To anyone abusing a bug it the Barrows



This is not cheating. This is playing a bugged game. We should get money back instead of being banned. Someone said it very well. Im not using a bugged bow, im playing a bugged game. He is right.

Its total amazement how Mythic/GOA points blaming fingers for people using tricks. Instead of investigating all those who abuse your sucky bugs, go investigate how to solve these bugs so no-one can cheat. Fix the game!!!

I feel sick about this. People here are just trying to get others banned. What is this??? WW2 ?? Where people betrayed you to the germans.

I never abused or exploited but ive seen many people do it in various ways and on all realms. However I don't feel the urge to send e-mails to GOA and smiling/partying when they ban people.

My 2 cents.



Look at the original post, read the thread.

We will look into ways of preventing this spot from being abused in the future. Also we will take the necessary actions against people who abuse it.

WTF does that mean then ? Maybe that they'll try 2 fix it ?

WTF has this got 2 do with WW2 or Germans ????????

And if u've seen peole abusing bug/exploiting them the why haven't you reported them, it's people like you that mean these bugs still exist. If Mythic/GOA don't know it's going on how are they supposed 2 fix it !!!!!!!


Ah, in the end, we'll all smile and live another day...

People that cheat by leveling their chars that way (or buy a level 40+ char) will (in the end) be below average RvR players (in my opinion)...

But if I could cheat my way from 43.7 to 50, I'd probably go for it... It's just too boring to do another 3 hours of tanglers to get 44, from where I have to do several play days to get 50 at tree's... (wtf is this '44 minimum' in tree groups :( )

I do not plan on leveling Wedge till 50 unless its all done in guild groups doing something else then the same mob...
(ooh btw, unless you've rvr'ed a lot more lately, I probably have more Rp's then you ;) at least thats what I heard from Pfy)


Yup Wedge pretty much stopped playing my Cleric when it hit 50 cause it's not a class I enjoy much RvR as it's too inflexible, you have to have a good grp or it's useless unlike my Minst which I can use solo or in a grp depending on how I feel.

Can't remember the last time I went RvR with it. I only log it on for Epics, DM, Relics, Guild Keep takes, Crafting or helping m8s get the last few % for a lvl if they can't find a grp.


Originally posted by -Wedge-
Ah, in the end, we'll all smile and live another day...

People that cheat by leveling their chars that way (or buy a level 40+ char) will (in the end) be below average RvR players (in my opinion)...

But if I could cheat my way from 43.7 to 50, I'd probably go for it... It's just too boring to do another 3 hours of tanglers to get 44, from where I have to do several play days to get 50 at tree's... (wtf is this '44 minimum' in tree groups :( )

I do not plan on leveling Wedge till 50 unless its all done in guild groups doing something else then the same mob...
(ooh btw, unless you've rvr'ed a lot more lately, I probably have more Rp's then you ;) at least thats what I heard from Pfy)

Heh, you prolly do. Then again you also have more than Pac , Me, Gal etc ... ;] Must be all that grey ganking ages ago ;D

(OT: Congo, beer? As theres more chance of you reading this than my emails)


Originally posted by Pfy

(OT: Congo, beer? As theres more chance of you reading this than my emails)


No m8 off 2 get my Minst 2 50 abusing a bug in the barrows 2nite :p


Lol, m8, mind if I join you with my Uber Leet Level 17 Fire Wizzie?
LMAO :clap:

And Pfy, the gray ganking was only to bring out the higher cons... And your catching up to me (ok, with my help ;))...

It is kinda funny that some classes are pretty enjoyable in PvE (my Armsman), but suck arse in RvR...

But thats all OT... :p
All cheating is lame, unless I can cheat too ahahahhahahaha :clap:


Heh ...

Btw, is it just me or is this game a bit like WW2, what with it being full of Germans and the such?



I feel sick about this. People here are just trying to get others banned. What is this??? WW2 ?? Where people betrayed you to the germans.
So, just to make perfectly sure I understand exactly what you are saying, your position is that reporting cheaters in a game to the administrators is morally the same thing as denouncing Jews in hiding and resistance fighters to the Gestapo in Europe during the Nazi occupation.

