To Friars or people thinking of rolling one - Retiring. (Ocond please read).



To Friars or people thinking of rolling one - Retiring.

Ocond please remove /ignore. I don't really know why you ignored me, is it because I mentionned I wanted to sell my account or because I said I wanted to use cheat programs ?

Point is I was very angry, had one week of ugly RvR.

Today, I spent 3 hours atk emain and couldn't get a group, when I finally got one I had to log (RL calling).

I went to Odin's, got killed twice by the same buffbotted champion. Got killed by a self buffed RR4 warden (IP was down from the 2nd champion fight). Got killed by a solo savage (dunno if he was buffed) who killed the ranger that attacked me (the ranger only had time to throw one arrow at me so i was almost at full life). When I saw the ranger being attacked by the savage I rush towards the ranger and didn't even care to attack him : I started hitting the savage right way while he was still hitting the ranger (the ranger didn't last long though, 2 rounds later he was dead). Then, while fighting against the savage i was waiting to be at 10-20% life to pop IP. When I was about to use IP he made a quad hit and got quarter of my bar immediately down and killed me.

I'm tired of the Alb mentality on Excalibur where only "perfect groups" are viable. I'm tired of the way Mythic changed game mechanics that totally killed friars (pure tanks RAs, useless fire/heat/matter resists, and no benefit from buffbots) and that makes my friar an utter gimp in RvR.

Yesterday, after 7 hours of RvR (including time waiting on pad and at atk) I made 5.5k rps, today, after 5 hours of RvR (including time waiting on pad and at atk)I made 1.3k rps. I'm talking in terms of RP, don't think I'm rp greedy, this is just a concrete way to give you an idea of the "fun" I'm having.

So, I gave up wanting to sell my account because I don't want to see another player have the furstrations as me.
And I also gave up wanting to use cheat programs (speed hack, radar, data stream alteration, taking advantage of server ping to do side pos styles in duels, etc.) because I'm complaining about not being able to have fun and doing such things would prevent others from having fun, which is what I'm fighting against the most. Please people read well, I never USED em, I thought of using em.

I am a nice person, or so I used to be, always willing to help, when I was xping my friar, I never turned down someone asking for a rez if he's in the same area as me, I also died many times because of it (pve death) but said nevermind, i chose to be a rezzing class this is part of the deal (and yet all rezzers don't think like that). When I'm RvRing I always stop to rez or even when in a low death spam area (odin's for example) I often pm a soloer who just died asking him if he needs a rez (with the inner hope of maybe grouping with him).

I also flagged myself as /advisor as soon as I hit lvl 50 and had ALWAYS replied to ALL questions.

When I see 2 people dueling I used to not rush in and fight but rather watch them, /cheer the alb and heal him if he's about to die (to be sure albion wins ;). (nb: to non healing players, heal spells don't give/leech rps in rvr).

But things has changed as I got angrier and angrier. When people ask me for a rez it's usually "no sorry' when i'm in good mood or (f* off) when I'm not. When I see two soloers fighting I rush in and do as many hits as I can to take as much RPs as I can, and pray real hard for the alb to die so I can get even more RPs from RPs not being divised by 2 and from rezzing him.

Why ? because Mythic yes, AND because of other players. Because of not being able to both solo AND group. Because of not being able to solo because of buffbotted chars who kill all friars advantage (self dex/qui self af buff, etc). Because of not being able to group because of pure tank RAs, because of primary healer/mezzer/speed/end regen bot/tank groups only. Because of STUPID albion players who think the only preriquisite to doing a good group is the class when in fact a skilled player is more important than the "right" class.
Call me arrogant if you want, but with 6 lvl 50 chars, 1 RR7, 3 RR5, 1RR4 and 1RR2 I feel better than all you stupid newbs. I know the game better than most of you, yet how could I guess an RA called determination would one day be introduced in the game...

So here it is, i'm retiring my friar, and out of my 6 lvl 50 chars, gonna play only the one that's still fun in RvR : my healer. And no I won't reroll again and again, I'm tired.

People will say "yeah, we won't be losing anything, that Hedek was such an ass". What you don't understand is I'm playing this game to have fun and it ended up angering me, making me unfriendly more than anything.

