The Wicked Old Witch is Back



And I discover yet another sub forum has arrived. We're not in Kansas anymore Toto!

*This is where I interrupt this to say Ireland was lovely, I spent too much money, I drank Guinness, got massacred by midges when I went to a waterfall, and did lots of touristy things. Back onto schedule...*

Well, it is at this point I don my pointey shoes, hide all aquatic products for fear of assassination, and send in my winged monkey warriors;

O.T. Does not mean Mindless Drivel. If it was to mean Mindless Drivel, we would call this section M.D., which (cunningly) we have not done. Off topic, in itself, hints subtley to the presence of... A TOPIC. Maybe not The Topic, but certainly A Topic. Its all highly subliminal, I admit, which is why I shall now produce Damini's Guide To The Off Topic Forum.

1) One word posts will result in you having to extract a pointey red shoe from a red indented place. for example; Subject Moo, message: M0o0 will not be tolerated. I could go into a hundred and one reasons why its poo, but being omnipitant I shall just say Don't Do It, My Lickle Spamoids.

2) Spamming to get yourself a new title, and with it the hoards of adoring fans, the increased sexual appeal to the opposite gender, will result in a spanking. Depending on how malavolent and bitchy I'm feeling, it could also mean your post count being deleted, and forever being trapped as a non entity. I can be that cruel. You have a one in four chance of striking unlucky.

3) Attempts to turn the forums into a really prolonged AOL conversation will bore me to death, and bored women are very unpredictable. I don't want to know what you have eaten today, unless it includes arsenic or something essentially rivetting. The PM button is there, MIRC still functions, so please do feel free to tell tales of dull derring do in other locations.

I'm not trying to forcibly ruin anyones fun, but if this function of the OT room is actually going to work, it doesn't seem too good to have it strewn with verbal garbage. Its just the dividing line between Off Topic and Total Inane Drivel Borderline Spamathon. I'm sure most of you can differentiate :)

Anyway, I'm back. You may commence rejoicing.



P.S: this is what you get for creating a forum entirely for the benefit of sickofit, and let a scrawny cat moderate it

Uncle Sick(tm)

I object, yer honor! *hits odd.LandShark with his shoe*

If you have a look on the who-is-who of Sp4mmz0ring, you will detect the names:
Tr=G, Faffnir, SFXMan aka KingNoLife and Glombur Gobsbone aka the clapping opportunist.

But certainly not my name.
I'm not even posting here anymore since the above named miscreants/cretins (and I say this in a most loving way..) have started turning every thread into mindless drivel/bullshit - the steaming kind.


Edit: Oh! And welcome back, old witch. How was Hibernia?

old.Gombur Glodson

I would like to plead not guilty your honor.

I never spammed the others made my do it, im really a nice guy wishing a non spam forum for everyone, I even tried making a funny picture story thread but alas it was to corupted :(

On a more serious note, glad you're back Dam to make this forum better, Yes I spammed to and its not something im proud of.
lets try to get some new more serious and funny off topic forum that isnt just one line spamming


Originally posted by Damini
2) Spamming to get yourself a new title, and with it the hoards of adoring fans, the increased sexual appeal to the opposite gender, will result in a spanking.

<grins wickedly>

Welcome back, Mistress Damini!


Jupitus, I'm the only Mistress you have around here!

Now, on your knees......:whip:


Sssshhhh m'Lady! We'll both end up getting spanked if we carry on with this...

<kneels quielty and awaits his punishment (eagerly)>



Hibernia was luvverly. Very green. I tried my hardest to drink lots of Guinness, but frankly it tastes like pestilence to me, so I managed only a fifth of a pint before my mouth refused to open and I just ended up dribbling Guinness down my chin. At this very sexy stage, my Guinness was confiscated by Kenny, who saved me by drinking it instead. What a hero! So i tried very hard to drink the Black Stuff, but I failed you all.

Anyway, I've stickied this for a bit, so that all the miscreants can read my declaration and fear my wrath about talking total gibber.

Uncle Sick(tm)

So farewell spam and welcome content!

Guiness is made form charcoal and sulphur... /applauds heroic Kenny for destroying the evil substance to save his damsel in distress.

Enchanters say: Kilkenny Red - now that's TEH YUM!!1

Now that you have experienced the pleasures of Hibernia, it's about time that you roll a char there, Damini.
I even have twinkage left;)


Hmm, I broke rule #1 and #3 in the early days of the OT forum but I am probably not going to do so anymore... don't feel like it... now at least, veeeery tired... (Thursday 8am to Sunday 4pm = 10 hours of sleep).
Originally posted by sickofit...
Enchanters say: Kilkenny Red - now that's TEH YUM!!1
I lived in that darn Kilkenny for 3 years... *shivers*

- Pathfinder -

Most people probably wouldn't mind a good spanking, especially not if it came with increased sex appeal.


