To all you fu**ers out ther

Blazor Meneth

Fledgling Freddie
Jan 16, 2004
cheeky fecker u are :p
Standing middle floor on bridge just waiting with zeh sidestun :p

Yeah I have to defend myself u know, still lost though :/ and second time no remedy nor PS.. my poor sb!

Achilles said:
Fokias as in Fokias the merc? Someone must have bought his account, because havnt seen him around in 2 years and when he played he was a very very good player.

Yeah hes shieldspecced now or something, charges in to stun u in every fight u got within his cliprange, so always ends up with alot of kiting from my part :<
He was the worst one of em last night, and yeah u can blame him amp :(

Outtamind said:
It`s all about who can keep their warmap refreshed these days and what characters they have logged nearest the tower under siege...

Yeah its really all about that nowadays, fo'shoe!

Manisch Depressiv

Part of the furniture
Mar 6, 2005
Doesn`t matter how many people play the game... the flames of unclaimed keeps is whats ruining everything.... everytime a tower gets set alight everyone informs their ream via /b /as /gu /bu /c and before u know it theres 3-4-5-6fg storming the solo dude taking a tower down

Tactics for all realms is zerg/die/rebuff/repeat
Skills for all realms is omfg i wtf pwned u with these 3 dudes using their bows to assist me.... quick lets post on fh that <insert realm> suxx cos they had 1fg more then us and we didn`t stand a chance to think what skills are without using any

Whatever happened to the good old days of guilds informing their alliance their keeps under siege and making an effort of defending it... it`s all about who can keep their warmap refreshed these days and what characters they have logged nearest the tower under siege.... or in plain terms... SAD

If you ask me flames on map and also guard spam have to be removed from the game for good.


Part of the furniture
Jul 14, 2007
If you ask me flames on map and also guard spam have to be removed from the game for good.

This really hurts me to say that I agree with Manisch /hug :)

Having Guard Spam and Towers on Flames ruins the 'Element of Surprise' aspect of the game imo.



Jun 4, 2006
And you get added on when you and your buddy get popped near tower ... oh QQ ... find somewhere else to go or just quit the game, your whines are getting pathetic dude.

Hunters rarely use DI bots because Shamans do not have that RA o_O

I see Scouts all around, not just on the bridge. They often camped in the woods near Berk t1 and gave free accupuncture treatment to everyone.

You are narrow minded and fail to see that Scouts add on Mids also, but no, Hunters are going to kill the cluster .. doom!

Btw less relogging to your lvl 20 Shadowblade in Red Guard to abuse others with offensive pm's .. if you cannot cope with other humans then do yourself a favor and play some +3 rated PS2 game instead of a mmorpg where it is supposed to be war.

my sb is level 49 :(

Give me one fucking fight i have had where a fecking scout has added on my fight... NEVER i actualy hope scouts do but its never fucking happened its always fucking hunters and it gets on my tits.

My buddy? i have grped with a minstrel twice and a scout once so like what :)
it wasnt a whine it was a QQ actually dickhead hehe..


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 6, 2004
my sb is level 49 :(

Give me one fucking fight i have had where a fecking scout has added on my fight... NEVER i actualy hope scouts do but its never fucking happened its always fucking hunters and it gets on my tits.

My buddy? i have grped with a minstrel twice and a scout once so like what :)
it wasnt a whine it was a QQ actually dickhead hehe..

Oh yeah, more namecalling .. dic*head now, and what did you call me in the in-game pm? C*nt? Really mature :(

That is the kind of attitude making people leave games like this, and tbfh it should be a permaban worthy to relog and pm people in other realms with abusing shit. Next time it happens I will report it without hessitation.

How can you say that Scouts or Rangers NEVER have added on your fights? You must have a really impressive memory if you can remember every fight you have done, and see that nothing else did hit your opponent(s).

Now go get that SB to level 50 and tell us how the world looks with Midgardian glasses on. Really looking forward to your "OMGZ fu*king adding (insert class) with DI bots in towers" posts ...


Jun 4, 2006
Oh yeah, more namecalling .. dic*head now, and what did you call me in the in-game pm? C*nt? Really mature :(

That is the kind of attitude making people leave games like this, and tbfh it should be a permaban worthy to relog and pm people in other realms with abusing shit. Next time it happens I will report it without hessitation.

How can you say that Scouts or Rangers NEVER have added on your fights? You must have a really impressive memory if you can remember every fight you have done, and see that nothing else did hit your opponent(s).

Now go get that SB to level 50 and tell us how the world looks with Midgardian glasses on. Really looking forward to your "OMGZ fu*king adding (insert class) with DI bots in towers" posts ...

Oh sorry mate i didnt realise u are a poof and go offended by insults over the internet... here a e-tissue :( sorry

ANYWAY i know a scout has NEVER added on one of my fights coz after every one im like FFS SCOUTS CMONN lol coz everytime i get shot by a fecking hunter... FACT..

Midgardian world hmmm

Solo wizards running around in epic... okay
solo sorcerers running around... okay
Solo infiltrators running around.. okay
Solo lollereasypwn minstrels running around.. okay

Albion world PoV

Solo spiritmasters with slam and MoC with 90% health return....
fuck all solo stealthers to fight against..
Most people that run solo from mid are rr 10+ and are warriors or skalds

Oh and midgard have 2 handed PA to make killing solo casters EVEENN EASIIER


Can't get enough of FH
May 30, 2004
Dude... common sense.. plz us it.

Like Sorc and stuff dont have MoC....

We r sorry we gain RR when we solo...

And PA a caster with 2h is kinda wrong thinking ...


Part of the furniture
Aug 13, 2004
mocing is sorc is nowhere near mocing sm tbh


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 6, 2004
Shadowss said:
Oh sorry mate i didnt realise u are a poof and go offended by insults over the internet... here a e-tissue :( sorry

I do not get offended by namecalling over the Internet, that is to be expected when people can sit home and be anonymous.

