The Witch Hunt Continues....



I think we should nerf thanes next, I mean, they haven't been nerfed lately.

Midgard will soon propably consist of Healers and Hunters, and shaman buffbots.


The Alb/Hib 14 year old crybabies are smelling blood after managing to get Mid only viable tank nerfed.

Last few patches have brought alot of love to alb and some hib classes, what has mid gotten so far.. Nerfs. Makes you wonder if Mythic actually is trying to eliminate Midgard.

I mean ffs they're making the enchanter stronger, I can see why they'd do that since it's commonly accepted that the enchanter class is severly underpowered.... :rolleyes:


I think Mythic are idiots, not because they nerfed zerka's but because they try to bring 'balance' to the game.

I hope one day they wake up to the reality that this is a near/totally impossible task to accomplish. They should change the game so that each realm has the ability to play its strengths.

For example, its a fairly commen place ideology (though some people love to ask you to find it for them) that the DAoC realms are different in that

Midgard = the 'Melee' realm
Hib = the 'Magic' realm
Albion = the 'middle' ground between the 2

So allow us to play like that, make Hib so that it is a caster dominated land and the tanks are less powerful. Midgard is predominatly populated by warriors, the casters are reduced in power. Albion is reduced so they do not have any tanks that can solo any midgard tanks, or any casters that can solo a hib caster (depending on the situation, obviously) but they are able to combine the two and offer an effective force.

Not sure where stealthers fit into my view of an ideal DAoC, maybe somwhere in the corner where they can't do any harm :)

Still... balancing that out would be even harder than balancing out the current setup of the game, so i guess i'l never get to see that. Shame as well.

Oh, i also think Reavers should be nerfed. How Mythic can justify insta DOT, insta lifetap and a PBAE chant (not to mention styles, shields, and chain armour) all on one class is beyond me :)


Even though hib is the magic realm, they get the best heavy tank (hero).

Alb is the all rounder, and gets loads of things that let you hit for 0(-400) with melee in this patch.

Mid gets a stonking la nerf, and they're still crying because while they sat and their af buff went off the blue casters get 1 shotted.


Originally posted by Archeon
So allow us to play like that, make Hib so that it is a caster dominated land and the tanks are less powerful. Midgard is predominatly populated by warriors, the casters are reduced in power. Albion is reduced so they do not have any tanks that can solo any midgard tanks, or any casters that can solo a hib caster (depending on the situation, obviously) but they are able to combine the two and offer an effective force.


3 crack-cookies for you and your babies.


Originally posted by Archeon
Still... balancing that out would be even harder than balancing out the current setup of the game, so i guess i'l never get to see that. Shame as well.

Suggest you read the entire post before you start attacking my ideas with weak-ass sarcasm mate.


Originally posted by Archeon
Suggest you read the entire post before you start attacking my ideas with weak-ass sarcasm mate.

it still is a stupid idea, not even counting balance issues.


Originally posted by katt!
it still is a stupid idea, not even counting balance issues.

Whys that exactly? Because you don't agree with it? No really, i want to know besides the balancing issue which i pointed out what else makes this a stupid idea? please, i want to know. If anything it should keep me mildly ammused for 5 mins or so.


Originally posted by Archeon
Whys that exactly? Because you don't agree with it? No really, i want to know besides the balancing issue which i pointed out what else makes this a stupid idea? please, i want to know. If anything it should keep me mildly ammused for 5 mins or so.

example #1
join friends in mid
you want to play a leet mage with strong spells
sorry, you cant. this is the melee realm, magic is supposed to suck.

etc etc


I understand what you both are saying.

This is about the savage tho and no they don't need nurfing that yank needs a damn good spanking.

I do feel sorry for SB's now tho and also zerkers (they were slightly overpowered but not by much the nurf is too extreme).


Fair enough, i didn't really think about that when i put it down. But it makes sense to me and i'm anything but in-flexible in my ideas.

But really, wouldn't it have been easier to state that in the first place in a constructive post rather than



it still is a stupid idea


Well... ... ... damn i was going somwhere with this... oh well, it probably wasn't very important anyway. I'm gonna go... and urmmm... eat... or somthing...

[EDIT] - Yeah, i agree savages are fine the way they are. Anyone that says otherwise is happy to play my healer for a few days and get to group with a few so they can find out what a nightmare they are on my mana supply :)


Originally posted by katt!
example #1
join friends in mid
you want to play a leet mage with strong spells
sorry, you cant. this is the melee realm, magic is supposed to suck.

etc etc

LOL that has to be the lamest excuse I ever seen.. HAHAHAHA


Originally posted by Damon Doombring
LOL that has to be the lamest excuse I ever seen.. HAHAHAHA

You kicked over other kids sandcastles when you got taken to the beach didn't you.


Originally posted by old.Lythande
after managing to get Mid only viable tank nerfed.

If it takes doing double the damage of every other tank out there (be they in midgard or not) to be "viable" then how crap a player are you? :)


If it takes doing double the damage of every other tank out there (be they in midgard or not) to be "viable" then how crap a player are you?

if you need a ra that nullifies all melee in battle, how crap a player are you
if you need a ra that nullifies crowd control, how crap a player are you
if you need armour with more absorption then any other armour, how crap a player are you
if you need ablative chants, how crap a player are you
if you need buffs that reduce mez duration, rendering high specs useless, how crap a player are you

want me to continue?


