This MID setup on Devon cluster!


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 1, 2004
Hmm looking at the 2 healers wouldn't that be like a really weak point of your group?
I don't know much about Pac healers but from valgair's movie I saw him hardly healing (some DI and insta's) he was constantly busy interrupting and remezzing people and pets so that means all healing will have to be done with the aug healer, If he gets Banelorded to hell and back (which will happen alot) then you will have no other person there to heal right?
And starting from rr1 you can't have MoC3 right from the start and a Shaman can't heal much if you are planning to be the 46 aug shammy spec.

Just thought most Mid groups ran with like 3 healers but I could be wrong as I hardly played actively in Midgard before :)


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
Andrilyn said:
Hmm looking at the 2 healers wouldn't that be like a really weak point of your group?
I don't know much about Pac healers but from valgair's movie I saw him hardly healing (some DI and insta's) he was constantly busy interrupting and remezzing people and pets so that means all healing will have to be done with the aug healer, If he gets Banelorded to hell and back (which will happen alot) then you will have no other person there to heal right?
And starting from rr1 you can't have MoC3 right from the start and a Shaman can't heal much if you are planning to be the 46 aug shammy spec.

Just thought most Mid groups ran with like 3 healers but I could be wrong as I hardly played actively in Midgard before :)

Low rr group = 3 healers
High rr group = 2 healers



Can't get enough of FH
Jan 21, 2004
Septina said:
Low rr group = 3 healers
High rr group = 2 healers


Chimaira skill grp 2 healers

xD or well many of them
There are uber hard alb caster grp on MLF cluster with high rr :( time to feel caba ml9 and sorcs I guess :(

Edit: but dont you agree it would be so much more fun to own with a not so in my eyes FOTM group? :p


Loyal Freddie
Oct 11, 2004
Eva said:
The reason you have sms is not that it's spec debuffs or intercepting pet, it's just that it's more dps, the survivability and utility is a bonus. :p

Will probably work, there is alot of viable setups.

Errhhmmm since when did sm have higher dps than rm ?? it's the other way around, and it's not the sm debuff U want it's the rc rm cold debuff. Dunno where U get your stuff from :)

SM survivability and the fact that they can interrupt 2 targets at once is the main reason to run sm instead of rm.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 23, 2004
Bistrup666 said:
Errhhmmm since when did sm have higher dps than rm ?? it's the other way around, and it's not the sm debuff U want it's the rc rm cold debuff. Dunno where U get your stuff from :)

SM survivability and the fact that they can interrupt 2 targets at once is the main reason to run sm instead of rm.
if you go rc spec you will have lower dps than an sm though :)

but on the other hand rc spec is zeh boring. was fun in OF when you roleplayed keeps :p


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 26, 2003
We've always run with a 2 healer setup in the original SC group. Started as rr2-3 and are now rr7+.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 9, 2004
Bistrup666 said:
Errhhmmm since when did sm have higher dps than rm ?? it's the other way around, and it's not the sm debuff U want it's the rc rm cold debuff. Dunno where U get your stuff from :)

SM survivability and the fact that they can interrupt 2 targets at once is the main reason to run sm instead of rm.

it was calculated before, darkness spec spiritmaster outdamages darkness rm not just carving runie. Think Ilum did that test, search for it on freddies.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 17, 2004
Dorin said:
it was calculated before, darkness spec spiritmaster outdamages darkness rm not just carving runie. Think Ilum did that test, search for it on freddies.

Must have made a mistake then...

Spiritmaster (47 dark): Extinguish Lifeforce, 183dmg delve, 2.5sec cast = 73.2dps
Runemaster (47 dark): Greater Rune of Shadow, 219dmg delve, 2.8sec cast = 78.2dps

Mind TOA and removal of the dex cap provide diminishing castspeed differences you can expect a Runemaster to virtually nuke as fast as a Spiritmaster. Therefore the dps difference will be even higher. Also the dark Runie has a 10% cold debuff wich can further increase his dps.

As for carving Runemasters, with the 50% cold debuff they make sure to hit for cap damage and even thou there is quite a bit of variance in their nukes and it only has 179 delve they will in general hit as hard or harder than both, dark SM and dark Runie. However at the drawback of dealing no damage with the 1st cast and 10% more power use per nuke.


Part of the furniture
Jan 21, 2004
Jeriraa said:
Must have made a mistake then...

