This is about one of yours...




Well, it is taught for me anyway, but I thought of those people still in school. :)


I am sorry i am replying so late but i was in Galway,Ireland(very nice btw) on holidays with my family.

I would like to say i do not have a second account i never have and i never will. I am against spies on the server i do not like it one bit it is only a game most people play if for fun. There is no need for spies.

That person called "Fedix" was not me. As u said it was 5h30 AM cet and Emain is boring at that time no one is around. So i went to collory for some fun.

I would not waste 30Euro for a second account so i can kill greens to get only 70rp.

I am sorry if i sound rude anywere in this post in anyway but i do not like my name being on this board for no reason. I did not even have an account on these boards until now.

I would like this thread to be closed becasue this is giving me a bad name. I do not know what people are going to say to me in game now i don't even know if i still have a guild.

Thank you for reading i hope i have cleared things up.




ok ShiShi says this

1.Who and why would set himself anon and ask someone the above question , not even waiting for the answer (1 minute passed maybe in between the /send and my death)

3.strange coincidence I got /send and 1 minute later killed by a SB

I say this

Actually Blackdeath what I found amazing is your supposed to have logged off your account then back on , find him , stealth up to him and kill him within the space of a minute :) , hehe, not plausible really is it . I think you will still have a guild , take care , hope you enjoyed your hols .
I was out RvR 'ing the other night , no word of a lie , I sent my friend a message and about 100 albs came over a hill , strange coincidence I just did a /send then 100 albs appear less than a minute later :p ,we beat em of course :)

I would like to say I dont like the fact a person can make an account on a different realm on the same server , from what I read a while ago it was against the terms and conditions . Not in any way saying people who do automatically turn cloak and dagger , just saying would'nt it be better if you could'nt do it to start with ?

Roo Stercogburn

Unless GOA make some startling discovery (which would amaze me to be honest) about the existence of a second account I don't see this going anywhere further.

I have found when querying GOA that responses are no slower than 2 maybe 3 days. I think if nothing has been heard from them and a post here about it within a week, it will be time then for an apology to Blackdeath.

Blacky, you always have a guild with us mate... unless you forget to buy the beer at the next guild meeting AGAIN!
Now go do what you do best ;)

/em watches Blackdeath fade from sight and shudders



Hiya all,

about GOA, i dont see it going anywhere even if they investigate the matter..

So hereby I would like to apologize to Blackdeath.
I should never posted names as this incident was weird enough without names at all.
Believe me I feel bad with this, but what was done cant be undone.
Im sorry.
I was really pissed off by that event, and I still believe the Fedix dude was spying, as havent seen him online since last friday so what interest would be such info for him if he doesnt play his char...well, etc etc...
Blackdeath presence there must have been juts my bad luck...
Full blame on me to put this matter in this way, once again apologises.
Take care and dun hate me too much
Shikaku Ranger
Shiden Mentalist


Its ok m8 i understand dont worry i wont hate u :) i dont hate anyone in this game i might dislike them casue they kill me alot but thats part of the game :) so no hard feelings m8. Have fun and good luck

Roo Stercogburn

Appreciated ShiShi, takes a big person to apologise and do it in a manner that seems genuine.


/climbs onto soapbox

To anyone else that has a problem with Fedaykin members, percieved or real: PM me or another guild officer either on these forums or in game. Fedaykin recruitment (when we bother to) is based on nice peeps, not level or goal based. We don't want rotten apples but conversely we try to look after our peeps. Any genuine problem will get a reasonable hearing.

/climbes down from soapbox



Originally posted by caelithar

Actually Blackdeath what I found amazing is your supposed to have logged off your account then back on , find him , stealth up to him and kill him within the space of a minute :) , hehe, not plausible really is it.

The vast majority of people who have 2 accounts in this game have them on different PC's so entirely plausible isn't it... This said I'm not saying that Blackdeath done this, just that it is easily acheivable.

Though most people with multiple accounts/machines do this mainly so one character can be buffbot/rezzer/emergency mob killer when helping to powerlevel alts.


Originally posted by caelithar

Actually Blackdeath what I found amazing is your supposed to have logged off your account then back on , find him , stealth up to him and kill him within the space of a minute :) , hehe, not plausible really is it .

Aside from what Cornell, in the post above me said, that people usually use two comps, some also use Daox. Some say that with that program you can run two instances of Daoc at the same time, if you have two accounts of course. I'm sorry Caelithar, that reasoning doesn't hold up.



Aye that may be so , what I was saying is that he was at the exact spot to log on ? without being told were the guy was hunting , he managed it in under a minute :)


Hmmm, don't you get what we are saying? If this would have been a true situation (which ShiShi now has said it probably wasn't so), then he would never have to log in/out any of the chars during this time, although Fedix was logged out within a minute or two. The shadowblade would still have been online, and would never have been logged out during any part of the event.

Now, let's say the above situation is true, for other characters, not the ones mentioned here. Then the most probable explanation for the mysterious attack only one minute after the question, would of course be that the shadowblade happened to stumble upon the ones he was sending to with his second account, and then logged out the hib char as fast as possible, and proceeded to attack his victims.

The problem with these 'cheating tactics' is that afaik it is almost impossible to check whether a single person has two accounts in opposite realms on the same server. Check it through ip? No, two people can play through the same ip address. Check through the creditcard? No, two brothers could for instance be paying with the same creditcard. Come up with another way to check and my bet is that it ends up with the same logical problems. So, in the end my bet is that whoever uses two accounts to spy never ends up being caught, unless he himself writes a complaint to Goa, accusing himself for spying. Not very likely right?
So even if Blackdeath would have been spying (which neither ShiShi, nor me are saying atm that he is), he would never actually be punished for it, which actually makes it more desirable for cheaters to pursue, but expensive of course.

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