

FH is my second home
May 24, 2005
Teachers are going on strike, meaning a day off school. Care about school, no!

Will the College & Uni tutors be going on strike aswell, i forgot to ask since i <3 college.


FH is my second home
Jan 29, 2004
You'd think this would only affect kids and parents, but it might mean it takes me less than 45 FUCKING MINUTES to drive to work. I love school holidays because I get an extra half-hour in bed every day. Fuck the school run, fuck the Chelsea Tractor brigade and make those fat, donut-chomping lazy-as-fuck children walk to school and save me from sitting in a bastard traffic bastard jam for an hour every bastard day!!!

Sorry if I'm ranting slightly...I've had a long day!


FH is my second home
Jan 29, 2004
Walk yourself or take public transport then ;)

Aha! Unfortunately my job requires that I have a car, otherwise I'd get the train. I'm actually jobhunting at the minute and if I get one that means I don't need a car, it'll be the first thing to do. Bus/Train pass is much cheaper!


Fledgling Freddie
May 18, 2004
You what?

They fuckin better not be ;d

Edit - upon reading the news - i can't see my school being involved in it. I know all my teachers get pretty juicy pay packages ^^


Part of the furniture
Jul 26, 2007
There are rumours going round but no one knows if ours is closed yet. Hope it is, could mean another 4 day weekend is inc :)


FH is my second home
May 24, 2005
There are rumours going round but no one knows if ours is closed yet. Hope it is, could mean another 4 day weekend is inc :)

lol same for me if i'm off thursday!

Friday/sat/sun off aswell!


You what?

They fuckin better not be ;d

Edit - upon reading the news - i can't see my school being involved in it. I know all my teachers get pretty juicy pay packages ^^

If you want a big ego atleast don't overestimate yourself.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
If you want a big ego atleast don't overestimate yourself.

So, who are you then? Since you've just registered and you're already having a go at someone so my ban sense is currently tingling.

If it's you Gorb, I got your post ban lifted on Sat.


So, who are you then? Since you've just registered and you're already having a go at someone so my ban sense is currently tingling.

If it's you Gorb, I got your post ban lifted on Sat.

Hello Hackmaster.

Well, I was lucky to get a good education like Bugz already has. Although, I was always a modest young man. Ridiculously clever, yes, but modest. I've been at the best universities and made quite a lot of money.

The thing is though, this clown hasn't even secured his future and he's blabbering on every day about how great he is. The kid isn't that smart, I can see that. He tries hard and reads by the text book, but the natural talent obviously isn't there. Even whilst playing DAoC I could see that his intelligence was artificially imposed and not natural.

The boy is arrogant. Sure, you can be slightly arrogant, but he does not have the sufficient intelligence to be able to pull it off.

And now I get to you, Sharma. Yes, I remember that post where I totally owned you, and all you could do was ban me.

You did this because you knew, deep down in your heart, that the Thidranki King was right.

You knew that what I said was true. You knew that no matter how much you insult or belittle me, I will never be as "pathetic" as your antics on Prydwen, which is criminal.

Ban me, but the Thidranki King will live on. You know I am right, and as soon as I see the ban on my legendary monitor, I will know that it is another battle won. Another battle won where instead of countering my arguements you merely surpress them with your power as a moderator. I will know that it is another time in which you will reflect about what an idiot you were, to commit a criminal offense and put thousands of people in danger.

Edit: The Thidranki King is not sympathetic to those who commit the greatest sins, no matter how much sympathy they seek.


FH is my second home
May 24, 2005
Dont hijack my thread :( I'm super clever.

Is my college open tomorrow?! POLL!?


Fledgling Freddie
May 18, 2004
WTF lmao - where did tht failed onslaught come from?

Fuck off Thugs and go play your guitar some more you goon.


WTF lmao - where did tht failed onslaught come from?

Fuck off Thugs and go play your guitar some more you goon.

Once again, your lack of intelligence shows. For it is not Thugs, but the true Thidranki King.

The one who had titles to proove his dominance. The one who was actually feared by all and not just soloers.

Once again your lack of perspective highlights that you are not as good as you think you are. You need to be dragged back down to earth.

And I don't see how playing one's guitar would be an insult?

Of course, someone with no talent such as yourself might just be jelous that others can engage themselves in musical activities.


Failed Geordie and Parmothief
Jan 2, 2004
Once again, your lack of intelligence shows. For it is not Thugs, but the true Thidranki King.

The one who had titles to proove his dominance. The one who was actually feared by all and not just soloers.

who is this idiot?

can i have some of your drugs matey? must be some good shit if you think a computer game makes a difference to anyone.

i suppose you put it on your CV, along with being a twat.


tris- said:
who is this idiot?

can i have some of your drugs matey? must be some good shit if you think a computer game makes a difference to anyone.

i suppose you put it on your CV, along with being a twat.

I am sorry, who are you? Angsty teenager #5925?

And no, I have never succumbed to the life of drugs which you so obviously lead.

Oh, and my CV is fine thanks.

For you are wrong Sharma.

It is I, Dorimor, the one you thought was gone.

You people really are dumber than I first thought (not that I had high expectations anyway).


Failed Geordie and Parmothief
Jan 2, 2004
who the fuck is dorimor?

im in my 20s so hardly a teenager.
that ends at 19, hence the teen part

youre obviously fucked in the head if you think anyone cares that much about daoc.


who the fuck is dorimor?

im in my 20s so hardly a teenager.
that ends at 19, hence the teen part

youre obviously fucked in the head if you think anyone cares that much about daoc.

Your punctuation and vocabulary is really hard to take in. No capitals? No full stops? I'm guessing you are lacking education of some sort, hence you feeling the need to describe to me what is meant by "teen".

Go back to living off your benefits, just don't be rude to me.


Failed Geordie and Parmothief
Jan 2, 2004
Your punctuation and vocabulary is really hard to take in. No capitals? No full stops? I'm guessing you are lacking education of some sort, hence you feeling the need to describe to me what is meant by "teen".

Go back to living off your benefits, just don't be rude to me.

who the fuck is dorimor?

youre obviously fucked in the head if you think daoc matters that much to anyone.

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