To Albs in Emainzerg tonight




Usually i admit when i do mistakes =)

yes im Noob, have said it may times my self

and yes, i try to rezz as many as i can......

usually now a days starting from mincer =)

depends my mana situation =)


I'd also just like to point something out: After defending against the hibs and the mids, there were mentions in /gc that FC might go elsewhere, as wall-camping has NEVER been our thing, and people wanted to go and gank hibs in the gorge. When I put out a /yell to ask who wanted to take over the leadership the reply that I got back was "you'll have to keep doing it wildfire, no-one else wants to". In future, don't complain when people take charge, because hell, if no-one will lead out of all the people that were there, it can't happen very often.


Originally posted by -yoda-

NOBODY has the right or is in a position to ORDER anybody around . peope can and will play the game as they see fit . if somebody wants to listen to somebody else then thats ok if they decide to do there own thing thats ok , if i follow/listen to people i dont give a toss if they been in rvr since opening day of retail or if they only been playing the game 1 week . if i think the newcommer has a better idea/plan than the supossadly expert ill follow/listen to the newer rvr'r . its not all exp in emain that wins batles . somebody with no exp in rvr at all is just as capable of divising a enemy bashing idea than the expert .

yep. you're so right!
listen to the r1 noobs.


Yerp, I almost autoed, I waited that long for a rez, and most of my group released and came back :)

But all in all we really should stick together and listen to one person. DON'T charge - it's always a trap, is all well and good, but peoples get bored of hanging about waiting for them to come to us, too, so what do you do?

Well *sigh* see you all tonight..

babaluna VII

Originally posted by yog-hurt
i agree with aussie .... oe more thing.....

RESS YOU STUPID CLERICS and PALADINS PLEASE FS THATS WHY ALBS LOSE MORE THEN THEY WIN! this isnt refering to all clerics and paladins, there are a good few that DO stop and RESS when one is needed, rahter then get an extra 1k rps for themselves they ress other aswel, people such as Sighfi,Finthevaste, Sabu, Chim and Daws....they are 5 i regard as very good players, but plz RESS

Well dont kill me but i read most of these topics on this specific forum , but never answerd :p

When i'm in Emain , Frontier , ect and i see dead albs( most of the time that is :) ), i rezz ALL i CAN.

Hell even the guys who con grey to me :p

maybe your wright about (most) of the paladins ( except me ofcourse ;) ) , but i see many clerics rezzin and healing when i play

see ya for now ( YOEHOE first one and going )


Originally posted by Aussie-

yep. you're so right!
listen to the r1 noobs.

if that r1 noob as you put it has a better idea than a rr5+ stealther who spends 99% of his rvr time solo and thus hasnt gotta clue how to large scale battle then listen to the r1 noob it is :p

if you read my post properly u will see i said IF a noob "as you like to call them" has a better idea than a high rr then ill go with the best idea . not just some jumped up rr5+ turnip who thinks his way is always the best "which imo is NOT always the case"
my guess is fin isnt a very high RR because he spends a lot of time in our own frontiers and im sure Fin has a lot better idea of tactics than u aussie :p hence i'd rather follow Fins instructions to yours anytime.

to many Elitist assholes in albion imo that think being lvl50 and rr5+ is the only way to be, otherwise your a newb . my advice to those peeps is to delete there alb char and go join NP :p


Yoda, if you dont like it, dont RvR. If you'd rather roleplay, go into the safe zones. There is no room for roleplay in RvR (and I will point out at this point that memorials e.t.c. are NOT roleplay, simply a mark of respect), we are out there to win.


Yoda.....please shut up your talking thru your ass. that's not a flame but a fact.... i thank you.


how am i talking through my ass goatman ? you really think only high rr's have good ideas strategies for rvr ? guess what u r wrong :)

@ wildfire who said anything about roleplay ? i think u reading the wrong thread ,ps i like rvr and i do go there . but as i said i dont judge people by there realm rank or lvl . ive seen lvl 35-40's in emain who know more about some 50's who have just dinged 50 and dont know shit about rvr . if you honestly think only the people with high rr's have brains for tactics etc etc in rvr then u pretty pie eye'd imo ,


I don't see any of your rr1 friends giving orders (aka deciding what to do) in RvR. I don't see any of your rr1 friends trying to organise people. I don't see any of your rr1 friends consistantly making good calls. I don't see any of your rr1 friends on the top 20 rp earners lists each week.

In a real-world situation, you do not have time to sit there and think "well maybe this guy has a better idea... maybe this... maybe that... hmm... let me think whose idea I like more..." You have a split second to decide what to do, and quite frankly, you will see me siding with the people that have a proven track record every time.