People will say "yes ! Albion got rid of one more whiner, nice thing!"
Any one with half a brain will see that I'm not a whiner BUT yes I'm whining based on facts, based on having played so many chars that everyone agrees they are frustrating in RvR. Ask Jiggs, Cabo, Benedictine about RvR, just to name a few. Why have they retired their Friar ?
I'm one of the few zerks who was glad the LA nerf was coming because we were indeed overpowered. Smart zerks are still doing great if played well (good pos, good reactionary). I hardly ever used Double Frost before the LA nerf anyway, I was much mroe deadly using other styles, and now I'm still as deadly as before with my zerk yet the huge amount of savages on Midgard Ys made it so zerks don't get groups anymore. Why group a zerk when you can group a savage ? Savages killed zerks not the LA nerf. That was my point. And this was an example to prove you that I'm NOT a whiner, so stfu Alpha and all others who said I was. I DO whine but I'm NOT a whiner (sounds strange isn't it, but it's the truth).

My definition of a whiner : an infil who whines about his class when in fact he's too stupid to understand that if he used more styles with medium to high defense bonus he'd be evading much more for example.
Or an arms that whines at me because he loses 100% duels against my friar when he's unbuffed and don't understand when I tell him "who cares about how you perform in duels unbuffed when all that counts is how yuo perform in REAL rvr with blue/yellow cleric spec buffs".

To them I'd say stfu, stop whining, LEARN how to play your char and you'll do well. That doesn't apply to friars or Jiggs and others would still be playing with friars, or friars wouldn't be among the worst classes in weekly rps (cf.

So I'm retiring from Albion Excalibur, thanks to all the friends I met there, thanks to all the fun I had (because I did have some fun some times, long ago).

What I feel the most bitter about, is people not going to regret me because of how unfriendly, rude, etc... I have been during the last weeks.


Originally posted by Hedek
So I'm retiring from Albion Excalibur, thanks to all the friends I met there, thanks to all the fun I had (because I did have some fun some times, long ago).


well I see u´r fustration :(

and I´ll hope tpo see u around when friars get a bit upped

untill then :( :( :( :(

bb m8 and gl on YS !


I know how you feel, try playing a cabalist, thats even worse.


I somehow have to disagree with you Zeikerd ;) Indeed cabalists aren't great for the usual emain roaming groups but they can be very effective for keep taking/defense. Friars aren't even good at that. And cabalists are better than friars in PvE too.

So while I do agree that cabalists aren't an "all situation" fun rvr class, under certain circumstances they are great and especially if played right. Friars are now gimped in ANY situations. And are also outperformed by cabalists and necromancers in PvE.


You going prydwen now? Or some other realm in excalibur?


Read my sig :p I have 4 lvl 50 chars + a lvl 42 SM on another account on Ys ;)


Originally posted by Hedek
Read my sig :p I have 4 lvl 50 chars + a lvl 42 SM on another account on Ys ;)

Ohh, didn't even know Ys was a server :>


Though I can't forgive you not to put my name next to those famous friars (I wish to be named , edit that because Arezina is in fact friar number 5 , with only 20k less rps than the pansy FC friar Cabo, and I have solo'ed a 1000times more then him, and know the earlier patches :p -->I'm superior to Cabo ), I totally agree with your point of friars being weak in 1vs1 (also called buffed vs buffed) and groupcombat.
We all know the issues : Friars heal(-line) is crap , friars damage is not competitive vs tanks, and groups often use buffbots for basebuffs.
I've also semi-retired my friar from battle and playing my infiltrator for weekly rp pleasure :D .
Friars have been made redudant for RvR (well , lower RR's) , main reason is the selfbuffed nature of the friar..

Booo :( ( patch 1.50 till 1.54 where friar ownage times though, too bad if you missed that :p )


Arezina Calyptra lvl 50 RR6L3 Friar
Gorgothi Rainbow lvl 50 RR4L3 Infiltrator


my friars been retired for about 3 months now respecced him too but havent tried it out yet been having to much fun with my armsman :p


Haha nice to see you around Arezina, you're one of the few players (and chars) I respect on Albion Excalibur (for being both a nice/helpful/respectful person and well playing). I would have so much wished to speak a little bit with you :p Well I did mention your name in another thread at where I have lately been very active, trying to point out on friar's problems and suggest ideas that would help us : (i've mentionned you on 2nd page of this thread).

