To GoA and the daoc-players: Roleplaying-servers



Originally posted by old.Odysseus

Roleplaying sux.

Huh? what the hell is a H4XXORZ? and being an !NST4N3T one i guess thats really good?


How on earth did Anarchy Online get MMORPG of the year or whatever award it got???

Played that game for at least 2months and I have to say I didn't approve


To those who doubted:

Dark Age of Camelot Game

* Massively multiplayer online role-playing game incorporating Arthurian legends, Norse myths, and Celtic lore.
* Team-based player-vs.-player combat with territorial acquisition and siege warfare.
* Exciting combat with advanced combat styles, animations, and effects.
* Intelligent monster AI requires player strategy and tactics.
* Integrated, advanced player crafting system puts players squarely into the game's economy.

:( .. but no role-play :(


Intelligent monster AI requires player strategy and tactics.







<wipes tears from eyes>


:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:



the AI stinks.


The Keepers of Bifrost in Midgard are a role playing guild. And just recently have broken away from a alliance to create a role play only alliance. Talks are still going on within the guild though, but keep your eyes open.


Originally posted by KodFace
Not many people play this game as a role playing game... you want ur head checked out if you do

Troll alert


Originally posted by Whandall
I hate to say this cuase i also want more rp but as long as goa says that every server is a roleplaying one we wont get a rp only server.

Best thing would still be that rpers come together and form up rp guilds...would be a start....

There is a large RP guild on Prydwen / Albion : Order of the Knights Templar. Many, many times we have forgotten to pull because of the RP on guild chat or within groups. At very least, it makes for a longer-lived game experience and a great deal more fun. And the absence of l88t, m8, kwl, etc. is a delight!

Yes, it could be more strict but with so many people new to RP, we try to accomodate everyone.


Guys....this is a dead horse I fear...
A "roleplaying" server may sound nice to some at first, but, while the public channels are "sometimes" clear (the amount of support you need to really police channels is insane and usually, nothing is done exept for the insulting or abusive comments), as soon as you group, it often falls back into "k tks inc mez omg lolololol". Sure you may have some more "roleplay" names, names like leegolas, legollas, legggoollaas, drizzztttz, drizzizt, etc, etc, etc...

A "true" roleplaying server, with 100% roleplaying, is not doable by any company today and, frankly, I don't see it ever happening. Heck, two "roleplayers" usually don't even agree on what roleplaying is!! This concept alone is so complicated that you would need like one GM/CSR per player to do it right.

Having a roleplaying "ambiance" starts at home. Check your realm, you will find a roleplaying community, you will meet other players thinking and playing like you. Just ignore the others, consider their language like some slang, but always stay in character....


Originally posted by Cowled

This thread wasn't made to flame someone.

I use short sentenses, none over the above, except "scout lfg", ofc.

Servers without these short "notes" would be good.

Btw, who are u?

He's a minstrel who gets staff killed from 40% by 3 mages... :rolleyes:

Seriously, who would expect 3 mages to start beating on them with staves, probably just shocked and was unable to think what to do :)


But seriously, there are some people that really enjoy roleplaying their character. I have a champ which I roleplay, but it's quite hard unless other players respect you wanting to roleplay.

I once had an hour long [Advice] session with someone who was roleplaying their Enchantress, and I roleplayed back. Was a great laugh and I really enjoyed it (apart from the fact that it was in the middle of a keep raid then keep defence at Bledmeer.

It is possible to roleplay on any server,a s long as you stick with it. I have found that if a player joins a group and seems to be roleplaying their character, the rest of the group fall into the act quite easily. And over the course of a few weeks people will recognise that you are roleplaying and will usually communicate with you in the same way.

Well, this happens in Hib/Prydwen alot anyway.

But, there are times when you really can't roleplay.

In RvR, if you wish to roleplay, and spot enemies incoming, you would, in the spirit of roleplaying, type something like:

"Ware! I see some enemy Northmen coming over the hill to the South of me. I do not like the look of them. To arms my fellows!"



is alot faster and there is less chance of you being run over by the skalds before you finish typing.

Also, as alot of people have pointed out, DAoC is a MMORPG, Massively Multi-player Online RolePlaying Game. The internet seems to have embraced acronyms such as LOL, ROFL, G2G, BRB, and the infamous WTF and FFS.

As Kemor says, you will find that some people don't agree on the definition of roleplaying. Taking the definition of MMORPG, and using Online Roleplayng, you could say that people using the above acronyms are actually roleplaying an online character, in the sense that people on the internet speak in lingo that normal people would be confused with.

The acronyms which we all love (or hate) appeared because they are faster to type than the full words. People say that Everquest is much more of a roleplaying game and environment than DAoC, yet Everquest is still full of people using language which people here are complaining about.

Yes, I don't like people using words like d00d and 1337 and stuff like that ingame, because it's simply annoying, but acronyms are used everyday in RL.


Originally posted by kemor
Guys....this is a dead horse I fear...
A "roleplaying" server may sound nice to some at first, but, while the public channels are "sometimes" clear (the amount of support you need to really police channels is insane and usually, nothing is done exept for the insulting or abusive comments), as soon as you group, it often falls back into "k tks inc mez omg lolololol". Sure you may have some more "roleplay" names, names like leegolas, legollas, legggoollaas, drizzztttz, drizzizt, etc, etc, etc...

A "true" roleplaying server, with 100% roleplaying, is not doable by any company today and, frankly, I don't see it ever happening. Heck, two "roleplayers" usually don't even agree on what roleplaying is!! This concept alone is so complicated that you would need like one GM/CSR per player to do it right.

Having a roleplaying "ambiance" starts at home. Check your realm, you will find a roleplaying community, you will meet other players thinking and playing like you. Just ignore the others, consider their language like some slang, but always stay in character....

:( .. played US a few days, tried the roleplaying-servers.

I was told that i wasn't allowed to say OMG KKTHX! If so i could be reported to Mythic.

:( .. u are probably rite, but then u really shouldn't publish it as a roleplaying game, but a massive multiplayer kkthxbye-d00d-playing-game.

But nice Bg2 names u came up with :p Dritz that is.

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