The truth about Frairs......



Originally posted by Trinilim
I seem to remember a certain duel with a certain paladin in which a certain friar buffed that certain paladin, used no buffs for himself, and fought without armor.

Does that certain paladin remember who won?

...Well ok, the certain paladin won, but when the certain friar put his armor on he kicked arse ;)

ummm trin... I was 46 and you had SC armour lol :-p of course you won... try me now though :p


Originally posted by Trinilim
I seem to remember a certain duel with a certain paladin in which a certain friar buffed that certain paladin, used no buffs for himself, and fought without armor.

Does that certain paladin remember who won?

...Well ok, the certain paladin won, but when the certain friar put his armor on he kicked arse ;)
relevance to thread , /clap at killing a lvl 46 :)
and as for memories

i remember a certain low level fire wiz, Trinil, Who claimed that his certain sb on a certain us server would RoXXorz Any Friars BoxxOrz and friars suxxorz. I also Remember that certain fire wiz rerolling and a certain friar powerlvling the crap out of the rerolled char which happend to be a uhm suck ass friar :)
Ring any bells?



When I came to euro I didn't have an SB :p

And when I did have an SB, it was completely gimped as it was my 2nd ever made char.

And seeaira was not level 46 :rolleyes:

The post was made as a JOKE, sheesh, such a stickler you are.

And as for the PLing thing, pff, I was PLed 10-17, 18-50 was 80% solo on my behalf.

And the suck ass friar just so happened to kick your ass in a duel :D (ok, it was close, but I still beat you :p)


Originally posted by seeaira
ummm trin... I was 46 and you had SC armour lol :-p of course you won... try me now though :p

stop lying :p

sure I'll duel ya


okies , as for lying . the formentiond event happend when seeaira returned from her daoc absence. this happend to be when her char was still level 46. So maybe your memory is tarnished as seeaira also recalls you 'Bragging' about your Sb on us servers with devin etc.
As for kicking my ass as you so bluntly put it , close on that fight yeah but the 2 previous fights lemme think.................
i won , you with sc armour me still using epic :)
so uhm serious you have a selective memory :)


Originally posted by Vireb
okies , as for lying . the formentiond event happend when seeaira returned from her daoc absence. this happend to be when her char was still level 46. So maybe your memory is tarnished as seeaira also recalls you 'Bragging' about your Sb on us servers with devin etc.
As for kicking my ass as you so bluntly put it , close on that fight yeah but the 2 previous fights lemme think.................
i won , you with sc armour me still using epic :)
so uhm serious you have a selective memory :)

Man you get offended way too easy.

My advice to you: stay off the BW boards if you get your knickers in a twist at every post ;)

And she was definitely not 46, she wasn't 50 mind you, but I recall her being around 48.

And was I bragging about beating her? umm, no not really.

And about my sb.. umm, lemme see, I had my SB about july last year, I had never played in hib or alb at that point.. so how the hell would I even know what a friar was? :p

now I bragged a bit that I owned casters ofc (which is true, PA + BG1 = overpowered). But I never bragged about killing friars. Didn't even know what a friar was :)

And as for the fight between us with you in epic, well, let's compare realm ranks and I'm sure you'll see why you won ;).

You - RR4-5, don't remember which

me - RR2

you - offensively specced in ras

me - defensively

One of the fights you won you had literally 1 hp left, and the other you used IP.

