To: A friar



Originally posted by old.Garnet

You also heard that zerkers are getting 2 new things. a DD attack useable at any time, set on a timer and a new evade so they can evade from all sides instead of just the front.

evade aint gunna make much diff due to all it does is evade from any directtion (ooo geeeeee, let me wet my pants with excitement) and as far as the dd i havent a clue how much dmg it will do at a guess something similar to a ns which er well no comment


Flurry does ~200dmg on a 2min timer. Assuming your DW/CD/LA spec is full. They're also making Dirty Tricks unresistable, w00t! :p
Dont think I've ever seen a Zerker/BM evade in RvR yet and its even rarer for Mercs, guess being 360deg should help some tho.


Originally posted by old.Mick
friars can only perma sprint with high tireless RA (the one that reduces run speeed end cost)

if specced right their leather armour has 2% less absorb than plate, scale etc

they also get some damn nice resistance buffs to tackle nukers, pity they got no ranged ability whatsoever :p

Long wind not tireless :)

Absorb buffs don't reduce the amount of damage you take. .. just give you a 10% chance of a 'complete absorb' (shows up as a miss)
doesn't improve your AF...

AF is what determines the damage :)
Chain is still a lot better than leather with absorb...

Friars can turn into evil killing machines with all their buffs on ... however the haste is once every 3m (better than dirty tricks! grr :)), and if you catch them without their umpteen 10m self-buffs on ... they're gonna be a lot lot easier :)

Still a nasty surprise when you think it's a caster ;)


Originally posted by old.Garnet

You also heard that zerkers are getting 2 new things. a DD attack useable at any time, set on a timer and a new evade so they can evade from all sides instead of just the front.

Zerkers don't get the kit kat McFlurry... tis only Gimpmasters and Mercegimps :)

(who are actually ok... just not brilliant, gimme a damage buff and I'm sick sick sick :) course I need to actually get my positionals off....)

However mercs might as well not get the 360 degree evade :) with their mighty evade 1! woohoo.


Originally posted by old.LandShark
Friars have a lot going for em. Sad fact is that Mythic with RA's, the self dex+qui buff, and the pulling 'taunt' shout has made friars in the US completely amazing in PvE, without fixing any of the problems in RvR. Most of said problems are the same for any other healing class or any other melee class, to be fair, but still....Also, crush is in the US a pretty crap damage type for an alb, with the new armor resist tables. Thrust or slash are about even for alb, but crush? Ugh, pretty damn bad. :)

Nah crush is fine... just not as good as it was :)

Used to be slash: gimp against midgard, ok against hib
thrust: good against midgard, gimp against hib.
Crush: ok against midgard, good against hib

Crush the clear winner...

with the damage table changes ... crush is still ok, just not so great against enemy tanks :( it's neutral versus midgard chain and bad versus scale... can paste blademasters though :)


i was scared of zerks, but then i attacked one (utle: he was orange to me) and well...........300+ a hit :)


lol do any hibs/mids STILL fall for the friar=caster thing ? I know everyone jokes about people mistaking them for casters but i'd of thought by now they'd of learnt the lesson.

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