Time for an objective view of GOA

  • Thread starter old.warriorgirl
  • Start date


I still have some play time since I paid for six months initially. But I don't play anymore, my renewal is cancelled.
People who quit don't make noise, they just quit.


Well done jerks at GOA, you screwed up and made people leave instead of telling others to join..

Yes!I forgot to say what you have just said!
And when they ask me I why, the reason I tell them is always the same: european servers are hosted by an amateur company that doesn't care about costumers and takes ages to improve the game telling us bullshits.
I think GOA has lost uhm let me think at least 30-40 people for my bad publicity: yes you can say 30-40 people are few, but imagine that like me there are several more people angry that surely won't tell their friends to buy european version.
However I'm still here hoping that they wake up because I love really much Daoc but yesterday I have orderer the Lord Blackthorn Revenge expansion pack for Ultima Online that I didn't bought when I began playing at Daoc...



I appear to have opened a can of worms with my innocent query. Thank you all for your thoughts.

Feelings seem to have run high in one or two places - so first off: Be Nice! (Or I smack you)

Secondly - am as confused as ever. However the several days of standing back from DAOC without the total immersion has been a salutory experience.

Thirdly - the recent pageant and historic ceremony for Her Majesty shows that this side of the pond we in Europe have much to be proud of... even if our game technology lags somewhat behind the US. :D

Fourthly - please no more nasty unpleasantness towards GOA. Reasonable and positive criticism yes... ill mannered tantrums - No. (Or you get sent to your room.)

Fifthly - someone please say whether the US servers crash/lag during big relic raids?

Sixth - why cannot we be told when 1.48... and, dare I ask, 1.50... will be implemented = actual dates - business deadlines? GOA are there to serve us. We employ them in a kinda way. Goodness - I do not mind paying a little more for DAOC if it helps. You pays for wot you's gets - and at the moment DAOC must be the lowest priced multi-thingy on line. That said, I would expect value for money and a reasonably swift improvement in service.

<counts on fingers... five... six..>

Um...Seventhly. A lot of people seem to have mentioned RvR, or PvP, being the chief source of pleasure in a game. But mine also includes role play - and there is notta lotta that about - with one or two brilliant exceptions. (A gorgeously funny troll and an amazing kobold prince) Playing alongside these two has reduced me to helpless giggles. So Is DAOC The Right Game For the Roleplayer? And will we ever see a role playing server alongside the PvP one?

<wonders what Ultima Online's new release is like for role play>

Last but not least - don't get cross and bad tempered like wot one or two have done in these threads. It's not worth it. This is a game for our enjoyment. But once the pleasure goes then the game dies... so will DAOC Europe be a thriving and happy community in a years time? One of the hardest questions to be asked is 'Where do you see yourself 12 month's from now?'


Trewly Divine... level 35 virago Thane and proud Amazonian guildee.



They've said the end of June... I'd hope with a realistic (lax? easy?) deadline like that they'll hit it...

As much as I'd like to have the patches immediately I can see why they wan't to patch all at once, not only for the technical reasons. They're doing the 'European' service not the 'European and another one for English speakers' so want to do everything all at once...

I just hope they hurry it along - 3 months is way too long imho. I'm happy being a little behind the US... not so sure about 3 months behind.

The only thing tempting me with the US servers is the roleplay servers. I know they don't want a zoo for people to point at the roleplayers and laugh in, or invasions of lurikeens to charge in, but some provision for role-play would be nice.

I know I'm crap and fail miserably to RP almost all of the time... but if people start talking in character to me I'll probably start back again...

I wonder if GOA could do anything to encourage this?

I'm tempted to pull my finger out and try and encourage some RP from my guild (they'll probably scream and object... and as everyone knows it's just my alts in the guild anyway, I've bought 20 accounts just to keep myself company - so it'll be me screaming and objecting at my self... a vision of sanity) - shall see how that goes.