Originally posted by Damini
Hibernia was luvverly. Very green. I tried my hardest to drink lots of Guinness, but frankly it tastes like pestilence to me, so I managed only a fifth of a pint before my mouth refused to open and I just ended up dribbling Guinness down my chin. At this very sexy stage, my Guinness was confiscated by Kenny, who saved me by drinking it instead. What a hero! So i tried very hard to drink the Black Stuff, but I failed you all.

Anyway, I've stickied this for a bit, so that all the miscreants can read my declaration and fear my wrath about talking total gibber.

LOL I feel for you, drinking Guinnes is much like drinking a fluid version of some smoked dark bread or something, nope when in doubt have a Tuborg ;)


i only mindlessly sp4mz0rred once whith toto :D

could someone pretty please remove damini as a mod on this forum? this is the hell hole that brinx has placed the sp4mz0r king and all his knights to rot to death in.

modding our strange conversations will infuriate us, and...



down with the oppressor! damn that damini! burn the witch!

buy your placards today! (From Placards 'R' Us, £1.95)


wtf are you talking about????

Ohhh you have been eating thoose shrooms you like so much, yeah you now what shrooms i'm talking about thoose you harvest between trolls toe's i've seen you in the tavern, fiddling about with the trolls feet's, how can you bare the stench.


just you wait....

when i die im taking you all with me!


... in saying that it makes me sound like the crazy mad wierd guy who mothers are scared will stalk their children if they let them use chat rooms/ forums....


sssssssssh, damini might mute me ;)

time to stop posting in this thread, the posts are getting worryingly short... erk!

for the first time TEH 'ARD d00d tRoG has TEH PH34R... and from a girlie too. i'm so ashamed.


Originally posted by Fafnir
wtf are you talking about????

Ohhh you have been eating thoose shrooms you like so much, yeah you now what shrooms i'm talking about thoose you harvest between trolls toe's i've seen you in the tavern, fiddling about with the trolls feet's, how can you bare the stench.

Hmmm a shroom brew is quit nice now and again, but it does seem to be quit toxic for the weaker races.... Atleast they behave quit strangly after a mug or 2 of my favorit " Glow Shroom Brew "


i is no longer in TEH PH34R, for i found a picture of damini and her winged monkeys.



Originally posted by old.tRoG
could someone pretty please remove damini as a mod on this forum? this is the hell hole that brinx has placed the sp4mz0r king and all his knights to rot to death in.

modding our strange conversations will infuriate us, and...



down with the oppressor! damn that damini! burn the witch!

buy your placards today! (From Placards 'R' Us, £1.95)

This forum was created because quite a few people were complaining that the DAoC General topic was difficult to read through to DAoC things with the amount of off-topic posts. As I said before, it wasn't created to give a small set of people the oppertunity and encouragement to do large amounts of very short posts with vastly no content or relevance. That'd be IRC :)

I guess/hope you're joking but seeing as Damini's just got back from her holiday and yet takes the time to get back posting on the forum straight away, I don't think the last lines are especially nice.

The last few threads that have popped up are generally much nicer to read as they have a point and can be interesting for people to read. If that sort of stuff can keep up then hopefully people will feel they can check this forum as often as General and wont have to have threads or posts moved/deleted from there in the first place.


Uncle Sick(tm)

/feels himself agreeing with Brinx once again. Sneezes, empties the litterbox and drives off on his Red Tractor(tm)


Originally posted by sickofit...
I object, yer honor! *hits odd.LandShark with his shoe*

If you have a look on the who-is-who of Sp4mmz0ring, you will detect the names:
Tr=G, Faffnir, SFXMan aka KingNoLife and Glombur Gobsbone aka the clapping opportunist.

But certainly not my name.
I'm not even posting here anymore since the above named miscreants/cretins (and I say this in a most loving way..) have started turning every thread into mindless drivel/bullshit - the steaming kind.


Edit: Oh! And welcome back, old witch. How was Hibernia? didn't add my name in that must like me again! :p

Oh and this is not a spam post, welcome back whoever you are :D


of course i was joking, im not that evil ;)

must resist the temptation to make a TEH remark.. :)



>Subject Moo, message: M0o0 will not be tolerated.

is MOoOoOoO


Re: Moo

Originally posted by milithiel
>Subject Moo, message: M0o0 will not be tolerated.

is MOoOoOoO

probably not
{edit: bit to short i had better add a little mor content to it}

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