I want to make sure there's no misunderstanding and that's really what you meant to say, because frankly I think you deserve some sort of recognition for the stupidest post in the history of online gaming. Maybe a small trophy, or some sort of commemorative hat.


Np Wedge we just have 2 get our chars there, which might be kinda tricky ;)

And I'd have 2 take screenies and report us both of course :p


Originally posted by Alrindel

So, just to make perfectly sure I understand exactly what you are saying, your position is that reporting cheaters in a game to the administrators is morally the same thing as denouncing Jews in hiding and resistance fighters to the Gestapo in Europe during the Nazi occupation.

I want to make sure there's no misunderstanding and that's really what you meant to say, because frankly I think you deserve some sort of recognition for the stupidest post in the history of online gaming. Maybe a small trophy, or some sort of commemorative hat.

Here you go, a trophy in the form of a hat! Kinda ...



Originally posted by c0ngo
So IF a chain pull is bug abuse and NOT just the way social creatures are supposed to react what patch fixes it ?

1.51 I believe, the "anti-kiting" code, which also happens to cure auto-pulls.


More likely u wanted to rape the spot for items and couldnt get near it

Btw the above was completely wrong.

There's nothing in the barrows I want for either my Cleric or my Minst I was only attempting to help an Inf in Guild...

And from an earlier post;

Congo: "Nope I was helping Hidden lvl while getting drps for guildies" :rolleyes:

I personally wouldnt grass a realm mate for finding a clever way to xp. I would however grass anyone and everyone for RvR exploits which gives one human player an unfair advantage over another fee-paying human player. Thats my line. Yours is drawn differently obviously. Some will praise u for it, others like me, wont :)


So let me get this straight (I'm a dumb Middy). In the Barrows (your equivalent of Spindelhalla) there is a point from which you can pull mobs, kill them, but cannot be attacked by the mobs.

This is a blatant cheat as it gives players 'in the know' the oppurtunity to level much more quickly than those that don't.

Anyone defending it because its PvE is deluding themselves "because it's not a person like in RvR"....Derr!!!!

So if you find a loot that is bugged and sells for like 1plat you wouldn't consider this cheating then ? Noone gets hurt, surely, it's a victimless crime, no ? WRONG.

The abusers gain an advantage over those people that don't know about it or choose not to exploit it. End of.


IMO it isnt a cheat its the creative use of a design/pathing flaw. As can be found and used (and are used) in all other realms. Remember that hi con mob with the resistances of a grey Mr Midgard? yes thats right..


We will look into ways of preventing this spot from being abused in the future. Also we will take the necessary actions against people who abuse it.

Just one of many bugs and I was addressing issues in general not only this little bug. Necessary action against people who abuse it sounds a bit stupid. Perhaps they should take necessary actions against these bugs instead of having a we will look into ways attitude.

And if u've seen peole abusing bug/exploiting them the why haven't you reported them, it's people like you that mean these bugs still exist. If Mythic/GOA don't know it's going on how are they supposed 2 fix it !!!!!!!

I want everyone to play this game. They pay for it. I don't want to be responsable for someones ban. Perhaps I would report serious bugs but certainly not with the intention to punish people.

As for comparing this with WWII was out of line but I refere to it because I seen a lot of topics lately where people just searching for reasons to get someone banned. Betraying them in a fashion that can only remind me of people selling out their own people.


Originally posted by Cerverloc
This is not cheating. This is playing a bugged game. We should get money back instead of being banned. Someone said it very well. Im not using a bugged bow, im playing a bugged game. He is right.

Its total amazement how Mythic/GOA points blaming fingers for people using tricks. Instead of investigating all those who abuse your sucky bugs, go investigate how to solve these bugs so no-one can cheat. Fix the game!!!

How can you say first 'This is not cheating', then say people are just 'playing a bugged game', then basically admit that by doing so it is really 'bug abuse', and then, finally, you conclude that bug abuse is cheating...? Just wondering...

