Thoughts about the "honor" system


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003

I like the rewards, they seem appropriate and not massively unbalancing. I also like the fact that to stay at the top ranks you have to be active on that character. This will make sure there is some movement in the top ranks and only a certain number is ever at a certain rank (not as in daoc where almost everyone that has pvp'ed a while own a rr5/6+ character). That there will only ever be 0.1% of f.ex. the highest rank at any given time is a good thing, as the chanse to run into someone higher ranked (and thus with better gear) than you is less.

What i dont like is that there is nothing to prevent greyganking. And nothing to discourage attacking people that are fighting mobs. I know, i play on a pvp server, but its *not* honorable to attack someone fighting a mob. There should be a taging system for pvp as well imo, where if you fight a yellowcon+ mob you are flaged as a non-honorable kill for the duration of the fight and say 10 sec after. People could still kill you if they felt like it, but they wouldnt get an "honorable" kill for it.


Old and short, no wonder I'm grumpy!
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 14, 2003
Fana said:
What i dont like is that there is nothing to prevent greyganking. And nothing to discourage attacking people that are fighting mobs. I know, i play on a pvp server, but its *not* honorable to attack someone fighting a mob. There should be a taging system for pvp as well imo, where if you fight a yellowcon+ mob you are flaged as a non-honorable kill for the duration of the fight and say 10 sec after. People could still kill you if they felt like it, but they wouldnt get an "honorable" kill for it.

I agree, but noted the wording and they are being very very careful to leave that option open for the future if gameplay issues become severe.... time will tell :)


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Note that dishonor does not apply to killing players, regardless of their level.

argh :(

no disincentives for prats who gank lowbies :(


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 6, 2004
Ormorof said:
no disincentives for prats who gank lowbies :(

Given the number of prats out there, I reckon blizz will be revisiting the dishnour penalty system very soon.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 30, 2003
I like their system, i think it has a solid logic, what's the point of going to Hillsbrad to gank lowbies instead of going to a level 55+ zone and try to pick up some fights against people your own level that will give you a reward?

How many people did you know in daoc that actually went to sauvage to rvr when there was activity in emain/hadrian's etc?


I am a massive cock who isn't firing atm!
Dec 22, 2003
fionnel said:
I like their system, i think it has a solid logic, what's the point of going to Hillsbrad to gank lowbies instead of going to a level 55+ zone and try to pick up some fights against people your own level that will give you a reward?

How many people did you know in daoc that actually went to sauvage to rvr when there was activity in emain/hadrian's etc?

Exactly :)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
fionnel said:
I like their system, i think it has a solid logic, what's the point of going to Hillsbrad to gank lowbies instead of going to a level 55+ zone and try to pick up some fights against people your own level that will give you a reward?

How many people did you know in daoc that actually went to sauvage to rvr when there was activity in emain/hadrian's etc?

Well, im more concerned about the ganking of people that are fighting mobs, with an "honorable" kill as a result. Which it obviously is not. As you say, most sane people will likely go to areas where they can fight green+ so they get points, so greyganking will likely not be worse than it is - but people adding on all mobfights is an almost guaranteed occurence in that system. Take all the rogues that populate pvp servers (something like 30-40% are rogues on most servers) - they will wait all day long at popular killspot areas to add on any mobfight you have, gaining honor and moving up the ranks with an obviously dishonorable behaviour.

At least dont call it Honorpoints - call it pwnpoints or something.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
can someone copy/paste the text in here please ( i am at work and wow-europe is blocked here) thx in advance


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 9, 2004
Think about the whine they'd get if they penelized lowbie killing. I like it this way.

1. You dont get a problem with a fg graycons plotting to kill you.
2. You dont get lowbies running into AE spells.
3. You get the freedom to do whatever you wish. Its a war, you chose a PvP server, Its dangerous and you have to watch your back at all times. Keep a speed potion or item handy at all times. Also get free action potions. Will help your chance to get away.
4. You dont need silly rules like, if lowbie attacks first yadi yadi.


