To Albs in Emainzerg tonight



for the guys that rushed , died, felt into the trap of NP after that Me and Wildfire told it 100000000 times it was a trap
told you 10000000000 times not to rush/chase

you died and prouved again you are worth the name 'noob'
not only did you die, you let the other 50% smart ppl that stayed also die.

I hope you are ashamed like hell.
2 days in a row, the same mistake
even a born monkey is smarter

from 87 ppl in emain to 17



Was worth letting em go and not calling em back, even if it did mean we got trampled by the mids 4-5 groups when they came back. Maybe one or two that went will have learned.

...maybe not :(


Stop calling peeps noobs or monkeys just because they following the other peoples. I think the zerg was successfull, ok we all died at the end but thats ok. Sometimes you win sometimes you loose.

Its the job of the zerg leader to make the people follow.
The zerg went well, ok, at least some peeps made a failure and some peeps followed. Well, ok that happens.

I thougt till that post, you were a good leader. But blaming the people now and calling them noobs and monkeys is so poor.
Now I just thinking YOU are poor.

Make sure, they never will follow you again. Well, I won't do. Nobody has the right to call me a monkey. I am very pissed of now.


"Stop calling peeps noobs or monkeys just because they following the other peoples"

Ya for god's sake man, the term is "sheep" - you could at least get it right :eek: As for the "I'll never follow you again" why not just learn from the experience and not make the same mistake next time? I don't think you can hold it against aussie for telling people what the right thing was to do, and then getting frustrated when people all ran off like sheep despite calls to come back... Oh well, you died, whether you learn from it or not is up to you.

From the point of view of myself and the other FC members that were present, we took the opportunity to try and organise the other albs that were in emain so that they actually stood a chance against the 3-4fg of organised NolbyZerg(tm). It worked, for a while, we beat off two zergs from opposite directions in as many minutes. Albs then ran off and died when NP pulled them back to MPK. "Sod it" thought the remaining 2fg at MMG, as NP charged us, we all ended up using our Standard Issue Albion /release Macros, and FC buggered off to the gorge so as not to be involved in another, similar experience, as happens all too often.

edit: go here and read - anything sound familiar?


Originally posted by Kralen
Nobody has the right to call me a monkey.

That's where you're wrong, everyone has the right to call you a monkey :) and me.

There's always stuff we do wrong and the sooner we learn to accept that the sooner we can start learning from what we are doing wrong. If you are responding in a hostile way everytime someone points out a flaw of yours then you really are missing out on things that might improve you. It might also just be a self inflated chimp like Wildfire making a pointless moan but forgive him :p


Hmm? I was merely agreeing that aussie had a good point and that (as you say) if people learned from mistakes, Albion would be a far more effective realm in RvR.


actually the term is "you rush you become an rp piggy" then when they die you get them to say "i am a little piggy" on the alb emain /cg :)


Well next time u camp MMG, and try hold the mids on their side, if u Charge, make a point that that more far u dont go , its simple!

there is 1 place what should not be passed!!

If u pass that spot changes r 80/20 u to die, and if u dont have speed its 99/1.

and that spot is????
The little "hill" after mmg, when woods start, and the deep hills end on your lft and right...

From that spot u can still sprint/ get speed on to mmg, and then u r save again.

Make that a limit place, those who pass that line can call what ever names u can think , nasty 1's.

From now on let that be the IDIOT LINE =)

so if peeps pass that line on mmg , they can be called IDIOTS, and u cant get offended by that because u passed the IDIOT line.


Originally posted by Kralen

Its the job of the zerg leader to make the people follow.
The zerg went well, ok, at least some peeps made a failure and some peeps followed. Well, ok that happens.

The zerg has no leader... it merely follows simple clustering algorithms :)


. I think the zerg was successfull, ok we all died at the end but thats ok...
yes very successsfull, if your idea is lets zerg don't matter if we die it will be still be a success, we are better off letting you and your kind continue to run to your deaths and not bother wasting our breath trying to stop you.If you don't want to follow probably 2 of the best organiser's and leaders in alb then do us all a favour and stay away and take the rest of the monkeys/noobs/sheep with you......

Treebeard lvl50 Arms

Weed weed wonderfull weed, grows in the ground from a little seed.............


OK, offend me, flame me.

I just wanted to say, that calling people noob or monkey is not the way to teach them they did something wrong.

Shouldnt we work as a team and try to do it better next time instead of calling ourselfs newbies? Can't we stop complaining about how bad we are?

I try to talk in a sensible way, ok, maybe I was a bit tired last night and pissed off while I read aussies post, but getting flames from peoples I even don't know (and they don't know me) is unfair.

It's just my opinion if 50% of the army is moving and began to chase the enemy while the other is staying back is the worst thing you can do. The group who rushed out did a failure, thats right. But to stay back was a failure too. I followed to help not because I follow the zerg like a sheep but with the knowledge that we have better chances if we all follow. Better chances as to give the enemy the chance first to kill the rushing army and second to come back to kill the rest staying behind.

I better follow people who made a failure to help them and not staying back and starting flaming the others because of their mistake.


hmmm, if 1 peep is trying to keep u all AT mmg, and NOT allow u to RUSH to mtk, because he KNOWS u will get RAPED, so why rush then? and that IDIOT LINE, wasnt FLAME to NO1, that Line has desided TODAY, not YESTERDAY, but since TODAY, all who go across that line, well then u know


80 albs vs 50+ mids mmg

NO MID DIES (0,0000000000) and they retreat
after yelling 10000 times not to rush or chase
after Wildfire yelled it another 100000 times

but...YOU DID , are you too stupid too see that's a trap?
are you just ignoring us and laughing with ppl that try to lead the albs. Aren't you tired of Hibs and Mids laughing with albs?

no, 50% did what he wanted, well you got what you deserved
a /release and i hope mids laugh spammed at your body coz what you did was dumb , stupid , i can't find the words.

