@ Those that know about SWG




How do you exp/get ubz0r??

Is it liek leveling like most new MMORPGs or will it be like UO? <gain skills by using various weapons/casting spells for those that dont know>

Tried looking around a little.. but got bored ov lagging around stratics looking for answers.


Originally posted by Loveless
<gain skills by using various weapons/casting spells for those that dont know>

that one.

reading more about swg and stuph, its seems bloody 99% pve, other people are there playing for company :mad:

think ill get eve online next.


99% pve? abit wrong mate its about faction wars in SWG and yes its like a skill system i mean who the hell likes lvling? it completly sucks when u hit 50 in daoc its more of a thank fuck for that then anything else.


you wanna see ub3r r0x0r mad skillz?
Watch the speed and accuracy with which I hit the cancel button when SWG appears on the shelves.


i think its kinda funny how much people believe in swg, and why. because it has "star wars" in its title.


Originally posted by kedal
i think its kinda funny how much people believe in swg, and why. because it has "star wars" in its title.

Propably true for alot of ppl.

Personally I look at it's backing.. Sony & that maker of SW type blokey's Company, which has totally gone out of my head at this time DOH :rolleyes:

Well like just about every1 i will get it and try it.. if it's carp i'll get by i think..

Whats that other 1.. Dragon Empires?? something like that. Looks good also.


i had no interest in the game untill yesterday when i read though the faq and it sounds promising although there's quite a few questions still unanswered like how do you start? daoc chouse char > exp >level etc -------- starwars > chouse char > ...???


exp-getskillpoints-train skill- etc ...but if you dont like your skills ... detrain-xp-get skillpoints-train skill.... :)

AND you can get "different" skillpoints by helping "lowbies" out ... not sure how they are "different" just remembered reading something liek that once.,.......


Originally posted by kedal
i think its kinda funny how much people believe in swg, and why. because it has "star wars" in its title.

well considering Lucas Arts and Sony are making it the chances are it will be a fairly good game...


Plus the fact Sony and Lucasarts have deeeeeeeeeeeeep


Originally posted by vestax

well considering Lucas Arts and Sony are making it the chances are it will be a fairly good game...

combine the creators of the new starwars movies and everquest - could it get better :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:


Star Wars galaxy is based on a point
system Afik 30-40 points .
These points can be spent in advancing your Skill lines once options to advance
become available , thus the idea is to have very end-game defined chars. As there are supposedy a stageringly huge varity of skills you can chose from , and advanced in.

Ie you start with 30 points and but 1 point into everything from blaster Rifle to chefing to danceing ( Yes , these are viable skills ) and you start running around for 3 or so hours mostly lap dancing and shooting customers with your blaster rifle . Soon you will have the option to Advance in these 2 categories and so although you have used all your points . You can detrain 2 of your skills thus getting 2 skill points thus advancing to advanced lvl in dancing and shooting .
Now If you decided that this is the life for you , and you keep dancing and shooting all of your days, you will soon
have advanced these skills to their limits to the detrement of all other skills . And you will learn the fabled
" Tango De La Merte " a dance so provocative the woman gets Impregnated without her even knowing it , plus you will be a good hand with a blaster for all those non paying customers and those who say you dance like a sissy :)

Basically you advance in skills you use a lot , Kinda like in RL ( Remember that game ) if you practice on your Tricycle alot you eventually get a 2-Wheeler bike with stabilisers and then if your lucky get a 2- wheeler bike for your own !!
( Im trying to use an example that will appeal to most of BW readers ;) )

To be honest most of the stuff about about SWG is still just rumoured , the devs of the game have only Confiremed certain aspects of the game , most other stuff is rumour.

Hope this answers your Qs.


lol nice summary... i have a really gross image in my head now..

I also like the way players will be able to build a number of different buildings and then engineers can fortify them with big blaster turrets etc.. The devs stated that eventually all the cities will be run by people / guilds.

There is also going to be 5?!? vechiles and charmed animals / beasts that you will be able to ride.. (im really hoping theres going to be a llama... god i miss those from UO)

Also bounty Hunters will be able to PK people who break the law and the worlds will be massive... (someone from the beta said it took them 2 hours to run from 1 side of the planet to the other)

Anyway.. im looking forward to it ;)


oh.. and pet classes look nice...

You can control upto 8 pets at once.. (and yes this includes stormtroopers \o/ )


Originally posted by statix
Star Wars galaxy is based on a point
system Afik 30-40 points .
These points can be spent in advancing your Skill lines once options to advance
become available , thus the idea is to have very end-game defined chars. As there are supposedy a stageringly huge varity of skills you can chose from , and advanced in.

