To Friars or people thinking of rolling one - Retiring. (Ocond please read).



Get a guild that is not too focused on fielding so-called "perfect" groups.


Originally posted by Hedek
The problem is that friars have no more "fun factor" in solo RvR, friars have no "trick", our styles are made so that only one is really useful and it's an anytime (because of our low weaponskill we can not afford to use other styles that have less than a medium to hit bonus).

Sorry, you have the wrong idea here aswell.

weaponskill effects bypassing block/parry/evade. to-hit on styles (just like defensive bonus on styles) only effects the hit/miss check.

The reasons you mostly use Boon are

a) It is a good style which does good damage on it's own
b) Evade chains (and any reactionary chains for that matter) are not used much in RvR because you primarily are not supposed to be hitting someone who is hitting you back (either you don't evade, or you don't hit the person you evaded).
c) You only have 1 positional chain (side), but you need to land 2 parts of the chain before it does more damage than spamming Boon, and you need to land 3 styles (and have 44staff) before you get the benefit of the stun.

Originally posted by Hedek
A higher dex is really our last problem : we already enough dmg per hit. We need higher weaponskill yes, but not necessarily higher dex.

Higher weaponskill => higher damage per hit and getting past defenses (block/parry/evade) better.

You can't raise weaponskill without raising damage (unless you take something else away).


Originally posted by - Fedaykin -
friars dex needs to raise as a statistic instead of that shitty dex/qui self buff u get

i never quite understood why it doesn't seeing as dex (staff) is your main damage stat.

You need to get a new teamleader, a person who knows what he's doing.

Mythic has stated many times that they cannot(or would rather not) change the raising stats due to limitations in the game engine. We're hardly the only class with the raising stat problem (bard emp, caster qui...).


Azo and myself wish you all the best Hedek. Justice had some good times back in the day :)


Originally posted by Vim
Going to have PvE fun with Tuska, and maybe RvR if i get groups.. Probably gettin RR4 but then rolling a mincer (Solo/Stealthgroup/Group = WIN) when i got time :| Can still pharm with Friar..

Waiting for LOVE :)

sounds like me, i got 11 levels to go on my mincer ;)

doubt i will bother to get to rr4 though


Originally posted by Woutman
Arezina is in fact friar number 5 , with only 20k less rps than the pansy FC friar Cabo,

not for long :)

Hedek i know what u think, but friar couldnt be never be as good as pure tank, why? Cos then no1 will play with tanks, and as friar u have many things that tanks dont have, and tanks have many things that friars dont have. So if u want char who could heal, buff, do dmg etc count with it that u will do less dmg than pure tank and u dont have cheap RA + determ.


Katz, you obviously didn't read the post where I'm asking for more groupability and explain that our melee is great for a secondary healer of the realm but that our group friendlyness is lacking.

Friars are very good meleers provided they can also heal and buff. But friars aren't group friendly enough for a secondary healer of the realm. And if you wanted to compare with wardens, bards and shamans, I'd say our good melee doesn't make up for what they can provide to their group. So they either raise our melee even more, either give friars more utility, it's as simple as that, until then, friars aren't fun in RvR.

People say Thanes are gimps, i was duoing with another thane in Emain cause we couldn't get groups. We were standing on MMG. 2 fg albs approched, we chain casted our aoe dd, the 2 fg stopped moving, had a few secs of hesitation, then when they realised we were only 2 they rushed in and killed us. But we did kill 4 of their casters in the process, was lot of fun. In keep defense/attack thanes are also one of the most useful/fun class. I have played many chars in RvR so I think I can compare, and my friar has brought me nothing but frustration. (friar, frustration, sounds close, lol)


Originally posted by katzzzz
not for long :)

Hedek i know what u think, but friar couldnt be never be as good as pure tank, why? Cos then no1 will play with tanks, and as friar u have many things that tanks dont have, and tanks have many things that friars dont have. So if u want char who could heal, buff, do dmg etc count with it that u will do less dmg than pure tank and u dont have cheap RA + determ.

i dont care what ppl say, fact is if you group a friar everyone in the group has to work harder to compensate; and the rewards aren't worth it.

its not that i dont play friar anymore cos i cant kill people, its that i dont want my team to suffer.


friars r fine vs hibs where cc is usually mezz (curable) or heat based stun (which they give a nice resist buff for) but vs mids with cc falling out there ass, yes friars have problems, just like any other class without det. even det3-4 tanks have problems being effective vs good mid grps tho...


Originally posted by Athis and someone else
Mythic has stated many times that they cannot(or would rather not) change the raising stats due to limitations in the game engine. We're hardly the only class with the raising stat problem (bard emp, caster qui...).

No 'starting skill pt' respec though <grumble grumble>


ok , Haveing a RR6 frair myself ( even though GOA still havent' sent me my poxy passwords for nearly 6 weeks now :/ ) I still enjoy playing my friar . and yes i dont' usualy get grps other than Guild grps. I've enjoyed RvRing with him, and PvE it's great fun.
atm it's Tank grps or no grp. But that is not down to the players, it's down to mytic and one class .. Savages. The only way the other realms can try and stop these RP farming grps is to form a Tank grp of there own.

With out purge up my friar is d00med. But when it is up yes i charge in and do my best to take down the support classes ( well untill the savages head back my way) or when it's needed i Heal . For the last few weeks i had been playing Gamblor i only really took him out for RvR when the Mighty Cerdin would get a Keep take going. Now my Rej s00ks ( 15) but hey i love my friar, and i will continue to RvR with him. Soloing on Excal is a thing of the past , and if u do come accross a solo enemy they will be b00fed.

HW is fun, it's mostly mini battels unless mids want df and DC is defended. Excals motto should be "Zerg or die" , i'm sorry but that is how it is mostly now.

Friers against unbuffed enemys = Uber
Friar against buffed enemys = fun sometimes

well i'm off to spam someother board now ....

P.S. GOA's Customer support doesnt do anything


Main problem with daoc is hybrids not getting determination.

From day one mythic should have reduced mezz duration in RvR by 50%, its currently 1 min+ so that it works well in pve. No need for it to be that high in rvr though.

Mythic make a quick fix by adding det to 25% of the classes and although tanks needed it the most (suffering terribly from mezz and root) other classes needed it as well.

Imo a better fix would have been:
Tanks: 75% shorter root, 50% shorter mezz at det 5
Hybrids: 50% shorter root, 50% shorter mezz at det 5
Casters: 25% shorter root, 75% shorter mezz at det 5
Healers: 50% shorer mezz, 50% shorter root at det 5

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