To GoA and the daoc-players: Roleplaying-servers



Hi :)

Daoc is refered to as: MMORPG, Massive Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game. If im not mistaking :).

I remember the good old days, at the beta-stage. Everything seemed so big, unexplored, and there were no such thing as: Nerf, 0wn, whine, etc., ppl loved their classes, and would love to give out a few extra hours to get lvl 5.
I remember i used ... 6 days (?) to get lvl 10 :). But so what? I loved playing with the people, and they loved playing with me. We were in no hurry.

I've lost all what i felt 7 month ago. More anoying people have entered daoc, ofcause there are room for all. But people speak in a new tone, like:

ty for rez
k, cu
thx, bb

I miss the old times :(.
I was in a mid-grp a month ago, which has this major roleplaying going on. It want to play more, and daoc became more than just a Massive Multiplayer Online Game, it became a Roleplaying Game.
People played their classes, like if they were real persons.
"Thank you, m'lady", "I feel tired, could we rest a bit, my fellowers", etc.

I've contacted GoA on "RightNow", asking for Roleplaying-servers. But got a reply sounds likely:
"No, we can't put up more servers untill the population increases."

I won't demand roleplaying-servers, that's not my type, but think about it.
I think all lvl 50 players need a change, and we are getting PvP 1-2 month after US, which is a long time, if you are getting bored.

In short:
I hope you GoA-people can convince that UK needs roleplaying-servers, to make this Massive Multiplayer Online Game to a Massive Multiplayer Online Roleplaying Game.

Post your thoughts,

With greetings from Cowled.


in the beta it was free=)

and you know... time=money!

now you have to pay so you feel that you need to get to the max lvl so you can get value for your money=)


I would love RP servers - although I don't feel the game as a concept is up for RPing.
To little interaction with the game world possible - then all we will have is people running around speaking some wierd tounge (a midgard saying m'lady? - hmm, conflicts with my Viking image :) ) made from some shakespearean english.

I would love for l337-sp34k to get away, peopel can at least type out words, although I've found myself to to this also on rare occasions: kay instead of okay, omw instead of on my way.
Would also love for people to stay a bit more incharacter - but roleplaying as a concept, I think this game is to limited for.

(but if a server comes up when I still play DAoC - I'll be there for sure :) )

Herbal Remedy

i love goas we cant do x y and z unless the server population increases well duh advertise the fookin game in britain , why does english servers have lowest population no a single add anywhere france germany got big add campains england didnt .......

Nishar Sunee

I agree, would love an Role Playing server, but a small correction, if u look on the back of the game box in the small print u will find that mythic/goa refer to this game as a Massively Multiplayer Game, no role-playing there :-(


Trade for a USA account Guinevere is the most popular server in america atm (RP server).

retard boy you make me laugh


Not many people play this game as a role playing game... you want ur head checked out if you do


Didn't daoc won MMORPG of the year?

If there isn't any RPG, they shouldn't have the award :) simple as that.


I hate to say this cuase i also want more rp but as long as goa says that every server is a roleplaying one we wont get a rp only server.

Best thing would still be that rpers come together and form up rp guilds...would be a start....


i posted about the same question to GOA (rightnow thingie) like maybe 5 months ago... and the answer was:

"We consider all of our server role-playing servers, therefore we have no plans on introducing specific role-playing servers." =(

i mean like someone said in another thread; they haven't played the game they have created.... there is really not much roleplay on the regular servers... an all roleplay server would be soo much fun, i would defenitely open my account again if one arrived...!


I would love to play on a roleplaying server, but Mythic can´t oficially anounce one server to differ from the others as a roleplaying server, since they have marketed the game as a roleplaying game ( meaning all servers). If they did they could risk law sues.
Another thing is: RvR as a roleplayer.
In RvR it is essential that information flow very quickly, seconds can decide the outcome af a battle in certain situations. Therefore I do not beleive that roleplayers will have much success in RvR, and will in time not be RvRíng, because of this fact. This lack of RvRíng will keep some roleplayers away from the server/guild in my opinion.
On the other hand if ceratin guild acroos the realms made some agreements on roleplaying in RvR, it could be possible. It would only take that the GM´s of the different realm guilds could communicate on some kinda IRC.