Shouldnt we work as a team and try to do it better next time instead of calling ourselfs newbies?

fyi we started to call you noobs AFTER you didnt listen to us.

I better follow people who made a failure to help them and not staying back

which ppl did you follow? a rp horny noob with 3 hours RvR expierence that just came out of Thidranki,that can't listen to what leaders say?


I am not starting to discuss with you in that way. I tried to be objective, but if you only can flame and call others idiots, then never talk to me again.


who cares .
you didnt even listen when we told/yelled it several times
so if i can choose between flaming albs or tell it ANOTHER time what you have to do ...
I prefer to flame coz asking albs nice DOESNT work.


Aussie, i wanna also opinion of that new line after MMG!!

=) imo its good idea =)

and yes aussie, i think those who rushed at start were just those guys what u said =)



And again, it wasn't me which started the rushing. I just followed cause I wanted to avoid that all got slaughtered. That is called help. And how bad the chances of surviving are I always will help. If I am now a newbie, if I just try to help others, then call me newbie.

At least I am a nice sensible newbie.

That is my last statement in that topic. And I will remember the guys flaming me.


Well, I have to agree with Aussie and Wildfire on this one, when will you people learn? We tend to lose from a defensively advantagous position, because 3/4 of the people dont think/have not patience or are just plain daft ( dunno which one it is, but it always happens).


Aussie = NOOB
Wildfire = NOOB
Fin = NOOB

we are ALL noobs. "if doin summin wrong or not listening to somebody constitutes being a newb"

i can 100% guarentee EVERYBODY has made a mistake recently or not listened to somebody else and got themselves or others killed.

another way to look at it is the albs that didnt rush are cowards . 80+ albs vs 50mids = albs have a 30+ person advantage , so should of been able to crush mids fairly easy , hence the peeps who didnt rush are cowards :)

p.s for the record i wasnt there :)


i agree with aussie .... oe more thing.....

RESS YOU STUPID CLERICS and PALADINS PLEASE FS THATS WHY ALBS LOSE MORE THEN THEY WIN! this isnt refering to all clerics and paladins, there are a good few that DO stop and RESS when one is needed, rahter then get an extra 1k rps for themselves they ress other aswel, people such as Sighfi,Finthevaste, Sabu, Chim and Daws....they are 5 i regard as very good players, but plz RESS


Haha this cracks me up

Somebody said this once:
Live by the Zerg , die by the Zerg...

The definition of a Zerg (As I understand it) is this:

A rolling/gathering mass of people constantly flattening everything in its way through sheer numbers (read: Sheer numbers, not skill, not ability).

If you die then yer all at fault, not the zerg leader, its your fault because Zergs' are crap and if your a member of a Zerg yer crap too.


Choice between Zerg'ing and loggin, I'll do loggin everytime.


Originally posted by quinthar
Haha this cracks me up

Somebody said this once:
Live by the Zerg , die by the Zerg...

The definition of a Zerg (As I understand it) is this:

A rolling/gathering mass of people constantly flattening everything in its way through sheer numbers (read: Sheer numbers, not skill, not ability).

If you die then yer all at fault, not the zerg leader, its your fault because Zergs' are crap and if your a member of a Zerg yer crap too.


Choice between Zerg'ing and loggin, I'll do loggin everytime.

This is a post about camping a mg, read the post b4 making stupid comments.


Levelling Kerul up, the pygmy gobbos crossed the idiot line (aquaduct) but the zerg still wiped my group out. That make the pygmy gobbos idiots?

This is why I rarely do RvR except to clean our own backyard and maybe take a keep or two. RvR isn't meant for emain RP farming, it's meant for war.


I think a better term is Lemmings.

Eventually though, one will learn to fly.


Originally posted by Kralen
I just wanted to say, that calling people noob or monkey is not the way to teach them they did something wrong.

Two things.
First, it's hard to be tactful when you watch repeated and probably avoidable mass wipeouts due entirely to people not listening to the more experienced. Anyone with more experience of a given situation is in a position to order you around, ok? Live with it.

Secondly, when you get wiped out repeatedly by equal or lesser numbers, it's usually a fair old clue that you ARE doing something wrong, If you need someone to TELL you that an axe in your spine is a bad thing, then you ARE a monkey.


Originally posted by old.LandShark

. Anyone with more experience of a given situation is in a position to order you around, ok.

NOBODY has the right or is in a position to ORDER anybody around . peope can and will play the game as they see fit . if somebody wants to listen to somebody else then thats ok if they decide to do there own thing thats ok , if i follow/listen to people i dont give a toss if they been in rvr since opening day of retail or if they only been playing the game 1 week . if i think the newcommer has a better idea/plan than the supossadly expert ill follow/listen to the newer rvr'r . its not all exp in emain that wins batles . somebody with no exp in rvr at all is just as capable of divising a enemy bashing idea than the expert .


1) /em hands aussie a beer - calm down man! :)
2) Fin that sounds like a good idea, I'll be happy to pass that info on to others.

"I think a better term is Lemmings. Eventually though, one will learn to fly." haha :)

Unfortunately yoda this is a game - based on inflexible rules, statistics, vision ranges, damage outputs e.t.c. Lets not use the word "experience" for now, lets call it "practice". That way maybe people will see that those who RvR a lot have been in a lot of situations, have seen a lot of battles, have practiced killing hibs and mids, and have found what works best.

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