

Jul 28, 2004
Watchh said:
Cet= Central European Time
Gmt= Greenwich Mean Time

Excalibur/Prydwen => European Servers

Cet > Gmt
i mean .. who cares bout Greenwich :m00:

actually, the servers Excalibur and Prydwen and english servers (denoted by then 'EN' at the server selection screen), just as orcanie for example is french (FR). Living in the UK myself, i have become accustomed to using cet when doing anything associated with daoc, however it seems the choice by goa to release the european servers in the 3 languages of the current main European 'powers' indicates the 2 english servers were designed with British players in mind. This seems a reasonable argument for the English servers to run by GMT.


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 18, 2004
As of time of posting, 4669 players in Europe, and 797 in UK, which consists of Excalibur (420), Prydwen (207) and Camlann (170).
So...excal, pryd and camlann are UK servers so should technically be run on GMT/BST (depending on when we are).

Having said that, for anything I run, I've taken to saying "at xxxxGMT (yyyyY CET)" because otherwise people will get even more confused :)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
I prefer CET because most people (even most of the british) doesn't seem to know that during summertime theres a 2 hour difference between GMT and CET. It creates confusion so use CET.


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 30, 2004
Whisperess said:
Use UTC. It is fool-proof, which is kinda what you'll need.

Interesting point, UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) otherwise known as 'Zulu'. This is actualy GMT, though during the UK summer BST (British Summer Time) becomes +1 hour ahead of UTC. So at the moment UTC = GMT.



Fledgling Freddie
Jan 25, 2004
Hmm if I had to pick one time it would be GMT since if I accidently thought it was CET I would be an hour early logging in..

But since some english ppl have trouble with that, since they use GMT and BST(Brittish Summer Time?) for what the rest of us simply call GMT, why not just use ZULU time.. thats GMT all over all the time.. winter summer and weekends.. :m00:


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 12, 2004
wow is it really that difficult to work out CET and GMT?

if it is, i'm suprised u can tie your shoes in the morning and turn your PC on.


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 2, 2004
damn this is a stupid post :s
but well, i got the solution, just use both the times in your thread :p

e.g. : i am organising ML10 @ sunday 21/11/2004 at 14.00 CET (13.00 GMT) :D

i know, the solution is as stupid as the post :s


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Whisperess said:
Use UTC. It is fool-proof, which is kinda what you'll need.
UTC and GMT are effectively the same thing, that is, they are never more than 0.9 seconds apart.. Do we need that kind of precision? :)


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 23, 2003
Xajorkith said:
Scuse me?

If it was not for us lot (and Yanks and Ruskies) you'd all be fecking talking German and part of Zee FatherLand, just thank yourself lucky we let you into our Europe! :) so behave yourself!

As for driving on the left that was the fecking Italians fault not the Celts.....
wouldnt mind that, wouldnt have to learn more than 1 language then :p


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 10, 2004
Xajorkith said:
Scuse me?

If it was not for us lot (and Yanks and Ruskies) you'd all be fecking talking German and part of Zee FatherLand, just thank yourself lucky we let you into our Europe! :) so behave yourself!

As for driving on the left that was the fecking Italians fault not the Celts.....

And if it wasnt for us lot, you would be speaking german too, so whatthefuckisthepointofthis?


Loyal Freddie
Mar 4, 2004
nerf people in real life if they can't manage to read three letters and add/subtract a small number from a time.
I think such people's parrents should demand tax money returned because it surly hasn't been spend on their kids education.

As long as the timezone is indicated, I fail to see any problem at all.
(Although it is fun how many apparently dosen't know that CET is GMT+2 when CET are in daylight saving time :))


FH is my second home
Jan 9, 2004
aye but then they use bst.. so it's stil only 1hr diff.
and imo people can post what ever time they damn well please tbh,
and the gmt is the blar blar for all time..ok then so yanks should post thier raids as gmt to, well at least by that logic. ? silly isnt it ? i live in cet so does the majority of the ppl i know so i post my raids as cet, and never missed a raid due to it being posted as gmt, as long as poeple add "cet" or gtm" to their posts i fail to see the problem really..
on the fatherland comment, truth is we'd all being talking german "yes" brits too if it hadnt been for the yanks.! ye..scary innit ?


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
Xandax said:
As long as the timezone is indicated, I fail to see any problem at all.
(Although it is fun how many apparently dosen't know that CET is GMT+2 when CET are in daylight saving time :))

Yeah, but plenty of people seem to think GMT = UK Time. And UK now is in synch with CET for daylight saving I believe. So they keep on quoting GMT when they really mean BST. Ho hum. That hour (CET = UK Time + 1) makes for an annoying difference as I'm still at work at 18:30 CET. Raids seem to be getting earlier and earlier :(


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
Summoner said:
All servers that run DAoC by GOA are located in Paris.
Paris is CET.
All servers do also run with a clock that is accurate to CET time.

How hard is it for english people to adapt to what actually is the fact?
Refering to every person that believe that since it's an english speaking server, everyone have to use the GMT time !?


I dont have a problem with GMT, CET or any other time zone as long as the person states which one they are using.

I dont have a problem with it being english speaking, I like having our european buddies around.

