Thoughts on this set-up plze


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 21, 2004
TheBinarySurfer said:
Just a thought kair if you have the funds/players willing to do it that would make that setup even nastier...

I'd say go for a truly nasty approach - get all your Mercs to equip 99% heat legendaries. You then have a 47 body sorc in the group in place of one of the 'tics who's job it is to /assist debuff the MA's target for 50% heat, then beat the shit out of them with debuffs and nukes.

I'm sure the mercs wouldn't object to +50% damage too. And yes i know they'll be trying to hit through spec resists but still - lets say you get an average spec heat resist of about 50-55% - this means with a 50% debuff youre now hitting something with (at best) 5% resist - does this equate the way I think it does as if it was a physical resist? Hope so...
Matter weapons would be loads better tbh, since most ppl ditch matter resists in templates.


Part of the furniture
Jan 30, 2004
TheBinarySurfer said:
Just a thought kair if you have the funds/players willing to do it that would make that setup even nastier...

I'd say go for a truly nasty approach - get all your Mercs to equip 99% heat legendaries. You then have a 47 body sorc in the group in place of one of the 'tics who's job it is to /assist debuff the MA's target for 50% heat, then beat the shit out of them with debuffs and nukes.

I'm sure the mercs wouldn't object to +50% damage too. And yes i know they'll be trying to hit through spec resists but still - lets say you get an average spec heat resist of about 50-55% - this means with a 50% debuff youre now hitting something with (at best) 5% resist - does this equate the way I think it does as if it was a physical resist? Hope so...

actually, if Id change anything would be a sorc for a AM3 mini, pros and cons for sure, but all 8 players who can benefit from tic rr5 is wicked imho :p


Can't get enough of FH
Nov 25, 2004
Nothing special tbh yer it would work, but any decent hib/mid group who actually knows how to play could take you down.


Part of the furniture
Jan 30, 2004
Elkie said:
Nothing special tbh yer it would work, but any decent hib/mid group who actually knows how to play could take you down.

Any decent hib or mid Caster grp will get owned.


Can't get enough of FH
May 14, 2004
Sort it for another night, and if i can play ill respec to SoS 2 & AM3 for you...Been meaning to do it anyways for a while since IP2 and some of my other passives are a waste since solo is fairly pointless nowadays...


Part of the furniture
Jan 30, 2004
TheBinarySurfer said:
Sort it for another night, and if i can play ill respec to SoS 2 & AM3 for you...Been meaning to do it anyways for a while since IP2 and some of my other passives are a waste since solo is fairly pointless nowadays...

Simple attrition really, enemy casters go oop, 2 x tic rr5 2 x baod 1 x AM3, shit dont need clerics really, nothing to heal !


Fledgling Freddie
May 23, 2005
1)you run from Beno - Occasius bridge all night?
2)there are 3 active merc's in cluster ?


Can't get enough of FH
May 14, 2004
Zede said:
Simple attrition really, enemy casters go oop, 2 x tic rr5 2 x baod 1 x AM3, shit dont need clerics really, nothing to heal !
Yep quite nice - only two comments really - 1) if the minstrel goes down you just lost all semblence of CC 2) AM3 has a 15min RUT so its only going to be up 50% of the time in fights.

I like the idea of the group though - if im nuker immune pretty much im laughing since its nearly impossible for anything short of a 3-tank assist train to drop a high RR minstrel with artifacts up with a few spread heals behind them...

Still going to need a cleric for buffshear and good spec heals/insta's though. Would be nice if you could persuade the tics to respec to DI too - if theres two rr5+ tics BAoD becomes fairly redundant.


Part of the furniture
Jan 30, 2004
Vodkafairy said:
talk about being overconfident :rolleyes:

come out next tuesday then !

ah no point really as u will just kite away and we will never have any fights !


Part of the furniture
Jan 30, 2004
TheBinarySurfer said:
Yep quite nice - only two comments really - 1) if the minstrel goes down you just lost all semblence of CC 2) AM3 has a 15min RUT so its only going to be up 50% of the time in fights.

I like the idea of the group though - if im nuker immune pretty much im laughing since its nearly impossible for anything short of a 3-tank assist train to drop a high RR minstrel with artifacts up with a few spread heals behind them...

Still going to need a cleric for buffshear and good spec heals/insta's though. Would be nice if you could persuade the tics to respec to DI too - if theres two rr5+ tics BAoD becomes fairly redundant.

yer, 4 x Di2 would be taking the piss alone !


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
Zede said:
come out next tuesday then !

ah no point really as u will just kite away and we will never have any fights !

Cause the groups you've been in the past has never kited, kek xD


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 21, 2004
-Freezingwiz- said:
It's funny, have u looked what baod and heretic's rr 5 does ? then u won't say they have low defence against cold and heat dmg....

and kite kite kite ain't really possble with a tic spamming snare on the MA's target ;)

and if u grapple 2 ppl, then u will have 2 grappled ppl aswell, and there will still be 4 ppl free who can do dmg and still loads of banelord crap
Have you seen how many alb set groups actually run with a heretic?