Anyway, GOA should really announce on their web site (maybe in Friday news...?), if there is a known bug that will get you banned, unless it is really a truly clear cut case, as in e.g. using a frontier whole to get to a wrong realm or using modified game code, etc. Those types of abuse have been declared 'resulting in a ban' so many times at least, that people should definitely know about them, no excuses.

I doubt that there is a single player (lvl40+...) in Hibernia, that hasn't used a certain hole on the floor of a certain 35+ mine to get back to bind stone fast and alive... I really do hope Mythic fixes that kind of bugs too, as although it really doesn't sound quite as bad as getting major, danger-free xp using a bug as in the case Congo reported, but still... it is bug abuse just the same.


Originally posted by Alrindel

So, just to make perfectly sure I understand exactly what you are saying, your position is that reporting cheaters in a game to the administrators is morally the same thing as denouncing Jews in hiding and resistance fighters to the Gestapo in Europe during the Nazi occupation.

I want to make sure there's no misunderstanding and that's really what you meant to say, because frankly I think you deserve some sort of recognition for the stupidest post in the history of online gaming. Maybe a small trophy, or some sort of commemorative hat.

*Dusts off the hat* When you put it that way, yeah I think that is just about the stupidest post I have ever seen. So, who's footing the bill for the presentation ceremony?


GOA has already pronounced on these subjects. In beta, I believe, you could stand on the bridge near Basar in Hibernia and shoot stuff below you, and the mobs could not reach you to hit you back. For a long time Middies exping in their frontier were using a hole in the wall as a short-cut to get back in to sell their loot. Both of these were considered exploitation of bugs as defined in the rules of conduct and subject to suspension/termination of account for repeat offenders.
Players undertake not to make use of any bug, not to use any undocumented functions and not to exploit any possible design faults. Players also undertake to notify the presence of any bugs, undocumented functions or design faults they may discover to GOA personnel as soon as possible.
The following "arguments": "i didn't know it was a bug," "everybody else is doing it," "it's not my fault for cheating, it's their fault for allowing me to cheat" are lame, lamer and lamest, respectively.


Originally posted by c0ngo
but u won't see any of these cheats dying from wizzies cause the Wizzies etc NEVER get to them to melee !!!

i have to take part here in this discussion, because thats wrong!

i recognized this bug while expin with a guildmate at advisors and we where pulling a single one from below while we waited for further advi-spawns.

we pulled and the mob ran under the doorway and we didnt see it anymore (we where not standing at the opposite side where the "cheaters" use to stand now. we waited and waited kidding about the way the mob apparently choosed.

but finally it showed up! maybe after 5 minutes or so! and it got me killed :)

in the end i agree that using this bug is kind of "lame".
although i would not think about reporting these people who do it. for me this thread feels also like a little bit of
"i like denouciating"....


Not sure about this bug :/

The strange thing to me about these "Bugs" is that GOA knows about the Bug the US Server and as these patches take 3 months to reach European Servers (another story) because of the translation etc. If you have 3 months to remove a known bug and frankly can't be arsed to it seems rather harsh on people to ban them from using a "cheat" that GOA effectively put there.

Levelling past 40 is regarded by alot of ppl as tedious so if u offer them an option alot will take it rather than the "clean" way. If u don't want people to use don't put it there! It's like a gun law - If you don't want people to use guns don't give them guns and ask them not use them as they will be disciplined just don't give the damn gun in the 1st place!

I'm not passing judgment either way - you do what you feel is right and always should - there's too much slanging already here.
Just wanted to sum up and say the lvl of cheating here in DaoC is minute compared to the majority of online games and yet the amount of discussion about it seems to be as great. This probably says more about people in general being much the same about cheating regardless of the game they are playing. Some people will always cheat, some people are zealously trying to catch cheats and others bend the game to get what the rewards the game's coders have "given" them. After having played Unreal Tournament and a few other games at clan lvl I'd have to say by comparison DaoC is squeaky clean and will continue to enjoy it :)


Ummm what happens with Goa? People is right? Can't do his work?

Why players must report about a bug if Goa knows the existence of the bug and doesn´t do nothing?

why Gorre doesn`t works?

why chronicles don`t works?

why lag works all day in the last weeks?

why right know is so slow...?

Will things change?