Sooo, whatever :rolleyes:

Enough with the 'my daoc char can beat up your daoc char!' allready :rolleyes: I was JOKING

Sheesh, get a sense of humor, will make the world seem like a much better place I assure you :great:


and nah nah im not getting in a twist im just stating facts , whereas your talking bs :) you obviously do not remember these occasions as you have selective memory . i remember them well as for bw board i been around here since before you heard of daoc , rightly i might not post often mainly because i have better things to do that troll and flame, but when i feel a need to voice my opinion i will :)
and as for rr's and all that well nah not really as yes i had i no i never used it but i did say after you killed me in that one duel i Couldve used it. Ah well lets just say your selective memory gets owned when 2 ppl remember one story and you remember something else :)


Originally posted by vireb-
and nah nah im not getting in a twist im just stating facts , whereas your talking bs :) you obviously do not remember these occasions as you have selective memory . i remember them well as for bw board i been around here since before you heard of daoc , rightly i might not post often mainly because i have better things to do that troll and flame, but when i feel a need to voice my opinion i will :)
and as for rr's and all that well nah not really as yes i had i no i never used it but i did say after you killed me in that one duel i Couldve used it. Ah well lets just say your selective memory gets owned when 2 ppl remember one story and you remember something else :)

what sol said



Arezina sayzzz

the following friars are imo not straight:

Trilinim :teh pansy thinxhe's ubar friarzzz
Cabo :for stealing my nm5 friar spot
Abraxis :since he wants to hang lowrejuvfriars

(Every other male friar that got lvl 50 after me is considered as a wannabe superdude and therefor gay)

That is all

Arezina Calyptra lvl 50 friar
Gorgothi pants lvl 46 infgimp
bunch of lowbo alts


cept no one cares about what arezina says

homophobe :rolleyes:


since he want's to hang lowrejuve friars - what the hell in god's name does that mean ? yeah, i have 33 juve, but then again, i remeber dueling you , and having you use IP , when we agreed not to use it.

P.s Learn some decent english you prick


Originally posted by _abraxis_
since he want's to hang lowrejuve friars - what the hell in god's name does that mean ? yeah, i have 33 juve, but then again, i remeber dueling you , and having you use IP , when we agreed not to use it.

P.s Learn some decent english you prick

out of curiousity, how are you specced?


Dammit, if there's a spell at 41 in a line you don't say "I have 41 rejuv" when you have 25+16.
Misrepresentation, dammit!

Originally posted by _abraxis_
29 staff/48enhance/33rejuve/10parry

Now that is one deformed cookie


Originally posted by old.LandShark
Dammit, if there's a spell at 41 in a line you don't say "I have 41 rejuv" when you have 25+16.
Misrepresentation, dammit!

Now that is one deformed cookie



Originally posted by _abraxis_
Trin : 29 staff/48enhance/33rejuve/10parry


how much you hit for mate? seems kinda low on the staff o_O


I'll cut the crap now

Don't go below 29 staff , your staffdamage is sure ok with some +staff on the equipment

For rejuv , dont go under 15 (don't u just hate when getting ressed with almost no hp to begin with)

and for enhance anything +38 is good

Any lvl 50 friar should have this, and can raise his favourite abitility (fighting/healing/resists) to his flavour.

Abraxis , u were screaming to burn lowrejuv friars at the portal in Gothwaite harbor one evening :) (not hanging)

Arezina Calyptra lvl 50 friar
Gorgothi Pants lvl 46 inf


Imo Vireb and Trinilim should just duel once and for all, see who gets seeaira, and then you can stop beating each other up with handbags about it :p


Arezina : ah yeah , if you would of made it easier to read the 1st time ..

and regarding the Staff damage situation - i have about 29+12 staff, yes the misses are crap, sometimes very severe. But from my standpoint , i still hit just as well as any other tank, and the spec i use is a great utility spec .. i seem to do fine with it, but it's all based around your OWN play style :)


Originally posted by Rawkir
Imo Vireb and Trinilim should just duel once and for all, see who gets seeaira, and then you can stop beating each other up with handbags about it :p

LOL Trinilim doesnt want me... and I dont want him. Been there done that. We are just good friends now so :p

and K0nah... lets see your pic insted... :p


Originally posted by seeaira
and K0nah... lets see your pic insted... :p

no need, im like a cross between Brad Pitt and Keanu Reeves, with a small beer belly ;)

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