It is the divides in albion forces that kill us. The people that think "I have my own idea". Whether you think the person that's running the show is right or not, the only way you will win against a force of equal strength is by sticking together. ANY other plan WILL fail.


Guest you think someone who has been in RvR for 5mins, ie. you and your rr1 friends have as much, if not more knowhow than people who have been in RvR for months, well think again dude.It's easy to sit back and think i can do better, but it aint, as i said if you don't wanna follow seasoned RvR players then just go with your o so clever rr1 m8's and learn the hard way.It's one thing thinking you know it all, but as in anything you have to have experiance and at rr1 thats one thing your all in short supply of, so until you and all your rr1 m8's have the experiance and spent as much time in RvR as the high rr players, i suggest you shut up and learn from some very good players........once again i thank you.

Treebeard lvl50 Armsman
formaly know as the Armsman called...Sirsmokalotaweed .
note: I still smokalotaweed:)


i think you dumbasses have completely overlooked my point .
i aint talking exp of how to play your character to gain rp's im saying people who are high rr dont automaticly have a beter tactical brain than lower realm ranks .

@ wildfire you can honestly say you've never seen a lower lvl/rr'd person TRYING to organise or lead ? cos iknow i have seen them try . the fact is the high rr people have there heads so far up there asses about how L33T they think they are they ignore them and only listen to people they know well .

and as ive said in a cple of threads in this post . i listen to people who i think has the best idea . im not a newb and have been in rvr long enough with various chars ive made. to know what to do and what not to do . i follow folow good ideas but i wont follow bad ones ,

p.s doesnt make somebody again automaticly great at tactics if they hang out with the alb zerg all week and get a lot of rps to make top 20 :) rp's dont mean to much these days just means u spend a lot of time in emain :) .

p.p.s wildfire/goatman if somebody higher rr'd than you made a tactical desision in rvr and you thought it was wrong "aussie for example" ,and a lower rr/lvl person made a suggestion that you thought was better which would you do ? "be honest"


Past one single shouted order, usually with no tactics involved like "CHARGE!!!!!" or "GO BACK!!!!!" no, I don't see people organising others. I don't count this as organisation. What I WOULD count as organisation would be telling people "ok we're going to move to mmg now along the zone boundary, keep yrour groups together, we move in 1 minute!" or similar. Have I ever seen any rr1 people doing that? hell no...

"the fact is the high rr people have there heads so far up there asses about how L33T they think they are they ignore them and only listen to people they know well" touché... and you accuse us of prejustice?

And in response... I would probably instinctively trust aussie's judgement, it's happened before so it's not such a hypothetical situation. Also... RPs earnt aren't necessarily in emain, how often do you see FC with the zerg?


and listen always carefully when there is lot peeps at platform rdy to go, som edudes always say go for relic...and who goes? =)

/who<relic taker wannabee>

lvl 23 some dude...yawn


Originally posted by old.Wildfire
Past one single shouted order, usually with no tactics involved like "CHARGE!!!!!" or "GO BACK!!!!!" no, I don't see people organising others. I don't count this as organisation. What I WOULD count as organisation would be telling people "ok we're going to move to mmg now along the zone boundary, keep yrour groups together, we move in 1 minute!" or similar. Have I ever seen any rr1 people doing that? hell no...

"the fact is the high rr people have there heads so far up there asses about how L33T they think they are they ignore them and only listen to people they know well" touché... and you accuse us of prejustice?

And in response... I would probably instinctively trust aussie's judgement, it's happened before so it's not such a hypothetical situation. Also... RPs earnt aren't necessarily in emain, how often do you see FC with the zerg?

Wildfire you didnt answer my question . if a high realm rank suggests a tactic to kill enemy or to do a raid and you think/know its the wrong choice and a Newer player low rr has a better idea which idea would you follow?

i aint saying ALL low rr's have great tactics or uber ideas im just saying NOT all high rr's have better ideas than low rr's

as for being prejeduce against high rr's i have a high rr character so there fore i'd be hypocrytical to say that . my observations are from what ive seen on Alb/Excal and of those on alb/iseult albs are a LOT different . so imo i can see the difference a LOT .

p.s ive seen PLENTY of high realm ranks YELL CHARGE/RETREAT many times and we have been wiped does that make them as noob as the lower lvl rr's that have called the same . and again as i said i HAVE seen many low lvL/RR people TRY and get things rolling on keep retakes/raids or just casual rvr . but the more prominant firgures of alb rvr ussually ignore them or tell them to stfu noob leave chat clear for orders . which again proves they got there heads to far up there asses to listen to other players opinions and ideas.

