Thought Id /wave



Just wanted to /wave to the lady Elf i didnt gank in Thid last night. Her name will come to me soon..

Walking round an empty CK, I came across this Elf, so naturally i went in for the kill, quick BSII and follow up, down to 30%, let poison do the rest. Turned to run and she just sat down and took the dmg. So I stopped, turned and bowed, and so did she. So i sat down beside her.

We both stealthed and sat there emoting each other, before wondering side by side over to ATK, then going our seperate ways.

Whoever you are, nice to have 10 minutes of fun with you, although next time I may not be so friendly, so ill appologise in advance :)


/wave from Shaderaven

Hehe I was there to kill albs :) Had some fun the night before with a few other hibs trying to help the mids defend the ck against the zerg. Managed to PA the alb oprating the ram a couple of times :)

Was fun to swap /emotes for a few minutes, will keep a wary eye out for you :)


Originally posted by shirel
/wave from Shaderaven

Hehe I was there to kill albs :) Had some fun the night before with a few other hibs trying to help the mids defend the ck against the zerg. Managed to PA the alb oprating the ram a couple of times :)

Was fun to swap /emotes for a few minutes, will keep a wary eye out for you :)

OMG is there a truce between middy and hibby against us albs? :p

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