Thinking of buying...



I get my new computer on tuesday and have been surfing around for some good rpg's and a few m8's pointed me in this direction. So... is it worth buying and further more i am aware there is a monthly subscription to play online, how much is it!?!?

Any other info would be greats, thanks


Cool, what about classes!? What would you say would be the easiest class to start off with, etc!?


Basically the game has 2 elements. Player vs. Environment (the levelling treadmill) and RvR (realm vs. realm which is basically player vs. player).

In order to participate in RvR, your character must realistically be level 40+. It will take on average around 30 days of solid playing to get a character to level 50 (longer for your first character). So really your initial character class/must be considered, or you spend 30days levelling, only to find that your character is a gimp when he meets other players on the battlefield.

Class choice is basically down to what you enjoy doing. Do you like killing people, or keeping people alive, for example ? Do you like the idea of killing people silently and sneaking away, or do you prefer standing in front of them twatting them with an enormous hammer ?

I would suggest you create several characters when you start, take each one to level 5 (where you choose your class) then see how they work and determine if you enjoy it or not.


altho, you dont really have to be 40+. first of all, theres battle grounds.

second of all, there are places to go, where a late 20's can easily find opposition worthy of his attention.

and class, well. theres fighters, rogues, healers, and mages. And variants of all these.

you can find descriptions of each of these, on

Classes of Camelot

enjoy :)


Aye battlegrounds for 20+ is a life saver for total xp treadmill boredom. My first char never had that and I play a scout (an archer) so it was pretty hard for me (groups dont like anything that isnt a healer/tank/mezzer/mana regen type char).

Basically its a place you can go where you will find pvp action of people all around your level, wherea in normal rvr its anything from 35+ if they wanna stay alive 40+ realistically.


Battlegrounds sure did add more lifespan... no doubt about that...


so basically there is a single player which u can play offline!? Or is it a single player played online!?
In this single player you build your character and then u use this character online when it has reached a respected level??? god this is confusing :p

Thanks for all your replies btw :)


It is multiplayer only. You have to be on the internet logged into the server at all times during play... there will be hundreds or thousands of other players interacting on trhe same server at the same time...

Roo Stercogburn

Online only, but don't listen to anyone about what they think is the best class. Everyone who plays a char thinks theirs is best for one reason or another. Pick one that looks fun to you to play and get online for some carnage and fun.

When you start a char, save all your training points to lvl 5 if you can then decide where to put them, because the way the game works is you have a base class which when you get to lvl5 lets you then choose the final profession you will be for the remainder of that char's gameplaying life. Check out the links on for advice on how to spec when choosing a char since this will save you getting to lvl20 and realising you made a big mistake at the start when you specced your character.

You can usually level a character to lvl5 in less than 2 hours once you know the game a bit, so you can create several chars, play around with them a bit then delete them once you've made your final choice, or keep them as 'alts' to play when you want to do something a bit different.


right so you play online against other people right from the word go, or is it against online computer characters like diablo II styley!??!


Originally posted by Roo Stercogburn
Online only, but don't listen to anyone about what they think is the best class. Everyone who plays a char thinks theirs is best for one reason or another. Pick one that looks fun to you to play and get online for some carnage and fun.

When you start a char, save all your training points to lvl 5 if you can then decide where to put them, because the way the game works is you have a base class which when you get to lvl5 lets you then choose the final profession you will be for the remainder of that char's gameplaying life. Check out the links on for advice on how to spec when choosing a char since this will save you getting to lvl20 and realising you made a big mistake at the start when you specced your character.

You can usually level a character to lvl5 in less than 2 hours once you know the game a bit, so you can create several chars, play around with them a bit then delete them once you've made your final choice, or keep them as 'alts' to play when you want to do something a bit different.

Ahhh i see, makes sense now, thanks a lot m8! Will definatly buy it me thinks, sounds fun!


DAoC sounds good but got a little bit of a rough ride in PC GAMER.

Nala Lionne

If you come asking if DAoC is any good on DAoC forums you will most likely only get one answer :)

Personally I think the game itself is pretty dull, I played for 4 or so months, and I will possibly play again at some other time. The Player versus enemy (PC char) environment, is dull to say the least, and the Player versus player (RvR) environment is not as good as I expected it to be. Occasionally certain fights are great fun, but I ended up playing for one thing, and that was the community, which to me, was excellent.


yeh i know what you mean, however i think i will give it a go all the same! Most new games you get bored of within few months anyway, thats normal :D

- Pathfinder -

Seriously, most people do not think their class is the best :p There's areason why everyone rolls a rogue once they ding 50 ^^


heh i have been reading up on the daoc webby about classes and stuff. Think my first one will be an Elf Ranger dude with the essence of Stealth or sommit :uhoh:



elf + ranger = a lot harder to play imo and a few friends feel the same , a few people i know have rerolled for lurikeen , personally I chose celt . It's a shame because in D&D elves always make good rangers :) Dont get me wrong I know a few high lvl Elven Rangers so it is quite possible , but for a first char you may find it a challenge :p


Originally posted by Embattle
DAoC sounds good but got a little bit of a rough ride in PC GAMER.

Well PCGAMER sucks. PCZONE gave it 80+% which I think is fair. At the moment this is my favourite fantasy mmorpg.


