Rant To cheer you all up!


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 25, 2003
Wazz, that post has to be the biggest load of shit I've seen on these boards for a long time.


Artist formerly known as Ignus
Jan 1, 2004
To be honest, if someone is scared of dying that much they should not be in charge of weapons as it is only going to cloud their judgment.

That there is possibly the stupidest thing I have ever read on these forums wazz. Clearly you watch too many films and consider what your learn from them as fact. People who use weapons are not robocop, they are real people with real emotions. TBH anybody NOT afraid of dying shouldn't be in charge of a weapon because they're cearly not all there?

Have you ever trained with fire arms, or even fired a gun? If not stfu!!!


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Of course you do Nath, what else would you do? Some of you lots ideas are mindbogglingly stupid.

Your suggestion is -

Shoot the bloke, then ask him how he feels? "I feel like" BOOM.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Try not to be such a complete and utter fuckwit throd, there's a good retard.

If he was a suicide bomber, shoot him 15 times in the face. The point is you said "If you think someone is a suicide bomber". If you know they are, fuck it - take all your middle-england xenophobia rage out on him to your hearts content.

Fucking cock.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Try not to be such a complete and utter fuckwit throd, there's a good retard.

If he was a suicide bomber, shoot him 15 times in the face. The point is you said "If you think someone is a suicide bomber". If you know they are, fuck it - take all your middle-england xenophobia rage out on him to your hearts content.

Fucking cock.

Dont be such a hair splitting fucking wanker. You know exactly what I mean, you know the arguement is fucking INDEFENSIBLE so you try to beat me by saying I think rather than I know. You stupid stupid ****.

You really are one of the most smug wankers that exists on Freddyshouse. Christ you were born for the internet, if it wasnt for that you'd never be able to vent you pathetic bullshit opinions. Just get in the real world for gods sake.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
I wasn't defending wazz's post, I think it's a little unrealistic I was attacking your point which I had no reason to think you meant "If you know someone is a suicide bomber" I got the impression you're one of those pussies who'd quite happily kill a bunch of brown people just to get a little bit of personal security. You accuse me of being a smug wanker but you clearly fit the role of internet rightwing granddad. "Honestly, you young wippersnappers and your liberal ideas. Live a little and you'll soon change". It's so fucking ridiculously arrogant and moronic, the idea that being a bit older makes your opinion more valid seeps through every post you make and it's clearly a crock of shit.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 25, 2003
It's so fucking ridiculously arrogant and moronic, the idea that being a bit older makes your opinion more valid seeps through every post you make and it's clearly a crock of shit.

Unfortunately though, the point about capping suicide bombers multiple times in the head still stands.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
I wasn't defending wazz's post, I think it's a little unrealistic I was attacking your point which I had no reason to think you meant "If you know someone is a suicide bomber" I got the impression you're one of those pussies who'd quite happily kill a bunch of brown people just to get a little bit of personal security. You accuse me of being a smug wanker but you clearly fit the role of internet rightwing granddad. "Honestly, you young wippersnappers and your liberal ideas. Live a little and you'll soon change". It's so fucking ridiculously arrogant and moronic, the idea that being a bit older makes your opinion more valid seeps through every post you make and it's clearly a crock of shit.

Where have I said that? Where have I said anything about your age ? You're 27 by the way, thats not that young anyway is it??

You clearly are a smug wanker. You're just looking for a reason to have an argument. The discussion was in the context that the armed police bloke had been told the brazillian bloke was a suicide bomber. He ran after him ,and shot him multiple times in the head. Now, allowing for the fact that the police bloke believed he was a suicide bomber, Wazz's theory is that he should have been able to disarm a suicide bomber without the use of force. My theory is that you have a split second before the fanatical Jehadi blows you and himself up. Hence you have to shoot him and carry on doing so until he stops moving. Im sure if you actually think about it you could agree that point, not that you will ever admit it on here, you dont have to, you can just type some other bollocks and ignore what I've said anyway.

This whole incident was a disaster for everyone else, not least the Brazillian bloke ... but that has nothing to do with Wazz's theory. which is fucking bollocks.

You on the other hand, are fucking bollocks too. I've tried to put up with your self-righteous posts on here for ages, tried to see the sense in it, but frankly theres no point. You're a twat.


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 31, 2008
Ive looked over these forums for a while now, and never posted/joined because of some of the things people say which are unbelievable...yet this post...honestly now...

You whine at the police for being supposedly "trigger happy" yet do you actually know anything about how the police act day-to-day?

This case made the news because it was the exception, the police as a general standard, dont draw their firearms.

I worked in criminal law all of last year, and the amount of times the police state that they are in a situation which they adduce to be too volatile to draw a firearm as it will escalate the situation to a point where someone will get killed, and act using simply "truncheon" and, in extreme cases, "pepper" spray in order to restore peace in as minimal a way as possible, was beyond belief. If you want proof, a case in nottingham involving over 60 asian youths having a public brawl, smashing windows throwing bottles/glasses and displaying knives in the city centre. over 70 police were called to the scene, including 4 armed response units, the armed police stayed 100 yards away throughout the entire incident so as not to make it worse.

