This is about one of yours...



Hiya Middies,
I play Hibernia, but here is a little story i wanna tell you about as it got me pretty upset last night. First pure facts, later on my comments.
Today early morning (5h30 AM cet) my lvl 32 mentlaist went with a friend Enchanter to hunt some mobs in Mt.Collory, Hibernia border...
There is not many spots to hunt for my lvl, but still it can be various places..
We did not set /anon, simply forgot about it, anyways at such time the game is pretty deserted usually a thursday to friday night..
After few minutes of hunting i receive a send from a dude named FEDIX saying "i wonder, what kinda of mobs you are hunting there"
I don't know him, and it stroke me a bit, coz why at all he is asking..does he want to join? group?
so i quick check /who FEDIX
"no matches"
hmm, wierd isnt it?
I was at that moment pretty busy (besides the quick check i did) so i didnt reply for a while...
Once I did, he wasn't anymore logged...
So I said quick to my friend "Set ANON", and again "SET ANON"
1 sec after having typed it, I got killed by BLACKDEATH , shadowblade prolly
These were facts. Now my comments.
1.Who and why would set himself anon and ask someone the above question , not even waiting for the answer (1 minute passed maybe in between the /send and my death)
2.Who would wonder looking for ennemies at ennemies gate at 5h30 am a week day? I would get bored after 30 minutes, there was strictly nobody there besides us, at least nobody without /anon, total population of hibs was that time around 70...
3.strange coincidence I got /send and 1 minute later killed by a SB

So I say big crap, that what you are: Fedix(hib) , Blackdeath(mid) or both in 1 person holding 2 accs...
It's lame, cheap , and cheating btw
And what I will do now, even if it is pointless and will not result in antything.
I got the log for the time it happened, and I got a sc of the whisp
I will write similar to that post email to Mythic. Will they do anyhting about it? no clue, prolly not, but who knows
My main reason to post it here is to let it know to fair and honest players there in Midgard, who don't need such cheap lame tricks to play that game, so they know who and why a lamer is..
You could tell me I accuse wrongly these guys, well, it is good to have faith in ppl honesty but being too naive isnt the best things sometimes...
Take care
Hibernia, Prydwen


Where are your proof???

And when you enter the frontier expect death, many mids camp down there...


Hint: don't mail it to mythic, send it to GOA, they are the admins of the EU servers. Use RightNow on the camelot-europe homepage
Disgusting if this you say is true...


Hey - it does sound like this could be one person with 2 accounts, and if they are using one to gain information to give the other an advantage (ie /who briefine) then it would be against the CoC and could carry a suspension or ban.

GOA don't like cheats, that is becoming clearer all the time, so send a report using RightNow with as much detail as possible and I am sure they will check it out thoroughly.

Good luck....


Originally posted by Fafnir
Where are your proof???

And when you enter the frontier expect death, many mids camp down there...

Well Fafnir, i know well how the game works...
It is not a reproach to Midgard community, as I met in Hibernia not 1 of idiots or real jerks...
This happened like i described it, i never said I had proofs.
That is how I see it, if you don't see anything stinky here, well..
I stated my point
take care


This incident COULD actually be a coincidence, but given your description of the event, I highly doubt it. Pretty cheap acting of Blackdeath if it isn't though...


lets just hope is a 1 in 100 encounter and a guy with a dual account. I personaly hate the dual account thing if people miss use it. I was on a recil raid in .... alb or hibi no matter .... we all knew who where who sort of (that is we'v seen the people or heard of them) but one guy and no one knew that dude, but as the raid became he ran to the foot of the hill got the guard and then ran back up and got all killed. Dont know if he was a n00b but the way we saw it, it looked alot over like a "spy". :/

Well I take that no matter what kind of game you play be it card, elite sport, cs or daoc some people will always try to cheat.

p.s im not pointing any fingers at anyone or holding anyone responsible for anything when there has not been made proof.


You were killing evanscers am I right?


Sishi you have come onto a public forum and accused a good standing midgardian player of cheating without ANY proof.

Very silly thng to do, if ths was america and you were accusing a rl person in a similar way, you would be sued to high hell by them for slander and defamation of character.

If you got a problem, report it via RightNow, do not come accusing otehrs of cheating without proof.

this is all circumstancial evidence and not anywhere near concrete enuff to accuse anyone.