I do get pissed when same attitude appears in a game I pay to play.
.. hands back used and sticky e-tissue :D

Shadowss said:
ANYWAY i know a scout has NEVER added on one of my fights coz after every one im like FFS SCOUTS CMONN lol coz everytime i get shot by a fecking hunter... FACT..

Drag the Scouts closer to the Mid towers where you die to all the DI abusing Hunters ;)


Part of the furniture
Aug 13, 2004
oh Livores :E well think i can understand shadows tbh :( lots of time I had the urge to log on my mid chars and just ask some hunters if they consider leaving that berks tower for at least one time , but the 15 min timer has its advantages :)


Jun 4, 2006
Probably. But did it justify you doing it?
Relogging to other realms and pm abuse is a wrong turn for this game imho.

lol QQ more

i was already in the realm at the time i just so happened to spot the name .. i didnt just relog mid JUST for u :) ur not worth it

lame ass


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 6, 2004
oh Livores :E well think i can understand shadows tbh :( lots of time I had the urge to log on my mid chars and just ask some hunters if they consider leaving that berks tower for at least one time , but the 15 min timer has its advantages :)

Yeah, just like when someone solo and meet a duo. Someone duo and meet a trio. Fg get steamrolled by 3fg's on stick. Those issues cannot be solved at all, it just happens, and people should just /release - log off or have another go.

Someone getting so pissed off that they feel the urge to tell the enemies they suck, use FH .. here people can choose to read it or not. When players start to relog and pm enemies, then the fun stops and it have become an unhealthy obsession instead of a game.

Have fun :)



Fledgling Freddie
Oct 6, 2004
lol QQ more

i was already in the realm at the time i just so happened to spot the name .. i didnt just relog mid JUST for u :) ur not worth it

lame ass

Yup, you was already in the realm ... not long after I killed you.
Get your head examined dude :kissit:


Jun 4, 2006
Yup, you was already in the realm ... not long after I killed you.
Get your head examined dude :kissit:

ermm i was getting Pl'ed at the time dickhead

lol! nah sorry yeah i logged on just for u yeah coz ur so uber and u and ur hunter skillzor are just amazing..

i was in moderna getting POWERLEVEEELLLEDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD and then i saw ur name and i was like " oh my god thats the twat adder" so i pmed u


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 24, 2003
Oh sorry mate i didnt realise u are a poof and go offended by insults over the internet... here a e-tissue :( sorry

ANYWAY i know a scout has NEVER added on one of my fights coz after every one im like FFS SCOUTS CMONN lol coz everytime i get shot by a fecking hunter... FACT..

Midgardian world hmmm

Solo wizards running around in epic... okay
solo sorcerers running around... okay
Solo infiltrators running around.. okay
Solo lollereasypwn minstrels running around.. okay

Albion world PoV

Solo spiritmasters with slam and MoC with 90% health return....
fuck all solo stealthers to fight against..
Most people that run solo from mid are rr 10+ and are warriors or skalds

Oh and midgard have 2 handed PA to make killing solo casters EVEENN EASIIER

do you realize we can see your nose grow an inch each time you repeat the no scouts ever added line ? :)


Part of the furniture
Aug 13, 2004
Yeah, just like when someone solo and meet a duo. Someone duo and meet a trio. Fg get steamrolled by 3fg's on stick. Those issues cannot be solved at all, it just happens, and people should just /release - log off or have another go.

Someone getting so pissed off that they feel the urge to tell the enemies they suck, use FH .. here people can choose to read it or not. When players start to relog and pm enemies, then the fun stops and it have become an unhealthy obsession instead of a game.

Have fun :)


nah its not about that mate :) I will still have good chances against a medium rr stealther duo. Its just the fact that they are all packed on that small hill near Berks and wont move from there, so 95% of the fights you can find are there and when you pop something there you get turned into a pin-cushion. When I try to run they just set that pet on me that wont let me re-stealth. One of the most comical moments was when I found Felixia solo at that hill, as soon as she saw me she just fz'ed me and ran, like 3 hunters poped their speed to get in range and all 3 set their pets on me, including Felixia. So when Fz is over, I'm running from 4 pets and like 10 non-stealther mids that came from keep, including a shammy that buffsheared me, leaving me only with spec AF. After that I just logged and went to do something more interesting :)


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 6, 2004
ermm i was getting Pl'ed at the time dickhead

lol! nah sorry yeah i logged on just for u yeah coz ur so uber and u and ur hunter skillzor are just amazing..

i was in moderna getting POWERLEVEEELLLEDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD and then i saw ur name and i was like " oh my god thats the twat adder" so i pmed u

Ohh yes, I got skillz, i can press buttons on a keyboard .. like everyone else ... omg!

You do realize that "not long after" could mean 30 minutes .. or an hour .. or even a bit longer than that. Are you even sure it was that day you pm'ed me, because it seems you have a habbit of pm'ing people, you didnt even remember it was me in the first place.

I still think you should get your head examined, no joke >.<



Jun 4, 2006
cmon pinnochio , everyone who ever played a stealth know this is bull :)

okay been on 27 mins.. had 4 fights.. 1v1... 3 of them 2 hunters added.. 1 of them taggerz added

givf scout please :).... and i did /surrender to taggerz even when i couldve PA'd him the tosser


Jun 4, 2006
I will fix a screenshot dont worry.

Im talking about adding on MAH fights QQ!!! theres NEVEREVER A SCOUUUUT!!! And dude i wnna fight ur kobby for once where the hell are u

and jimmy didnt help me when i was fighting a skald !!!! but i was getting shot by a pissant hunter ( only once tho ) but still!

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