Tilda, you are abusing your mod privileges.

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Originally posted by --Eraser--
i kept out of this mod-abuse-arguing so far, but i have to agree, i dont like this politic to lock down threads just because a mod doesnt "like" it or doesnt see any use in it really (or for any other reasons).
and i agree fully with jiggs, i have seen threads so much worse then the HB/FC/strife one beeing up for WEEKS and only containing useless flames etc.

if you think a thread is bad report it.
Us Moderators DONT have time to read every thread on every forum.
If you think a thread is bad or "worse" report it, thats what the buttons there for.
If you dont report it and nobody reads it, its not going to get closed.



I hate ignore. I ignored a few people but ended up seeing their replies quoted or missing something (remotely at times) relevant to the thread being posted by them, hence I had to look what they posted anyhow. No more ignores :(

Sincerely Yours, (semi-)professional forum troll.


Yog or Negura being relevent? Ever?


You need a better excuse than that not to use ignore.


Is it possible for it to REALLY ignore them, as in not even showing they posted shit^H^H^Htuff?


This person is on your ignore list.

To view this post, click <here>

That's what you'll get if you put someone on ignore.


Yep, been there done that... Was hoping I wouldn't even have to see that :( It's like "join me in the d4rk s1d3", an invitation to click it...

Propably have to (try) mentally ignore them.


Oh, I know its not ideal, but us mods can't really chase them around all the time. There's a hell of a lot of posts being made in these forums every single day, and sometimes posts slip through. Just try for one day to read every single new post and you'll see its more than a full time job. Sometimes these things go un-noticed, so you either have to report it or grin and bare it.


Tbh I don't care, hardly got any serious responses to my other thread anyway.


I know it's a pita to even try read most posts Damini and moderate them, been there done that too, albeit on another forum. Lucky my "area" to moderate was pretty quiet most of the time.

GL on the "job" ;)


Quiet? Heh, I think I'd sacrifice goats on the altar of all that's Green and Barry shaped for a "quiet" forum after these past few days.

Please note, the mods are tired. Please take off your shoes, talk quietly, and if you must kill each other, use poison or smothering.


if its a perfectally sensible thread then It wont get locked.

Just out of curiosity could someone link the part of the CoC that says sillyness and spam is not tolorated and those threads will be locked. Or the part that says sensibility is a requirement for posting on BW.


Dreama, I think that would be a rather pedantic interpretation of the CoC and an argument only used by someone to their own benefit. I would hope the rule of contra preferentum would be enacted each time someone tried to use the CoC as an attack on BW spam.

What is reasonable and what is "spam" is quite debatable and I would expect most cases to be taken on their own merits until such a volume had been covered that past precedent could be put into operation eventually.




Sillyness and Spam are fairly dominant in the Off Topic forum. However, as this is a discussion forum, having something to discuss in a thread would seem an obvious pre-requisite. Secondly, this being a DAoC forum, it would ideally be discussing something regarding DAoC.

Sillyness is all very well most of the time, but it can be very annoying for those people who post a serious thread and see it descend into "wibble" and :m00:

I really don't see why people are getting so damn agitated. Have a look at the VNBoards, and then back here. We're very laid back as a general rule, we're just trying to make the best viable situation and climate for people to post in.


Ok... My ten cents worth...

Seeing a lot of threads closed lately, has made me wonder about what the BW mods are acting upon. I have seen several threads closed, while others that (IMO) are far more abusive/silly/non-topic are still open. I know that the mods cannot read all threads in the forum, and thus some will slip through, but this sends a bad signal to the BW users. Moderate none, or moderate all - these seemingly "random" thread-closures is the reason for these allegations about the mods being biased.

I can understand why you've seen some closed threads with Tilda's name on it. Being a member of a flamed guild, will of course draw some attention from the player mod. I would like to see the player mod that would not be a tad bit more interested in posts flaming his own guild than some other. Maybe this is why some mods closes flame wars - because s/he is more attentive on specific threads? I know I myself would have done the same. And people in here are VERY quick to throw accusations of biased mods, because one mod closes a thread that's got something to do with his/her own guild.

Leading on, this raises the question of player mods... On one side, you have to have mods that are in touch with the playing community, i.e. player mods. On the other hand, you need to have unbiased mods. How do you combine these two requirements? I don't know, but maybe this should be looked into?

What I would like is that ALL threads should be actively moderated, or none at all. This randomness leads nowhere, it just adds fuel to the biased-mods-accusations...


But how many mods would we need to moderate EVERY single post here? And then you have so many people, stepping on each others toes, not knowing what the other is doing.

It's all very well in principle, but completely unworkable in practice.

There have been a lot of closed threads lately, but you might have noticed that we got a charming invasion by the Chaos Guild, and we've had a couple bannings in the last few days also. Now is not the best time to be comparative.

You have two player mods right now, and two non-player mods. We felt this was the best way of achieving a balance.

We can't do anymore. We either mod it how it is now, or we don't mod it at all. It's entirely unfeasable to have every single post modded.


Thats what are made on these forums. 20,000. There's no way on earth we could get all those read.

I understand what you are saying Fangrim, but its completely unworkable.

We generally are fairly laissez-faire, if you behave responsibly then we won't intervene. Yes, Tilda probably is more aware of things straying from topic because he is more interested in the topic, me and Brinx are (its probably fair to say) more interested in making sure blood isn't spilt on the carpet and that nobodies swearing spasmodically or posting porn.

This is the way it is. Most people know when they are over stepping a mark, its common sense. We don't need to moderate everything when people here can pretty much police themselves. The forum self regulates to a degree, with people reporting posts or complaining or PMing. We're here just to do the things the community can't, such as editing, warnings and the like.

Thats how it is, and I don't see it changing.


Personally, I agree with you Damini. However I think Tilda is... well, the forum equivalent of trigger-happy. And I'm not counting the posts of those rampant idiots Chaos Theory. Look, it's really no huge deal, I apologise for (inadvertently, dammit!) starting the second 2page flame in a day.
Got a tad miffed when Tilda closed then completely went on a mod-spree over my other thread. Even if what was deleted was mostly a load of crap... I thought the 'laissez-faire' was far more official a policy than it apparently is.


Well, can we call an amnesty for a week or so? TBH, I'm really tired of having to fight the mods corner, and its been a fairly tough week. If people are still unhappy in a weeks time, then we can go over this again.

It's your thread Landshark, you can open and close it when you like.


Hm. But I don't WANT to close it; Tilda is and has been abusing his mod privileges. Anyhow, this thread was started in reaction to my other thread being locked; as things currently stand I have no real complaint. (i.e. thread back and unlocked but with all the yog/negura/apathy :p poo out of it)
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