Theurg help please



Need help with theug spec - definitely need nuke theurg so going for 45 air, problem is with an offensive spec where to put the other points? Atm have 26 earth 8 ice, PBT is handy for groups but not the role of this character - going to primarily solo. I think at 20 the next to last eath pet is a handy standby, but I'd like to hear your thoughts.

In summary ----

solo character

max damage




why 47 and not 45? (played with character builder so much I'm going dizzy lol)


respec ice to air at lvl 40, get 26 earth rest air


Re: theurg

Originally posted by Legaoniel_v
why 47 and not 45? (played with character builder so much I'm going dizzy lol)

Because you said max damage obviously.

If you want to be more sensible you'd go 26e, 45a, rest ice and be done.

Aule Valar

think i've said this before but
3 therug specs

45 earth rest ice
35 earth 41 ice
26 earth 45 air 14 ice

the 3rd is the one you want, damage difference between 45 and 47 is about 4-5 damage per hit at around 500 (pointless)
it gives you the option of a 25 sec aoe root, with the short range on mes allows you to root first, then mes any purgers


theurgs aren't nukers imo but if you wanna spec an offensive theurg you need at least 10sec pbt

if you want a theurg with max dmg and don't opt for pbt then i suggest u role a wizard.

Aule Valar

have often wished i was a wiz, but they don't have speed, it may seem a little thing but its bloody wonderful to have, you also get nuke and mes in the same line, even if the mes is pretty shit


in the old days a solo theurg would have been quite a cool option but now emain has "evolved" in a sense and it has become group or die.

honestly... a group accepting a nonpbt theurg? :>


if you plan on going solo to 50 go 45 air 26 earth rest ice. but if you realy realy wanna solo all the way best to get the air 1st to help u nuke. tbh theurgs sucks at solo XPing pets just cost way too much mana to be viable solo. if u want CC role a sorc with build in mama regen there gonna lvl fast if u want damage role a fire wiz.

theurgs just really aint ment to solo


My theurg went full air till lvl 22. Soloing was easy if you stick to undead mobs and anything spirit vulnerable. And with a buffbot it's even easier! Especially if you use the bot to stun. No need to bother with pets.

If you go air till 22 and then put the rest into earth, then you will get PBT at lvl 35. Lvl 35 is when you will really need to start looking for groups, I feel. Anything else is just too slow and the downtime is a pain in the bum.

Full air rocks in BG1. :) And 26e/22+w will be good enough for BG3 if you decide to go.


Aule Valar

full air to 20 if you really have to solo past lvl 10 *shudder*
then respec to earth at 20/21 spec earth till 26 then dump it all in air


46 air, 26 earth, 10 ice

I have tested airskill levels and the result was that every extra point u throw in give some 1.5-2% extra average damage (from 55 modded and up).

Also, you get 10 sec pbt and 23 sec aoe root.

Imo this spec is unrivalled.

Aule Valar

actually running around solo as a therug can be amusing, as long as you've got a cs so you don't have to go far when you die

very pleasing when archers attack you, and occasionally the solo tank appears :)

unfortunatly theres often 2fg appear just after and splatter you :(


Originally posted by gunZ-
theurgs aren't nukers imo but if you wanna spec an offensive theurg you need at least 10sec pbt

if you want a theurg with max dmg and don't opt for pbt then i suggest u role a wizard.

ROTFL, sounds really clueless this time Gun

a) Fire-wiz has DD219, Air-theurg DD209. 5% less damage; but spirit-resists are still lower then heat; even after SC-sets on the average Mid and Hib.

Fire-wiz has 2 bolts, which are pretty useless in average RvR nowadays. The air-theurg instead has mezz (no need to explain), speed 2, stunpets.

I would even prefer an 50 air theurg above a 50 fire wiz in an average RvR group



Yay, go them air theurgs - thanks for all your help guys, much appreciated!

Mod - lock it down!!


Originally posted by Puppetmistress
ROTFL, sounds really clueless this time Gun

a) Fire-wiz has DD219, Air-theurg DD209. 5% less damage; but spirit-resists are still lower then heat; even after SC-sets on the average Mid and Hib.

Fire-wiz has 2 bolts, which are pretty useless in average RvR nowadays. The air-theurg instead has mezz (no need to explain), speed 2, stunpets.

I would even prefer an 50 air theurg above a 50 fire wiz in an average RvR group

you forgot EB, haste, aoe root, insta haste debuff, pbt....

"If you wanna do damage roll a wizzie"....
If you must roll one, take ice or earth cuz fire aint the nukers they should be.

Qte Eth

who will take fire wiz with "uber" 219 dd instead of 209dd theurg with pbt, ae mes, and chain stun pets?
another question what for can grp need fire wiz at all when u can get air /earth theurg or body/mind sorc with 209 instead 219 damage and huge utility?


Indeed Qte, never quite seen the reason for it. Nukers are needed but they can atleast bloody well bring some utility. Theurgists have always been my primary nuker choice in a group, the more the better, right Ody? :)


3 theurgs in a group not only bring enormous nukage, they totally confuse the tanks - they dont know which one to hit first :)


My friar grouped with a full earth spec theurgist last night. I was the only healer and managed to paint most of my computer case black in the free time I had.