Spiritmaster (47 dark): Extinguish Lifeforce, 183dmg delve, 2.5sec cast = 73.2dps
Runemaster (47 dark): Greater Rune of Shadow, 219dmg delve, 2.8sec cast = 78.2dps

Mind TOA and removal of the dex cap provide diminishing castspeed differences you can expect a Runemaster to virtually nuke as fast as a Spiritmaster. Therefore the dps difference will be even higher. Also the dark Runie has a 10% cold debuff wich can further increase his dps.

As for carving Runemasters, with the 50% cold debuff they make sure to hit for cap damage and even thou there is quite a bit of variance in their nukes and it only has 179 delve they will in general hit as hard or harder than both, dark SM and dark Runie. However at the drawback of dealing no damage with the 1st cast and 10% more power use per nuke.
Well supposedly lifetaps have a 'hidden' damage bonus of 5-10% over and above the delve.

Baselines use about 10% more power than spec nukes for the same DPS, however that's assuming u have a 50+ total spec in the spell line to get staff focus bonus...otherwise baseline nuke will *really* eat power.

Not 100% sure focus works on baseline nukes even if you have 50+ bonus tbh, really notice baseline nukes eating power even then. Should test it properly sometime.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 17, 2004
Maeloch said:
Well supposedly lifetaps have a 'hidden' damage bonus of 5-10% over and above the delve.

Baselines use about 10% more power than spec nukes for the same DPS, however that's assuming u have a 50+ total spec in the spell line to get staff focus bonus...otherwise baseline nuke will *really* eat power.

Not 100% sure focus works on baseline nukes even if you have 50+ bonus tbh, really notice baseline nukes eating power even then. Should test it properly sometime.

Ok, didnt know about the 'hidden' bonus to lifetaps. But even then the 47 dark spec nuke has almost a 120% higher delve than the SM's lifetap. Ontop of that he can debuff 10% cold resists wich lets him come out with at least 20% higher delve than the SM even with the hidden bonus.

And yeah, there's a penatly on powerusage when using baseline spells way ahead of your spec-level. Simply forgot that. Conclusion is the same thou: A Carving Runie shouldnt be standalone damagedealer. But together with another cold-nuker he really, really hurts.


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
It a 6% bonus on all lifetaps if i remember it correct. The reason is that it a spell that has 2 chances of being resisted (nuke and lifetap component) so they gave it a bonus to the damage


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 31, 2003
Actually the lifetap doesn't outdamage the rm spec nuke. However, due to the beforementioned 5% lifetap bonus, the DPS are close to being the same (if ignoring outright resists).


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 14, 2004
why the sm vs rm? its rm who debuffs cold, then sm assists and stuff insta dies xD

id say the cold debuff itself, increases the groups dps by the double, mmk


Dec 23, 2003
no access to baod with that setup, which if your facing heavy caster groups like you said you might need that to turn the fight in your favour

1 rm + sm will always work out better than 2 of each


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 29, 2004
remi said:
why the sm vs rm? its rm who debuffs cold, then sm assists and stuff insta dies xD

id say the cold debuff itself, increases the groups dps by the double, mmk

Yeah NOW you say it...but not a month ago? ;)


Can't get enough of FH
Mar 4, 2004
Bistrup666 said:
Errhhmmm since when did sm have higher dps than rm ?? it's the other way around, and it's not the sm debuff U want it's the rc rm cold debuff. Dunno where U get your stuff from :)

SM survivability and the fact that they can interrupt 2 targets at once is the main reason to run sm instead of rm.
Dunno where you ger your stuff from. Facts already been told. And the debuff I'm talking about is the d/q spec one in darkness which cripple enemy support and casters.

The 10% debuff is only good on targets who takes a long time to kill, not really worth using otherwise if you kill it in the next 2 nukes, which makes it useless imo. When it comes to pure dps I think it's very close between sms and rms, as long as they don't hit cap(since the lifetap bonus only work when it's not hitting cap), but the utility on sms is just so much higher than rms and only reason I'd take a rm is the 50% cold debuff, which is really nice together with a sm. :p


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 21, 2004
Matriarch|Sneakers said:
Hmm, chim ur avatar from what TV serie is that? i remb i loved it ias a kid :)

WHats it called?? :touch:

pff your still a kid <3
and its not from a tv SERIE its from America World Police a recent movie release >.<


FH is my second home
Jan 25, 2004
Matriarch|Sneakers said:
Hmm, chim ur avatar from what TV serie is that? i remb i loved it ias a kid :)

WHats it called?? :touch:

team america? oO

edit: your probably thinking about Thunderbirds tho :p


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