To Alpha



Respect m8!

Was a good 3 Minute fight, went right to the wire on both of us :).

Thanks for the claps at the end.

Look forward to our next battle.

Just a shame we spent 1 hour trying to find you after.


Another level 50 hero beaten by Alpha :rolleyes: impressive to say the least.

How does he find solo tanks anyway? :)

If i ever see one I just mezz it, get pet, let pet kill. Much safer :cool:


Gotta give Alpha full respect,

Have fought against him on numerous occasions, but as yet, he's never killed me and vice versa. He always leaves me with wantin 5% more to finally finish him, but ever time i've had no luck, he always justs gets outta distance and then stealthes. I dont care if i got him to 5% hp, the main thing is he's a nightmare to kill even as a tank.

Grats Alpha, ur one hard mofo to solo :clap: :clap:

Alpha Male


Was a gr8 fight m8, when you finally dropped, i could see no colour on my hp bar :D .

He wasnt alone Hotrats, was a yellow Archer and a blue firby with nearly went pearshaped though, because i mezed Odon thinking he was a warder, then attacked the blue firby, only to find an arrow sticking in my eye from the archer who unstealthed, quickly downed the archer and blue firby and had some mins fight with Odon (whom i realised was hero when he shoved his spear up my ass)

Pets are gr8 for killing tanks etc, but can also be a burden when trying to do hit and runs (damn things always chase you and interfere with run song when they lose charm) i only use em if im sure no one else is around. Besides its more fun to actually fight than run rings around someone with a pet on them.

@Garax HURT ;)


I'm pleased to see such respect between the realms, it shows that the game really has kept its ability to keep ppl interested and challenged.

Greetings to Alpha/Gromit had great times hunting with you on Alb in the past and look forward to trying to challenge you soon as a mid.

Former Palanthas Lionsbane.

Now Gorstaad Blodstorm
39 Thane Shield of Valhalla.


Blimey, if i ever get shot by a yellow sniper its /face sprint stun mezz rest then kill, usually they crit for 400 ish then at least another 2 shots before i reach em for 250. No way im killing a ranger with 300hits left, in fact some rangers (Eleasias) are hard to kill even if we start out fight straight from melee.

How u manage to kill a ranger and a firby then rest up to kill a hero i dunno as i said before a hero will kill me in 2 or 3 swings of spear (Novamir hits for 300 dmg unstyled, about 400 with style and 600 ish if they crit). A moosed hero has around 2000 hits at least, and minstrel does about 200 dmg a swing plus 175dmg dd's thats at least a 30 second fight to get 6 dd's (bearing in mind resists and misses) required to kill the hero. 30 seconds while being whacked for 400 dmg, ouch.

I have seen many armsmen and paladins fall to hero's and the hero has like 40% life left after moosing, heck sometimes they win without even using moose.

Alpha Male


The hero had determination or used purge, becuase i certainly didnt have time to rest at all...i have high charisma and have higher chaisma due to ra's, my dd's often hit for 240+ and 190+..makes a LOT of difference in a fight..add in some ducking and diving and you stay alive long enough to use em.


Well i got 190 charisma, which is capped, none (yet) from ra's but thats only 6 per lvl i believe and my dd's do 210 and 262 to a lvl 46 loghery man. However 95% of time when i fight another player i do at most 175(-75) dmg and sometimes even down to 120 dmg :( a shame that body is such a popular resist to get high.

oh and with 182 charisma i do 203 and 253 dmg to a lvl 46 loghery man, so it looks to be about 1 cha per point of dmg.


alpha you need to record movies of performing these feats.

Downing a hero, a ranger and a blue firby is... well quite impressive.



hmm, can't understand how i'm supposed to take u 1on1 \: don't think it's possible anymore. even if i use purge+qc+stun, u use purge and i'm done for \: NERF THAT MINSTREL I SAY :D :D


Erm, been mentioned 100's of time I know (sorry Alpha I know you are a nice chap) but seems to be absent from this post.

Alpha uses a buffbot.

A minstral will barly scratch a lvl 50 spearo without good buffs.

Minstral with a buff bott can really hack a tank good.....

