There's a bit of a point thered, but it's also very easy to destroy the theory when you change the klast number in the years to 3, or even compare ´92 release to 2012.
Noticed having this droning sound in the background for many hours, but didn't think of it or where it came from. Forgot to turn off Liam Neeson 10h stare.
How the hell did that thing get past customs with "mobile defense platform" written on it
On a sidenote;
Sick today, design deadline also today, wrote it at home while playing FTL on second screen and sent it in 3 hours before deadline. Feeling like a baws.
Nick Clegg can fuck right off, the fees didn't need to go up at all, the government just needed cunts like Vodaphone and that twat Phillip Green to start paying the taxes they have been avoiding for years.
for some reason I've had a complete change of heart recently, I used to be all about rpg's like final fantasy or dragon age and MMO's like star wars/rift/daoc/gw2,; but now I dont have the motivation or enjoyment for it anymore.
I went back to mw3....2 weeks after gw2 release then i dusted off my xbox360 played it on that, now I'm playing B Ops on the pc for the first time in years and I only played it for 1-2weeks when it came out. 2nd game I went 35-16..4th game I went something like 50-14. I've some how got better at fps's without playing them and I prefer them to rpg's now apparently haha.
also I stopped playing MMO's in february sometime(Sw:tor) till gw2 release and I don't think I burnt myself out since it wasnt like gaming before at release (same lack of enthusiasm), guess that break did a good thing thought i'd always play MMO's maybe I can come back to real life adventuring !
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