@fin ive also seen plenty of lvl 50's screaming for a relic raid when alb has a big army gathered .

i dunno why u cant see what my point is !! im just trying to make it clear not all high rr's have superior idea's/tactics to lower lvl rr's . is it so hard to admit a low lvl might have a better idea than yourself ?



I have to agree with aussie hes tottaly right! ive argued this point till ive been blue in the face! If albs cant see that standing and camping somewhere instead of chasing and running away will let them live longer therefore more +rps then thres bugger all else we can do. Im fed up with albs moaning about dying in rvr all the time and yet they dont realise its their own fault for constantly searching for rps instead of sticking together in a bigger group. I myself have witnessed at mmg a full 3 groups breaking off to chase 1 fg of mids to their tk only to be salughtered there even after shouting to them not to chase. Then SURPRISE SURPRISE because the groups are split hibs came behind the lesser groups and killed us. alli gotta say is WAKE UP! its happenin all the fookin time how blind can yous possibly be? yous are supposed to gight together as one force nota s little greedy forces. THe longer you live the more RPS you can gain specially if you protect your casters. It may seem like a heroic thing to be in a group and kill like 1 person of an enemy group but you dont get any more rps because theyre shared throughout the group. YOU WORK IT OUT im sayin nothin more on this subject as im fed up gettin others moaning at me moaning about you!


Yoda...some valid points, yes i would listen to lower player's idea's...but our group rarely follow the zerg, as all players, i have been in many and it doesn't take a leader or any suggestions to kill everything in sight.My head is far from up my own ass, i have many times stopped and waited for lower lvl's to catch up and grouped with them, if they have been unable to get a group i have tried for them and most times they have been invited into other groups.If noobs(for the want of another word) want to try things their way all get together and try them, all i'm saying is the more exp. you have the more you know and thru my exp i will follow the people i know and trust not some jumped up noob who thinks he knows it all and because no one will listen to him,everyone above rr2L1 has his own head stuck up his ass.O well nm i like the dark.

Goatman it happens i have 2 pet pigmy goats called Sod and Off
the wonders of Weed.....................


lol what with yelling on legion raids and in emain ppl must think im a right little hitler then =p

Oh well ppl can suit them selves =)


well u can never please all peeps, and never will, so =)


"p.s ive seen PLENTY of high realm ranks YELL CHARGE/RETREAT many times and we have been wiped"

Yes and then if you turn your camera view around, you will see a lot of your rr1 friends sitting around. You can, however, bet anything you like that if you look at the names of those who have died, the higher rr people will all be there lying face down on the ground, wondering why the hell the others didnt charge, because we probably would have won. Nobody's perfect, I've called failed charges before, everyone has. Think of it this way: who would you trust to make a business decision? The company's latest 16yr old recruit, or the managing director? It's all about experience.


Originally posted by old.Wildfire
"p.s ive seen PLENTY of high realm ranks YELL CHARGE/RETREAT many times and we have been wiped"



Well Aussie is pissed because he lost his farming point, because
he dont usually give shit about the deaths of albs.

Heard stories from other players about situations where
Aussie deliberate let albs die, for then afterwards killing
the enemy player. That does give more rp, than to help
kill enemy while alb is still alive, dosent it ?


Originally posted by kinadold

Heard stories from other players about situations where
Aussie deliberate let albs die, for then afterwards killing
the enemy player. That does give more rp, than to help
kill enemy while alb is still alive, dosent it ?

well you're lying, it 's from 1 alb named Gwari
some frustrated Minstrel that got attacked by a Shadowblade,
shadowblade died 1 sec after Gwari died. blame the slow drawtime of the scouts.
If I wasnt in the neighbourhood she was dead anyway but hey... keep on lying .. find someone who cares.


Lets say i heard it from a US player who borrowed a char for
some days and who was speachless after that performance of yours. A US player who did not know you, or could possibel have anything against you.


I must credit Aussie for his leading the Emain army on Tuesday night and doing a good job at it, it's a side of him I have not seen before. Usually, you associate soloing scouts in general and Aussie in particular (no offense :)) with a more selfish attitude, but Tuesday was different (maybe other days, too, spent last night in our frontier and didn't play tonight).

Anyway, as a contrast to the flames in this thread, I'd like to say well done for your work on Tuesday, Aussie. :)


That "frustrated minstrel" is one of our more active members :p aka Stick


Zhalen admiting to joining a 70 person Zerg cuz they thought they had more numbers is a Zerg.

Where is my post stupid Elf?

Albs paffing about with 70 people is a Zerg, call it what *you* liek but its a zerg, the fact they all got whip out means it was an Alb zerg.

Read a tad deeper before you criticise people Elf.

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