But since this isn't a friar-only board I thought there was no need to go into all the details of what problems friars are facing. Especially as most wouldn't understand em :p How many times have I heard people saying "No you're wrong, friars rock, I saw a RR2 one defeat a RR8 armsman in duel..."


Okay, so you say this

Originally posted by Hedek
I'm tired of the Alb mentality on Excalibur where only "perfect groups" are viable.

And this:

Originally posted by Hedek
Because of STUPID albion players who think the only preriquisite to doing a good group is the class when in fact a skilled player is more important than the "right" class.

And then you turn around and say this:

Originally posted by Hedek
So here it is, i'm retiring my friar, and out of my 6 lvl 50 chars, gonna play only the one that's still fun in RvR : my healer.

yet the huge amount of savages on Midgard Ys made it so zerks don't get groups anymore. Why group a zerk when you can group a savage ? Savages killed zerks not the LA nerf.

So it's all down to rude and stupid Alb/Exc players that your friar doesn't get groups, but on the other hand your Healer is the only other char you have that you can get groups with. How much RvR can you get with your Zerker or Thane now?

It's not an Alb/Exc issue, it's a game-wide issue that only certain classes work in RvR-groups.

Originally posted by Hedek
My definition of a whiner : an infil who whines about his class when in fact he's too stupid to understand that if he used more styles with medium to high defense bonus he'd be evading much more for example.

Well, as defensive bonus on styles has ABSOLUTELY NO EFFECT on evade rate, that would be a very stupid, ignorant and wrong definition.

A whiner is someone who complains a lot. You complain a lot.


Very good point Whyp. You're absolutely right. This thread is yet another proof of how rude, blind and arrogant I have because become of this game.

This isn't a Albion/Excalibur specific problem. But it does apply to Albion/Excalibur players too, so in that way I'm not totally wrong.
The difference is that on Midgard Ys I have a char that's still grouped so I'm not as bitter against them as I am against Alb/Exca. But indeed you've made a point here and proved how illogical I have become because of exacerbated (does that word exist in english?) feelings of frustration.

Yet I have to disagree with you about defense bonus having absolutely no effect on evade. A RR8 SB friend told me it does. And you say it doesn't. I guess it just proves how random player made tests can be. And until Mythic doesn't give the official state about it neither you or me can be called "wrong".


No, i was angry at you due to you're, and i quote.."I dont give a shit" attitude.

Running around odins yelling "SELLING LVL 50 FRIAR ACCOUNT!" Is'nt exactly the best and most safe way to sell, is it? - So i point this out to you, telling you that if GOA filter their logs for such language, you could well get your account banned, and i asked you how do you think the person buying, would feel if he just paid for a banned account? (Yes, would serves him right for buying an account in the first place, but lets not be petty cos yes, accounts are sold, and bought all the time.)


THAT, my friend pissed me off, but i figured, due to ur frustration it was safe to assume you didnt really mean it. BUT, later saying that you will CONTINUE?!?! - to use cheat programs that ur mate gave you...... just so that you could have a bit of fun b4 you get caught...well, that was the icing on the cake.

I like you, and I still do, but I feel saying all that wasnt really needed. Just do what i do when mad with RVR, (Believe it or not, it dosent always work for me either), Go and craft/trinket/GET RICH! or take a break, watch TV, go for a pint, or take thie piss out of Cerdin's typos (sorry) :D

In regard to selling up.... DONT sell your account....DONT delete or re-roll. Just take a break. Why did i ignore you? - I got fed up with your attitude.

Peace out.


Originally posted by Hedek
Yet I have to disagree with you about defense bonus having absolutely no effect on evade. A RR8 SB friend told me it does. And you say it doesn't. I guess it just proves how random player made tests can be. And until Mythic doesn't give the official state about it neither you or me can be called "wrong".

And if you're going to say that's just randomness of the test, I've nothing more to say. :rolleyes:


Thanks mate, this was a very interesting reading ;)
You are 100% right then :p


Re: To Friars or people thinking of rolling one - Retiring.