They've been happening... not lots of them... but there's been some... and hopefully there'll be more when 1.48 arrives and they can do so without losing any changes they make.
(e.g. An invasion of Cow's in Camelot hills, someone kills the cow king and get's his 'crown of +2 strength and extreme sparklyness', 1.49 comes along and suddenly his crown is an emerald seal coz the items database patch overwrote it)


who'd want to move to US now? At least on this side of the Atlantic, i can hope against hope that some of the 1.50 bullshit changes will be undone or refined at least, for 1.51... and that we will then go from 1.49 to 1.51 :clap:
Hey, a guy can dream :/


Are you an Archer Landshark? ;)

Know what you mean, i'm not to bothered about 1.50 to be honest coz it is filled with a lot of stupid nerf's etc. I just want new battlegrounds where nasty powerlevelling middies cant gank me.

I think GOA's biggest problem is communication, quite franky there isnt any, no PR, no News (well almost ;) - we dont know whats going on so we assume there is nothing and they are all scratching their arses and drinking coffee.

I mean cmon guys! Give us something, updating the website more than once a month would be really cool! Some reports on events going on, stories .. anything!


I am not taking part in this thread anymore. :)
Simply because if I say my opinion I might get all the napalm of the US forces thrown on me.


Gotta agree with Gef. GOA need to learn how to communicate.

I'd be alright with just a notice every few days saying something like:

"Our one and only translator's dog is ill. Patch delayed by 3 hours because he's taking it to the vet."

A little bit a timescale is all I want. I'm patient, I can wait if I know when I'm waiting for.


Well we've got that...

they are posting news once a week...

they said patch by the end of June...

on Gorre for testing first week in June (so they have till Friday by that, or Sunday if they work weekends).

It's not the post-every-ten-minutes like Mythic during patch frenzy.... but Mythic get to do that sort of thing - hearing about this new change and that new change is exiting. Hearing about this mob being translated and this quest being translated is less so...

Slate them all you want for being slow with the patches so far, but they have started communicating.


Originally posted by Aird Fitzdeagle

Perhaps you should give Neopets a shot? Very relaxing... good for the nerves.

weee, i played neopets for a while, then i was banned for, um, some dubious undertakings :p


Originally posted by [TNN]Aardvark
I have had NO problems with crashes or any other technical stuff on US servers, and I doubt that every single relic raid with >150 people involved crashes the servers, as they've been done many times before.

Just to set the record straight, we've had plenty of raids with 200+ people without crashes, just a couple recently that did that made people go all crazy and yell "all relic raids crash! whaaa!" and throw their toys out of the pram. From what I understand large raids crashing happens on US servers too (though I don't play there so this is second hand info at best).



If anyone is on Prydwen/Alb and interested in roleplay, you're welcome to join us ....

4x minstrel
Order of the Knights Templar


Well I'm still loving DOAC EU and haven't really any complaints yes a crash every now and again is annoying but life goes on and I'm sure they're not going to just leave things as they are, Duh?!? even funcom have pulled they're finger out and things are better that side of the woods.
As for UO? OMG are you kidding, it's just turned in to a pile of well *yawns* I played siege for 3 yrs left for DOAC and haven't looked back well tell a lie I have a look at new things they implement but never stay. Cancelling UO2 was there mistake IMHO
I've also played DAOC US stayed until the EU servers were up and swapped, can't say I noticed a difference yes behind on patches but if you've never had them why complain "it's not your time yet" :)
The greatest thing for me was the playtime, to finish raids before 12am is bliss now my work has improved during the day and no longer fall asleep to folk whinning on message boards :p
also actually playing with folk from the UK is great also *looks forward to a fan meet*

Quit whinning play the game or f**k off - is the only advice I can offer, mail GAO if you're so upset and use this board for something constructive like organising a event or something.


Do not listen to Bowen, he surely gets money from GOA


Cancelling UO2 was there mistake IMHO

Mate tell me how many player would have quit UO leaving there their wealth and their things for playing at UO2 ?
You can say that many quit UO for Daoc so they surely would have quit Uo for UO2 but.... I don't think so.
Personally I know a lot of people that have played DAOC without stopping their UO account and I think you are one of them:
I played siege for 3 yrs left for DOAC and haven't looked back well tell a lie I have a look at new things they implement but never stay.