The police in England are amongst the most restrained in the world when it comes to firearms, yes, in this case they over reacted, they read the situation wrong, the officers who fired 7 shots into an innocent mans face now has to live the rest of his life with that guilt, knowing that he totally failed in his civic duty. Who are you to criticise him though? My guess is that you read an article in the Sun saying that some maveric cop went on an armed crusade and shot a black man, comparisons to hitler were probably drawn...

Well done sir.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
You clearly are a smug wanker. You're just looking for a reason to have an argument. The discussion was in the context that the armed police bloke had been told the brazillian bloke was a suicide bomber. He ran after him ,and shot him multiple times in the head. Now, allowing for the fact that the police bloke believed he was a suicide bomber, Wazz's theory is that he should have been able to disarm a suicide bomber without the use of force. My theory is that you have a split second before the fanatical Jehadi blows you and himself up. Hence you have to shoot him and carry on doing so until he stops moving. Im sure if you actually think about it you could agree that point, not that you will ever admit it on here, you dont have to, you can just type some other bollocks and ignore what I've said anyway.

As I said previously I wasn't defending wazz's post, again - I found it unrealistic. I got the impression from your post that you were happy for people to be executed if someone merely thought they were a suicide bomber - thus displaying a bit of a callous attitude towards the incident and a lack of respect for (brown skinned) human life. If that wasn't your attitude then I read it wrong. You assuming that I won't be able to admit that I was wrong/misread you clearly shows you have absolutely no clue who I am or what I'm about.

But you're still a fuckwit.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
I bet you wish you were born "brown skinned " don't you Nath, then you could really have something to feel sorry for yourself about?

If there bloke who got shot was white it probably wouldnt have bothered you half as much, typical Guardian reading twat.

I'm not bothered what colour someone is Nath, much less than you are I reckon. But you can't believe that and I'm certainly not going to prove it to you, so you'll have to carry on thinking whatever old bollocks gets you through you day.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Oh I thought we were done.

All I'm saying is that (and I'm not trying to mend bridges here) that's the impression I got from your post, and your posting history. Evidently I was wrong. As to the rest of the shit you posted, it's so incredibly stupid on several levels that I'll not bother responding to it.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Fucking mending bridges?? You truly dont get it do you? And as you've got fuck all to do (except possibly right some kind of angsty poem about why the world hates you) you can sit on here all night making you shit smug comments. Keep it up, it's actually funny.

edit Oh my god I spelt "write" "right" !! Does that mean I'm "Wrong"?? Clever play on words Nath, I'm just waiting for it, go on don't disapoint!


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Clearly I don't get it, but I think you've got me confused with someone who listens to Marilyn Manson. You've also got me confused with someone who has something invested in this conversation and possibly even your opinion of me.

By all means explain it to me if you care to.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Clearly I don't get it, but I think you've got me confused with someone who listens to Marilyn Manson. You've also got me confused with someone who has something invested in this conversation and possibly even your opinion of me.

By all means explain it to me if you care to.

What a smug twat.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Alrighty, so are we done?

By the by, for future reference, no one will think any less of you for using the edit function for correcting spelling mistakes like that rather than pointing them out as some sort of method of defending yourself against spelling and/or grammar nazis. I barely even registered it, I expect the same could be said for any other poor ****s still reading this thread.


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 31, 2008
Well done for getting that little addage in there.

Strange how you choose the word nazi though...


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Strange how you choose the word nazi though...

Come on, you said you've been following this forum for a while (and actually I'm pretty sure it's not restricted to this one) but it's a common term for anyone who picks on spelling/grammar errors.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Alrighty, so are we done?

By the by, for future reference, no one will think any less of you for using the edit function for correcting spelling mistakes like that rather than pointing them out as some sort of method of defending yourself against spelling and/or grammar nazis. I barely even registered it, I expect the same could be said for any other poor ****s still reading this thread.

You really are a smug twat arent you :(


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 31, 2008
So you claim now...now that youve been uncovered some might say...smacks of desperation that response, "everyone else does it though".

You should rise above it.

Most people I know use the expression "Grammar police" although, given the stance youve taken on this thread, I imagine that you see the british police force as a neo-nazi sect anyway.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
So you claim now...now that youve been uncovered some might say...smacks of desperation that response, "everyone else does it though".

Sorry I'm not quite sure what I've been uncovered as doing? I made a comment about grammar nazis (incidentally not accusing anyone of being one) and you seem intent on making something out of it, I can't quite work out why. Also the "everyone else does it though" comment by you suggests that there's something inherently wrong with the term "grammar nazi". You're right though, grammar police is the more common term - still not seeing the issue here.

You also seem to have projected some opinion of the police on to me that's wholly inaccurate. I've said at least twice now that I don't share Wazz's sentiments on the situation.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Yet you keep referring to nazis...subconscious guilt maybe?
You're seem really keen to stick to this completely insignificant point. I mention grammar nazi as a throwaway comment and you pounce on it. I respond to your comment and use it again in my response (given that we're still discussing it) and you're amateur psycho-analysing it. What's the deal?

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