Well, sad to see you go. However, you were indeed quite unfriendly at times the last few weeks, I guess this clears it up a bit.
Originally posted by Hedek
What I feel the most bitter about, is people not going to regret me because of how unfriendly, rude, etc... I have been during the last weeks.
Hmm, I don't understand why you are bitter about your own behaviour -- rather, it is you who should regret your unfriendliness and rudeness, which may result in some people perhaps not missing you. /shrug


Originally posted by Ocond
or take thie piss out of Cerdin's typos (sorry) :D
Hmmpf, never happened! I nevar did singel typo in my hole life!


if you think friars are gimped now, you really have no idea...

what goes around etc..


I really undertand your frustration, going to emain as a thane gets you nothing but people laughing at you and thinking "wow she must be stupid not having rerolled a savage already"

/sigh at the current state of daoc :(



i havent played for the last few weeks and rarely went RvR when i did play but i remember you alongside me in Justice and have fond memories of you Hedek and i am glad i missed you becoming bitter and self-defeating.
sorry your opinion and attitude has become what it is now.
i will remember the fun times though.


i agree about friars lacking RvR, i think it does generally come down to the fact that friars are barely made any better by the presence of a cleric, especially cos of the absorb bug, where as all other melee classes are significantly improved by the presence of a cleric. Ofc if friars can stack their self buffs with cleric buffs then a nerf would land on them faster than very fast thing landing on something going up...very fast.

Originally posted by Jiggs
if you think friars are gimped now, you really have no idea...

what goes around etc..

atleast back in the day we had more available spec points for staff and rejuv since enhance was less important and a cleric would improve us to a similar state to how we are now. Infact, an early patch friar with a pally and cleric in grp would perform fairly similar to a late patch friar i expect.


although friar with fast staff could easily reaplce merc as MA and just bring more heal/rez power to a grp... but then of course we come to RAs...


I dont think that Friars r gimp, i have one RR6+ and i like him more and more, he is uber, an mucho better than stupid :)armsman (i have one too with IP, Purge and determ.), now he is my salvage bot.

In PvE im always main tank, cos with evade, parry and guard on me im almost untouchable :)
And in RvR im doing very nice dmg. i have my own end. regen so when our endurance bot :) is dead i still could do spec attack, i have rezz, base buffs, uber rezists (heat and cold rezists is always 60+), and if im rooted i could do nice and very fast healing.

What other char could do this: I met in RvR with 4 enemy. First was buffed-skald from NP who almost killed me, i healed myself and in 30 sec i was attacked from SB, he was dead very fast, 10 sec after i was attacked by another SB and ranger, i killed the SB then the ranger :) and that was when i were RR4 only. The SBs wasnt buffed, but do u still think that friars r gimped?

About sololing? If u arent buffed from bb, never try it, from bb u will get con/str. better dext/quic and better spec. shield. If im self buffed i have almost 1600 HP, if i have buffs from bb i have over 1900.

- Fedaykin -

friars dex needs to raise as a statistic instead of that shitty dex/qui self buff u get

i never quite understood why it doesn't seeing as dex (staff) is your main damage stat.

You need to get a new teamleader, a person who knows what he's doing.


You sir are the most worthless / stupid player i ve seen in this game for sure. No wonder u dont get grps when u sit allday at apk and tellin ppls and cryin on how worthless your class are.
And how it sucks when u lost a duel to some nubber.
If i would have liked you i d say , reroll class or stop whinin. But now i dont so i m happy to see you go albion lost the biggest nub whiner ever made. So BB and gl in french, nice to see you roll an SM in mid try it in RvR and u ll whine even more. Not sayin SM:s are underpowered compared to icewiz/chanter but if u actually left atk once u ll realise that mid play at its best these days with pure tank grps... Really get a grip or smt or just quit playin , 1 game cant fit all ppls. an easier game all in text get quite easy once u learnt swedish.


My friar is level 14 and I've killed 2fg of savages all alone.



Originally posted by - Fedaykin -
friars dex needs to raise as a statistic instead of that shitty dex/qui self buff u get

i never quite understood why it doesn't seeing as dex (staff) is your main damage stat.