Ultima Online 2 will hit the shelves only when they will be able to convert every single UO account with every single item in a 3D environment.
I do not know if right now the 3d technology can hadle such great details... remember UO is great because the deep game play and the infinite things you can do there.
Daoc is nice and funny, but not so deep as UO.


Daoc is nice and funny, but not so deep as UO.

I think time may change this.. or maybe hopes :)

I feel quite comfortable in the realm of Albion and as things develop around me I hope to stay there for the forseable future.


UO might have depth but.... PvP.... rotflmao!


Pvp in Uo was funny before Trammel (and now it is not so bad too altough I'm much more explorer and achiever than pvpper)
Trammel was badly needed to roleplayer.

When I said UO has dept I was meaning about the things you can do there and th objects you can create, and the houses you can furnish and so on.


I said a million times already that UO has depth. But I myself find PvP by far the best thing in DAoC... so that is why I will not return to my still active 37 month UO account.
Sure you can make stuff in UO... put it on vendors... decorate your house... dig-up treasures (which gets a bit annoying)... etc.
Actually the game was much more of a challenge before trammel. I remember those days when small houses did not cost 1xx,xxx to 5xx,xxx gold, there were PKs everywhere (which got very exciting) and the economy was not fucked up yet.
Now UO is just plain weiiiiird... it has become a mess of all sorts of things and I really do not like the game anymore.
Wonder if I can sell my account...


Well i finally just gave up, even tho i did not want to leave because of all the friends i made, i really did not see the point of playing for a game im not enjoying anymore.

only good thing to come of this, is i now know not to buy anything with GOA on it, and warn other about them too.

haha GOA did not like the bad press on the forums, with all the people leaving and saying what i did, GOA will have a really bad rep, still it's there fault. :)

But then i was warned about GOA and i did not listen :)
just wish i had now :(


Raziel, the game is still enjoyable so I at least don't mind the state GOA is in. Maybe when I get bored I might begin to seriously moan about it.


My, my, my...

I have to agree with a lot of points on this thread about the whining, and the slagging off of GoA - but I will lay down the Gauntlet -

Name me 1 single IT related company who have got it PERFECT...

Microsoft - no - everyone whines the o/s is crap
Intel - no - everyone whines it's not quick enough and overheats
AMD - no - see Intel

Those are the BIG BOYS - they are meant to KNOW what they are doing and it all goes tits up.

The nature of the IT industry is that things WILL go wrong?

What else needs technical support??? - if your car breaks, you dont get a mechanic asking you to get a spanner and hammer to delve deep into your engine...

You don't get technical support to help you cook your pasta??

Or how to washup the dishes (by hand OR machine)

IT is about the ONLY industry in the world where you have a dedicated SUPPORT team (and even then it's mostly crap, I know, I'm a support techie myself)

GoA will NEVER get it right - either put up and shut up or go elsewhere.

End of Story. Until IT becomes 100% independant (and doesnt need tech support) and even then a WHOLE NEW set of problems will arrive... The matirx anyone???

Right, i've had my rant, i'm bored now, and I'm going back to support some more whinging little shites who can't be bothered to RTFM!!

Thank you all, I will now shut up...


I gotta agree with you there SFXMan, I got a 36+ month old UO account and I quit mainly because of Trammel. I loved it when it first started, okay so getting PK'ed was a downer but it made for great PvPing, not having any way of telling how powerful your enemy was rocked. Try going mining with your naked GM Mage and wait for some PK to come along looking for an easy kill. Muhaha

I loved it .. then they patched the hell out of it coz of some people moaned. Totally screwed up everything that was right about the game and it lost its edge. Looks like DAoC is going the same way, if they keep nerfing my Scout i'm orf to pastures new.

