As freddys is the place for 'mature' players....
Three of us SPS ex-Quake 3 CTFers (FlameTop, GemmaTheDog and Visigoth) are interested in joining a COD clan. We are all old gits and play for (competative) fun. We're not looking for a clan of 15 year olds who squabble over what miltitary rank they can call themself in the clan
but some other older players. If your clan is hiring, or you know who is, please drop us a note at phil 'at' flametop.co.uk.
As freddys is the place for 'mature' players....
Three of us SPS ex-Quake 3 CTFers (FlameTop, GemmaTheDog and Visigoth) are interested in joining a COD clan. We are all old gits and play for (competative) fun. We're not looking for a clan of 15 year olds who squabble over what miltitary rank they can call themself in the clan