There is no game like DAoC yet!


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 24, 2004
Ok, I'm not playing DAoC at the moment but I've played the game for about 1.5 years and participated in the US and the EU beta few years ago. Since I've stopped playing, I've tried out some other MMORPG's. I will try to make a list of the games I've played the last few months:

*Lineage 2
*Knights Online
*Fung Wan Online
*Asheron's Call 2
*Ragnarok Online

And probably some others I can't remember at the moment. Most of the games I've beta tested, others buyed (like Horizons). After playing so many games, I came to the conclusio that there is really no MMORPG like DAoC. Doesnt matter which game I play and for how long, it just doesnt give me the fun and the special feeling DAoC gave me even in the beta of DAoC. I know we are all whining about some aspects of the game, but go play some other MMORPG's please and I'm 100% sure that you'll come to the same conclusion as me. I don't know but DAoC isn't just a bit better than the other MMORPG's, there is in my opinion a really big difference between them. If I would give DAoC a rating of 90%, the other games would get near 30% in my opinion. Just wanted to share this with you, I won't return to play DAoC at the moment but it still remains 1 of my favourite games and probably this will stay so for some time...Until WoW comes out ;).


I am a FH squatter
Jan 7, 2004
DAoC is a fantastic game that has been poorly implemented and made worse by appauling patches to address game balance. The combat engine itself is the best I have ever played and if any other game used the same or a very similiar setup I would give it a try.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
I came to much the same conclusion, Thegreatest. DAOC is a genuine classic and leader in the genre, I reckon (having played UO, EQ, AC2, Neocron, AO, Eve, Planetside, SWG, Horizons). It's not perfect and could be improved, but it's still pretty damn good.

Not sure what you mean by 'poorly implemented', Chodax. DAOC is (far) more stable than anything else out there, in my experience.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 7, 2004
Pogel said:
Not sure what you mean by 'poorly implemented', Chodax. DAOC is (far) more stable than anything else out there, in my experience.

Class balance is poor, crowd control badly thought out, introduction of realm abilities made many classes redunant. The list goes on and on. I have said all along that DAoC could be a stunning game but waiting 2.5 years for a good balance between classes is a complete pisstake, every new expansion/patch only seems to widen the gap. Stabily means nothing if they are still having to redically overhaul class balance after 2.5 years.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
You are damn right, Thegreatest. I've tried to find somthing better, and tested/bought a number of MMORPGs already, and nothing even came close to DAoC. Lineage2,AO, AC2, Eve, SWG, Earth&Beyond, Ryzom - tried them all but no match. Maybe 2,5 years are just too long and I get used to Camelot gameplay too much :) , but I still can not quit the game.

P.S. Still have some hopes for WoW,Dragon Empires and EQ2. But with all this New Frontiers stuff... :)


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 16, 2004
I bet DAoC is one of the few games, if not the only one, who has the "buffbot" concept. :D

I would choose World of Warcraft over Dark Age of Buffalot any day.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 24, 2004
cHodAX said:
Class balance is poor, crowd control badly thought out, introduction of realm abilities made many classes redunant. The list goes on and on. I have said all along that DAoC could be a stunning game but waiting 2.5 years for a good balance between classes is a complete pisstake, every new expansion/patch only seems to widen the gap. Stabily means nothing if they are still having to redically overhaul class balance after 2.5 years.

Well I've discovered that these little things actually make DAoC a nice game. There is a fairly ok balance between the 3 realms, one realm has maybe better melee options, other has better cc, the other has better magic things, and probably other has classes which are more fun to play or are more suited for PVE...So every realm has something, and yes it can be a bit better to other realms counter-classes but that makes the game fun. People have the choice to play what realm they want, thus makes actually whining about other realms classes pretty pointless. Me for example, think some particular mid classes are not well-balanced but I won't play mid simply cause albion has something that I love more than the other 2 realms. Its your choice. But please dont turn this thread into a class whine, DAoC is still fun with all the little negative things and in my opinion the negative things really don't affect the huge positive side of the game...