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Zede said:
come out next tuesday then !

ah no point really as u will just kite away and we will never have any fights !

yeah, i'm gonna kite all the way to my new apartment without internet next week!

just take a look at your own replies, its normal you're excited about a setup that worked well but it's nowhere near the godmode you imagine it to be. it relies on abilitydumping only, as soon as the rr5's are over shit is gonna die incredibly fast without elemental resists.

you think that group will have the dps to kill anything in the two minutes you can dump your ra's, but that really isn't the case. a good bodyguarder will destroy a good part of your dps and bm's + pets will rape the shit out of your sorc and support with nothing to help them in any way (except more ra's, di/moc/bof!)

i reckon if you actually manage to coordinate every single ability in that group it can put up a good fight, but in a pug, id be extremely surprised if you can even coordinate half of it.


Fledgling Freddie
Nov 16, 2004
To optimize the setup, you will need a Pally to provide endu. Since he will most likely replace one of the merc it should be a 2-H, if you don't want to gimp your dmg.

Another problem is the sorc...being the only caster, not having a BG (since the pally couldn't paly derfensive) and not being affected by the Tic RR5, the sorc will be perma dead. Monstering the Sorc also won't work very well, as experienced enemies will just mezz the monster and you end up having no demezzer.

Tbh in this setup I would really think about running a Minstrel instead of the Sorc. It sounds like a mad plan, but if your tics with the AE snare can make up for the missing CC it might be possible. Ofc everyone in grp needs Purge3 then and you would be very dependant on timers...


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 13, 2004
Straef said:
Have you seen how many alb set groups actually run with a heretic?

I haven't been playing lately so dono atm, but a bit ago when I was playing active we offen ran with a tic in grp and that worked very well tbh


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
Zagg said:
To optimize the setup, you will need a Pally to provide endu. Since he will most likely replace one of the merc it should be a 2-H, if you don't want to gimp your dmg.

Another problem is the sorc...being the only caster, not having a BG (since the pally couldn't paly derfensive) and not being affected by the Tic RR5, the sorc will be perma dead. Monstering the Sorc also won't work very well, as experienced enemies will just mezz the monster and you end up having no demezzer.

Tbh in this setup I would really think about running a Minstrel instead of the Sorc. It sounds like a mad plan, but if your tics with the AE snare can make up for the missing CC it might be possible. Ofc everyone in grp needs Purge3 then and you would be very dependant on timers...

What are you talking about, playing only caster in a tankgrp where the paladin is playing offensive is a blast..... really.... it is...... i pwomise..... please?.... :(


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 13, 2004
Zagg said:
Another problem is the sorc...being the only caster, not having a BG (since the pally couldn't paly derfensive) and not being affected by the Tic RR5, the sorc will be perma dead.

BG is overrated :p well at least when I'm fooling around on my sorc :) I always just kite the tanks back out of there support range and then they either run back or die (if the grp know how to play) imo better than BG crap ;P and there is always SoI to toy around with aswell if they get too close :)


Can't get enough of FH
May 14, 2004
Zagg said:
To optimize the setup, you will need a Pally to provide endu. Since he will most likely replace one of the merc it should be a 2-H, if you don't want to gimp your dmg.

Another problem is the sorc...being the only caster, not having a BG (since the pally couldn't paly derfensive) and not being affected by the Tic RR5, the sorc will be perma dead. Monstering the Sorc also won't work very well, as experienced enemies will just mezz the monster and you end up having no demezzer.

Tbh in this setup I would really think about running a Minstrel instead of the Sorc. It sounds like a mad plan, but if your tics with the AE snare can make up for the missing CC it might be possible. Ofc everyone in grp needs Purge3 then and you would be very dependant on timers...
A well played minstrel can totally lock down 2 support classes (3 once stun/mezz/root immune and positioned well), or severly annoy 3-4 depending on how stacked they are. So yes, definately wise to replace the Sorc with a Minstrel.

One further tweak i might suggest - have one merc replaced with a pally with Purge 3 and 2h - you don't lose a lot of damage and if the pally's smart he saves purge to get rid of a root/snare and lets the minstrel demezz him.

This is going to sound crazy too, but I can win mezz about 50% of the time vs most other mezz classes if i do it right - sprint in, stun/dd (depending on the mezzing class) then hit them with mezz (which has been running since you started sprinting...We had a night a fwe weeks back when i was winning more mezzes than the sorc...Not a "look at my epeen" comment just a statment of what can be done if its done 100% right.


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
-Freezingwiz- said:
BG is overrated :p well at least when I'm fooling around on my sorc :) I always just kite the tanks back out of there support range and then they either run back or die (if the grp know how to play) imo better than BG crap ;P and there is always SoI to toy around with aswell if they get too close :)

SoI helps you once, then what? :p And how on earth do you kite charge3 tanks? :x
A solo caster in a full tankgrp with no bodyguard/guard whatever will die multiple times in a fg vs fg and its not even a tad amusing.


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
TheBinarySurfer said:
This is going to sound crazy too, but I can win mezz about 50% of the time vs most other mezz classes if i do it right - sprint in, stun/dd (depending on the mezzing class) then hit them with mezz (which has been running since you started sprinting...We had a night a fwe weeks back when i was winning more mezzes than the sorc...Not a "look at my epeen" comment just a statment of what can be done if its done 100% right.

