There is no cleric shortage in RvR



You have to restrict the supply or the market will collapse.


so true,
3 hours lfg today and all groups had clerics :(
logged in sadness :(


darn, and i thought.. lets roll a cleric, so i might have a chance on a rvr group..

my pala brings no luck ;)


yea, loads of clerics at emain, too bad they guard atk :(


Bear in mind every RvR group in emain shoulda have 2 clerics in it to be viable. Plus the buffbot each at apk meaning unless there are about 30-40% of people in emain are clerics, we don't have enough of


xplo... i lost count of the times i logged because no cleric's (allso a few times becasue of no sorc)

i even got a macro for /as Emain group lf cleric ... and ask any1 in my alliance if i often use it ...
normally it takes me 20-40 min to find 2 clerics


all the new bb's need some rps for moa :d


Originally posted by kirennia
Bear in mind every RvR group in emain shoulda have 2 clerics in it to be viable. Plus the buffbot each at apk meaning unless there are about 30-40% of people in emain are clerics, we don't have enough of

Yeah one buff bot for each group plus one for each stealther :p

There is a cleric shortage. There is definately a shortage of high RR clerics who play regularly.

Solution? Role a cleric alt. A rejuv cleric alt, not a bbot. Sure you can say: but my paladin merc etc is needed... there is always someone around with a mincer or paladin alt. There is ALWAYS 200 people with a merc alt. Role a cleric alt and instead of sitting at apk til some cleric logs in, you can move now and play cleric until another one logs in.



Class stats Excalibur


Originally posted by Asha
There is a cleric shortage. There is definately a shortage of high RR clerics who play regularly.

So what you say is only high rvr clerics can get in a group and others don't? Why do they have to be high rvr? Don't you think the other ones deserve to be in a group too?
Fyi, there are clerics who play regularly but are not very high rr, reason = they go get some money to craft or buy things or whatever reasons and don't always have time to do some rvr. Not everyone is a rvrslut!!

On the other hand there are too many BB's and i can't see the point in using a BB when you have 2 cleric's in a rvrgroup cuz then you have all the bufs you need and resists and you don't have to go back to atk every time you die.

Sharp Thing

Originally posted by Aadia
On the other hand there are too many BB's and i can't see the point in using a BB when you have 2 cleric's in a rvrgroup cuz then you have all the bufs you need and resists and you don't have to go back to atk every time you die.
lol if you think 2 35enhance clerics are better then a 50enh cleric at atk


i'm not saying a 35 enhance is better then a 50 one but what's the point in buffing everyone with 50 enhance and die and go all the way again to atk just to get those bufs back?
What a waist of time that is!


Most of the time if you need to go back to ATK for buffs its because the whole group has got wiped anyway, I doubt anyone will bother taking a whole group back to ATK just to buff one or two that died during a fight, and seeing as you'll be visiting amg anyway at some point looking for fights its not that far to get back to the keep for a buff top up.

And no ones said clerics need to be high RR, but all clerics should have BoF asap.


Originally posted by Aadia
i'm not saying a 35 enhance is better then a 50 one but what's the point in buffing everyone with 50 enhance and die and go all the way again to atk just to get those bufs back?
What a waist of time that is!

when you die... you have to port again and you find yourself at atk, would be stupid not to rebuff seeing as your there.

Other solution don't die, you will have more chance of this if your buffed with 50 enhance buffs :D


well true if you are already at atk but anyways... why is everyone so in favour of BB's??? Don't you all see you ruïn the game for lots of ppl? If you use a BB's then where's the fun for others especially in rvr when you need to kill or be killed.

Everybody loves to win sure, but it has to be fair play and don't come here yelling well mids and hibs use them too... cuz it goes for them too.

I thought a game was about having fun and playing a game. And dying or winning is a part of the game.

Fair play for teh win!!!


Originally posted by Aadia
So what you say is only high rvr clerics can get in a group and others don't? Why do they have to be high rvr? Don't you think the other ones deserve to be in a group too? [...] Not everyone is a rvrslut!!
Whoa, easy there, girrrl. Seems like Asha's remark somehow struck home directly to you.


