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Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
any clue as to why that guy was being arrested? I had to watch without audio, and haven't a clue from visuals only.

Reading around, it was apparently a hostage situation with armed robbers in the house, the guy with the dog, Leon Rosby, left his car stereo on really loud and was walking behind the swat guys with the dog and a camera. The cops are claiming he shouldn't have been there and was "obstructing justice". Which sounds like bollocks to me; why didn't the police just put up a tape barrier across the street where everyone else was standing? Cordoning off the area is SOP for any situation like that.

If you look on Youtube you can see a second vid that shows all the other bystanders were stood well back but Rosby took it upon himself to get closer, so he does have some responsibility for what happened, but the police shouldn't have let him get that close in the first place.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
The police were being dicks for going over the top, cuffing him and trying to take him away. They should have asked him to get back and stay back. They should have also seen the danger in the dog being in a car with an open window, common sense that the dog would come out after them if they were fucking with it's owner.

The cop was not in the wrong for shooting the dog, he had no way of knowing what it might do, it's not exactly a breed known for being docile. It should never have got into that situation though. Terrible policing.

Also, would they have acted differently if he was white? I reckon so. There is still a massive problem in America with race, not necessarily overt racism but it is there.


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
The cops are claiming he shouldn't have been there and was "obstructing justice". Which sounds like bollocks to me;

well, given the two arresting officers had to walk like what? 50 meters to put cuffs on the guy I'm sure he was very obstructive. there were officers in the cars not even 10 meters away from him who only came over after the other two moved in. also, I agree that the first thing I imagine one would do is take the immediate surroundings under control, eg put an officer or two on croud / car duty to keep people away. Maybe they didn't ahve enough personnel?


Balls of steel
Dec 22, 2003
US cops are allergic to cameras they do not control. Add in the fact that this dude was black and it's fun time for the five-oh. Poor dog :( It was just doing what any good dog should do. The clever solution would be to let the owner calm it down, lock it up and then re-acquire him.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Police = Cunts. Period.

They could have come over and asked him to move back, but their first response was to cuff him - and he didn't resist at all for that. But they didn't even talk to him.

They're 100% responsible. So what if he was a little bit closer than they wanted? It's their job to ask him to move back - and if he doesn't then he bears some responsibility. But not before.

This is a situation entirely of their own making.


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
Police = Cunts. Period.

They could have come over and asked him to move back, but their first response was to cuff him - and he didn't resist at all for that. But they didn't even talk to him.

They're 100% responsible. So what if he was a little bit closer than they wanted? It's their job to ask him to move back - and if he doesn't then he bears some responsibility. But not before.

This is a situation entirely of their own making.

Scouse, take a look at the second vid on Youtube. You can see the guy with the dog is kind of being a dick because the rest of the crowd were clearly set back from what was going on (I assume the police had moved bystanders to a certain line earlier on) but he took it upon himself to get closer. Like I said, the police are responsible for crowd control, but these things are kind of self-regulating; the line of the crowd is obvious but there's always "that guy" who has to be a smartarse. So I'd say the police are 90% responsible.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 22, 2004
US cops are allergic to cameras they do not control. Add in the fact that this dude was black and it's fun time for the five-oh. Poor dog :( It was just doing what any good dog should do. The clever solution would be to let the owner calm it down, lock it up and then re-acquire him.
Not really if it was an attack dog which they have no way of knowing he could have ordered the dog to attack. If they let him go to calm the dog down without searching him he could pull out a concealed weapon. He could dispose of evidence. There are far too many what ifs. As for why they went over to him. Maybe they recognized him as having an arrest warrant. Maybe they slapped the cuffs on instantly because he is wanted for a violent crime. We know nothing about the circumstance but it is cool to shit on the police.


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
They could have come over and asked him to move back, but their first response was to cuff him - and he didn't resist at all for that. But they didn't even talk to him.

resist being cuffed? in 'Murica? as a black guy? are you srs?


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
there's always "that guy" who has to be a smartarse

I agree, there is always a "smartarse" - or someone who pushes the boundary more than the crowd - there's always someone who has to be furthest forward. (In this case we're defining "dick" as the person who's not following the crowd, and I'm unwilling to condemn him as such as I still think he's not doing anything particularly wrong).

