The Wicked Old Witch is Back



Gah, I'm not Damini, The Overtly Anal Moderator. I'm Damini, Nice Girl But Gets Mightily Pissed Off When People Act Like They Are Broken.

One spam thread in many is acceptable, even vaguely enjoyable (on occasion). It's a carthartic out pouring of wibble by people who are normally well disciplined. An entire forum of people typing like they were raised on a diet of lead paint is what annoys.

You do not have to behave immenently sensibly the whole time. Just don't act like you wouldn't be allowed outside on your own the whole time. It's quite simple really :)


So we don't have to be worried about making one word posts titled 'MoOoO or just having a cow icon then, just as long as they're in the 'In-Topic' section of the forums? :p

Louise went to feed the bees
With a piece of cheese.
The bees didn't like the cheese
So they chased Louise
And made her fall on her knees
And sneeze.


Don't be so pedantic, or I'll put you over my knee.

P.S. Wow, my websites had a visitor! :) And you quoted the worst part :(

Uncle Sick(tm)

T'is such an innocent piece of poetry... then she became 'ard and an old witch... sad... *sniffle*


I just went through and killed some cows for you.

Posts that just literary waste space on people's screens annoy me too, but it's a pain in the ass having to go through 4 page threads to find them each time (not so much on General and here but the individual realm forums especially). Maybe something to mention is that I always look at reported posts as it gets chucked straight into my e-mail. If you could use that maybe more often when you see stuff like huge quotes with a content cow added on for questionable effect, the chances are I can get rid of it. If it does add something to the thread though (example would be someone adding congrats to a thread of someone they know with a couple of cheering smilies) then I probably wont.

Most of the really bad spam threads are there because I can only read through the different forums/threads so many times a day (without going insane) and in a lot of cases by the time I've got to a thread that was done by accident or generally shouldn't be there, ten people have added stuff on so it becomes far more difficult to get rid of.

Hope that helps a bit.


I don't mind light spam, just those cows for some reason.

They annoy me and I'll take great pleasure in ensuring the destruction of all who use them. I'll use the PM functon like you say.

(Sorry Damini, I liked the poem though :( )

<Cerebus quietly leaves the room, hoping nobody throws pooh at him>

Uncle Sick(tm)

Sorry, Cerebus... you've made it just too tempting...

*throws a huge glob of moo-pooh at Cerebus*
"That's whatcha get, cow-hater!!!"


what is the cow doing anyway? he looks like he's blowing bubbles...


sorry, just had to post a cow to annoy cerebus ;)

and i couldnt figure out a better way of making a post around a :m00:

:m00: :m00: :m00: :m00: :m00:


Don't, for gods sake, just don't.

(Thanks for the pooh Sickofit, some of it wen't in my eye :( )


Welcome back Damini...

Off-topic forum is the best thing since sliced Guinness :)

Mmmmm pestilence.

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