Ie you start with 30 points and but 1 point into everything from blaster Rifle to chefing to danceing ( Yes , these are viable skills ) and you start running around for 3 or so hours mostly lap dancing and shooting customers with your blaster rifle . Soon you will have the option to Advance in these 2 categories and so although you have used all your points . You can detrain 2 of your skills thus getting 2 skill points thus advancing to advanced lvl in dancing and shooting .
Now If you decided that this is the life for you , and you keep dancing and shooting all of your days, you will soon
have advanced these skills to their limits to the detrement of all other skills . And you will learn the fabled
" Tango De La Merte " a dance so provocative the woman gets Impregnated without her even knowing it , plus you will be a good hand with a blaster for all those non paying customers and those who say you dance like a sissy :)

Hope this answers your Qs.

semi true:

you get 100 odd points.
there are base and spec lines

ie to become a bounty hunter u would need to have full spec (ie finished the line) hacking and tracking.
Then when those lines are full u have the option to train your advanced skill.
so there are prerequsites, so befor i can get past 70% hacking spec i may need 10% computer skills spec etc.

you get the ability to advance and train in a skill not just by xp'ing.
so if u wanted to be a dancer i could get the ability to piruette but doing my level 1 dance to lots of people.

tis a very complex thing to explain but it soulds realy cool.



Originally posted by vestax
I also like the way players will be able to build a number of different buildings and then engineers can fortify them with big blaster turrets etc.. The devs stated that eventually all the cities will be run by people / guilds.

That sounds kinda like asherons call 2.

But I dont think that has ANY towns too start off with, and I was bored just watching my m8 play it....running around in a vast emptyness just jumping around :(

Hope they already have NPC controled towns :clap:


Apparently dancing heals onlookers too...


well ive just read wensedays beta news and from the posts the beta testers have made the game is shaping up to be pretty bloody awsome ok everyone knows the gfx are amazing enough on that.

what about the skill dancing most of them said when they 1st looked at the dancing skill on faq thought it would be boring now there saying its one of the coolist skills of the game.

They have already done taming animals and said that was cool too.

and the pvp beta testers have said pvp there is exciting pretty good but just needs a few more little tweeks.

Im not a massive star wars fan but i think this game is just gonna plain rule i mean 400000 beta applicants? is that a world record?

i cant wait for when SWG is released to just glance at the Daoc servers to find about 50 ppl playing if not less i bet mythic and all the other online games are prepearing to going bankrupt lol


Originally posted by Envenom2
Im not a massive star wars fan but i think this game is just gonna plain rule i mean 400000 beta applicants? is that a world record?

tell me when something even remotely associated with starwars didnt come close to a world record (in numbers at least, quality is another thing ~~)


well kedal il put it to u in very simple terms for ur small brain to understand.....

SWG is gonna be better then Daoc ever was and ever will not just because it star wars its because its purely better then it ok?


Originally posted by old.Krusha
Apparently dancing heals onlookers too...

Dancers sound like minstrels....... deja vu?


Originally posted by Envenom2
SWG is gonna be better then Daoc ever was and ever will not just because it star wars its because its purely better then it ok?

oh no. im hurt. a retarded starwarsfan is insulting me :(


May be hard to agree with for all die-hard daoc fans, but I too think this game is gonna rock.
If you follow the news regarding this game, its like *wow* which cannot be said of daoc in its current state.
Most play it because there is not much else around...

My 2 pennies.


It is a sad fact but SWG is truly going to revolutionise MMORPG's and will set the standard for the new generation

At the end of the day you have to look at the facts Mythic do not have pockets as deep as Sony, and thats not their fault its just a plain well known fact, money=better services, better developers, better updates, better everything to be honest

Along with this is the fact that SWG is opening the door way to alot of new concepts that still have not been introduced properly into other MMORPG's

City building, not one MMORPG has this concept implemented yet
and when I mean implemented I mean coming out to play in Beta, I could be wrong but I don't believe I am

Perfecting 3 professions the idea that you can be that Politician and the Hand to hand combat guru AND throw a little other profession in there, most MMORPG's only allow one type of avenue for you to explore, once again I could be wrong

Using equipment such as AT-AT's now I dunno about you guys but I certainly have not seen any MMORPG where u can get in a vehicle this large and give a good pounding, once again open to criticism

Along with all this they are building a game which lies on the foundations of one of the most Influential films of our generation nearly every GOOD vs EVIL film has taken its influence and ideas from the original STAR WARS film