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 2, 2004
no disincentives for prats who gank lowbies

This is actually a non-issue. I have to say that, compared to other free PvP systems, WoW has AMAZINGLY little lowbie ganking.

If you played pre-trammel UO or DAoC PvP WoW PvP almost feels carebear, it's remarkable how rarely people attack each other. Being ganked by highbies in most cases will only set you back a few minutes before you're back and hunting mobs again and it's almost as much a waste of time for the highbie ganker as it is for the lowbie victim.

The Honor system will vastly increase ganking vs players of more or less equal lvl because now there is something to gain now. The biggest problem won't be gray-ganking, it will be green-ganking, zerging in groups and adding to fights vs mobs or other players. That could turn out to be a pain.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
The guys who grief lowbie players might find it more fun to grief higher players.. run through AEs etc and give dishonor.. Dont really need to do that because that will just cause more qq threads here :)

I like the fact that if I see someone from a kill on sight guild I dont have to check their level, just kill them.

If you are getting ganked a lot, perhaps talk to your higher level guildmates and see what they been doing to piss people off :) haha

It seems that blizzard has come up with an endgame that requires playing :) You dont just get rr10 and quit. You gotta constantly play and it appears that every week there is a chance you can come out on top. There wont be any 'top' people who are extremely overpowered. Well there might be, but at least it CAN change from week to week :)

And as for players with mobs on them.. If a priest fears someone into mobs, does the fight stop and you let that guy kill the mobs he was feared into? If you are in a contested zone, you MUST be prepared for attack at anytime, which includes while you are mid pull. If you dont like that, play a PVE server where you can flag off while pulling then flag on while not pulling. If someone is killing a mob, do i gotta wait for him to kill the mob, then sit down rest regain mana/health too? Unfair to kill him while he isnt at full strength?

This is world of WARcraft not world of DUELcraft. If you want to duel people on fair circumstances, then go stand outside Iron Forge or something ;)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 26, 2004
I think the annoying thing (mainly) is that high players are attacking lower...and for absolutely no reward at this stage. There is no point in it: no reward, no challenge. These people are, therefore, trouble-makers who just like to spoil fun for others.
I'm afraid that I don't see the point of a pvp server is there's no reward/ranking system. I know it's coming, but at the moment, I'm quite happy to even debuff a mob for the enemy. As far as I'm concerned, the quicker ALL get to 60, the better as there will be more of a challenge.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
I play a pvp server because I think its 'fun'. Yeah sure you might get ganked a few times by someone a lot higher than you. But how different is that from getting ganked by a zerg of albs? Nothing much you can do in either circumstance.

People WONT always be higher than you. The cap level is 60, so when you reach that, no one will be higher than you. Yes you gotta stick it out in the trenches while you wait to get 60, but if it bugs you that people kill you on a pvp server, change to pve. You can do the EXACT same things on pve as pvp except that you cannot attack anytime you like. You play pvp because you CAN attack anytime you like. If you dont like the fact that someone can attack you at anytime and at any level, well you are on the wrong type of server.

Even if there were rewards for killing people, you think no one would get bored and go gank some lowbies? Its part of the game. I saw enough spam in Sauvage and Drum Ligen of lowbies getting ganked by level 50s.. Yes the lowbies could have xp-ed not in the frontiers, but you can also play on a server that isnt one big frontier.


One of Freddy's beloved
Aug 3, 2004
fionnel said:
How many people did you know in daoc that actually went to sauvage to rvr when there was activity in emain/hadrian's etc?

They didnt go to Sauvage because they wqere too busy stealthing all the way up the enemy sides in DF, killing peeps while xping on plated fiends :(


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
fionnel said:
How many people did you know in daoc that actually went to sauvage to rvr when there was activity in emain/hadrian's etc?

Actually quite a lot. If they werent in an optimal group for emain, you go somewhere where you dont have to be in a good group setup. If emain was too zergy, you go somewhere a little more quiet. The busier emain was, the more people you would see in these far out zones tbh....

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