For theurg theres only one fun way to go tbh. 45air 26earth 14ice I think its the best spec for a theurg atm. There are variations of this spec but they arent important. If u play it right, this spec can be very fun :)

As for wiz vs theurg thing
A wiz is a dedicated nuker. As a theurg u will not be able to nuke as much as a wiz. You have keep enough power for pbt and this can drain you oop in the middle of a fight very soon if you are nuking. Constant group rebuffs every 10 minutes mean that every 10 minutes u will be low on power and will have to use mcl. If you have to buff 4 people in group with 2 baseline buffs one of which is unspecced, it is a pain. if u have to keep 6 people in grp buffed, it's a nightmare. I cant count how many times I was caught oop in the very begining of the fight just because I just rebuffed my group a couple of seconds earlier. Theurg also pretty much blows at keep sieges because of his lack of any form of ae dmg. The stun on pets is nice, but it was nerfed in the previous patches and sometimes they dont stun at all. Also pets cost 1/8 of your power that will go poof with a farting sound in 20 seconds(one of the main reasons u will ofthen be oop). Mez lasts for about 10 seconds on tanks atm. Although you will be devastating 1 on 1, at keep defense u might feel useless.

As a wiz you will find yourself better at nuking and a sorc can debuff for you(try find a spirit cab if u are a theurg), but that is pretty much all you can do, and todays horrid rate of resists renders the firewiz pretty much useless.
If you want to do damage and siege utility, make a wiz and go ice/earth(thats the only way u can do damage as a wiz atm, as single nuke kinda sux when u look at resists ;p). If you want very nice single nukes, some very nice utility, but no ae dmg at all and to pretty much blow at keeps, make an air/earth theurg, but prepare to get some decent RAs to preserve power, because you will be oop constantly.
Still imo it is a matter of taste.

P.S. Btw, I find it strange that some of our wizards suddenly forget that they can give eb to tanks while a theurg joins the group. Theurg has a lot of things to burn power on besides that, u know ;p

Originally posted by old.Odysseus
3 theurgs in a group not only bring enormous nukage, they totally confuse the tanks - they dont know which one to hit first :)

Hehe I once grouped with 4 ;) Poor tanks, they tried to slam us so hard :D

I once grouped with a guys who said he once grouped with 3 10 sec theurgs, 2 8 sec theurgs and a 6 sec theurg. He says that rvr will never be the same for him :)


Originally posted by gunZ-
theurgs aren't nukers imo but if you wanna spec an offensive theurg you need at least 10sec pbt

if you want a theurg with max dmg and don't opt for pbt then i suggest u role a wizard.

Wizard bolts are useless many times. Air pets rocks, now have same range than bolts and in next patch is more range :) Even green con earth pets help a lot sometimes. Fire wizard is only a bit more damage, but without pets and mezz.

If he wants a complete offensive theur can spec 45 wind 10 earth rest cold. Best air and cold pets, good air nukes, good aoe root, crap mezz and single target bt


Originally posted by Mavl
As for wiz vs theurg thing
A wiz is a dedicated nuker. As a theurg u will not be able to nuke as much as a wiz. You have keep enough power for pbt and this can drain you oop in the middle of a fight very soon if you are nuking.
Must disagree on that one.
With MCL, bounty items, pow potions and serenity 2 I can nuke 2 entire full groups dead myself before going low (assuming they let me ;) ).
Power is normally not an issue for me when doing FG vs FG battles.


Go 45 earth, be great in group ONLY lvling, then be totally 100% gimped for RvR :p

Respec stone... i need respec stone :)


Originally posted by Deskiziado
Wizard bolts are useless many times. Air pets rocks, now have same range than bolts and in next patch is more range :) Even green con earth pets help a lot sometimes. Fire wizard is only a bit more damage, but without pets and mezz.

If he wants a complete offensive theur can spec 45 wind 10 earth rest cold. Best air and cold pets, good air nukes, good aoe root, crap mezz and single target bt

Not useless if you bolt the litle luri that's quietly standing behind the enemy ranks or qc bolt an incoming bard :)
And exchanging 10 sec pbt for TEH buggiest pets in the game is just not right imo ;p

Originally posted by old.Odysseus
Must disagree on that one.
With MCL, bounty items, pow potions and serenity 2 I can nuke 2 entire full groups dead myself before going low (assuming they let me ;) ).
Power is normally not an issue for me when doing FG vs FG battles.

MCL, pow potions and serenity 2, that's quie a few tools to aid your power supply ;)


Originally posted by Mavl
Not useless if you bolt the litle luri that's quietly standing behind the enemy ranks or qc bolt an incoming bard :)
And exchanging 10 sec pbt for TEH buggiest pets in the game is just not right imo ;p

MCL, pow potions and serenity 2, that's quie a few tools to aid your power supply ;)

MCL? Ehm, MCL is a must-have for ALL casters, so nothing new there. Serenity perhaps not; but every caster goes for at least Serenity 1 IMHO. I went for Serenity2 too and with PBT running I can nuke as much as a fire-wiz.

And with SI we got this awesome new class called the necromancer, who can gimme power.


me being one of the uber RvR gimp theurgs (6 sec PBT), i have serenity 3, and mcl 1. serenity 3 is worthless, haven't noticed any change above serenity 2...

new idea is for me to respec into getting MCL2, Raging Power, and Serenity 2.

oh and then get siege bolt as its finally getting fixed! (w00t! 2 ram swings every 5 minutes :p)

was conisdering going for a respec stone and going air... but i kinda like him the way he is, very usefull for hunts etc :)

Yrilin allways available to help in any hunts if i'm not already busy :D

You need PBT, don't hesitate to ask :)

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