This Is Bollox



Weeeell, after the total balls up on launch day ( act of God / Dog / Bod whatever ) which was not anyone's fault (afaik), I was pretty chilled out about the whole thing. I have been an Everquest player for over 3 years and have seen some truly godawful patches ( usually due to incompatibility with various system specs ). I played doac from launch until about 8 months ago when the server lag problems became too much for me to handle and went back to EQ. Now with SI coming out it's rekindled my interest and I've restarted my 40 ranger and am really enjoying it, MYTHIC has really made a decent , robust game. What i'm trying to say is that I've sat through god knows how many patch days on EQ, all the expansion launches (Kunark, Velious, Luclin and Planes of Power ) and they've all had glitches which have taken a while to sort, but these were to all intents and purposes unforseable. Now camelot has its first expansion, went well in the states, #1 selling game etc so I think everything is going to go fine, after all they've had the biggest beta test in game history, North America! What a total f*cking shambles GOA, I've never seen such an almighty balls up. I really wish Mythic would look at what a total mess you're making of a great game...

/rant off going to exp in crap graphics-o-vision (old doac)

hope its sorted soon


Generic Poster

You'd expect someone from Mythic would've warned GOA, of the sudden rush to register SI.

Then someone at GOA says... hey! if over ten thousand players are trying to register SI, that means we've already sold them the game and have their money. Fuck it! keep the connection limit at 80 and let the bastards suffer.


tbh im not too worried about it all - i'll get on when i get on.

what i am worried about it potential new players.
this poor sign up process is surely gonna put people off.

hell if i had just bought it as a new game and was taking +8hrs to sign up, i know i would be really pissed off


maybe STFU moaning, your the fucking idiots for refreshing an ERROR PAGE for 17 hours of what ever the fuck it is, your supposed to click the link, not just refresh an error page over and over. next time you refresh, look at the status bar on internet explorer or what ever, it flashes up the link of the page its refreshing for about half a second. it only refreshes the error page, doesnt try to load the account pages because your supposed to click the account link.


Well I tried both ways. Refreshed for about 20mins then thought 'ermmm....... am I refreshing this error page?' then done it using the link still no success.


Same here Rhymes, stopped spamming f5 about 10 this morning.


quit your whining it will all be back to normal in a few days.

go see the sky...

this was like when PvP came out and people complaining about the server limit.


Originally posted by old.Kladen
quit your whining it will all be back to normal in a few days.

go see the sky...

this was like when PvP came out and people complaining about the server limit.

The sky is over rated m8.

This has got fuck all to do with server limits, more to do with a major GOA FUBAR.


Server limit was 3500 then not 80 at a time and it was releatively easy to get on it at off peak times.

Uncle Sick(tm)

Back to normal in a couple of days?

It was patch day - not days, as far as I am concerned.

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