However, as there is always a smartarse then the police should know how to deal with them. And the answer is to ask them to leave and to step back to the other side of the road.

Arrest is not a "first course" action when dealing with harmless everyday situations.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Scouse, take a look at the second vid on Youtube...I assume the police had moved bystanders to a certain line earlier on...but he took it upon himself to get closer.

Looking at the second video - at 1:47 - and there are people videoing him turning up in his car that are the other side of his car looking back towards the people taking the video we watched. I.E. There are people closer to the cops than where he parked.

After watching this, yes, he's still the "furthest forward" - but not unreasonably so, and the cops job is still to ask him to move back if they don't like it.

I'm tempted to jump on the "arrest the nigger" bandwagon. But I don't necessarily think it's that - I think it's just police idiocy.

The music blaring from his car was a bigger crime :(


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
We know nothing about the circumstance but it is cool to shit on the police.

We know plenty about the circumstance. Other highly unlikely scenarios notwithstanding.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
Anyone who owns a rottwieler is 50 % dick to start with
I usually just skim your posts and ignore you but that is a fucking retarded thing to say you stupid, stupid person. Properly brought up Rottweilers are some of the nicest, most loyal dogs I've ever known.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
The vast majority of dogs reflect their owners and their training. Rottweillers are soft as fuck when brought up properly, great dogs.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
Ya ya ya..they're fucnuts

'I've got a hard dog'....dogs


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Anyone who owns a rottwieler is 50 % dick to start with

I actually tend to agree with this.

I understand that Rottweilers can be lovely loyal dogs, but in my experience their owners are all twats, to a man.

Never met a single nice owner. They're nearly all thugs.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
Actually yes..if its not a Staff..its a Rottie off the lead attacking old ladies dogs.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
No matter the situation, if you're going to shoot a dog then atleast make sure it dies fast. Can argue that it was defense etc, but can't argue the stupidity of letting it suffer.


Part of the furniture
Mar 14, 2011
I refuse to watch any video involving animal cruelty. And don't blame a dog for its breed, its the cunt owners who don't bring them up properly that are at fault.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
I refuse to watch any video involving animal cruelty. And don't blame a dog for its breed, its the cunt owners who don't bring them up properly that are at fault.

Not blaming a dog for it's breed at all. It's all about the cunt owners. However, certain breeds of dogs are attractive to cunts...


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
There's a little scrote who hangs outside our local supermarket, decked in black northface, hollow cheeks, breathes through his open mouth, but he has a Yorkie on a lead, can't help but like him for that.


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
The owners all say that just after their Rottweilers have eaten the neighbours 3 year old child.

That reminds me. a couple weeks ago I was walking home from school with a classmate and this classmate has a pretty extreme phobia of dogs. A couple came walking towards us with a young dog, off the leash (this actually isn't allowed in the NL iirc unless in certain areas but hey ho). The classmate started to panic, but amazingly managed to hold himself in check and said -nicely- from a distance to the couple that he had a bad thing with dogs and asked if they could please hold their dog until he was past them (with me ofc).
Their response? "Our dog is really sweet and wouldn't hurt a fly, get over yourself." Now we managed to get past the dog without incident, but we had a discussion the rest of the way in to town why the couple with the dog had refused to hold their animal. My opinion was that they were *cough* not that bright for expecting someone with years of built up phobia to get past that based on their say-so that they have a kind dog. The fact that their dog could be the sweetest dog on Earth with or without their saying so is completely irrelevant to someone with a phobia.
I've noticed over the years that dog owners tend to think in a very dog-centric manner if you follow me and classmate and I agreed that it would generally be difficult for a dog owner to understand that when classmate would ask them to restrain their animal, he's not saying that their animal is bad, or agressive but that the dog owner could construe his meaning as implying such. Also, I said the couple were blessed with a thick plate in front of their heads (Dutch saying).



The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
The park by us is full of cockheads with dogs off the lead..they spend the entire time shouting the dogs often ludicrous name in a screeching scouse accent while tje dog totally ignores them and runs around scaring the shit out of people.
A few weeks ago it was layla!Laaayyllaaa! As the dog floored some little kid
..they should give me a machine gun.
They spoil theost beautiful pine forest national trust park with their fucking in bred fighting dogs

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