Time to update?




Do you think its time for BW to update the server?
Theres now only 51 servers running 1.90 and 150+ running 1.91.

And, well, the BAS boys just released their new Chinook with so many cool features its staggering ( cargo vehicles, rope drops .... ) and it requires 1.91.

The BAS http://www.concept-5.com/ballistic/ addons and missions are just so damned good I cant NOT update. Maybe get some on the server ( the Delta/Rangers Co-ops are kickass too )



The 1.91 patch only recently changed from beta, and since its not actually needed, I've not chased this up. You can play on 1.90 servers with the 1.91 patch, the only difference is that you get a modified config message. I was actually getting some stuff sorted out today, I'll mention it to the powers that be.

And I'm still waiting on some multiplayer missions to go with the BAS addons.;)


Forgot about the backwards compatability of 1.90, so thats all good.

Though there are only a few Co-Ops for the BAS Addons, theres 9 Squad Based Co-ops come with the add-ons that are all good, and theres another 4 BAS based Co-ops due sometime before Sunday ;) , so thats 13 playable missions, plus the ones that come with the vehicles, theres a couple of them that are quite good too.


Funnily enough, I downloaded all their stuff last night and noticed that...I'll see what I can manage.:)


As hinted :



4 x Co-op missions designed to use only BAS addons.
Action packed and ideally suited to 4-12 Players, with a truly Eplosive! ending.

So Fresh its still steaming!

from the readme :

The Russians have been occupying Nogova for several years now, with our knowledge and assistance.
We have armed them and assisted them through the CIA and NSA.
But The President has an Election coming up and needs a War to win. So our Allies are now our Enemies.
With the UN in pieces, we are now clear to launch an all-out offensive on the Enemy and wipe them
from Nogova for good.

All in a days work.

Mutliplayer Co-ops suited for 1-12 players ( minimum of 4 recommended! )

Missions :
co@ 12 Poet1 - LittleBird Surprise.Noe.pbo ( Raid several Enemy Positions )
co@ 12 Poet2 - Convoy Cream.Noe.pbo ( Stop a well-armed Convoy )
co@ 12 Poet3 - War Pie.Noe.pbo ( Launch attacks on The Bridge and nearby Bases )
co@ 12 Poet4 - Artillery Crumble.Noe.pbo ( Rescue the Captive and Watch the Fireworks )

Features :
Artillery Scripts.
Spectate on Death script.
Mutliple Mission Elements and Types.
Briefing/Notes and all BAS weapons available at Briefing.

Installation :
Extract all .zip contents to your /MPMissions folder.

Addons Required :

BAS DeltaForce/Rangers.
BAS LittleBird.
BAS Chinook.


They're not fully tested yet, but all work fine, had no problems so far.

Go-on, you KNOW you want to!


beta 1...I think thats a try it at home, rather than on the servers.

We are ironing out a few more config options at the moment and upgrading the base setup. Until that work is finished, the addons are on hold. I'll keep you all updated.

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