Originally posted by old.Galieran
I would love to play on a roleplaying server, but Mythic can´t oficially anounce one server to differ from the others as a roleplaying server, since they have marketed the game as a roleplaying game ( meaning all servers). If they did they could risk law sues.
Another thing is: RvR as a roleplayer.
In RvR it is essential that information flow very quickly, seconds can decide the outcome af a battle in certain situations. Therefore I do not beleive that roleplayers will have much success in RvR, and will in time not be RvRíng, because of this fact. This lack of RvRíng will keep some roleplayers away from the server/guild in my opinion.
On the other hand if ceratin guild acroos the realms made some agreements on roleplaying in RvR, it could be possible. It would only take that the GM´s of the different realm guilds could communicate on some kinda IRC.

They wont risk law sues..
They already got roleplaying-servers at US.

---> <---



Ok I must admit I´m not the best RolePlayer in the game using almost every singe short scentence I can get over. This is mostly because I´m from SWEDEN and I´m not a very fast typer



Arrrggg sorry for that I pressed enter by mistake...anyways why don´t u direct the GOA team to this thread scince they seem to reply the same answers to everyone. It might help, I don´t know but it could be worth a try, right?

Elvodus Firestorm 42.02 (heh finally 0.8 bubs from 43 )
Elvoduz 7 (elequently put by a good ingame friend MINIELVO )


Its a great idea to have a roleplaying server, but to be honest until the population of the two servers increase all an extra server is going to do is to dillute the population of Prydwen and Excalibur

Meaning that fewer people would be on the servers in general, now this could be considered a good thing but without more people and another server to support and pay for, GOA hardly have an incentive to invest, they would be increasing their expenditure and not increasing their revenue

In the future possibly as I remember when the servers first started it was claimed we would never get a PvP server.

Time is the only enemy

This is just my opinion and belief.


PMed a goa-guy on BW, to look at this thread, but no reply :(


I think at the moment your best bet is to try and create RP guilds....
or try roleplaying at people :)

I know I'll respond to a 'good day sir' with some RP, or even 'eww a mercenary, guild of shadows scum' :)

unfortunately generally not much whilst grouping - too dangerous to type out in character... but I try and keep my /says /yells etc in character...


Yeah, cos you never abbreviate words in-game do you Cowled?
"scout LFG"
"ffs ppl never want scouts"
etc etc etc
/em lassoes the high-horse and throws it in a bag


Originally posted by old.Odysseus
Then move to US servers.

Eeh, why?

Shouldn't we have the same as US?

Cuz they got roleplaying servers.


Originally posted by old.LandShark
Yeah, cos you never abbreviate words in-game do you Cowled?
"scout LFG"
"ffs ppl never want scouts"
etc etc etc
/em lassoes the high-horse and throws it in a bag

This thread wasn't made to flame someone.

I use short sentenses, none over the above, except "scout lfg", ofc.

Servers without these short "notes" would be good.

Btw, who are u?


role playing servers sound cool.
i met somebody once in Dart moor just stiiling on the group a asked him what he was doing adn he called me m'lady i felt honoured adn it gave me a buzz. he said he was just looking up at the stars adn listening to the moon. soo romatic.

Anyways, a true role playing server would be great,
I like being called m'lady.

Also if u are that tank, think either armsman or paladin. message me in game.

Tilda AndCo


Originally posted by Tilda
role playing servers sound cool.
i met somebody once in Dart moor just stiiling on the group a asked him what he was doing adn he called me m'lady i felt honoured adn it gave me a buzz. he said he was just looking up at the stars adn listening to the moon. soo romatic.

Anyways, a true role playing server would be great,
I like being called m'lady.

Also if u are that tank, think either armsman or paladin. message me in game.

Tilda AndCo

No dating through my threads, Tilda :p

No seriously! .. U got the point! I want roleplaying, and that is what roleplaying can do, breath new life into daoc!


Originally posted by Cowled
Didn't daoc won MMORPG of the year?

If there isn't any RPG, they shouldn't have the award :) simple as that.
depends what your talking about what award many magazines gave anarchy online game of the year over daoc (aparently anarchy online has hugely evolved since release)
as for roleplay servers on us it works due to heavy monitering , Name have to be suitable (no 'Speedi bootz' etc) and actions are based on a roleplay style, as for those who dont want to rp there are neough servers to just 0play the game on (actually more normal servers than rp servers). if goa market the game as aroleplay game then why dont they enforce this as mythic do. I had a luri enchanter on merlin called 'Microcosm TheMidget' his name got promptly changed to 'Mythriden'. as long as you have names about like 'iOWNZj00' then rp is going to be none existant

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