However put lvl 35 yellow buffs on a spearo like Garax and he would rip Alphas limbs off one by one and chew on the bones....

(or Alpha would stun and run, dooh)

Yep buffbotss are lame, but they aint illegal... Some peeps are prepared to go to this extreme to get an edge (and its a mightey edge)

The rest of us will just have to make do with playing our classes how they were inteneded to be played.

But no disrespect if it wasnt alpha it would be someone else, so its down to mystic to address this, (and I hear they are working on limiting the range)



i dont quite see where u come from having a go at grom for using a buffbot

eleasias is the highest rp earner on excali i believe ?

you dont seem to care that he runs about fully buffed with near 2k hits etc ..

P.S. only using elea as an example because he is basically the highest rr on the server ;) and the fact he resisted 2 dds a stun and a mes from me ;P then 1 shot me i think, and it wasnt a crit as u cant crit a messed can you ?

so if its ok with you for every winge post at alpha for using a buffbot, pls inculde one at every other buffbot user.


Originally posted by anno_dk
hmm, can't understand how i'm supposed to take u 1on1 \: don't think it's possible anymore. even if i use purge+qc+stun, u use purge and i'm done for \: NERF THAT MINSTREL I SAY :D :D

You can't take on alpha 1 vs. 1 because he's always with 2 :)

I'll respect him once he gets rid of that buffbot :)


PS: ele doesn't use a buffbot, he groups :)

Hib groups usually are fully resist buffed if they got a warden and a bard

Alpha Male


I'm sick of these "buffbot" posts now, and i will no longer bother to reply to them after this...i choose to use a buffbot - thats my choice, if i grouped id have buffs anyways, not much difference, and besides hows about the other god knows how many people who utilise buff bots?

@Thanatlos, Owned you twice in gorge last night, then you make post here...nough said loser....i dont ask for your respect, its a game, your a few pixels no more no less. And as for your "cant take alpha one vs one"..i often take on much more than one vs one, so thats your theory down the tube.


And it's getting closer and closer now Alpha :)

The day is approaching when this gimp will win just once, buffbot or not :)

PS - You are the only minstrel I can't take 1v1 atm, the others are pretty close, but I generally win.


I'm sick of these "buffbot" posts now, and i will no longer bother to reply to them after this...i choose to use a buffbot - thats my choice, if i grouped id have buffs anyways, not much difference, and besides hows about the other god knows how many people who utilise buff bots?

No ones denying its not your choice to use one alpha, I just think to many people now (including me) have seen the effect it has on your characters performance.

"If you grouped you would have buffs anyway" Yes, and thats one of the advantages of grouping. And thats exactly why the solo player should not have that benefit.

Put it this way.... If Mystic agree its a problem and are changing the game dynamics because of it, you can understand why its such a big issue....

I personally cant wait until this change is implemented....


i choose to use a buffbot - thats my choice
Sure. And the consequences of that choice are that your accomplishments on this server are what the Americans call an "asterix" record, that is to say forever marked with a little asterix to denote that that individual had an advantage in the game that others did not.

2,016,077 Alpha Male <Herfølge Boldklub> the Level 50 Highlander Minstrel *

* uses buffbot


the fact remains that others, also using buffbots, also devoting large amounts of time to RP-hunting, have nowhere near the kind of RPs or reputation Alpha has. How often to you see threads entitled "To Thorey" and detailing a /respect for thorey downing 3 people ? ;)

edit: no offence intended mobstomper


Am I only solo'er without buffbot ? :rolleyes:

Nah there's still many without buffbots for first reason that is payment...not gonna pay GoA a cent more that I already do :p

Otherwise I might even consider getting myself one although that doesn't help caster as much as it helps meleer but still helps some.