Originally posted by klavrynd
if you need a ra that nullifies all melee in battle, how crap a player are you
if you need a ra that nullifies crowd control, how crap a player are you
if you need armour with more absorption then any other armour, how crap a player are you
if you need ablative chants, how crap a player are you
if you need buffs that reduce mez duration, rendering high specs useless, how crap a player are you

want me to continue?




They way that guy is describing a savage, my first thought was, dam that almost sounds like a friar.

and considering tanks are overpowered generally in this game compared to casters especially I don't think the correct solution was to buff up the other realms secondary tanks.
LOL wtf is this guy on. So a tank can 2 hit a caster at meele range. But a caster can 2-3 hit a tank at casting range 1500+.



savage = overpowahed :p
zerker needs more nerf


have some cheese


imho should go back to when it all started realms were even they all had unique abilities now we all starting to look the same


Originally posted by klavrynd
if you need a ra that nullifies all melee in battle, how crap a player are you
if you need a ra that nullifies crowd control, how crap a player are you
if you need armour with more absorption then any other armour, how crap a player are you
if you need ablative chants, how crap a player are you
if you need buffs that reduce mez duration, rendering high specs useless, how crap a player are you

want me to continue?

since SoS doesn't actually nullify CC (unless you cast it before - even then you're still mezzed and can't do shit other than run around like a headless chicken - don't get me wrong that's good ;))

plate is seriously overrated :) You must have a shine-inferiority complex...

ablative is nice - still doesn't cut out the amount of extra damage a zerker deals out at the mment. Throw it in with BoF you might be able to compete for 30s every 30m...

I'd prefer instas to mezz reduction buffs thankyou (since it's all of OMG! 15% at 49 spec! which noone goes to, and it's on a cloth caster who takes all of one hit for 1.60-zerker to kill)

I'd trade all that for double damage :)
(and insta aoe stun, and not having to spec two lines to get the same 2h damage... etc. etc.)

Well actually I wouldn't, as I don't enjoy playing games on "easy" mode.


Zerkers need more nerf imo.
Savages need nerf too their self buffs should take 20% life and they should hit like zerkers.
Warriors need nerf, they should take away the free 2h.
Skalds need nerf they are a support class.
Thanes need nerf their hammer thingies look way too cool.
Rms need nerf 6s pbt best nuke and gtaoe in the same class wtf?
Sms need nerf best pbaoe and rez?
Sbs can use 2h, nerf.
Hunters can use 2h and have those insta wolfies, nerf.
Healers oh boy. Insta aoe stun aoe mezz root big nerf time.
Shammies already nerfed, but they should nerf their cave too.

Btw when mythic is done nerfing mid they should consider nerfing the mid mobs too since noone will be able to kill them :rolleyes:


healers are nasty but there's counters to that - ditto everything else you listed.

Warriors are good tanks(just dull, and forced to live in the shadow of the overpowered zerker for ages) - but they're outclassed by Hero's I'd say (thanks to moose)

thanes are cool :) the chain-nuking+instas sounds to be a right git for casters...

dunno if savages are overpowered or not - I hear they're very streaky... at least the h2h ones...

the 2h ones seem evil but I've only been hit by one twice, so can't comment :)


Originally posted by Flimgoblin
Well actually I wouldn't, as I don't enjoy playing games on "easy" mode.
You could have said that from the start, since it sums up the normal alb attitude.
Thanks and bye.


Originally posted by Flimgoblin

thanes are cool :) the chain-nuking+instas sounds to be a right git for casters...
Went rvr with my thane only once since the patch. Chain nuking was supposed to be good, untill i saw what the casters are complaining. You hit xxx for 100(-100). Everything was nice anyway, but the fact that i got mistaken for a healer when i was casting and was ripped to pieces by a random polearms (2 hits). Then i realised the thane is still crap in rvr and went back to farming seals.


Originally posted by Tasans
Rms need nerf 6s pbt best nuke and gtaoe in the same class wtf?
Sms need nerf best pbaoe and rez?

PBT = Supp

And for an SM to get the best PBAE i think it makes it impossible for him to get the res... i dunno, sombody should really look that up.

Kerram Darktyde

The Problems is that so many people think they know other realms classes when they barely know thier own....

And sadly Mythic seems to listen to the most whiney...

If midgard had it so easy why are they not running away in the rp tables?
why do they not have all the relics all the time??
why do they not have all the enemy keeps??

answer coz they are not as overpowered as People say... Just so some lame americans got owned by a zerker they whine and get it nerfed now they start on next class they got owned by..and so on.

I hope Mythic do the sensible thing and Ignore the whiners.. Else the Whiners will find they are playing PvE on the frontier coz no Midgardian will be able to make it past the Grey conn mobs alive due to becoming "Nerfgard the Realm of Skalds" (who need to be nerfed too as they are Soooo Uber)
(for those of you too thick to realise the last bit is a JOKE skalds need some serious loving)


mythic don't nerf based on whines - just if things need nerfed there will be whines... generally _lots_ of whines.

Things got reported, they looked into it, they noticed zerkers were doing double the damage they thought they should, they nerfed them 30%.


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