Candy lollipop

Spy's SUCK!

and It seems that it happens more and more these days,

ffs why!
Well ShiShi you are damn right, its so shitty they do it and if you going to report it to Mythic-GOA-... you got my bless


consider this

Maybe just maybe the person that sent you the tell ld shortly after and maybe just maybe blackdeath just happened to be wondering around that area .... or had just logged in or ..........

admit it sounds suspicious however there are other possabilities and i wouldnt expect GOA would act without concrete evidence?


Would someone be able to contact BlackDeath in game and ask him to post his story here, i dont want to form an opinion without the facts from both partys.


Oh gimme a break!

Oh gimme a break!

How many times do we try to organise a raid on Malmohus or Raumarik, to find that as we are in the middle of it, there's a relic raid?

Like it or not, cross-realm communication happens, deal with it or leave DAoC.

For example, maybe Fedix is a genuine Hibernian, who shares a computer with his mother, who plays a Midgardian called Blackdeath.. Fedix's mother watches over her son's shoulder as he plays and then kicks him off his computer, and logs on as Blackdeath.. This is totally legitimate cross-realming, as both accounts are played by totally different people.

This is just an example, and i didn't even mention DAoX.


Solid mate, chill. I don't think he/she/it was accusing black of anything, just claiming that it seems a bit fishy (frankly i've seen plenty of mids logging on briefly with low level alts during a major offensive and can only presume they are spamming /who, /who yggdra, /who jam, /who emain etc etc) ;)

Personally I wouldn't be surprised if it was black seeing as he's one of the 12 year old /laughspam brigade, but I don't think there was any accusation here, merely a bit of questioning and a warning to everyone.

As far as slander is concerned... man get a grip! Loads more nasty stuff than this goes on in the US on the boards. Anyways, this conversation is the type that will only end with a gunshot so..



Level 50 Infiltrator
Order of the Knights Templar


hi again,
oh well, i think it is juts a game, we all here like playing
and this game will be how we gonna make it, nothing else
I played Diablo 2 for 2 years, quitted it for DAOC. Diablo 2 was ruined by hacks, cheats and abuses..
My post might be treated as an accusation, agreed.
Iwould never do it if I was not believing what i think
I might be wrong, I might be right.
I did submit all details to GOA, so wait and see.
Just to make things fair enough here is the list of chars i play:
Shikaku, Shinokai, Shiden
So you can blame me, not only on this forum.
It can be then that poor Fedix ld, and Blackdeath was juts in that area at 5h30 AM.
I was checking since friday evening for the Fedix dude, doesnt seem to show often online, maybe just sometimes around 5h30 to chat with strangers about the mobs they hunt...
take care & thank you for all posts, the ones with support & understanding as well for these with little flames :)


Originally posted by old.Iunliten
You were killing evanscers am I right?

nope, we were actually killing sets (protectors and dwellers)
a fresh camp and groups were giving pretty nice exp, and we were taking adds of 3-4 to area dot + blast them


Something very likely happend to me yesterday. I logged in with my lvl 21 Runemaster in Uppland. I took a horse to Vindsaul and was looking for Invader killspam while aproaching - nothing. A /who showed exactly 7 people in Yggdra. High 20s to mid 30s. So I decided to solo... 1 mob. Then a yellow, yes a damn YELLOW, Luri Shade backstabbed me. He might have been camping there for a while but: Why oh why for heavens sake should a lvl 21 Shade camp Vindsaul when he could go to the battle grounds? Why was I killed after not even 2 mins in Yggdra when when noone got killed during all the time aproaching it?

Don't understand me wrong: I don't want to whine about getting stabbed! Frontier means enemies and enemies mean death. I'm well aware of this! But usaly even in low 30s you get killed by very purple invaders bcz all the yellow con stealthers rule the bg's.


This was not uncommen in the first patch, When I was lvl 20 and in yggdra way back there where always low 20 to high 30 players in yggdra killing (that is from other realms). Now as more and more poeple hit 50 its normaly only 40+ we see running around in yggdra, but thing of it if you dont wanna go to BG and want rvr with people of your own level where do you go ... yggdra since every middie seem to think its the safes place and end up whining when they die there :rolleyes:

Must say to you Been There Done That


Yup, but with a good group just above lvl 20, with two healers that know their job, the UC and is are excellent to gain a few lvls fast.

