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The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
TBH I agree, my first time on the Pepsi Max Big One at Blackpool I thought my head was going to explode as it went over the top at 200ft, but the fall is gentle and the rest of the ride quite tame.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
It's OK the Japanese have no history whatsoever of crashing planes in to things with the intention of killing as many as possible.


FH is my second home
Sep 5, 2008
The heads state that playing such games or accessing certain social media sites can increase early sexualised behaviour in youngsters and leave them vulnerable to grooming for sexual exploitation.

Sounds like nonsense to me. A better solution would be to give kids proper sex education so they don't get all their information from porn and video games.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003

What if Walter White told stupid chemistry jokes instead of cooking meth.


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
Sometimes I question my mothers logic.

I've come to my parents for easter and she wants me to put my clothes in my wardrobe, so she starts hanging the clothes on the doorframe OF THE WARDROBE MEANING IF I OPEN THE WARDROBE THEY ALL FALL OFF




FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Hmm, might quit smoking. Only had one past 2 days(been a bit sick so that's probably why), and the only one made me feel meh.

Have to see if it continues a few days then why bother :p


J Peasemould Gruntfuttock
Dec 22, 2003
want to give up smoking ? go hang around the respiritory ward of a hospital for a month or 2, put me off for life


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
want to give up smoking ? go hang around the respiritory ward of a hospital for a month or 2, put me off for life

I don't react at all to things like that, kinda like i don't have a problem with a bad experience putting me off things. That's why i said i might quit smoking tbh, not sure if i will as i go by feel most the time.


Once agreed with Scouse and a LibDem at same time
Dec 22, 2003
Hmm, might quit smoking. Only had one past 2 days(been a bit sick so that's probably why), and the only one made me feel meh.

Have to see if it continues a few days then why bother :p

I was considering quitting when I run out of my current stash of duty free, then I got a letter from my local surgery, saying that according to their records I was a smoker, and I might like to consider their excellent Stop Smoking service.

My reply was along the lines of "Oh do fuck off you nannying cunts".

Do they honestly think we don't know it's bad for us, and services are available to help us quit? You've educated us, now leave us the fuck alone?

Of course for added comedy, it was signed by the doctor who is notorious in my old town for being massively overweight. I'd suggest he sorts his own house out before preaching, personally.

Ah that's better. Time for a smoke I think.


Currently a stay at home dad
Jan 24, 2004
Cricket actually doesn't exist. The games consist of men standing around. Occasionally someone will throw a ball at someone, and they will try to hit it with a paddle. When the ball is hit, no one actually knows what is going on. This is why we get weird scores like 183/10 (45). I can't stress this enough - NO ONE ACTUALLY KNOWS WHAT THIS MEANS Even the players themselves don't know. They are just paid to stand around and occasionally hit the ball. It's like the old theory that if you put a bunch of monkeys in a room and give them typewriters, eventually they'll write Macbeth. I believe the same thing has happened here. Enough Aussies were just standing around in a field one day when this "sport" just mystically appeared. Someone threw a ball at someone, and that person hit it with a stick. The contemplated making actual rules for this game, but since they were Australian, they decided not to. For the next 7 (seven) days, they continued just randomly throwing this ball and hitting it. And here we are today. They loved the idea of randomly hitting a ball enough they decided to make a world cup out of it. Listen, I'm cool with hitting a ball with a stick. I watch baseball every now and then. But the key difference here, is the fact that baseball has an actual rulebook. People know what is going on when they watch a baseball game. Cricket fans - and even the players - don't know what is happening.

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