You need to get a new teamleader, a person who knows what he's doing.
Mythic have stated on several occasions that it is not currently possible within the limitations of the game engine to change the stats which automatically increase as a character levels. This is why they have given a number of classes self-buffs to make up for poor choice of class stats.


Going to have PvE fun with Tuska, and maybe RvR if i get groups.. Probably gettin RR4 but then rolling a mincer (Solo/Stealthgroup/Group = WIN) when i got time :| Can still pharm with Friar..

Waiting for LOVE :)


Well as I have explained I didn't wish to go much in details as to why I wasn't pleased by my friar. I have explained that over at a friar only forum where most people there have a lvl 50 friar and can understand the examples and facts I'm giving.

But to sum it up quickly, friars aren't gimped by theirselves, it's the way the game and the game mechanics that have evolved that has made them redundant.

Also I have always been convinced to always be a nice addition to a group, but watching groups taking a RR2/3/4 merc over me convinced that I'd better stop playing cause it'll be too hard to explain them that I can outperform a low RR merc even without determination and I can be more useful than a high RR merc under other circumstances. Friars by themselves aren't gimped, they were made redundant, or so most people are thinking, and maybe this post of mine is just fueling this common idea.

Yes I've done solo wonders too : I killed 2 hunters while they were both attacking me at the same time, one of them was Fatbelly so you can't say they were "noob hunters". And before I could even heal up a solo bard showed up and I won.

The problem is that friars have no more "fun factor" in solo RvR, friars have no "trick", our styles are made so that only one is really useful and it's an anytime (because of our low weaponskill we can not afford to use other styles that have less than a medium to hit bonus). And the outcome of a fight that depend on whether I played well or not or anything, but whether my ennemy is fully buffed or not. Where's the fun if a the outcome of a fight is determined before you've even started fighting ? We don't even have the advantage of a self end regen buff, since more and more soloers carry end pots with them. New game mechanics have killed what made friars unique, we are therefore redundant (alchemy, buffbots, etc.).

Yes I'm currently leveling a spiritmaster. My wish has never been to be the ubah playa that rox on everything. My wish is to have fun. I have one gank group dedicated char (an augmention healer that teams up perfectly well with a pacification healer and that is loved by tanks for his celerity). And i'm leveling a spiritmaster, because of course I'll die a lot, of course I'll be targeted first as a caster, but if played right, with team mates who know their job, it is very fun. I have always fought against uniformization of the game and "one trick rvr type". Heavy tank gank groups that have arose lately are disgusting. And I'm glad Garbannoch/Domain CF groups and Twinkles LA pbaoe groups are still quite effective.

And yes the current Mid groups are most heavy tank ones, but a well played Mid pbaoe group is the deadliest (highest dmg delve value and DAoC's only aoe stun) in other words, they can be very fun.

On a last note, please Fedaykin, if you've never played a friar don't say what we need. A higher dex is really our last problem : we already enough dmg per hit. We need higher weaponskill yes, but not necessarily higher dex. We also need more group features.
And things I have suggested are :
- Making our self only end cost reduction cost a group buff (similar to resists, one single cast every 10 minutes).
- Making our self haste buff a group benefit 3 sec buff similar to that of healers (and possibly, making the last one an insta cast).
- Swapping cleric resists with friars resists.
- Taking the heal proc from cleric enh line and putting it in friar's rejuv line.
- Adding a spec group heal similar to that of bards to the friar rejuv line.

As you can see, I do not wish to see friars be made better soloers, because for a secondary healer of the realm we are already great soloers. Dieing to a well played buffed stealther or champion (gratz to Galahand for the nice duels we had the other day) is fair ONLY IF our groupability makes up for it. Friars need to be better healers and bring more/unique perks to their group.

But for a class that is hardly grouped, we have become bad soloers. As I have suggested to the friar TL : either improve our solo abilities (by improving our styles, increasing our weapon skil, and allow ALL our self buffs to stack with cleric buffs - dex/qui and spec af) either improve our group skills by highlighting the fact I prefer the second alternative... since no matter how overpowered they can make a class, if it can't stealth or move at minstrel speed it can't pick its fights and therefore can't be a good soloer.

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