And DAoC crowd control is 1 of the best from all the games I've played, I'm not talking about 1 realms cc better than others but the CC system in DAoC is working really well in my opinion :). At least, better than the CC in all other games I've played.

I was thinking the same as you Cho, when I first left the game some months ago...I had left cause the game wasn't as fun as it used to be and the balance in the game was really poor...But I returned after playing some other MMORPG's to discover they are nearly nothing in terms of gameplay and fun compared to DAoC. At this time I'm not playing simply becaue it got too addictive, and my real life does mean a lot more than a game.


Loyal Freddie
Feb 12, 2004
Daoc was an amazing game when i started playing at the start of retail, addictive and very rewarding. Yes the game as become alot more developed now over the years and has lead to poor imbalances and additions but it is still a very good game nothing can touch it atm.

I also played ultima online for 5 years and that was my first mmorpg and for me upon till a point i'd still be playing it but unfortunately it got taken over and progressed to get worse.

Old UO and Daoc are the best mmorpg's in the history of the genre for fighting systems if u ask me and its what made me so interested in them.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
cHodAX said:
Class balance is poor, crowd control badly thought out, introduction of realm abilities made many classes redunant. The list goes on and on. I have said all along that DAoC could be a stunning game but waiting 2.5 years for a good balance between classes is a complete pisstake, every new expansion/patch only seems to widen the gap. Stabily means nothing if they are still having to redically overhaul class balance after 2.5 years.

thats the thing that kept me playing, always thinking 'it will be better in a few months' but it didnt, BAH....


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
There is nothing out there that gives all the elements DAoC has to offer. OK, some have new ones, or elements that DAoC has yet to perfect or impliment correctly, but as we dont seem to miss them too much, do we really need them.

As for the comments about poor patching, Im sure that anyone whp plays SWG will tell you that DAoCs patching aint that bad. And looking at Lineage 2 and Ryzom, I can assure you they will probably be worse for it. L2 goes live soon, and IMO, way too soon, probably to compete with the likes of WoW, Wish and Ryzom, the idea being to get the player base in before they look elsewhere.

The other good thing about DAoC is that its still relatively cheap. Lineage 2 is going to be £15 a month, SWG about the same, and WoW will be too. Despite the whines about CS in DAoC, we still pay less that the other games, and even the best of whingers on here seem to still be playing.

Class imbalance is a tough cookie. I dont beleive there is such a thing, most chars have the ability to take out another 1 on 1, so whats the problem. This game is developed to be a team or realm based RvR system, and we all seem to do well when pitted against equal numbers. The zerg will always beat the uber, plain and simple, class imbalance makes so little difference in the big picture of the game, its hardly worth noting. OK, so a healer cant kill a necro, but he can mezz it and run. A mincer will struggle against a BD, but only if caught off guard. Theres tactics to matching ay enemy, if there wasnt a difference, wed all roll the same chars.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 9, 2004
old.Whoodoo said:
Class imbalance is a tough cookie. I dont beleive there is such a thing, most chars have the ability to take out another 1 on 1, so whats the problem. This game is developed to be a team or realm based RvR system, and we all seem to do well when pitted against equal numbers. The zerg will always beat the uber, plain and simple, class imbalance makes so little difference in the big picture of the game, its hardly worth noting. OK, so a healer cant kill a necro, but he can mezz it and run. A mincer will struggle against a BD, but only if caught off guard. Theres tactics to matching ay enemy, if there wasnt a difference, wed all roll the same chars.

the only way to truly fix class imbalence is to have all spells/abilities the same in both realms, but even this won't be totally balenced as different types of classes will be better that using those abilites (healers have more hits and better defence than casters etc). Theres also the problem of class numbers, Albion has the most so will have its abilities spread out more. Finally theres the fact that Hibs are supose to be good at magic, mids good a melee and Albs in the middle.