Thought you couldnt cast ae mezz while moving?
And doesnt really matter if you get the leading healer mezzed vs mids the auger SHOULD always stay back on inc and cast a demezz on the pac no matter who wins the mezz.

Any good group should spread out on inc so really dont see how you can get a mezz in on 'them' after you've stunned, mezzed whatever the leader :O


Fledgling Freddie
Nov 16, 2004
-Freezingwiz- said:
BG is overrated :p well at least when I'm fooling around on my sorc :) I always just kite the tanks back out of there support range and then they either run back or die (if the grp know how to play) imo better than BG crap ;P and there is always SoI to toy around with aswell if they get too close :)

Kiteing, by default, works well in groups with at least 2 casters, if they are good players.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 13, 2004
Septina said:
Thought you couldnt cast ae mezz while moving?
And doesnt really matter if you get the leading healer mezzed vs mids the auger SHOULD always stay back on inc and cast a demezz on the pac no matter who wins the mezz.

Any good group should spread out on inc so really dont see how you can get a mezz in on 'them' after you've stunned, mezzed whatever the leader :O

flute mezz is castable while moving :)

and about dieing on sorc I die offen, but it's more against casters who's stunning me than against tanks :p

edit: and I normally don't play my sorc as nuker so I stay as long behind as I can in the fights spamming mezz on the support and casters so I normally see if the tanks are going my way :)


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
-Freezingwiz- said:
flute mezz is castable while moving :)

and about dieing on sorc I die offen, but it's more against casters who's stunning me than against tanks :p

I know single mezz is castable while moving :p But i dont see how you as a mincer can 'win mezz' vs an incoming full group.
As i said vs mids it doesnt matter if paccie gets mezzed and vs hibs its pretty much the same 'hi SoS on inc :D'

Freezingwiz said:
edit: and I normally don't play my sorc as nuker so I stay as long behind as I can in the fights spamming mezz on the support and casters so I normally see if the tanks are going my way :)

Exactly how i played aswell but at some point the tanks will get to you, i mean, the sorc casting animations arent exactly discreet.
Just saying, playing solo caster in a tank oriented group is a pain compared to more caster/hybrid oriented groups.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 21, 2004
Septina said:
SoI helps you once, then what? :p And how on earth do you kite charge3 tanks? :x
A solo caster in a full tankgrp with no bodyguard/guard whatever will die multiple times in a fg vs fg and its not even a tad amusing.
Its funny for the tanks though... <3 :)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 13, 2004
Septina said:
I know single mezz is castable while moving :p But i dont see how you as a mincer can 'win mezz' vs an incoming full group.
As i said vs mids it doesnt matter if paccie gets mezzed and vs hibs its pretty much the same 'hi SoS on inc :D'.
welll he win first mezz I guess :p

Septina said:
Exactly how i played aswell but at some point the tanks will get to you, i mean, the sorc casting animations arent exactly discreet.
Just saying, playing solo caster in a tank oriented group is a pain compared to more caster/hybrid oriented groups.

true, also a good reason to bring a theurgist in the grp, so the sorc survive longer !


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 29, 2004
It says freddyshouse, yet I am convinced I am reading vnboards atm.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 14, 2004
didnt actually read the whole post so pls spare me if i say something that has been said before.

basically its an interesting looking anti-fotm setup which due to the RA´s/classes might work great on paper but honestly 3 mercs as main dps and no end in group? i know end charges, barrels, lw, 2nd wind etc etc etc but seriously as soon as you fight a semi decent caster group they will turn and run as soon as your train comes in 1k range and you will loose fuckloads of end even catching them IF you can catch them. and when you rly managed that you´ll most likely ooe. a better option would be to run 2 mercs + 2h pala imo. especially since you dont have a theurg in group you rly NEED the pally for celerety otherwise your mercs gonna do shit dps. ofc you dont have to fight kiting groups you can just walk away but if we look at how many proper groups use extending that would be alot of running away from fights for you =)

next weakpoint is you dont have friar resists, ok you can counter that with baod and tic rr5 but what you gonna do when that shit is down? run away again? die? most likely..

vs a tank group you have good chances to win i think if you just kill enemy tanks over and over as you have very strong tools to interupt the enemy support from distance but honestly face it how many pure tankgroups are running atm?

the survivability of that setup is rly good when all ra´s up but vs the real groups you dont win in 3 mins, fights will take longer and as soon as your stuff runs out you will go down very fast i think, not to mention what adds will do to that setup, the first 3-4 mins of the fight you´ll be basically unkillable there i agree but in that time enemy groups most likely have their shit up also and ppl will soon enuff realise that the easiest way to kill your group is just let you dump RA´s n stuff and play defensive till the shit runs out and then they can just roll over you kinda easy.

tho alot of /respect for trying something diffirent if more ppl would think like that this game would be alot more interesting still imo.


Can't get enough of FH
Sep 22, 2004
falseth said:
is this supposed to be an epeen thread about your realm ranks or do you just want to let us know how good u fought against nothing?

Says Falseth haha ;d

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