To Alpha



Orm you obvesouly dont want any respect among the game, You just shot down nearly everyones comment in the post and starting using abuse.. Buff bots are lame and if i had the * after my name that would make me feel pretty damn shitty.

As for correcting people spellings i think YOU should should get a job you freakin perfectionist.

Get a lone Pah, this is a game can you imagine what you would say? "oh yeah i got a lone when i was 17 to pay for a buffbot so i can be uber in rvr"


Originally posted by alarik
Orm you obvesouly dont want any respect among the game, You just shot down nearly everyones comment in the post and starting using abuse..

Well, for me respect from people I really don't know means about nothing to me. I'm playing games and try to have as much of it as I can, living longer and killing more in RvR to me is more fun. If you want to run out to RvR zerg for a couple of minutes then die... then repeat, you do that.
As for the abuse, well some people deserve lots of it. In my earlier post maybe you can tell wich one of the some people I was talking about.

Buff bots are lame and if i had the * after my name that would make me feel pretty damn shitty.
Easy solution, don't buff... get less rp's, die more and spend more time on the telepad. But feeling shitty for not doing anything wrong or unethical makes me think you maybe better off with a little visit to the local shrink.

As for correcting people spellings i think YOU should should get a job you freakin perfectionist.
I do have a job, I'm not a perfectionist.

Get a lone Pah, this is a game can you imagine what you would say? "oh yeah i got a lone when i was 17 to pay for a buffbot so i can be uber in rvr"
You said it yourself "this is a game", so why so upset that some people find it more fun and enjoyable with a buffbot? I don't force anyone to take a loan nor do I say it's a good thing to do. I'm just saying theres nothing that says you cant buy two accounts and have a cleric on one and two computers at home. If you can afford it then do it if you want, you can't afford it then accept your poverty and stop whining.


I think you have a high opinion of yourself...It seems to me like you were brought up with a rich family as you constantly bring money into putting people down.

I really hate stupid toff twats like is not the be all and end all you know...I have a buff bot and I am a student..its not that expensive its just if you can be arsed to do it or not..

So plz not everyone is below you becuase they dont have money in that bank!


Originally posted by theroy
I think you have a high opinion of yourself...It seems to me like you were brought up with a rich family as you constantly bring money into putting people down.

I really hate stupid toff twats like is not the be all and end all you know...I have a buff bot and I am a student..its not that expensive its just if you can be arsed to do it or not..

So plz not everyone is below you becuase they dont have money in that bank!

LOL, I'm not from a rich family, tell you that. ATM both parents unemployed, I have a job atm but not a well payed one... SO STFU you don't know anything about me. And since when do you have to be RICH to afford 2 accounts? The monthly fee is cheap... A-Hole.


Yea, always someone there

There are always...always people who are using everyway to get better levels,points and this case rps. I really hope mythic makes range to buffs so we can play as classes were meant to be.

There is big diffrence if u run there fully buffed or not...

evade evade evade evade evade evade evade killed him without one single hit to me.


evade ouch ouch evade evade ouch evade ouch ouch barely got him.

Which is more exciting? what u think?


Originally posted by hotrat
How does he find solo tanks anyway? :)

Tanks go solo out just to get pa'd or pincushioned by archers so they can get duels which are from tanks point of view the few most enjoying moments of RvRing.


Originally posted by orm-

LOL, I'm not from a rich family, tell you that. ATM both parents unemployed, I have a job atm but not a well payed one... SO STFU you don't know anything about me. And since when do you have to be RICH to afford 2 accounts? The monthly fee is cheap... A-Hole.

Uhm I never said you had to be rich to afford 2 accounts...I think you dont think about what you read?

Originally posted by orm-


No need to shout little guy

Originally posted by orm-

you don't know anything about me.

Nope, not that I would want too ofc

Originally posted by orm-


Thx! I like the way, you ended with a personal must be, what, 15...Well you better get to bed as you have to start that paper round in the morning!



Originally posted by old.DachraK
Alpha Lame (oops misspell) :clap:

lmao is it just a coincidance that you can spell lame out of male? ahahaha

(no offence alpha i just find this pretty funny) ;)


ive seen alpha in action, attacking a lvl 50 hero after we had a fight with 1fg of albs. he comes out of nowhere and starts to hit, and hit and hit and hit. the tank was smacking him for ages but the resists to his hits were ridiculous. like 100 damage - 90 at least.

uber items are fair enough, however that buffbot sucks, even funnier are your attempts to justify it with the same old bs. as you say, anyone can use em, and i dont think the use of them deserves the arse lickin you were ferverently enjoying at the beginning of this thread.


OK you have a buffbot, thats you're choise. But don't think you gonne get any respect from killing anyone in duels then. It's like a race between a turtle and a rabbit. Allso you are abiously not the same alpha as before...makes you even more respectless. Maybe you have fun out there, but I would have find it much more fun GROUPING with a druid than having a buffbot. Since this game is about communety imo. You're a good player though, to sad you have to ruin it with this buff bot thingy.

Alpha: wanna play CS or quake3? Me using all the cheats possible and you don't...hmm wonder who would win then :p


I have nothing against alpha (fine player, always kills me the b..) or buffbots. Each to his own. But Orm, you are a twat.


Only reason I don't like buffbots is because I can't get one .. I play one :)

Alpha is a good player though and imo doesn't need em.. would just mean he'd occasionally lose or have to flee.. Atm it's just silly what some chars can take on solo when fully buffed :)


There is big diffrence if u run there fully buffed or not...

evade evade evade evade evade evade evade killed him without one single hit to me.


evade ouch ouch evade evade ouch evade ouch ouch barely got him.

Which is more exciting? what u think?

Against tougher opponents it can still be a close fight, or multiple opponents. Just makes hard fights more fun cus u have more chance, and easy fights less fun cus u win so easily.

Basically buffbot = more rp, and a bit more fun if u prefer fighting pure tanks instead of light tanks or assasins etc.


I dont particulary like ppl with buffbots....

doesnt mean its not going to go on so im not gonna fuss about it.and its gonna get a lot worse as we patch on.

look at it this way its one person with two accounts > itll matter loads in duels but not against us working together. we can be each others buffbots and etc > answers obvious ......

orm . ahy are you getting so worked up on a BW forum, theres only one place where this all matters and it isnt here


agree with osrim, salute!:clap: a stealther I respect gawain too :D

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