To all those buffbot users



Im pretty much always unbuffed and its kindve annoying to run into a bunch of buffed to hell stealthers, who wont run solo even with a full complement of pink (im assuming) buffs.

But then anything with half a brain (and sword) can kill me, so I suppose thats ok :) and since im never going to get a buffbot I might aswell just accept that ill probably lose a lot more than ill win.

Hey thats life.


Have to admit i do feel bad when i kill unbuffed people, I dont have a bot so i can kill them... I originally got the bot so crazy buffed infils couldnt slaughter me like a blind sheep. Makes farmin helluva easy too :)


Originally posted by joe_soap
If you want to PWN go emain. Leave HW to us who want to test our skill, not who has the biggest buffbot. HW used to be fun, now its filling up with twats who cant play without cheating (and yes I consider buffbots cheating).

And to all who will reply with the usual QQ and the like....

go cry more if u cant compeat make your own?


if I ever go HW i'll prob be buffed, never been there yet tho ;P since cba to move bot ^^

imo finding 2 infils when I want 1 is cheating from their side =)

sad fact, people who don't have buffbots (I don't even have a buffbot specced bb so guess im a noob). Thought the same before getting myself a bb that it was just silly that they were allowed, im a weak person tho =) I rather be on the evil side and get a kill once in a while (yeah I've loosed being unbuffed hitting full pa chain on a buffed infil and hitting all my styles skill don't really come in play imo).

Big props to the stealthers who dont use buffbots tho =) hats if if you pwn me, and hats off if you get pwned.


Having a BB my self i still hope they make all buffs 1500 range, thisway I wouldnt have to lower my FPS by running 2 accounts on same machine, This way those that can't run 2 accounts will stand a chance, this way the game would be more balanced ( this way it would impossible to kill anyone that got a cleric/shaman/Druid with him/her) as a shadowblade.

But lets just realize Mythic are more greedy then player friendly, so that will never happen =(

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