speed (with high qui and possible haste buffs).
slowest mainhands are
16.2 4.1 sword (bastard)
16.1 4.2 axe (double-bladed)
16.5 4.0 axe (cleaver)
in 1.64 we'll get 16.5 4.2 1h axe too.


btw, against other assassins i heard a good starter move is a dex/qui debuff charge :p havent tried it yet, but looks nice.


imo it sucks

56 delve value, 4g per 1 charge, body type damage....i'd rather stick with af charges with up my af to 643.


Which styles do you use when opening a fight facing a non stealther?

With 39 LA (like the spec mentioned above) you cant do Icy Brilliance, only snowsquall. Is it still a good opener, and do you follow up with Havoc combo?



it depends.....u may start with SS, or u may start with Hawok-Tyr's Fury....or even with Glacial Movement with its heavy attack speed debuff.


Thank you Hroft for all the info. It has been of great help.


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