Originally posted by ghaladriel
stupids frikis midies... dont have RL,nice hour for relic raid
Originally posted by wildpt
lol 10 am , gratz mids for returning to your old tactics..... if u cant
take relics in prime time ... do it in morning! u not only get 1 but u
get 3 relics !!
Jesus and i though the skillfull players were in hib....
Originally posted by Arthwyr
You took the relic and at the end thats what counts but don't come here
telling us wich superior tactics you used because basicly you zerged.
Grats on rellics and thats about it.
Originally posted by Tiarta
well no matter what gratz to a non primetime raid
Originally posted by gwal
I´ll give u ur bloody whine...
taking the relic at 10 in the morning, after taking keeps and defending
them all night, even the most defiant of defenders have gone to bed at
that time - whauw, what an accomplishment, u must be extremely proud
with those numbers. how can any1 possible defend against a raid at that
time - u once whined about night time raids, a raid at 10 in the
morning is just about the same
Originally posted by Glottis_Xanadu
Mids are just scared Albs will take the relics at some stupidly lame
hour like 9 am on a saturday morning I guess...
Regards, Glottis
I so had to do this.
Enjoy your relics