Old Nicodemus


As a guildmate of Blackdeath's I will ask him to air his story here for you. If he chooses to do so then he does it freely and will in no ways be made to.

This is a fairly hot topic at the moment. Every realm has it's spies and dual accounters, some play fairly some don't. There are even those who play their normal accounts in a manner not seen as sactioned by the CoC, (last week my alt's party suffered an xp death by a pathetic Hib ganker).

Blackdeath is unavailable as he is on holiday. I will point this thread out to him when he returns.

To my knowledge he plays fairly and by the rules. He does hunt in Emain a lot, and as a shadowblade he may have stalked you for a very long time before killing you.

The incident described, although worrying, should not have been posted in the manner it was. Your initial feelings may have been one of disgust and fury. I too would have been fairly annoyed if it had happened to me. However, the proof you have given is a touch inconclusive. The only people who can really sort this out are GOA.

In the first instance it is always advisable to lodge your concerns with them first. They can and will take action against anyone who is found to be breaking the CoC.

I know that this is of little solice to you now, but to openly flame someone straight off the bat like that is a little hasty. By all means flame someone if you have proof. Perhaps even shame them if they are found to be cheating by GOA. However you should only do so when everything is checked and confirmed. Otherwise you run the risk of perhaps ruining the game for a person who is only playing the game fairly but gets caught in the wrong place at the wrong time.

But enough of my ramblings.... Go and have fun..... but remember to put your anon on! ;)

Officer of Fedaykin
Spiritmaster of over 40 winters.

Roo Stercogburn

I am Blackdeath's Guild Leader. I will ask him about it, however, the evidence as presented is completely circumstantial.

I think though, it would have been more appropriate to bring your complaint to GOA directly, than badmouthing someone on a public forum, because as everyone knows, it sticks. If the account got banned, then you *might* be justified in naming and shaming but as it stands all you are doing is linking together circumstances that may or may not be related.

Quoting the time of day as evidence is not proper evidence, after all, you yourself were on playing and I know of many people that play all through the night even on weekdays when they are on holiday.

If you think about it, what's the point in having a second account message you under those conditions: if you died so soon after the message, the stealther already had you marked for death and didn't need to use that kind of tactic. He was already moving in for the kill. Behaving like that would only potentially give away the second account's existance.

As I've said, take it up with GOA. If you are right, he should be banned. However if you are wrong, I'd appreciate it if you publicly apologised to Blackdeath for smearing his name.


lol stfu ya prat and play the game BalckDeath doesnt cheat.


reading all your reactions I agree maybe it wasn't the best way and time to post here this thread.
But due to the reasons I already mentioned I was deeply outraged by that event
I will report here as soon as I hear from GOA, and include apologises to Blackdeath if such are needed


I've not seen him flame Blackdeath nor accuse as such, merely question the coincidental nature of the whole incident.

It would have perhaps been more sensible to tell the story without names on the public forum while submitting it to GOA in full.

At least some people are looking at this and being sensible and open-minded about it all but there's always some that just don't have a clue...
lol stfu ya prat and play the game BalckDeath doesnt cheat.
/em sighs

who is the prat really?
and just who is BalckDeath? I've not seen him mentioned previously in this thread

Old Nicodemus

Hi Cornell!

Check the original post by ShiShi. He names Blackdeath as the person who killed him after recieving the message from Fedex.


Spiritmaster of over 40 Winters.


Pudz - choice words, but a bit neanderthally
Cornell - read the accuser's post maybe?


Nicodemus & Solid: Lol, he was being sarcastic. pudzy misspelled Blackdeath to BalckDeath. Duh...

I for one would love to see some people show off at least some of the skills they were tought (or are being tought..?) in school, and not just bang away on the keyboard like mad and never look up on the screen to see what they actually write. But I guess that's just me.

Old Nicodemus




Sorry Cornell didn't read it properly.... probably something to do with only being awake for 10 mins and a lack of coffee!

Imlestat is correct but the red mist settles when someone you know is being dragged through the mud!

And isn't it taught? :p


Spiritmaster of over 40 Winters


hehe dont mind me, just upping my post count :) nearly at the big 5 0 0 :D

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