While the RA changes in NF are deffinatly a good thing many albs fear that they have lost (well sheared) RAs that they required to make up for there lack of base abilities. Maybe the testing of NF will bring this out and Mythic will start to address the class balaencing.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 3, 2004
Thegreatest said:
..After playing so many games, I came to the conclusio that there is really no MMORPG like DAoC. Doesnt matter which game I play and for how long, it just doesnt give me the fun and the special feeling DAoC gave me even in the beta of DAoC. ...

Actually, this has been my experience too ;) I still play DAoC and I still like it - and so far I haven't seen anything out yet that seemed "better" to me, even though I got to admit, Anarchy Online was a pretty good runner-up last year (despite it having been truely awfull when it first got released).

Still, some DAoC friends have moved on to other games like SWG and FFXI and are pretty happy there, so, I guess it really depends on individual preferences :) .

Probably gonna try City of Heroes next and WoW when it comes out, but personally, not holding my breath to find they are gonna float my boat more than DAoC ;)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
I have to agree as well. Tried loads of other mmorpgs and I have found nothing that has come even close to matching DAoC for sheer enjoyment factor. Dunno why. At the moment I am pretty bored of the game and have only logged on once in the last 2 weeks or so but even so...its a damn sight better than any of the other games out there at the moment.


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 22, 2004
I've played most of those games aswell and daoc is by far the best and i'll always come back to it. Someone posted about how unbalanced the game was but compared to most it is extremely well done. For instance SWG, pvp is an absolute joke it's basically 1 type of class dominates the whole thing.

No other game inplements the "tactical" side to rvr and pve like daoc with group structure and cc etc.


Regular Freddie
Dec 28, 2003
danneb said:
I bet DAoC is one of the few games, if not the only one, who has the "buffbot" concept.
Would you? How much would you bet?

I played EQ for a short while a year or so ago, since some of my friend played it, and convinced me to try.

One of my friends logged on a char, grouped with my newly created char, buffed up, logged. Logged another char, buffed me some more and handed me som uber items. Made me virtually invincible for 30 minutes after! Power and health meters never moved below 100%! Even group only buffs stayed on after he logged off!

Talk about buffing :eek6:
Trust me - DAoC isn't any worse than other MMORPG's in regards to buffbots.

Oh - and the bet - you lost Danneb ;)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 12, 2004
Been thru most the MMORPG's there is.
even stopped by some old ones, and some weird MMORPG from sega, that was made for PC and Sega something at the same time.. has 4 keys :|

Even gave WoW a good chanse, got to 60, tried past that some, and realised it was all for nothing.

Guild Wars was the best PvP ive had apart from Daoc, but the control system, and depht, just wasnt there :p

Daoc has, and will do it for me, until it passes away. or something better comes along (still on the lookout ^^)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 12, 2004
Holy crap :O I saw it as the first on the page on General, hah.. still true tho :d


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 2, 2004
Glacier said:
Holy crap :O I saw it as the first on the page on General, hah.. still true tho :d

You havent clicked refresh since 2004? Don't know if thats cool or worrying tbh :)


Loyal Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
lol, it does still stand tho - i have tried many of the last year and they all suk after a short while.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
This maybe an uber bumpzor, but its still a valid thread, even after all this time there are still many issues, and indeed more that have come that still need to be looked at. Im sure this thread will be closed with the comment "Gone to play Warhammer" in a years time, which is a shame because daoc is still a clear winner in many respects.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 7, 2004
Yeah it is a worthwhile update after nearly 2 years, the amazing thing is that not alot has changed in that time, DAoC still had great potential but is massively under utilised. Can only hope Mythic get Warhammer right.

Tesla Monkor

Fledgling Freddie
Jan 1, 2004
It's so true. DAOC has no equal when it comes to the things it has to offer - there are some games that have some things that might be better, but none of them offer the complete package.

People complain about everything, but you just gotta look through that - if they really were appalled by the game, they wouldn't play it.