Fair enough the latest films are cack but don't let that shadow ur judgement

At the end of the day a new BIGGER BETTER bad boy is in town and Mythic will have to pull out some kind of miracle if they really believe that they will hold onto subscribers when SWG arrives

Maybe they realise this and have some kind of plan, but until they implement some kind of huge, radical change to DAoC to make people more interested I completely agree that DAoC will become a barren land when SWG arrives

As someone said before you can bleat thats it shoite all you want but plain and simply its a fact

As for bugs and problems not one MMORPG has been without them christ we should know being part of GOA's initial attempts at updating DAoC use to be like 3-4months a patch LOL, and not a single bit of communication to the community, Friday news never use to exist

Anyhow this SWG debate is entirely upto the individual, I for one will be off to see what its like and then take it from there, DAoC is great and good fun but once u seen the lands and mobs and got the RR5 there is just nothing there anymore for the majority of people

However SWG has a plethora of activities to participate in, along with a very powerful engaging underlying storyline that they don't even have to create because it has been engrained into all of us who were born in the generation that is Star Wars



Originally posted by -Lonewolf-
It is a sad fact but SWG is truly going to revolutionise MMORPG's and will set the standard for the new generation

because they take already done concepts and put them into a game. ok.

At the end of the day you have to look at the facts Mythic do not have pockets as deep as Sony, and thats not their fault its just a plain well known fact, money=better services, better developers, better updates, better everything to be honest
/point everquest

Along with this is the fact that SWG is opening the door way to alot of new concepts that still have not been introduced properly into other MMORPG's


Perfecting 3 professions the idea that you can be that Politician and the Hand to hand combat guru AND throw a little other profession in there, most MMORPG's only allow one type of avenue for you to explore, once again I could be wrong


Using equipment such as AT-AT's now I dunno about you guys but I certainly have not seen any MMORPG where u can get in a vehicle this large and give a good pounding, once again open to criticism


Along with all this they are building a game which lies on the foundations of one of the most Influential films of our generation nearly every GOOD vs EVIL film has taken its influence and ideas from the original STAR WARS film

starwars is fucking gay.

Fair enough the latest films are cack but don't let that shadow ur judgement

why not? they are responsible for them.

At the end of the day a new BIGGER BETTER bad boy is in town and Mythic will have to pull out some kind of miracle if they really believe that they will hold onto subscribers when SWG arrives

you are one of those people that buy a 2pound pack of butter and eat it.. just because its BIGGER and BETTER?

Maybe they realise this and have some kind of plan, but until they implement some kind of huge, radical change to DAoC to make people more interested I completely agree that DAoC will become a barren land when SWG arrives

the starwars name is enough to kill anything, so what was your point again?

As someone said before you can bleat thats it shoite all you want but plain and simply its a fact


As for bugs and problems not one MMORPG has been without them christ we should know being part of GOA's initial attempts at updating DAoC use to be like 3-4months a patch LOL, and not a single bit of communication to the community, Friday news never use to exist

why do you compare a distributor to a developer?

However SWG has a plethora of activities to participate in

you know this how? from the devs. make believe.

along with a very powerful engaging underlying storyline that they don't even have to create because it has been engrained into all of us who were born in the generation that is Star Wars

/point sw: episode 1 & 2 - leet storyline.


400 000 applications for betatest eh? Are we even getting euroservers or are all servers going to be in us and how many... and i wonder how well i can play from finland to us... any ex eq players can prolly answer?


Originally posted by kedal [/i]

Originally posted by -Lonewolf-
It is a sad fact but SWG is truly going to revolutionise MMORPG's and will set the standard for the new generation

because they take already done concepts and put them into a game. ok.

- I've done some looking around at SWG and ive seen lots of concepts there that are not really implemented in other games. The fact that some of the 'already done concepts' (when you die you can rez etc) are in the game is good - these are facets that people like to see (well, mostly i should imagine).

Perfecting 3 professions the idea that you can be that Politician and the Hand to hand combat guru AND throw a little other profession in there, most MMORPG's only allow one type of avenue for you to explore, once again I could be wrong


- you missed off ... 'is shite' :)

starwars is fucking gay.

- your argument seems to tail off here a little:(

why not? they are responsible for them.

- the game developers?

you are one of those people that buy a 2pound pack of butter and eat it.. just because its BIGGER and BETTER?

- if something is bigger and better then surely you would use it?

the starwars name is enough to kill anything, so what was your point again?

- dunno how that figures with Star Wars being one of the most successful brands ever.

/p.s. sorry about formatting but im going home:)

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