Hiya Middies,
I play Hibernia, but here is a little story i wanna tell you about as it got me pretty upset last night. First pure facts, later on my comments.
Today early morning (5h30 AM cet) my lvl 32 mentlaist went with a friend Enchanter to hunt some mobs in Mt.Collory, Hibernia border...
There is not many spots to hunt for my lvl, but still it can be various places..
We did not set /anon, simply forgot about it, anyways at such time the game is pretty deserted usually a thursday to friday night..
After few minutes of hunting i receive a send from a dude named FEDIX saying "i wonder, what kinda of mobs you are hunting there"
I don't know him, and it stroke me a bit, coz why at all he is asking..does he want to join? group?
so i quick check /who FEDIX
"no matches"
hmm, wierd isnt it?
I was at that moment pretty busy (besides the quick check i did) so i didnt reply for a while...
Once I did, he wasn't anymore logged...
So I said quick to my friend "Set ANON", and again "SET ANON"
1 sec after having typed it, I got killed by BLACKDEATH , shadowblade prolly
These were facts. Now my comments.
1.Who and why would set himself anon and ask someone the above question , not even waiting for the answer (1 minute passed maybe in between the /send and my death)
2.Who would wonder looking for ennemies at ennemies gate at 5h30 am a week day? I would get bored after 30 minutes, there was strictly nobody there besides us, at least nobody without /anon, total population of hibs was that time around 70...
3.strange coincidence I got /send and 1 minute later killed by a SB
So I say big crap, that what you are: Fedix(hib) , Blackdeath(mid) or both in 1 person holding 2 accs...
It's lame, cheap , and cheating btw
And what I will do now, even if it is pointless and will not result in antything.
I got the log for the time it happened, and I got a sc of the whisp
I will write similar to that post email to Mythic. Will they do anyhting about it? no clue, prolly not, but who knows
My main reason to post it here is to let it know to fair and honest players there in Midgard, who don't need such cheap lame tricks to play that game, so they know who and why a lamer is..
You could tell me I accuse wrongly these guys, well, it is good to have faith in ppl honesty but being too naive isnt the best things sometimes...
Take care
Hibernia, Prydwen
I play Hibernia, but here is a little story i wanna tell you about as it got me pretty upset last night. First pure facts, later on my comments.
Today early morning (5h30 AM cet) my lvl 32 mentlaist went with a friend Enchanter to hunt some mobs in Mt.Collory, Hibernia border...
There is not many spots to hunt for my lvl, but still it can be various places..
We did not set /anon, simply forgot about it, anyways at such time the game is pretty deserted usually a thursday to friday night..
After few minutes of hunting i receive a send from a dude named FEDIX saying "i wonder, what kinda of mobs you are hunting there"
I don't know him, and it stroke me a bit, coz why at all he is asking..does he want to join? group?
so i quick check /who FEDIX
"no matches"
hmm, wierd isnt it?
I was at that moment pretty busy (besides the quick check i did) so i didnt reply for a while...
Once I did, he wasn't anymore logged...
So I said quick to my friend "Set ANON", and again "SET ANON"
1 sec after having typed it, I got killed by BLACKDEATH , shadowblade prolly
These were facts. Now my comments.
1.Who and why would set himself anon and ask someone the above question , not even waiting for the answer (1 minute passed maybe in between the /send and my death)
2.Who would wonder looking for ennemies at ennemies gate at 5h30 am a week day? I would get bored after 30 minutes, there was strictly nobody there besides us, at least nobody without /anon, total population of hibs was that time around 70...
3.strange coincidence I got /send and 1 minute later killed by a SB
So I say big crap, that what you are: Fedix(hib) , Blackdeath(mid) or both in 1 person holding 2 accs...
It's lame, cheap , and cheating btw
And what I will do now, even if it is pointless and will not result in antything.
I got the log for the time it happened, and I got a sc of the whisp
I will write similar to that post email to Mythic. Will they do anyhting about it? no clue, prolly not, but who knows
My main reason to post it here is to let it know to fair and honest players there in Midgard, who don't need such cheap lame tricks to play that game, so they know who and why a lamer is..
You could tell me I accuse wrongly these guys, well, it is good to have faith in ppl honesty but being too naive isnt the best things sometimes...
Take care
Hibernia, Prydwen