Class balance is indeed a tough cookie, and one that cannot really be 'fixed' to everyone's desire. It will be that one part of the game will have dominance over the others - and that is not necessarily bad, as long as this situation does not become stale. Mythics continued patching (regardless of people whining about them - me among them) continually swing the balance.

Everyone has their moment of glory. :)

Personally, I love the way DAOC looks. I prefer the realism that was tried to instill into every part of the game. Sure, dragons aren't realy, but it's nice to see one that makes sense, instead of a cartoon attempt at stuff.

DAOC isn't dead, and won't be dead for many many years. And since there's nothing even remotely similar on the horizon, I ain't planning on moving to something better. Because there simply isn't anything that IS better. :)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 22, 2004
I don't get people who went to WoW after toa, saying this because the guy i share a flat with, he started WoW on that reason.

All I see him do now, is raid, raid and raid, and what for? So they can go on to the next highlevel instance and get items that maybe got +5 more in the stats, so they can take on even tougher mobs, imo, it's just /yawn... Seeing as they are beating up mobs 24/7. Have seen him do some pvp tho, but it only lasts for about 15mins then it seems to bore him, and he goes back to pve'ing so he can get the next item... I just don't see the point in getting better items, when you can only use these to take on harder mobs, seeing as the pvp is so dull?

Atleast in daoc, you get the chance to use these items on players, and tho some items gives you an advantage in daoc, it's not like it takes ages to get these, as it seems to take in WoW


Failed Geordie and Parmothief
Jan 2, 2004
its not that daoc was shit or very good. if its the first MMO you played then you will be set in your way about how all other MMO should play, ultimatley meaning they will all seem shit.


Loyal Freddie
Aug 4, 2005
players that went to WoW cause toa= to much PVE!
at WoW you doing PVE, PVE, PVE, PVE, pvp, PVE PVE PVE PVE


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Jobbegea said:
players that went to WoW cause toa= to much PVE!
at WoW you doing PVE, PVE, PVE, PVE, pvp, PVE PVE PVE PVE

the difference between ToA pve and WoW PvE =

sit and wait for a spawn for 6 hours, then some ass comes and kills the mobs anyway and tells you to FO

WoW PvE: walk into instance do it, come out, rinse repeat

didnt bother mention the group gathering as thats a pain in both cases ;)

the DAoC pve was awesome though, but after trying out NF (was last year though so might be different now with cluster) my biggest gripe was just lack of people ;)

so off i went to WoW ;)

sometimes you just need new things to see though (and i love the WoW graphics, if you find the right spots its incredibly pretty :p )


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
tris- said:
its not that daoc was shit or very good. if its the first MMO you played then you will be set in your way about how all other MMO should play, ultimatley meaning they will all seem shit.
True, but many of us made migrations to other games, with our friends, stuck at them a while and still came back, but I dont think its the fact we have asperations of them being DAoC beaters, its simply that this game has more diverse things to offer, the grind isnt as bad as most, group play is encorouged, the three waring sides makes things a whole more interesting and you dont have to constantly farm for the next item.

Heck even the anti-TOA brigade got their way with a non TOA server, ranged buffs to illiminate the buffbot syndrome, class issues at now getting major revamps and new toys galore.

This games biggest flaw, severe lack of positive advertising, not just in the UK, but all over. TBH both Mythic and GOA had their chances to pull the punters in before WOW, but couldnt be bothered, shame on them!


Loyal Freddie
Jan 29, 2004
Ormorof said:
the difference between ToA pve and WoW PvE =
sit and wait for a spawn for 6 hours, then some ass comes and kills the mobs anyway and tells you to FO

hello, and welcome to daoc version 1.82, where u can easily get 3-5 artis a day for newly created chars if u just bother to put a very little effort into it :fluffle:


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 12, 2004
tris- said:
its not that daoc was shit or very good. if its the first MMO you played then you will be set in your way about how all other MMO should play, ultimatley meaning they will all seem shit.

Lies, was not my first MMO, but it's the best.

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