Originally posted by Tenko
this is my favourite fantasy mmorpg.

i prefer to call it historically based fantasy :)

sounds better ;)


A lot of people seem to forget completely that PvE is part of the game... they see it as something that gets between them and RvR :)

Hate to say it but PvE is about 80% if not 90% of the game... (well at the burnout rate for some people... I imagine Fingoniel will be around for quite a while after (if) he reaches 50 so it might be more than that)
Even more if you're a weirdo alt-junkie like me and too lazy to get your main char to a reasonable RvR level :)

So you need to make sure you're playing a char you enjoy PvE with :)

It's not single player pve, it's multiplayer like everquest, you and some friends versus the big bad world.

RvR is you and some friends versus some other people and their friends, and you can sample it in the mid-levels (20-35) and then fight in the big-boys playground at 36+ (although you'll get your ass handed to you most of the time at 36 :))

Classwise... Check out the classes of camelot up there, find something you like the sound of and play it.

If you decide it's naff by the time you reach lvl 10/20/30/40/50 or whatever you've still got 3 spaces to create a new one :)

Starting Race really only affects how easy it is to get to lvl 20 or so... after that the differences in stats between them start decreasing sharply (there's a diminishing returns thing going.,.. the difference between 60 and 70 strength is quite reasonable, between 160 and 170 is very little)

If you want to '0wnz0r' in RvR then the ranger is a good way to go..
Despite the downgrades they'll be getting, the archer classes are still the most viable RvR, with maybe the exception of the assassins.

Everyone else is stuck to a group... an archer can go out solo and mibbe survive.... assassins can run around killing the solo archers, but will still find it hard to kill anyone in a group unless they have help

(which makes sense.. one person shouldn't be killing an 8-man team :))

Hope that helps.

- Pathfinder -

For solo RvR capability, minstrels and skalds make good gankers as well :p


minstrels only make good gankers vs soloers or small groups. ;)

- Pathfinder -

Originally posted by old.LandShark
minstrels only make good gankers vs soloers or small groups. ;)

Uhm, that's sort of the point soloing :p


Oh yeah, good point :)

Speed classes are ace solo in RvR, minstrels/skalds - how do bards fare?

They're also generally fairly sought after in PvE? at least minstrels are... I suppose with so many skalds playing they're probably not so hot :)

However they all seem to become incredibly impatient.. must be all the speed...
I've never met a minstrel who isn't going "cmon pull! more! faster! stop sitting! don't bother with styles, regenning endurance takes too long! faster! more!"

(or afk whilst using powersong that's the other end :))

Earth theurgs seem to be quite laid back in comparison :)

- Pathfinder -

Minstrels post 40 are generally filled with surplus energy after having spent days playing powersong for their groups :p They feel this urge to move, and so commonly jumps around flailing with their arms while their group tries to distance themselves from them :p


minstrel = guy who runs around everyone else jumping up and down like some speed obsessed maniac

skald = guy who likes to show off his speed by running through the lowbie towns really really fast. also likes to bash things.

bard = the more humble hibbie who just uses speed to get to his newfound group. then sits there killing his fingers twisting for hours but pretending he enjoys it (the more humble hibbie ;)).

Which type of musician are you?!

I should make one of those online quiz things :)


I dunno ... even the lvl 10 minstrels I've met are all speed-crazy powerlevel nutcases :)

Probably because they're just alts of some level 50 who is thinking 'waaah it's taking more than 20 minutes to hit lvl 30! aiee!'


Few words about bards.. they're not a solo class, not in PvE, not in RvR. They're 80% supporters. Altho, I usually end up meleeing in an RvR situation, but I only do it because it's fun =).

People love bards because they got, not only speed and mana regen songs, but their very own speciality, the endurance regen song. A level 3 end song makes it possible for the tanks in group to use styles almost indefinitely. Level 4 makes it possible to sprint almost indefinitely. 2 bards in a group, or twisting speed and end makes the group move reeally fast (speed 5, endurance 5 is about as fast as a horse). The other thing they do is mezzing. Plays major role in RvR and when pulling baffing mobs in PvE. They are also backup healers and quick rezzers (because of the speed and mana songs). My regrowth spec is pretty high, just because I want to be different, but no matter how high bard specs in regrowth, he/she can never be even close as good healer as a druid (in hib). Mythic has also given bards some some new baseline heal spells, making speccing unneccessary. You have to put 37 points in regrowth to get anything out of it at lvl50, which makes the poor bard a total gimp in every area (you still wont be a good healer).

Usually the high level bards are nice and patient people.. like myself =p


The review of DaOC in Flagship magazine was interesting, and I would say I would agree with it -- despite what others have posted above.

The PvE part of the game is *very* well designed and, usually, a lot of fun. The RvR part of the game, which is supposedly central to the whole thing is a bag of crap!

Multiple group co-ordination is erratic at best. Tactics and strategies are exceedingly difficult to implement across multiple groups. There are various attempts at balancing out the classes by the game designers but, all too often, they get the balancing act wrong.

From where I stand, RvR is lots of people running too and fro, much like the kids did in the alleys round our old house. Lots of fun if you're 15 or less, rather <yawnsome> for the rest of us.

Lots of the players who enjoy RvR a great deal choose to play solo assassins as these guys rock at the moment! But it, once again, throws a spanner in the balancing works.

Sure I'm a gimpy paladin and probably not seen RvR at its best, but - from this corner - <YAWN>! DaOC is a work in progress though, and I would expect it to get better as time goes by.

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