The Thing I Hate Most About JK2 Dueling.....



......Is the people. You know who you are. The ones who are abusive on the servers, there's no need for it, we're both here to enjoy the game why the hell do you need to insult my mother about it?

One move wonders, whether it be throwing, push+backstab, lightning, anything where the formula is repeat move, repeat move, repeat move. It's just bleedin' infuriating. And when you lose to the backstab/push combo? Oh what a suprise, my mother has been sleping with the goat again apparently.

When it comes down to it there are two sorts of people who play JK2, those who want to win at any cost and use it in some way to make up for some kind of social deficiency they have out there in the real world, and those who play because they enjoy it, because it's fun to be a Jedi and have battles just like in the films that you've wanted to have ever since you were a kid.

Bloody lamers.

*spleen vented*


Rafferty This may not come as a huge supprise, but I think you're right.

I hate the peeps that hate it when you use the death combos on them but they're more than willing to do it to you. Unfortionally m8, it happens, there are peeps out there that take games far too seriously. I've come to accept this and if they combo me, i combo them back. There's not much else you can do. Let them go below the belt first.

As for the repeating lamers... Yes I agree with you there. In duel servers there shouldn't be any need to keep repeating the same moves over and over again because its the only thing they can do. Well maybe.. but here's the beauty of JK2.. For everything there is a counter. The pull and backslash can be stopped by jumping out of the fall (you may even be lucky enough to get a facekick) or you could roll away. They do work and once you can do the counters, the combo peeps end up being the ones getting frustrated.

I like using the old Pull + BackSlash in CTF CTY and TDM servers...

Why?? I hear you ask

For the benefit of the TEAM. Its a good bet that given the chance they'd do it to me or my team, so why should I let them? Also the backslash move is very very usefull if peeps are surrounding you. Why should I just let them kill me, when a simple move would save my arse?

Dont get me wrong, I use the combo to kill peeps only to save myself. I like a good fight as much as anyone, its just when the odds start going 2:1 3:1 etc, I (as anyone would) will use any method of staying alive for as long as posible.

I think we have to be objective on this one. If its a duel server and its all the other guy can do, then yeah, I agree... He's a lamer. A truly good player shouldn't need to despatch everyone he meets in a duel server as quikly at possible in the same manner. A duel server is about winning. However, we're not Professionals we dont get paid for winning, and we play this game for fun. Play the game then.. Dont go off on a mad kill frensy just because you can.

Finally name calling:

GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR this shouldn't happen, there's no excuse to go calling someone just because they killed you. Its just bitter, bitchy, bad sportsmanship, childish and above all UNCALLED FOR. In a game, there's no excuse to insult someone. If someone isn't having fun then maybe they shouldn't be in that server



Don't get me wrong, I'm not against the use of special moves themselves, I use the pull + backslash myself, I'm just against people who do it over and over and over again. It spoils the fun of it because you have to sink to their level just to give yourself a chance. :/ In a way they've cheated you after that sense of satisfaction you get after a really prolongued hectic duel where you knwo you've really battled and don't mind so much whether you've won or lost it.

Oh well.

Moving Target

Never done backstab combo because it's very cheap. In large team games it's a different matter but in DM and Duel it's very annoying.


I play because i have a social deficiency. lol

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