Clerics are like buses, Sometimes theirs none, And group even take a friar as main healer. Then 4 come allong at once :)

Ohh and its not BB's any more, For political correctness they are now called, " Teleport and Border keep defenders" ;)


Originally posted by Aadia
i'm not saying a 35 enhance is better then a 50 one but what's the point in buffing everyone with 50 enhance and die and go all the way again to atk just to get those bufs back?
What a waist of time that is!

On the other hand amg-atk aint that far.


Originally posted by Aadia
So what you say is only high rvr clerics can get in a group and others don't? Why do they have to be high rvr? Don't you think the other ones deserve to be in a group too?
Fyi, there are clerics who play regularly but are not very high rr, reason = they go get some money to craft or buy things or whatever reasons and don't always have time to do some rvr. Not everyone is a rvrslut!!

Umm no I said there is a shortage of clerics in rvr and definately a shortage of high rr clerics who rvr regularly. This means two things. First it means that cleric is obviously not that much fun in rvr and high rr people have rerolled or quit. Second it means that the dedicated rvr 'sluts' as you put it don't have clerics that they are used to playing with. A group has to play together regularly to get used to each other. I said nothing what-so-ever about low rr clerics getting groups. I would think ANY rejuv cleric would be offered many groups as soon as they port. That said, several of clerics strengths are in RAs, BoF, MoC, purge etc etc, so it's always good to have a cleric with some RAs :)

You seem to have some issues that have nothing to do with what I said.

On the other hand there are too many BB's and i can't see the point in using a BB when you have 2 cleric's in a rvrgroup cuz then you have all the bufs you need and resists and you don't have to go back to atk every time you die.

There are many reasons to use bbots. First if your cleric dies, your whole group won't lose buffs and when he gets rezzed he can go right to healing and not worry about buffing.
Also, you can get much much higher buffs with a bbot with some buffing RAs than a cleric with 35 or lower enhan.

ps... I am not for bbots, I hate them and I think they make the cleric class even less fun. But all mid/hib groups are using them so we have to too. It's just the way it is.


atm i think sorcerer's are more needed. When i'm in Caerwent salvaging away on my sorcerer i'm often PMed "want a emain group?" Is it that hard to find a sorc in emain atm? When i'm on my cleric it's extremely rare when i get a PM like that.


High rr players prefer playing with high rr clerics (only logical) and idd at high rr the disparity seems to be v big - it has always been known cleric had a greater drop-out rate in RvR then other classes and as time goes on the gap gets increasingly big.

However, past week I have been waiting quite a bit for invites and got none from high rr groups (though I have been inactive for 4 months and only showed up at off-hours cause of time difference), so my impression is the cleric shortage is exaggerated. I know sometimes not enough clerics are around, but on other moments there seem to be 3 clerics for every group.

My groups do however almost always look for sorcs, now THAT'S a class of which there is a shortage.


there are not too many clerics imo, at least not many good ones


mids have 3 healers and 2 shaman bb's :D

hibs have 2 bards, 1 warden and 1 druid


Originally posted by Asha

Second it means that the dedicated rvr 'sluts' as you put it don't have clerics that they are used to playing with. A group has to play together regularly to get used to each other. I said nothing what-so-ever about low rr clerics getting groups. [/B]

I think it's the fact that you brought rr into it that was noticed...I guess it betrayed a particular attitude. ;)


if every alb group ran with two clerics in it then the "easy alb RP" wouldn't be quite so easy.


Originally posted by bracken_woodman
I think it's the fact that you brought rr into it that was noticed...I guess it betrayed a particular attitude. ;)

Oh sorry I didn't know rr is a bad word now... whatever

I only mentioned it because it shows that cleric isn't so fun to play and ppl seem to give up on it after awhile. Ofc there are exceptions like pito therg and etc, but many people just give up.


Originally posted by Asha
Oh sorry I didn't know rr is a bad word now... whatever

I only mentioned it because it shows that cleric isn't so fun to play and ppl seem to give up on it after awhile. Ofc there are exceptions like pito therg and etc, but many people just give up.

/em strokes his wizard and mincer ;)

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