Tank Init

uo had it probs to i can remeber playing for 5 hours one day and to log on the next day to find out i never really played lol this happened loads in uo

and to all u ppl saying u going to quit coz the patches aint up to date i bet u r going to refuse to buy unreal 2 coz it a year late in it release lol u lot are fucking muppets.


Originally posted by Ayeye

Again I post here things GOA has done until now

1) "Imported" Daoc in Europe (WOW)
2) Betatesting it
3) Patched at 1.45
4) saved the world from that hacker that enjoyed to attack servers (Funny eh? The hacker has striken 1 min after the publish of 1.45! Really funny .....)
5) removed forum from official site (WOW!)
6) did that flash movie "Orthographic projection of the frontiers" that I think nodoby cares to look at
7) Added an incomplete link page to main site (this one was really funny because they used this unofficial board to gather websites and the most funny thing is that they dind't tested that page since the link to daoc catacombs still points to daatlas! Note: CORRECTED NOW after removing link to Barrysworld and reputting it mwhahaha!)
8) Changed the cursor on the website
9) They are setting up test center
10) They are about ready to begin tests on 1.48 version that will be online at the end of june (if all goes well)
11) Sometimes they added some news to their daoc website

Lucky for us, France is playing bad in world cup so they can work instead of staring at the television)

That's all
I'm sorry but I think that they need to wake up, I'm really angry because I WANT TO SEE DAOC EUROPE PATCHED AT US VERSION AND REALLY FAST and if (in the beginning) I trusted Goa that this could be done, right now I think this can't be done ...
I have subscribed for 6 months and I will play until then but I will go on in flaming them UNTIL I SEE THEY ARE WORKING HARD TO IMPROVE THE SITUATION!
For example if they publish the patch 1.48 and then after MAXIMUM 2 weeks (yes 2 weeks, remember that now translation of 1.48 has ended so they can begin to translate 1.50) they go in official BETA TESTING of the latest US version and then publish it after 1 more week I will change my mind!
Do you think this is possible?

The good points.......A kick @ss game..............


You think this game is bad? Why not play EQ, or UO? Or even bugger off to the US version. U say yr mates. Talk to them on MSN messenger. This is a great game! a brilliant game! Yr talking about crap games? www.legendofmir.it www.mythofsoma.net

Go take a look......Ungrateful asshole


Haha... nice post Talen_Sun.

Gef, I agree... before Trammel it was great to play. A PK could jump at you anytime... even mining had you sweating the whole, and not only due to the hard work but the danger of a PK coming along and ganking the crap out of you :)
It was great when you were happily killing in a dungeon then PKs come along... if you were lucky you had hide and could maybe make it out alive, and DAMN it was a rush to run past them :D

Ying Yang, hehe... that was one con about UO. Downtime was a HELL-OF-A-LOT WORSE THAN IN ANY DAOC SERVER! You had DAILY maintenance... the occasional (quite often) time warp


Heh, yeah but people made a game of the time warp, ever go to server wars? It was PvP heaven if you could stay up till 5am to go to it. An hour of PvP with no concequences, great laff at Brit graveyard :)


Haha, never heard of that though :)
Just found it a bitch if I was itching to play maybe 2 hours before maintenance, occasionally it was worth the risk. :)


Originally posted by SFXman
Raziel, the game is still enjoyable so I at least don't mind the state GOA is in. Maybe when I get bored I might begin to seriously moan about it.

IYO it's still enjoyable, IMO it's not, thats why i left and u stay :)


Originally posted by Cru:
Go take a look......Ungrateful asshole

Ehy! Did I insulted you?
I think no, so please wash your mounth before posting here, got it?

About the word "Ungrateful", ungrateful is not me because, dear little boy, I pay for playing so it is GOA that must be greateful to me seen that they give a litte support and service, got it?

Btw Cru, I think you haven't read my posts well...


Originally posted by Raziel
IYO it's still enjoyable, IMO it's not, thats why i left and u stay :)
Good point :)
But how are you bored with this :confused:

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