A small question though, what do you mean by "All servers do also run with a clock that is accurate to CET time." ?
When I type /clock I get a real time GMT clock.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Bah, just state time zone when posting anything and it will be ok. Btw, if I am not mistaken, last couple of years time change between winter and sumer time was synchronized on most of Europe to happen at the same date so the hour differences are kept throughout the year.

As for ingame /clock, it shows the time your system clock shows so set it up however you like! :D

PS: And still, gmt + 2 >>> all!! ;)


Fledgling Freddie
Nov 8, 2004
Xajorkith said:
Scuse me?

If it was not for us lot (and Yanks and Ruskies) you'd all be fecking talking German and part of Zee FatherLand, just thank yourself lucky we let you into our Europe! :) so behave yourself!

As for driving on the left that was the fecking Italians fault not the Celts.....

lol, "us lot"?

You weren't even born then, lol. You can't talk about "us" when you weren't even a sperm.

Besides, Hitler looked up to the mighty swedes...and "we" (hehe) helped them...so not really likely they would invade us. ;)

Although tbh...considering how Sweden is today...well, some of u will understand what I mean. ;)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 20, 2004
New Zeeland are like 11 hours ahead of Sweden....cant you use their timezone?
Would be so much easier and all =P


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 29, 2004
Xajorkith said:
Scuse me?

If it was not for us lot (and Yanks and Ruskies) you'd all be fecking talking German and part of Zee FatherLand, just thank yourself lucky we let you into our Europe! :) so behave yourself!

As for driving on the left that was the fecking Italians fault not the Celts.....

Then we would only have to wait for the german translation at least.

Urme the Legend

Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Xajorkith said:
Scuse me?

If it was not for us lot (and Yanks and Ruskies) you'd all be fecking talking German and part of Zee FatherLand, just thank yourself lucky we let you into our Europe! :) so behave yourself!

As for driving on the left that was the fecking Italians fault not the Celts.....

Omg so it's your fault that we are waiting for German and French translations of each patch!!!! :touch:



Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
Ilienwyn said:
As for ingame /clock, it shows the time your system clock shows so set it up however you like! :D

Exactly !

So what relevance is the exact time the server is set to ?


Loyal Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Xajorkith said:
Scuse me?

If it was not for us lot (and Yanks and Ruskies) you'd all be fecking talking German and part of Zee FatherLand, just thank yourself lucky we let you into our Europe! :) so behave yourself!

As for driving on the left that was the fecking Italians fault not the Celts.....

dude go f**k yourself and make a career you ignorant motherf**ker, you were gonna get owned by axis if americans and russians didnt step in so stfu or go take some sleeping pills and a bottle of whiskey and do you know what... and england has never been a part of europe you ignorant piece of shit, always ruining EU for us because you lick to much US balls.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
n00b said:
dude go f**k yourself and make a career you ignorant motherf**ker, you were gonna get owned by axis if americans and russians didnt step in so stfu or go take some sleeping pills and a bottle of whiskey and do you know what... and england has never been a part of europe you ignorant piece of shit, always ruining EU for us because you lick to much US balls.

or it may just be we have had a strong econemy for the last 10 years and dont want to bail out europe yet again...

UK, falling unemployment, healthy growth in the econemy
Europe, enemployment getting out of control (in most countries) econemy going to the dogs (thanks to monopoly money ak The Euro)

We take pride in our independance and arent as quick to sign it over to un-elected time wasters in brussels, but thanks anyway. Funny, the old germany tried to take europe by force 60 years ago and failed, now you are all under the same banner for the small price of having no control over your currency, tax or laws, got to see that something is wrong there.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
n00b said:
dude go f**k yourself and make a career you ignorant motherf**ker, you were gonna get owned by axis if americans and russians didnt step in so stfu or go take some sleeping pills and a bottle of whiskey and do you know what... and england has never been a part of europe you ignorant piece of shit, always ruining EU for us because you lick to much US balls.

We decideded to enter ww2, we were offered a truce by Germany in the opening days and turned them down, we risked our independance to fight in Europe, 100s of thousands died in a war that we didnt have to enter and fyi we were winning the battle of britain (the air war) before the Americans got involved, The Americans only joined because the japs bombed pearl harbour. Germany would not have been able to take britain without dominating the air, attacking an island is far harder than attacking land.

History shows that we will always welcome "outsiders" see the the kenyan mau mau rebellion 1950's/60's i think, when we took in thousands of refugees, who have now become an important part of our society. Maybe some brits seem a little rude and arrogant, but we dont mean to, it comes from being independent for the last 1000 years.

all this over stupid time zones lol, how hard is it to read CET/GMT and add/take away an hour.


FH is my second home
Jan 9, 2004
aye how did this turn into a WW2 debate ?
one can discuss for ages about what if's and what nots and blar blar,
what if hitler had left it to his generals, what if they hadnt spread out thier forces, what if the yanks hadnt helped, what if england had chosen to stay neutral, and would the germans have turned on britan anyway ? after the had europe ? lets just be glad it all turned out as it did in the end, and that the yanks payed for the rebuilding of europe,

oh and the brits gave us monty-python so i lub em :clap: for that

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