To alpha, damn u :p
I remember old days when I still could sometimes even gank u on solo, think 2-3 times that has ever happened, thesedays even moc'd 3x pbaoe's didn't bring u down...u r fooking rogue class ffs :( (although it was v near :p about 2% hp left with u) well enough for that. Buffbots are un-fair but so is many other thing yet as long as there is no rule against it we just have to accept it :( and take on every chance like I last time got u beating 2 helpess middies luckily u had no mana left to stun me and I got u and other mid who was still standing :m00: not anymore pure solo kill yes but still kill on solo...bah no honor if such even exists in game :m00:

ps. we are all just bunch of RP-cows o_O


Gobar u dont need a buffbot cus all hib casters are in need of a nerf, especially when u got 3 power relics :)

Looking at the spell lists you have got to admit all 3 realms are quite similar (if theurg and wiz spells were combined to just one character) but for some reason hibs got 9 sec stun and others got root.
Imagine if mids were the only realm with Slam and other realms got a shield skill that only rooted players :m00:

btw when fighting minstrels have u ever tried stun n run? qc stun, set ur pet with nasty snare nuke to attack, turn and sprint from the minstrel. Would fail if they used SoS of course but all the mins can do is insta stun ur pet and when they try to mezz it u just nuke the mins to interupt, if they just stun it and then run i doubt they would catch u before the pet begain nuking and ruined any chances of minstrel speed kicking in.
Just a thought.


"the fact remains that others, also using buffbots, also devoting large amounts of time to RP-hunting, have nowhere near the kind of RPs or reputation Alpha has. How often to you see threads entitled "To Thorey" and detailing a /respect for thorey downing 3 people ? "

you also need to play a lot to get lots of rp's, can u say Nolbypride PK, another notorious buff bot user, but also a good palyer as well.


that's all i'm saying Raist, buffbot is a boost to an already good player, it doesn't replace skill


Should have a RP listing with and without stars ;)

Buffbot league ;)

course then you'd never know who had a buffbot or not...

Edit: and indeed landshark is right - doesn't matter how powerful you are if you don't know how to use that power...


VS. putting pet on mincer & running

Enchanter pet is con blue and this means it doesn't interrupt that well so any minstrel (lv50) can easily mez it and then chase me down. Also I need to remind that stun and DDs are instas and with speed5 and stealth I am usually one who gets surprised so minstrel is one who gets mez or stun or what ever in first :<

So if it is fully buffed (also with resists capped) one then I kinda have very bad or no chances in 1v1 :<



blue con pet should have no trouble interupting a mins, i know i get interupted 95% of the time by druid pets.

If u can stay out of dd range and let the pet do all the dmg u might have a chance, but obviously i have very little experience, except when using pets on pure tank classes :)


Originally posted by censi
A minstral will barly scratch a lvl 50 spearo without good buffs.
I'm getting quite upset here, can't even count the number of people who can't typ the class name correct: ITS MINSTREL

However put lvl 35 yellow buffs on a spearo like Garax and he would rip Alphas limbs off one by one and chew on the bones....
Probably, but if you are poor and cannot afford a second account it's not Alpha's fault. Take a loan or something, take a look at life is it always fair? I THINK NOT. If he can afford a buffbot, or take the time to level one himself there's nothing unethical about it. So please stop crying, either get one of your own or STFU.

Yep buffbotss are lame, but they aint illegal... Some peeps are prepared to go to this extreme to get an edge (and its a mightey edge)
Get a haircut and a job you bum and stop ranting on the smart people. You don't think it's smart to take all the advantages you can have. Why is it lame? Maybe because you play a non soloable class and smell too much to get a group, might that be the case?

But no disrespect if it wasnt alpha it would be someone else, so its down to mystic to address this, (and I hear they are working on limiting the range)

No disrespect? Isn't this what you do with all your posts regarding Alpha, are you too stupid to recognize what you are saying? AND ITS MYTHIC WICH HAS DEVELOPED DAOC NOT "MYSTIC".... bah this guy obviously have NO CLUE at all what he's talking about.

For the record, when I hit 50 I will get the phatest buffbot and station it in Emain. Please make some DISRESPECTING posts about me the plz Censi, you seem to have it all figured out.


Im pretty sure most of you would use a buffbot, should you have the opportunity. Quit bashing Alpha, if you don't respect/admire him, at least stay away, envy will get you nowhere. I met Alpha many, many times... he is a ruthless player, but somewhat honourable.

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