And.................. why my english sucks???


Lets face it this game isn't "fair" at all.

Do I consider this a bug, hmmmm, not sure. It's certainly annoying maybe if it wasn't in a dungeon/popular location people probably wouldn't mind so much. There's plenty of pathing problems on various mobs across all three realms which give ranged characters xping advantage.

But coming back to my first line, xping isn't fair anyway. How can a tank hope to solo as well as a sorc. Anyone seen tanks soloing tanglers? But this isn't a bug! So maybe the game is just badly designed



Originally posted by c0ngo
So IF a chain pull is bug abuse and NOT just the way social creatures are supposed to react what patch fixes it ?

The chain bug is fixed in 1.51 - for everyone not yet at level 45+, I hope you get there before that patch (the loss of chains after lvl45 is, apparently, compensated for by the uber-XP that Darkness Falls brings us in 1.49).

Could congo please report himself and all level 30+ people to GOA for the repeated abuse of the chain bug. Better still - perhaps we could petition GOA to roll-back the server 4 or 5 months so that every lvl50 alb now has to earn their XP without grotesquely and repeatedly abusing this HORRIFIC bug. ;) I lose sleep over things like this. No, REALLY, I do! :rolleyes:

I'd do it myself, but don't have the time to get the entire server banned single-handedly.

Please help - REPORT YOURSELF NOW! :clap:


Originally posted by K0nah

1.51 I believe, the "anti-kiting" code, which also happens to cure auto-pulls.

Yup the just happens bit is right :p
Originally posted by K0nah

And from an earlier post;

Congo: "Nope I was helping Hidden lvl while getting drps for guildies" :rolleyes:

Yeah right like the drops were anything to do with why I was there. I logged my Minst off and Cleric on with the intention of getting a m8 his lvl. Anything that dropped we'd just give away as neither of us had any use for barrows items.
Originally posted by K0nah

I personally wouldnt grass a realm mate for finding a clever way to xp. I would however grass anyone and everyone for RvR exploits which gives one human player an unfair advantage over another fee-paying human player. Thats my line. Yours is drawn differently obviously. Some will praise u for it, others like me, wont :)

If u think cheating to lvl quicker doesn't give you an advantage RvR I have no interest in ur opinions.


Seems like hibernia and albion have different definitions of the word chainpulling. whats your definition, that one of the mobs is allowed to survive and run back to bring more?


[edit, grammar]


If u think cheating to lvl quicker doesn't give you an advantage RvR I have no interest in ur opinions.

Chain pulling is the same in hib as in albion, And as mythic has reconised this as a game flaw and have addressed this in later patches, Therefore the use of chain pulling, was never intended by mythic.

The use of chains means u get more xp, therefore u are lvling quicker then other people. This is clearly unfair, You have to agreed on this.

Please stop embrassing yourself congo:sleeping:


Originally posted by old.mystah_e
The use of chains means u get more xp, therefore u are lvling quicker then other people. This is clearly unfair, You have to agreed on this.

How is chain-pulling unfair if the huge majority does it? Huge majority does not cheat, only a small portion does. Do I cheat if I one-shot someone and don't unstealth by myself? Don't think so, Mythic has said those things weren't working like they should, after they've "fixed" them, whereas they were infact working just like they should.
Mythic stated that oneshots should be in RvR like in PvE, meaning you always unstealth after attacking. That's not true either.

Using a clear bug to gain good exp on the other hand...

What's fair and what's not is normally decided by the majority, GOA will in this case (as in every other) do what is their opinion of fair & unfair.

Edit: wording.


Originally posted by old.mystah_e
Please stop embrassing yourself congo:sleeping:

lol pretty sure it isn't me that's embarrassing myself.

Someone trying to condone blatant risk free xp bug abuse by comparing it to chain pulling, now that would be embarrassing.


ban ppl for the wiz bug cuz thats gaining more xp than they otherwise would be able to, but banning for wall bug is stupid since EVERYONE uses it, only people who dont use it are people who dont know about it basicly, and mythic have it fixed in 1.49 anyway - so if goa hurried up its slow ass crappy patching program then there wouldnt even be a problem.

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